Beispiel #1
static int test_pquery(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle,
                       const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver)
    int rv = 0;
    const char *query = "INSERT INTO apr_dbd_test VALUES (%s, %s, %d)";
    apr_dbd_prepared_t *statement = NULL;
    const char *label = "testpquery";
    int nrows;
    apr_dbd_transaction_t *trans =0;

    rv = apr_dbd_prepare(driver, pool, handle, query, label, &statement);
    /* rv = apr_dbd_prepare(driver, pool, handle, query, NULL, &statement); */
    if (rv) {
        printf("Prepare statement failed!\n%s\n",
               apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        return rv;
    apr_dbd_transaction_start(driver, pool, handle, &trans);
    rv = apr_dbd_pvquery(driver, pool, handle, &nrows, statement,
                         "prepared", "insert", "2", NULL);
    apr_dbd_transaction_end(driver, pool, trans);
    if (rv) {
        printf("Exec of prepared statement failed!\n%s\n",
               apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        return rv;
    printf("Showing table (should now contain row \"prepared insert 2\")\n");
    select_sequential(pool, handle, driver);
    return rv;
Beispiel #2
static int test_pselect(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_dbd_t* handle,
                        const apr_dbd_driver_t* driver)
    int rv = 0;
    int i, n;
    const char *query =
        "SELECT * FROM apr_dbd_test WHERE col3 <= %s or col1 = 'bar'" ;
    const char *label = "lowvalues";
    apr_dbd_prepared_t *statement = NULL;
    apr_dbd_results_t *res = NULL;
    apr_dbd_row_t *row = NULL;
    const char *entry = NULL;

    rv = apr_dbd_prepare(driver, pool, handle, query, label, &statement);
    if (rv) {
        printf("Prepare statement failed!\n%s\n",
               apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        return rv;
    rv = apr_dbd_pvselect(driver, pool, handle, &res, statement, 0, "3", NULL);
    if (rv) {
        printf("Exec of prepared statement failed!\n%s\n",
               apr_dbd_error(driver, handle, rv));
        return rv;
    i = 0;
    printf("Selecting rows where col3 <= 3 and bar row where it's unset.\nShould show four rows.\n");
    for (rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, -1);
         rv == 0;
         rv = apr_dbd_get_row(driver, pool, res, &row, -1)) {
        printf("ROW %d:	", ++i) ;
        for (n = 0; n < apr_dbd_num_cols(driver, res); ++n) {
            entry = apr_dbd_get_entry(driver, row, n);
            if (entry == NULL) {
                printf("(null)	") ;
            else {
                printf("%s	", entry);
	fputs("\n", stdout);
    return (rv == -1) ? 0 : 1;
Beispiel #3
MetadataStorage::MetadataStorage(const char* db, aku_logger_cb_t logger)
    : pool_(nullptr, &delete_apr_pool)
    , driver_(nullptr)
    , handle_(nullptr, AprHandleDeleter(nullptr))
    , logger_(logger)
    apr_pool_t *pool = nullptr;
    auto status = apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL);
    if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
        // report error (can't return error from c-tor)
        throw std::runtime_error("Can't create memory pool");

    status = apr_dbd_get_driver(pool, "sqlite3", &driver_);
    if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
        (*logger_)(AKU_LOG_ERROR, "Can't load driver, maybe libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 isn't installed");
        throw std::runtime_error("Can't load sqlite3 dirver");

    apr_dbd_t *handle = nullptr;
    status = apr_dbd_open(driver_, pool, db, &handle);
    if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
        (*logger_)(AKU_LOG_ERROR, "Can't open database, check file path");
        throw std::runtime_error("Can't open database");
    handle_ = HandleT(handle, AprHandleDeleter(driver_));

    auto sqlite_handle = apr_dbd_native_handle(driver_, handle);
    sqlite3_trace((sqlite3*)sqlite_handle, callback_adapter, (void*)logger_);


    // Create prepared statement
    const char* query = "INSERT INTO akumuli_series (series_id, keyslist, storage_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %d)";
    status = apr_dbd_prepare(driver_, pool_.get(), handle_.get(), query, "INSERT_SERIES_NAME", &insert_);
    if (status != 0) {
        (*logger_)(AKU_LOG_ERROR, "Error creating prepared statement");
        throw std::runtime_error(apr_dbd_error(driver_, handle_.get(), status));
Beispiel #4
    db:prepare(statement): Prepares a statement for later query/select.
    Returns a table with a :query and :select function, same as the db funcs.
int lua_db_prepare(lua_State* L) 
    lua_db_handle   *db = 0;
    apr_status_t     rc = 0;
    const char      *statement, *at;
    request_rec     *r;
    lua_db_prepared_statement* st;
    int need = 0;
    r = ap_lua_check_request_rec(L, 2);
    if (r) {
        apr_dbd_prepared_t *pstatement = NULL;
        luaL_checktype(L, 3, LUA_TSTRING);
        statement = lua_tostring(L, 3);
        /* Count number of variables in statement */
        at = ap_strchr_c(statement,'%');
        while (at != NULL) {
            if (at[1] == '%') {
            else {
            at = ap_strchr_c(at+1,'%');
        db = lua_get_db_handle(L);
        rc = apr_dbd_prepare(db->driver, r->pool, db->handle, statement, 
                    NULL, &pstatement);
        if (rc != APR_SUCCESS) {
            const char  *err = apr_dbd_error(db->driver, db->handle, rc);

            if (err) {
                lua_pushstring(L, err);
                return 2;
            return 1;
        /* Push the prepared statement table */
        st = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(lua_db_prepared_statement));
        st->statement = pstatement;
        st->variables = need;
        st->db = db;
        lua_pushliteral(L, "select");
        lua_pushcfunction(L, lua_db_prepared_select);
        lua_rawset(L, -4);
        lua_pushliteral(L, "query");
        lua_pushcfunction(L, lua_db_prepared_query);
        lua_rawset(L, -4);
        lua_rawseti(L, -2, 0);
        return 1;
    return 0;