Beispiel #1
static apr_status_t sendfile_nonblocking(apr_socket_t *s,
                                         apr_bucket *bucket,
                                         apr_size_t *cumulative_bytes_written,
                                         conn_rec *c)
    apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
    apr_bucket_file *file_bucket;
    apr_file_t *fd;
    apr_size_t file_length;
    apr_off_t file_offset;
    apr_size_t bytes_written = 0;

    if (!APR_BUCKET_IS_FILE(bucket)) {
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, c->base_server, APLOGNO(00006)
                     "core_filter: sendfile_nonblocking: "
                     "this should never happen");
        return APR_EGENERAL;
    file_bucket = (apr_bucket_file *)(bucket->data);
    fd = file_bucket->fd;
    file_length = bucket->length;
    file_offset = bucket->start;

    if (bytes_written < file_length) {
        apr_size_t n = file_length - bytes_written;
        apr_status_t arv;
        apr_interval_time_t old_timeout;

        arv = apr_socket_timeout_get(s, &old_timeout);
        if (arv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            return arv;
        arv = apr_socket_timeout_set(s, 0);
        if (arv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            return arv;
        rv = apr_socket_sendfile(s, fd, NULL, &file_offset, &n, 0);
        if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {
            bytes_written += n;
            file_offset += n;
        arv = apr_socket_timeout_set(s, old_timeout);
        if ((arv != APR_SUCCESS) && (rv == APR_SUCCESS)) {
            rv = arv;
    if ((ap__logio_add_bytes_out != NULL) && (bytes_written > 0)) {
        ap__logio_add_bytes_out(c, bytes_written);
    *cumulative_bytes_written += bytes_written;
    if ((bytes_written < file_length) && (bytes_written > 0)) {
        apr_bucket_split(bucket, bytes_written);
    else if (bytes_written == file_length) {
    return rv;
Beispiel #2
lt_http_status_t lt_http_server_run( lt_http_server_t * server )
    apr_pool_t * pool = NULL;
    apr_socket_t * client = NULL;
    char error[1025];
    memset( error, 0, 1025 );

    if( server == NULL ) return LT_HTTP_INVALID_ARG;

    /* prepare connection pool */
    apr_pool_create( &pool, server->pool );

    /* make the socket non-blocking */
    if( APR_SUCCESS != apr_socket_opt_set( server->socket,
                    APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 1 ) ) {
        my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_opt_set failed with: " );
        return LT_HTTP_INVALID_ARG;

    while( 1 ) {
        apr_status_t rv;

        /* bool reading should be atomic operation so no locking is needed */
        if( server->stoprequested ) {

        /* clear pool memory */
        apr_pool_clear( pool );

        /* accept new connection */
        rv = apr_socket_accept( &client, server->socket, pool );

        if( APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN( rv ) || APR_STATUS_IS_EINTR( rv ) ) {
            /* sleep for 100ms before accepting new client */
            apr_sleep( 100 * 1000 );

        if( APR_SUCCESS != rv ) {
            my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_accept failed with: " );

        /* determine client address */
            apr_sockaddr_t * sa = NULL;
            char * ip = NULL;
            if( APR_SUCCESS != apr_socket_addr_get( &sa,
                            APR_REMOTE, client ) ) {
                my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_addr_get failed with: " );
                apr_socket_close( client );
            if( APR_SUCCESS != apr_sockaddr_ip_get( &ip, sa ) ) {
                my_perror( "ERROR: apr_sockaddr_ip_get failed with: " );
                apr_socket_close( client );

        /* immediatelly start sending HTTP response headers */
            char * headers = apr_pstrcat( pool,
                    "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
                    "Content-Length: ",
                    apr_ltoa( pool, server->finfo.size ),
                    "Content-Type: application/octet-stream;"
                    " charset=utf-8\r\n",
                    "Connection: Close\r\n",
                    NULL );
            apr_size_t headers_size = strlen( headers );
            if( APR_SUCCESS != apr_socket_send(
                            client, headers, &headers_size ) ) {
                my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_send failed with: " );
                apr_socket_close( client );

        /* send file contents */
            apr_off_t offset = 0;
            apr_size_t len = server->finfo.size;

            if( APR_SUCCESS != apr_socket_sendfile(
                            client, server->file, NULL,
                            &offset, &len, 0 ) ) {
                my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_sendfile failed with: " );
                apr_socket_close( client );

        /* read and discard all headers */
            apr_status_t rv;

            /* set non-block option on client socket */
            if( APR_SUCCESS != apr_socket_timeout_set( client,
                            2 * 1000 * 1000 ) ) {
                my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_timeout_set failed with: " );
                apr_socket_close( client );

            /* read all data until 2 sec timeout or eof, then proceed to */
            /* close */
            do {
                char buffer[1024];
                apr_size_t len = 1024;
                rv = apr_socket_recv( client, buffer, &len );

                if( APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP( rv ) || APR_STATUS_IS_EOF( rv ) ) {
            } while( 1 );

        /* close our side of connection */
        if( APR_SUCCESS !=
                    apr_socket_shutdown( client, APR_SHUTDOWN_WRITE ) ) {
            /* we actually don't care about errors arriving during shutdown
             * phase
             * my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_shutdown(WRITE) failed with: " );
            apr_socket_close( client );

        /* close other side of connection */
        if( APR_SUCCESS !=
                    apr_socket_shutdown( client, APR_SHUTDOWN_READ ) ) {
            /* we actually don't care about errors arriving during shutdown
             * phase
             * my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_shutdown(READ) failed with: " );
            apr_socket_close( client );

        /* close socket */
        if( APR_SUCCESS != apr_socket_close( client ) ) {
            /* we actually don't care about errors arriving during shutdown
             * phase
             * my_perror( "ERROR: apr_socket_close failed with: " );

    return LT_HTTP_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #3
/* deprecated */
apr_status_t apr_sendfile(apr_socket_t *sock, apr_file_t *file,
                          apr_hdtr_t *hdtr, apr_off_t *offset, apr_size_t *len,
                          apr_int32_t flags)
    return apr_socket_sendfile(sock, file, hdtr, offset, len, flags);
Beispiel #4
static apr_status_t sendfile_it_all(core_net_rec *c,
                                    apr_file_t *fd,
                                    apr_hdtr_t *hdtr,
                                    apr_off_t   file_offset,
                                    apr_size_t  file_bytes_left,
                                    apr_size_t  total_bytes_left,
                                    apr_size_t  *bytes_sent,
                                    apr_int32_t flags)
    apr_status_t rv;
#ifdef AP_DEBUG
    apr_interval_time_t timeout = 0;

    AP_DEBUG_ASSERT((apr_socket_timeout_get(c->client_socket, &timeout)
                     == APR_SUCCESS)
                    && timeout > 0);  /* socket must be in timeout mode */

    /* Reset the bytes_sent field */
    *bytes_sent = 0;

    do {
        apr_size_t tmplen = file_bytes_left;

        rv = apr_socket_sendfile(c->client_socket, fd, hdtr, &file_offset, &tmplen,
        *bytes_sent += tmplen;
        total_bytes_left -= tmplen;
        if (!total_bytes_left || rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            return rv;        /* normal case & error exit */

        AP_DEBUG_ASSERT(total_bytes_left > 0 && tmplen > 0);

        /* partial write, oooh noooo...
         * Skip over any header data which was written
        while (tmplen && hdtr->numheaders) {
            if (tmplen >= hdtr->headers[0].iov_len) {
                tmplen -= hdtr->headers[0].iov_len;
            else {
                char *iov_base = (char *)hdtr->headers[0].iov_base;

                hdtr->headers[0].iov_len -= tmplen;
                iov_base += tmplen;
                hdtr->headers[0].iov_base = iov_base;
                tmplen = 0;

        /* Skip over any file data which was written */

        if (tmplen <= file_bytes_left) {
            file_offset += tmplen;
            file_bytes_left -= tmplen;

        tmplen -= file_bytes_left;
        file_bytes_left = 0;
        file_offset = 0;

        /* Skip over any trailer data which was written */

        while (tmplen && hdtr->numtrailers) {
            if (tmplen >= hdtr->trailers[0].iov_len) {
                tmplen -= hdtr->trailers[0].iov_len;
            else {
                char *iov_base = (char *)hdtr->trailers[0].iov_base;

                hdtr->trailers[0].iov_len -= tmplen;
                iov_base += tmplen;
                hdtr->trailers[0].iov_base = iov_base;
                tmplen = 0;
    } while (1);
Beispiel #5
static int client(apr_pool_t *p, client_socket_mode_t socket_mode,
                  const char *host, int start_server)
    apr_status_t rv, tmprv;
    apr_socket_t *sock;
    char buf[120];
    apr_file_t *f = NULL;
    apr_size_t len;
    apr_size_t expected_len;
    apr_off_t current_file_offset;
    apr_hdtr_t hdtr;
    struct iovec headers[3];
    struct iovec trailers[3];
    apr_size_t bytes_read;
    apr_pollset_t *pset;
    apr_int32_t nsocks;
    int connect_tries = 1;
    int i;
    int family;
    apr_sockaddr_t *destsa;
    apr_proc_t server;
    apr_interval_time_t connect_retry_interval = apr_time_from_msec(50);

    if (start_server) {
        spawn_server(p, &server);
        connect_tries = 5; /* give it a chance to start up */

    create_testfile(p, TESTFILE);

    rv = apr_file_open(&f, TESTFILE, APR_FOPEN_READ, 0, p);
    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
        aprerr("apr_file_open()", rv);

    if (!host) {
        host = "";
    family = APR_INET;
    rv = apr_sockaddr_info_get(&destsa, host, family, TESTSF_PORT, 0, p);
    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
        aprerr("apr_sockaddr_info_get()", rv);

    while (connect_tries--) {
        apr_setup(p, &sock, &family);
        rv = apr_socket_connect(sock, destsa);
        if (connect_tries && APR_STATUS_IS_ECONNREFUSED(rv)) {
            apr_status_t tmprv = apr_socket_close(sock);
            if (tmprv != APR_SUCCESS) {
                aprerr("apr_socket_close()", tmprv);
            connect_retry_interval *= 2;
        else {
    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
        aprerr("apr_socket_connect()", rv);

    switch(socket_mode) {
    case BLK:
        /* leave it blocking */
    case NONBLK:
        /* set it non-blocking */
        rv = apr_socket_opt_set(sock, APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 1);
        if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            aprerr("apr_socket_opt_set(APR_SO_NONBLOCK)", rv);
    case TIMEOUT:
        /* set a timeout */
        rv = apr_socket_timeout_set(sock, 100 * APR_USEC_PER_SEC);
        if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            aprerr("apr_socket_opt_set(APR_SO_NONBLOCK)", rv);
        assert(1 != 1);

    printf("Sending the file...\n");

    hdtr.headers = headers;
    hdtr.numheaders = 3;
    hdtr.headers[0].iov_base = HDR1;
    hdtr.headers[0].iov_len  = strlen(hdtr.headers[0].iov_base);
    hdtr.headers[1].iov_base = HDR2;
    hdtr.headers[1].iov_len  = strlen(hdtr.headers[1].iov_base);
    hdtr.headers[2].iov_base = malloc(HDR3_LEN);
    memset(hdtr.headers[2].iov_base, HDR3_CHAR, HDR3_LEN);
    hdtr.headers[2].iov_len  = HDR3_LEN;

    hdtr.trailers = trailers;
    hdtr.numtrailers = 3;
    hdtr.trailers[0].iov_base = TRL1;
    hdtr.trailers[0].iov_len  = strlen(hdtr.trailers[0].iov_base);
    hdtr.trailers[1].iov_base = TRL2;
    hdtr.trailers[1].iov_len  = strlen(hdtr.trailers[1].iov_base);
    hdtr.trailers[2].iov_base = malloc(TRL3_LEN);
    memset(hdtr.trailers[2].iov_base, TRL3_CHAR, TRL3_LEN);
    hdtr.trailers[2].iov_len  = TRL3_LEN;

    expected_len = 
        strlen(HDR1) + strlen(HDR2) + HDR3_LEN +
        strlen(TRL1) + strlen(TRL2) + TRL3_LEN +
    if (socket_mode == BLK) {
        current_file_offset = 0;
        len = FILE_LENGTH;
        rv = apr_socket_sendfile(sock, f, &hdtr, &current_file_offset, &len, 0);
        if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            aprerr("apr_socket_sendfile()", rv);
        printf("apr_socket_sendfile() updated offset with %ld\n",
               (long int)current_file_offset);
        printf("apr_socket_sendfile() updated len with %ld\n",
               (long int)len);
        printf("bytes really sent: %" APR_SIZE_T_FMT "\n",

        if (len != expected_len) {
            fprintf(stderr, "apr_socket_sendfile() didn't report the correct "
                    "number of bytes sent!\n");
    else {
        /* non-blocking... wooooooo */
        apr_size_t total_bytes_sent;
        apr_pollfd_t pfd;

        pset = NULL;
        rv = apr_pollset_create(&pset, 1, p, 0);
        pfd.p = p;
        pfd.desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET;
        pfd.reqevents = APR_POLLOUT;
        pfd.rtnevents = 0;
        pfd.desc.s = sock;
        pfd.client_data = NULL;

        rv = apr_pollset_add(pset, &pfd);        

        total_bytes_sent = 0;
        current_file_offset = 0;
        len = FILE_LENGTH;
        do {
            apr_size_t tmplen;

            tmplen = len; /* bytes remaining to send from the file */
            printf("Calling apr_socket_sendfile()...\n");
            printf("Headers (%d):\n", hdtr.numheaders);
            for (i = 0; i < hdtr.numheaders; i++) {
                printf("\t%ld bytes (%c)\n",
                       *(char *)hdtr.headers[i].iov_base);
            printf("File: %ld bytes from offset %ld\n",
                   (long)tmplen, (long)current_file_offset);
            printf("Trailers (%d):\n", hdtr.numtrailers);
            for (i = 0; i < hdtr.numtrailers; i++) {
                printf("\t%ld bytes\n",

            rv = apr_socket_sendfile(sock, f, &hdtr, &current_file_offset, &tmplen, 0);
            printf("apr_socket_sendfile()->%d, sent %ld bytes\n", rv, (long)tmplen);
            if (rv) {
                if (APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(rv)) {
                    assert(tmplen == 0);
                    nsocks = 1;
                    tmprv = apr_pollset_poll(pset, -1, &nsocks, NULL);
                    assert(nsocks == 1);
                    /* continue; */

            total_bytes_sent += tmplen;

            /* Adjust hdtr to compensate for partially-written
             * data.

            /* First, skip over any header data which might have
             * been written.
            while (tmplen && hdtr.numheaders) {
                if (tmplen >= hdtr.headers[0].iov_len) {
                    tmplen -= hdtr.headers[0].iov_len;
                else {
                    hdtr.headers[0].iov_len -= tmplen;
                    hdtr.headers[0].iov_base = 
			(char*) hdtr.headers[0].iov_base + tmplen;
                    tmplen = 0;

            /* Now, skip over any file data which might have been
             * written.

            if (tmplen <= len) {
                current_file_offset += tmplen;
                len -= tmplen;
                tmplen = 0;
            else {
                tmplen -= len;
                len = 0;
                current_file_offset = 0;

            /* Last, skip over any trailer data which might have
             * been written.

            while (tmplen && hdtr.numtrailers) {
                if (tmplen >= hdtr.trailers[0].iov_len) {
                    tmplen -= hdtr.trailers[0].iov_len;
                else {
                    hdtr.trailers[0].iov_len -= tmplen;
                    hdtr.trailers[0].iov_base = 
			(char *)hdtr.trailers[0].iov_base + tmplen;
                    tmplen = 0;

        } while (total_bytes_sent < expected_len &&
                 (rv == APR_SUCCESS || 
                 (APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(rv) && socket_mode != TIMEOUT)));
        if (total_bytes_sent != expected_len) {
                    "client problem: sent %ld of %ld bytes\n",
                    (long)total_bytes_sent, (long)expected_len);

        if (rv) {
                    "client problem: rv %d\n",
    current_file_offset = 0;
    rv = apr_file_seek(f, APR_CUR, &current_file_offset);
    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
        aprerr("apr_file_seek()", rv);

    printf("After apr_socket_sendfile(), the kernel file pointer is "
           "at offset %ld.\n",
           (long int)current_file_offset);

    rv = apr_socket_shutdown(sock, APR_SHUTDOWN_WRITE);
    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
        aprerr("apr_socket_shutdown()", rv);

    /* in case this is the non-blocking test, set socket timeout;
     * we're just waiting for EOF */

    rv = apr_socket_timeout_set(sock, apr_time_from_sec(3));
    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
        aprerr("apr_socket_timeout_set()", rv);
    bytes_read = 1;
    rv = apr_socket_recv(sock, buf, &bytes_read);
    if (rv != APR_EOF) {
        aprerr("apr_socket_recv() (expected APR_EOF)", rv);
    if (bytes_read != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "We expected to get 0 bytes read with APR_EOF\n"
                "but instead we read %ld bytes.\n",
                (long int)bytes_read);

    printf("client: apr_socket_sendfile() worked as expected!\n");

    rv = apr_file_remove(TESTFILE, p);
    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
        aprerr("apr_file_remove()", rv);

    if (start_server) {
        apr_exit_why_e exitwhy;
        apr_size_t nbytes;
        char responsebuf[1024];
        int exitcode;

        rv = apr_file_pipe_timeout_set(server.out, apr_time_from_sec(2));
        if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            aprerr("apr_file_pipe_timeout_set()", rv);
        nbytes = sizeof(responsebuf);
        rv = apr_file_read(server.out, responsebuf, &nbytes);
        if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
            aprerr("apr_file_read() messages from server", rv);
        printf("%.*s", (int)nbytes, responsebuf);
        rv = apr_proc_wait(&server, &exitcode, &exitwhy, APR_WAIT);
        if (rv != APR_CHILD_DONE) {
            aprerr("apr_proc_wait() (expected APR_CHILD_DONE)", rv);
        if (exitcode != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "sendfile server returned %d\n", exitcode);

    return 0;