bool AndroidVideoSource::open() {
	ARController::logv("Opening Android Video Source.");
    if (deviceState != DEVICE_CLOSED) {
        ARController::logv("Error: device is already open.");
        return false;
	// On Android, ARVideo doesn't actually provide the frames, but it is needed to handle
    // fetching of the camera parameters. Note that if the current working directory
    // isn't already the directory where the camera parametere cache should be created,
    // then the videoconfiguration should include the option 'cachedir="/path/to/cache"'.
    gVid = ar2VideoOpen(videoConfiguration);
    if (!gVid) {
		ARController::logv("arVideoOpen unable to open connection to camera.");
    	return false;
	//ARController::logv("Opened connection to camera.");

    pixelFormat = ar2VideoGetPixelFormat(gVid);
    if (pixelFormat == AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_INVALID) {
        ARController::logv("AndroidVideoSource::getVideoReadyAndroid: Error: No pixel format set.\n");
        goto bail;
	deviceState = DEVICE_OPEN;
	return true;
    gVid = NULL;
    return false;
Beispiel #2
int arVideoOpen( char *config )
    if( vid != NULL ) {
        printf("Device has been opened!!\n");
        return -1;
    vid = ar2VideoOpen( config );
    if( vid == NULL ) return -1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
static int setupMovie(const char *path)
    char            *movieVconf;
    int             len;
    int             xsize, ysize;
    AR_PIXEL_FORMAT pixFormat;

    // Construct the vconf string.
    arMalloc(movieVconf, char, 2048); // 2Kb for URL.
    sprintf(movieVconf, "-device=QUICKTIME -movie=\""); // Make sure we're using the QuickTime video input.
    len = (int)strlen(movieVconf);
    strncat(movieVconf + len, path, 2048 - len - 1);
    len = (int)strlen(movieVconf);
    strncat(movieVconf + len, "\" -loop -pause", 2048 - len - 1); // Start the movie paused. It will be unpaused in mainLoop().

    // Open the movie.
    gMovieVideo = ar2VideoOpen(movieVconf);
    if (!gMovieVideo)
        ARLOGe("setupMovie(): Unable to open movie.\n");
        return (FALSE);

    // Find the size of the movie.
    if (ar2VideoGetSize(gMovieVideo, &xsize, &ysize) < 0)
        return (FALSE);

    // Get the pixel format of the movie.
    pixFormat = ar2VideoGetPixelFormat(gMovieVideo);
    if (pixFormat == AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_INVALID)
        ARLOGe("setupMovie(): Movie is using unsupported pixel format.\n");
        return (FALSE);

    // Set up an ARParam object for the movie input.
    arParamClear(&gMovieCparam, xsize, ysize, AR_DIST_FUNCTION_VERSION_DEFAULT);

    // For convenience, we will use gsub_lite to draw the actual pixels. Set it up now.
    gMovieArglSettings = arglSetupForCurrentContext(&gMovieCparam, pixFormat);
    arglDistortionCompensationSet(gMovieArglSettings, 0);

    return (TRUE);
bool ARToolKitVideoSource::open() {
    ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Opening ARToolKit video using configuration '%s'.", videoConfiguration);
    if (deviceState != DEVICE_CLOSED) {
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrapper::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): error: device is already open, exiting returning false");
        return false;

	// Open the video path
    if (!(gVid = ar2VideoOpenAsync(videoConfiguration, openCallback, (void *)this))) {
        if (!(gVid = ar2VideoOpen(videoConfiguration))) {
            ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrapper::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): arVideoOpen unable to open connection to camera using configuration '%s', exiting returning false", videoConfiguration);
            return false;
        deviceState = DEVICE_OPEN;
        return this->open2();
    deviceState = DEVICE_OPEN;
    return true;
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL JNIFUNCTION_NATIVE(nativeStart(JNIEnv * env, jobject object))

    g_Vid = ar2VideoOpen("");
    if (!g_Vid)
        LOGE("Error: ar2VideoOpen.\n");
        return (false);

    // Since most NFT init can't be completed until the video frame size is known,
    // and NFT surface loading depends on NFT init, all that will be deferred.

    // Also, VirtualEnvironment init depends on having an OpenGL context, and so that also
    // forces us to defer VirtualEnvironment init.

    // ARGL init depends on both these things, which forces us to defer it until the
    // main frame loop.

    return (true);
Beispiel #6
int CWebCam::SetupWebCam(const char *cparam_names, char *vconfs)
	int			xsize, ysize;
	ARParam		wparam;

	if((ARTVideo = ar2VideoOpen(vconfs)) == 0) return(0);
	if(ar2VideoInqSize(ARTVideo, &xsize, &ysize) < 0) return(0);
	if(arParamLoad(cparam_names, 1, &wparam) < 0) return(0);

	arParamChangeSize(&wparam, xsize, ysize, &ARTCparam);
	ARTThreshhold = 100;

	arglCameraFrustumRH(&ARTCparam, VIEW_DISTANCE_MIN, VIEW_DISTANCE_MAX, projectionMat);

	if(ar2VideoCapStart(ARTVideo) != 0) return(0);


Beispiel #7
static void init(int argc, char *argv[])
    char              *vconfL = NULL;
    char              *vconfR = NULL;
    char              *cparaL = NULL;
    char              *cparaR = NULL;
    char               cparaLDefault[] = "Data/cparaL.dat";
    char               cparaRDefault[] = "Data/cparaR.dat";

    ARParam            wparam;
    ARGViewport        viewport;
    int                i, j;
    int                gotTwoPartOption;
    int                screenWidth, screenHeight, screenMargin;
    double             wscalef, hscalef, scalef;

    chessboardCornerNumX = 0;
    chessboardCornerNumY = 0;
    calibImageNum        = 0;
    patternWidth         = 0.0f;

    i = 1; // argv[0] is name of app, so start at 1.
    while (i < argc) {
        gotTwoPartOption = FALSE;
        // Look for two-part options first.
        if ((i + 1) < argc) {
            if (strcmp(argv[i], "--vconfL") == 0) {
                vconfL = argv[i];
                gotTwoPartOption = TRUE;
            } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--vconfR") == 0) {
                vconfR = argv[i];
                gotTwoPartOption = TRUE;
            } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--cparaL") == 0) {
                cparaL = argv[i];
                gotTwoPartOption = TRUE;
            } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--cparaR") == 0) {
                cparaR = argv[i];
                gotTwoPartOption = TRUE;
        if (!gotTwoPartOption) {
            // Look for single-part options.
            if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
            } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
                ARLOG("%s version %s\n", argv[0], AR_HEADER_VERSION_STRING);
            } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-cornerx=", 9) == 0 ) {
                if( sscanf(&(argv[i][9]), "%d", &chessboardCornerNumX) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
                if( chessboardCornerNumX <= 0 ) usage(argv[0]);
            } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-cornery=", 9) == 0 ) {
                if( sscanf(&(argv[i][9]), "%d", &chessboardCornerNumY) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
                if( chessboardCornerNumY <= 0 ) usage(argv[0]);
            } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-imagenum=", 10) == 0 ) {
                if( sscanf(&(argv[i][10]), "%d", &calibImageNum) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
                if( calibImageNum <= 0 ) usage(argv[0]);
            } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-pattwidth=", 11) == 0 ) {
                if( sscanf(&(argv[i][11]), "%f", &patternWidth) != 1 ) usage(argv[0]);
                if( patternWidth <= 0 ) usage(argv[0]);
            } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-cparaL=", 8) == 0 ) {
                cparaL = &(argv[i][8]);
            } else if( strncmp(argv[i], "-cparaR=", 8) == 0 ) {
                cparaR = &(argv[i][8]);
            } else {
                ARLOGe("Error: invalid command line argument '%s'.\n", argv[i]);

    if( chessboardCornerNumX == 0 ) chessboardCornerNumX = CHESSBOARD_CORNER_NUM_X;
    if( chessboardCornerNumY == 0 ) chessboardCornerNumY = CHESSBOARD_CORNER_NUM_Y;
    if( calibImageNum == 0 )        calibImageNum = CALIB_IMAGE_NUM;
    if( patternWidth == 0.0f )      patternWidth = (float)CHESSBOARD_PATTERN_WIDTH;
    if (!cparaL) cparaL = cparaLDefault;
    if (!cparaR) cparaR = cparaRDefault;
    ARLOG("CHESSBOARD_CORNER_NUM_X = %d\n", chessboardCornerNumX);
    ARLOG("CHESSBOARD_CORNER_NUM_Y = %d\n", chessboardCornerNumY);
    ARLOG("CHESSBOARD_PATTERN_WIDTH = %f\n", patternWidth);
    ARLOG("CALIB_IMAGE_NUM = %d\n", calibImageNum);
    ARLOG("Video parameter Left : %s\n", vconfL);
    ARLOG("Video parameter Right: %s\n", vconfR);
    ARLOG("Camera parameter Left : %s\n", cparaL);
    ARLOG("Camera parameter Right: %s\n", cparaR);

    if( (vidL=ar2VideoOpen(vconfL)) == NULL ) {
        ARLOGe("Cannot found the first camera.\n");
    if( (vidR=ar2VideoOpen(vconfR)) == NULL ) {
        ARLOGe("Cannot found the second camera.\n");
    if( ar2VideoGetSize(vidL, &xsizeL, &ysizeL) < 0 ) exit(0);
    if( ar2VideoGetSize(vidR, &xsizeR, &ysizeR) < 0 ) exit(0);
    if( (pixFormatL=ar2VideoGetPixelFormat(vidL)) < 0 ) exit(0);
    if( (pixFormatR=ar2VideoGetPixelFormat(vidR)) < 0 ) exit(0);
    ARLOG("Image size for the left camera  = (%d,%d)\n", xsizeL, ysizeL);
    ARLOG("Image size for the right camera = (%d,%d)\n", xsizeR, ysizeR);

    if( arParamLoad(cparaL, 1, &wparam) < 0 ) {
        ARLOGe("Camera parameter load error !!   %s\n", cparaL);
    arParamChangeSize( &wparam, xsizeL, ysizeL, &paramL );
    ARLOG("*** Camera Parameter for the left camera ***\n");
    arParamDisp( &paramL );
    if( arParamLoad(cparaR, 1, &wparam) < 0 ) {
        ARLOGe("Camera parameter load error !!   %s\n", cparaR);
    arParamChangeSize( &wparam, xsizeR, ysizeR, &paramR );
    ARLOG("*** Camera Parameter for the right camera ***\n");
    arParamDisp( &paramR );

    screenWidth = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH);
    screenHeight = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT);
    if (screenWidth > 0 && screenHeight > 0) {
        screenMargin = (int)(MAX(screenWidth, screenHeight) * SCREEN_SIZE_MARGIN);
        if ((screenWidth - screenMargin) < (xsizeL + xsizeR) || (screenHeight - screenMargin) < MAX(ysizeL, ysizeR)) {
            wscalef = (double)(screenWidth - screenMargin) / (double)(xsizeL + xsizeR);
            hscalef = (double)(screenHeight - screenMargin) / (double)MAX(ysizeL, ysizeR);
            scalef = MIN(wscalef, hscalef);
            ARLOG("Scaling %dx%d window by %0.3f to fit onto %dx%d screen (with %2.0f%% margin).\n", xsizeL + xsizeR, MAX(ysizeL, ysizeR), scalef, screenWidth, screenHeight, SCREEN_SIZE_MARGIN*100.0);
        } else {
            scalef = 1.0;
    } else {
        scalef = 1.0;

    /* open the graphics window */
    if( argCreateWindow((int)((xsizeL + xsizeR)*scalef), (int)(MAX(ysizeL, ysizeR)*scalef)) < 0 ) {
        ARLOGe("Error: argCreateWindow.\n");
    } = 0; = 0;
    viewport.xsize = (int)(xsizeL*scalef);
    viewport.ysize = (int)(ysizeL*scalef);
    if( (vpL=argCreateViewport(&viewport)) == NULL ) {
        ARLOGe("Error: argCreateViewport.\n");
    } = (int)(xsizeL*scalef); = 0;
    viewport.xsize = (int)(xsizeR*scalef);
    viewport.ysize = (int)(ysizeR*scalef);
    if( (vpR=argCreateViewport(&viewport)) == NULL ) {
        ARLOGe("Error: argCreateViewport.\n");
    argViewportSetPixFormat( vpL, pixFormatL );
    argViewportSetPixFormat( vpR, pixFormatR );
    argViewportSetCparam( vpL, &paramL );
    argViewportSetCparam( vpR, &paramR );
    argViewportSetDispMethod( vpL, AR_GL_DISP_METHOD_TEXTURE_MAPPING_FRAME );
    argViewportSetDispMethod( vpR, AR_GL_DISP_METHOD_TEXTURE_MAPPING_FRAME );

    calibImageL = cvCreateImage( cvSize(xsizeL, ysizeL), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    calibImageR = cvCreateImage( cvSize(xsizeR, ysizeR), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    arMalloc(cornersL, CvPoint2D32f, chessboardCornerNumX*chessboardCornerNumY);
    arMalloc(cornersR, CvPoint2D32f, chessboardCornerNumX*chessboardCornerNumY);
    arMalloc(worldCoord, ICP3DCoordT, chessboardCornerNumX*chessboardCornerNumY);
    for( i = 0; i < chessboardCornerNumX; i++ ) {
        for( j = 0; j < chessboardCornerNumY; j++ ) {
            worldCoord[i*chessboardCornerNumY+j].x = patternWidth*i;
            worldCoord[i*chessboardCornerNumY+j].y = patternWidth*j;
            worldCoord[i*chessboardCornerNumY+j].z = 0.0;
    arMalloc(calibData, ICPCalibDataT, calibImageNum);
    for( i = 0; i < calibImageNum; i++ ) {
        arMalloc(calibData[i].screenCoordL, ICP2DCoordT, chessboardCornerNumX*chessboardCornerNumY);
        arMalloc(calibData[i].screenCoordR, ICP2DCoordT, chessboardCornerNumX*chessboardCornerNumY);
        calibData[i].worldCoordL = worldCoord;
        calibData[i].worldCoordR = worldCoord;
        calibData[i].numL = chessboardCornerNumX*chessboardCornerNumY;
        calibData[i].numR = chessboardCornerNumX*chessboardCornerNumY;

bool ARToolKitVideoSource::open() {
    ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): called, opening ARToolKit video");
    if (deviceState != DEVICE_CLOSED) {
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): error: device is already open, exiting returning false");
        return false;

	// Open the video path
    gVid = ar2VideoOpen(videoConfiguration);
    if (!gVid) {
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): arVideoOpen unable to open connection to camera using configuration '%s', exiting returning false", videoConfiguration);
    	return false;

    ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): Opened connection to camera using configuration '%s'", videoConfiguration);
	deviceState = DEVICE_OPEN;
    // Find the size of the video
	if (ar2VideoGetSize(gVid, &videoWidth, &videoHeight) < 0) {
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): Error: unable to get video size, calling close(), exiting returning false");
		return false;
	// Get the format in which the camera is returning pixels
	pixelFormat = ar2VideoGetPixelFormat(gVid);
	if (pixelFormat < 0 ) {
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): Error: unable to get pixel format, calling close(), exiting returning false");
		return false;
    ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): Video %dx%d@%dBpp (%s)", videoWidth, videoHeight, arUtilGetPixelSize(pixelFormat), arUtilGetPixelFormatName(pixelFormat));

#ifndef _WINRT
    // Translate pixel format into OpenGL texture intformat, format, and type.
    switch (pixelFormat) {
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA:
            glPixIntFormat = GL_RGBA;
            glPixFormat = GL_RGBA;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB:
            glPixIntFormat = GL_RGB;
            glPixFormat = GL_RGB;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA:
            glPixIntFormat = GL_RGBA;
            glPixFormat = GL_BGRA;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
            glPixIntFormat = GL_RGBA;
            glPixFormat = GL_ABGR_EXT;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
				glPixIntFormat = GL_RGBA;
				glPixFormat = GL_BGRA;
				glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV;
				glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8;
            glPixIntFormat = GL_RGB;
            glPixFormat = GL_BGR;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO:
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_420v:
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_420f:
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_NV21:
            glPixIntFormat = GL_LUMINANCE;
            glPixFormat = GL_LUMINANCE;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565:
            glPixIntFormat = GL_RGB;
            glPixFormat = GL_RGB;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_5551:
            glPixIntFormat = GL_RGBA;
            glPixFormat = GL_RGBA;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
        case AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_4444:
            glPixIntFormat = GL_RGBA;
            glPixFormat = GL_RGBA;
            glPixType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
            ARController::logv("Error: Unsupported pixel format.\n");
			return false;
#endif // !_WINRT

    // Tell arVideo what the typical focal distance will be. Note that this does NOT
    // change the actual focus, but on devices with non-fixed focus, it lets arVideo
    // choose a better set of camera parameters.
    ar2VideoSetParami(gVid, AR_VIDEO_PARAM_IOS_FOCUS, AR_VIDEO_IOS_FOCUS_0_3M); // Default is 0.3 metres. See <AR/sys/videoiPhone.h> for allowable values.
    // Load the camera parameters, resize for the window and init.
    ARParam cparam;
    // Prefer internal camera parameters.
    if (ar2VideoGetCParam(gVid, &cparam) == 0) {
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): Using internal camera parameters.");
    } else {
        const char cparam_name_default[] = "camera_para.dat"; // Default name for the camera parameters.
        if (cameraParamBuffer) {
            if (arParamLoadFromBuffer(cameraParamBuffer, cameraParamBufferLen, &cparam) < 0) {
                ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): error-failed to load camera parameters from buffer, calling close(), exiting returning false");
                return false;
            } else {
                ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): Camera parameters loaded from buffer");
        } else {
            if (arParamLoad((cameraParam ? cameraParam : cparam_name_default), 1, &cparam) < 0) {
                ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): error-failed to load camera parameters %s, calling close(), exiting returning false",
                                   (cameraParam ? cameraParam : cparam_name_default));        
                return false;
            } else {
                ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open():Camera parameters loaded from %s", (cameraParam ? cameraParam : cparam_name_default));

    if (cparam.xsize != videoWidth || cparam.ysize != videoHeight) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "*** Camera Parameter resized from %d, %d. ***\n", cparam.xsize, cparam.ysize);
        arParamChangeSize(&cparam, videoWidth, videoHeight, &cparam);
	if (!(cparamLT = arParamLTCreate(&cparam, AR_PARAM_LT_DEFAULT_OFFSET))) {
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): error-failed to create camera parameters lookup table, calling close(), exiting returning false");
		return false;

	int err = ar2VideoCapStart(gVid);
	if (err != 0) {
        if (err == -2) {
            ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): error starting video-device unavailable \"%d,\" setting ARW_ERROR_DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE error state", err);
        } else {
            ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): error \"%d\" starting video capture", err);
        ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): calling close(), exiting returning false");
		return false;		

	deviceState = DEVICE_RUNNING;

    ARController::logv(AR_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "ARWrap::ARToolKitVideoSource::open(): exiting returning true, deviceState = DEVICE_RUNNING, video capture started");
	return true;
*      PsychAROpenVideoCaptureDevice() -- Create a video capture object.
*      This function tries to open and initialize a connection to a camera
*      and returns the associated captureHandle for it.
*	   slotid = Number of slot in vidcapRecordBANK[] array to use for this camera.
*      win = Pointer to window record of associated onscreen window.
*      deviceIndex = Index of the grabber device. (Currently ignored)
*      capturehandle = handle to the new capture object.
*      capturerectangle = If non-NULL a ptr to a PsychRectangle which contains the ROI for capture.
*      reqdepth = Number of layers for captured output textures. (0=Don't care, 1=LUMINANCE8, 2=LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8, 3=RGB8, 4=RGBA8)
*      num_dmabuffers = Number of buffers in the ringbuffer queue (e.g., DMA buffers) - This is OS specific. Zero = Don't care.
*      allow_lowperf_fallback = If set to 1 then PTB can use a slower, low-performance fallback path to get nasty devices working.
*	   targetmoviefilename and recordingflags are currently ignored, they would refer to video harddics recording capabilities.
psych_bool PsychAROpenVideoCaptureDevice(int slotid, PsychWindowRecordType *win, int deviceIndex, int* capturehandle, double* capturerectangle,
								   int reqdepth, int num_dmabuffers, int allow_lowperf_fallback, char* targetmoviefilename, unsigned int recordingflags)
    PsychVidcapRecordType	*capdev = NULL;
	int						w, h;
    char					msgerr[10000];
	char					config[1000];
	char					tmpstr[1000];

	config[0] = 0;
	tmpstr[0] = 0;
	// Default camera config:
    //strcat(config, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><dsvl_input><camera show_format_dialog=\"false\" friendly_name=\"\"><pixel_format><RGB32 flip_h=\"false\" flip_v=\"true\"/></pixel_format></camera></dsvl_input>");

	// Prefix:
    strcat(config, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><dsvl_input><camera show_format_dialog=\"false\" ");

	// Specific deviceIndex requested, instead of auto-select?
    if (deviceIndex >= 1 && deviceIndex <= 3) {
		// Fetch optional moviename parameter as name spec string:
		if (targetmoviefilename == NULL) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You set 'deviceIndex' to a value of 1, 2 or 3, but didn't provide the required device name string in the 'moviename' argument! Aborted.");
		switch(deviceIndex) {
			case 1:
				sprintf(tmpstr, "friendly_name=\"%s\" ", targetmoviefilename);
			case 2:
				sprintf(tmpstr, "device_name=\"%s\" ", targetmoviefilename);
			case 3:
				sprintf(tmpstr, "ieee1394id=\"%s\" ", targetmoviefilename);
		strcat(config, tmpstr);
	else {
		// Default device index: Just pass through as default device:
		strcat(config, "friendly_name=\"\" ");

	char *defaultcamconfig = "";

	char *defaultcamconfig = "-dev=/dev/video0 -channel=0 -palette=YUV420P -width=320 -height=240";

	// Init capturehandle to none:
    *capturehandle = -1;
    if (firsttime) {
		// First time invocation:
        // On Windows, we need to delay-load the libARvideo.dll DLL. This loading
        // and linking will automatically happen downstream. However, if delay loading
        // would fail, we would end up with a crash! For that reason, we try here to
        // load the DLL, just to probe if the real load/link/bind op later on will
        // likely succeed. If the following LoadLibrary() call fails and returns NULL,
        // then we know we would end up crashing. Therefore we'll output some helpful
        // error-message instead:
        if (NULL == LoadLibrary("libARvideo.dll")) {
            // Failed:
            printf("\n\nPTB-ERROR: Tried to startup video capture engine type 2 (ARVideo). This didn't work,\n");
            printf("PTB-ERROR: because one of the required helper DLL libraries failed to load. Probably because they\n");
            printf("PTB-ERROR: could not be found or could not be accessed (e.g., due to permission problems).\n\n");
            printf("PTB-ERROR: Please read the online help by typing 'help ARVideoCapture' for troubleshooting instructions.\n\n");
			PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "Unable to start Videocapture engine ARVideo due to DLL loading problems. Aborted.");
		firsttime = FALSE;

    // Slot 'slotid' will contain the record for our new capture object:

    // Initialize new record:
    vidcapRecordBANK[slotid].valid = 1;
    // Retrieve device record for slotid:
    capdev = PsychGetARVidcapRecord(slotid);
    capdev->camera = NULL;
    capdev->grabber_active = 0;
    capdev->scratchbuffer = NULL;        

    // ROI rectangle specified?
    if (capturerectangle) {
		// Extract wanted width and height:
		w = (int) PsychGetWidthFromRect(capturerectangle);
		h = (int) PsychGetHeightFromRect(capturerectangle);

		sprintf(tmpstr, " -width=%i -height=%i", w, h);
		sprintf(tmpstr, " frame_width=\"%i\" frame_height=\"%i\" ", w, h);

		// TODO

		strcat(config, tmpstr);

	if (num_dmabuffers > 0) {
		// Get framerate from num_dmabuffers argument:
		sprintf(tmpstr, " frame_rate=\"%i\" ", num_dmabuffers);
		strcat(config, tmpstr);

	// Disable setup dialog:
	strcat(config, " -nodialog");

	// Specific deviceIndex requested, instead of auto-select?
    if (deviceIndex > 0) {
		sprintf(tmpstr, " -grabber=%i", deviceIndex + 1);
		strcat(config, tmpstr);
	else {
		deviceIndex = 0;

	switch (reqdepth) {
		case 2:
			// A no-go: Instead we use 1 channel luminance8:
			if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>1) printf("PTB-WARNING: Video capture engine doesn't support requested Luminance+Alpha format. Will revert to pure Luminance instead...\n");
		case 1:
			reqdepth = 1;
			sprintf(tmpstr, " -pixelformat=40");
		case 3:
			reqdepth = 3;
			sprintf(tmpstr, " -pixelformat=24");

		case 5:
			reqdepth = 4;
			sprintf(tmpstr, "");
		case 4:
		case 0:
			reqdepth = 4;
			sprintf(tmpstr, " -pixelformat=ARGB");
			// Unknown format:
			PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You requested an invalid image depths (not one of 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4). Aborted.");

	strcat(config, tmpstr);

	if (reqdepth == 4 || reqdepth == 0) {
		// Default is RGB32 bit:
		reqdepth = 4;
		sprintf(tmpstr, "><pixel_format><RGB32 flip_h=\"false\" flip_v=\"true\"/></pixel_format></camera></dsvl_input>");	
	else {
		// Only other supported format is RGB24 bit:
		switch (reqdepth) {
			case 1:
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>1) printf("PTB-WARNING: Video capture engine doesn't support requested Luminance format. Will revert to RGB color instead...\n");
			case 2:
				// A no-go: Instead we use 1 channel luminance8:
				if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>1) printf("PTB-WARNING: Video capture engine doesn't support requested Luminance+Alpha format. Will revert to RGB color instead...\n");
			case 3:
				// Unknown format:
				PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You requested an invalid image depths (not one of 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4). Aborted.");
		reqdepth = 3;
		sprintf(tmpstr, "><pixel_format><RGB24 flip_h=\"false\" flip_v=\"true\"/></pixel_format></camera></dsvl_input>");	

	strcat(config, tmpstr);
    if (deviceIndex == 4) {
		// Fetch optional moviename parameter as override configuration string:
		if (targetmoviefilename == NULL) PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, "You set 'deviceIndex' to a value of 4, but didn't provide the required override configuration string in the 'moviename' argument! Aborted.");

		// Reset config string:
		config[0] = 0;

		// And load the moviename argument as override string:
		strcat(config, targetmoviefilename);
	// End of MS-Windows specific setup.

	// Specific deviceIndex requested, instead of auto-select?
    if (deviceIndex!=-1) {
		sprintf(tmpstr, " -dev=/dev/video%i", deviceIndex);
		strcat(config, tmpstr);
	else {
		deviceIndex = 0;

	reqdepth = 3;

    // Requested output texture pixel depth in layers:
    capdev->reqpixeldepth = reqdepth;
	capdev->pixeldepth = reqdepth * 8;
    // Number of DMA ringbuffers to use in DMA capture mode: If no number provided (==0), set it to 8 buffers...
	if (num_dmabuffers == 1) {
		// Use single-buffering instead of triple buffering:
		strcat(config, " -singlebuffer");
	else {
		num_dmabuffers = 3;

    capdev->num_dmabuffers = num_dmabuffers;
    capdev->num_dmabuffers = num_dmabuffers;
	if (PsychPrefStateGet_Verbosity()>4) printf("PTB-INFO: Final configuration string passed to ARVideo library is:\n%s\n", config);

	// Prepare error message in case its needed below:
	sprintf(msgerr, "PTB-ERROR: Opening the %i. camera (deviceIndex=%i) failed!\n", deviceIndex + 1, deviceIndex);

	// Try to open and initialize camera according to given settings:
    capdev->camera = ar2VideoOpen(config);

	// Error abort if camera init failed:
	if(capdev->camera == NULL) {
		// Error abort here:
		capdev->valid = 0;
		PsychErrorExitMsg(PsychError_user, msgerr);

    // Our camera should be ready: Assign final handle.
    *capturehandle = slotid;
    // Increase counter of open capture devices:
    // Set zero framerate:
    capdev->fps = 0;
    // Set image size:
	ar2VideoInqSize(capdev->camera, &(capdev->width), &(capdev->height));
	// Create capture ROI corresponding to width and height of video image:
	PsychMakeRect(capdev->roirect, 0, 0, capdev->width, capdev->height);

    // Reset framecounter:
    capdev->nrframes = 0;
    capdev->grabber_active = 0;
    printf("PTB-INFO: Camera successfully opened...\n");
