void renf_elem_check_embedding(const renf_elem_t a, const renf_t nf, slong prec) { arb_t emb; arb_init(emb); if (nf->nf->flag & NF_LINEAR) { arb_fmpz_div_fmpz(emb, LNF_ELEM_NUMREF(a->elem), LNF_ELEM_DENREF(a->elem), prec); } else if (nf->nf->flag & NF_QUADRATIC) { arb_mul_fmpz(emb, nf->emb, QNF_ELEM_NUMREF(a->elem) + 1, prec); arb_add_fmpz(emb, emb, QNF_ELEM_NUMREF(a->elem), prec); arb_div_fmpz(emb, emb, QNF_ELEM_DENREF(a->elem), prec); } else { fmpq_poly_evaluate_arb(emb, NF_ELEM(a->elem), nf->emb, prec); } if (!arb_overlaps(a->emb, emb)) { fprintf(stderr, "embedding set to "); arb_fprint(stderr, a->emb); fprintf(stderr, " but got "); arb_fprint(stderr, emb); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); arb_clear(emb); abort(); } arb_clear(emb); }
int main() { slong iter; flint_rand_t state; flint_printf("sin_pi_fmpq...."); fflush(stdout); flint_randinit(state); for (iter = 0; iter < 10000 * arb_test_multiplier(); iter++) { arb_t s1, s2; fmpq_t x; slong prec; prec = 2 + n_randint(state, 5000); arb_init(s1); arb_init(s2); fmpq_init(x); fmpq_randtest(x, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 200)); arb_sin_pi_fmpq(s1, x, prec); arb_const_pi(s2, prec); arb_mul_fmpz(s2, s2, fmpq_numref(x), prec); arb_div_fmpz(s2, s2, fmpq_denref(x), prec); arb_sin(s2, s2, prec); if (!arb_overlaps(s1, s2)) { flint_printf("FAIL: overlap\n\n"); flint_printf("x = "); fmpq_print(x); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("s1 = "); arb_printd(s1, 15); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("s2 = "); arb_printd(s2, 15); flint_printf("\n\n"); abort(); } arb_clear(s1); arb_clear(s2); fmpq_clear(x); } flint_randclear(state); flint_cleanup(); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void _arb_cos_pi_fmpq_oct(arb_t c, const fmpz_t v, const fmpz_t w, slong prec) { if (use_algebraic(v, w, prec)) { _arb_cos_pi_fmpq_algebraic(c, *v, *w, prec); } else { arb_const_pi(c, prec); arb_mul_fmpz(c, c, v, prec); arb_div_fmpz(c, c, w, prec); arb_cos(c, c, prec); } }
void _arb_sin_pi_fmpq_oct(arb_t s, const fmpz_t v, const fmpz_t w, slong prec) { if (use_algebraic(v, w, prec)) { _arb_sin_pi_fmpq_algebraic(s, *v, *w, prec); } else { arb_const_pi(s, prec); arb_mul_fmpz(s, s, v, prec); arb_div_fmpz(s, s, w, prec); arb_sin(s, s, prec); } }
void arb_bernoulli_fmpz(arb_t res, const fmpz_t n, slong prec) { if (fmpz_cmp_ui(n, UWORD_MAX) <= 0) { if (fmpz_sgn(n) >= 0) arb_bernoulli_ui(res, fmpz_get_ui(n), prec); else arb_zero(res); } else if (fmpz_is_odd(n)) { arb_zero(res); } else { arb_t t; slong wp; arb_init(t); wp = prec + 2 * fmpz_bits(n); /* zeta(n) ~= 1 */ arf_one(arb_midref(res)); mag_one(arb_radref(res)); mag_mul_2exp_si(arb_radref(res), arb_radref(res), WORD_MIN); /* |B_n| = 2 * n! / (2*pi)^n * zeta(n) */ arb_gamma_fmpz(t, n, wp); arb_mul_fmpz(t, t, n, wp); arb_mul(res, res, t, wp); arb_const_pi(t, wp); arb_mul_2exp_si(t, t, 1); arb_pow_fmpz(t, t, n, wp); arb_div(res, res, t, prec); arb_mul_2exp_si(res, res, 1); if (fmpz_fdiv_ui(n, 4) == 0) arb_neg(res, res); arb_clear(t); } }
void arb_pow_fmpq(arb_t y, const arb_t x, const fmpq_t a, long prec) { if (fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(a))) { arb_pow_fmpz(y, x, fmpq_numref(a), prec); } else if (fmpz_cmp_ui(fmpq_denref(a), 36) <= 0) { arb_root(y, x, *fmpq_denref(a), prec); arb_pow_fmpz(y, y, fmpq_numref(a), prec); } else { long wp; wp = prec + 10; arb_log(y, x, wp); arb_mul_fmpz(y, y, fmpq_numref(a), wp); arb_div_fmpz(y, y, fmpq_denref(a), wp); arb_exp(y, y, prec); } }
int main() { slong iter; flint_rand_t state; flint_printf("mul_fmpz...."); fflush(stdout); flint_randinit(state); for (iter = 0; iter < 10000 * arb_test_multiplier(); iter++) { arb_t a, b, c, d; fmpz_t x; slong prec; arb_init(a); arb_init(b); arb_init(c); arb_init(d); fmpz_init(x); arb_randtest_special(a, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 2000), 100); arb_randtest_special(b, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 2000), 100); arb_randtest_special(c, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 2000), 100); fmpz_randtest(x, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 2000)); prec = 2 + n_randint(state, 2000); arb_set_fmpz(b, x); arb_mul_fmpz(c, a, x, prec); arb_mul(d, a, b, prec); if (!arb_equal(c, d)) { flint_printf("FAIL\n\n"); flint_printf("a = "); arb_print(a); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("b = "); arb_print(b); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("c = "); arb_print(c); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("d = "); arb_print(d); flint_printf("\n\n"); abort(); } arb_clear(a); arb_clear(b); arb_clear(c); arb_clear(d); fmpz_clear(x); } /* aliasing */ for (iter = 0; iter < 10000 * arb_test_multiplier(); iter++) { arb_t a, b, c; fmpz_t x; slong prec; arb_init(a); arb_init(b); arb_init(c); fmpz_init(x); arb_randtest_special(a, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 2000), 100); arb_randtest_special(b, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 2000), 100); arb_randtest_special(c, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 2000), 100); fmpz_randtest(x, state, 1 + n_randint(state, 2000)); prec = 2 + n_randint(state, 2000); arb_set_fmpz(b, x); arb_mul_fmpz(c, a, x, prec); arb_mul_fmpz(a, a, x, prec); if (!arb_equal(a, c)) { flint_printf("FAIL (aliasing)\n\n"); flint_printf("a = "); arb_print(a); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("b = "); arb_print(b); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("c = "); arb_print(c); flint_printf("\n\n"); abort(); } arb_clear(a); arb_clear(b); arb_clear(c); fmpz_clear(x); } flint_randclear(state); flint_cleanup(); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main() { slong iter; flint_rand_t state; flint_printf("get_mpn_fixed_mod_pi4...."); fflush(stdout); flint_randinit(state); /* _flint_rand_init_gmp(state); */ for (iter = 0; iter < 100000 * arb_test_multiplier(); iter++) { arf_t x; int octant; fmpz_t q; mp_ptr w; arb_t wb, t, u; mp_size_t wn; slong prec, prec2; int success; mp_limb_t error; prec = 2 + n_randint(state, 10000); wn = 1 + n_randint(state, 200); prec2 = FLINT_MAX(prec, wn * FLINT_BITS) + 100; arf_init(x); arb_init(wb); arb_init(t); arb_init(u); fmpz_init(q); w = flint_malloc(sizeof(mp_limb_t) * wn); arf_randtest(x, state, prec, 14); /* this should generate numbers close to multiples of pi/4 */ if (n_randint(state, 4) == 0) { arb_const_pi(t, prec); arb_mul_2exp_si(t, t, -2); fmpz_randtest(q, state, 200); arb_mul_fmpz(t, t, q, prec); arf_add(x, x, arb_midref(t), prec, ARF_RND_DOWN); } arf_abs(x, x); success = _arb_get_mpn_fixed_mod_pi4(w, q, &octant, &error, x, wn); if (success) { /* could round differently */ if (fmpz_fdiv_ui(q, 8) != octant) { flint_printf("bad octant\n"); abort(); } _arf_set_mpn_fixed(arb_midref(wb), w, wn, wn, 0, FLINT_BITS * wn, ARB_RND); mag_set_ui_2exp_si(arb_radref(wb), error, -FLINT_BITS * wn); arb_const_pi(u, prec2); arb_mul_2exp_si(u, u, -2); arb_set(t, wb); if (octant % 2 == 1) arb_sub(t, u, t, prec2); arb_addmul_fmpz(t, u, q, prec2); if (!arb_contains_arf(t, x)) { flint_printf("FAIL (containment)\n"); flint_printf("x = "); arf_printd(x, 50); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("q = "); fmpz_print(q); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("w = "); arb_printd(wb, 50); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("t = "); arb_printd(t, 50); flint_printf("\n\n"); abort(); } arb_const_pi(t, prec2); arb_mul_2exp_si(t, t, -2); if (arf_sgn(arb_midref(wb)) < 0 || arf_cmp(arb_midref(wb), arb_midref(t)) >= 0) { flint_printf("FAIL (expected 0 <= w < pi/4)\n"); flint_printf("x = "); arf_printd(x, 50); flint_printf("\n\n"); flint_printf("w = "); arb_printd(wb, 50); flint_printf("\n\n"); abort(); } } flint_free(w); fmpz_clear(q); arf_clear(x); arb_clear(wb); arb_clear(t); arb_clear(u); } flint_randclear(state); flint_cleanup(); flint_printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void _arb_bell_sum_taylor(arb_t res, const fmpz_t n, const fmpz_t a, const fmpz_t b, const fmpz_t mmag, long tol) { fmpz_t m, r, R, tmp; mag_t B, C, D, bound; arb_t t, u; long wp, k, N; if (_fmpz_sub_small(b, a) < 5) { arb_bell_sum_bsplit(res, n, a, b, mmag, tol); return; } fmpz_init(m); fmpz_init(r); fmpz_init(R); fmpz_init(tmp); /* r = max(m - a, b - m) */ /* m = a + (b - a) / 2 */ fmpz_sub(r, b, a); fmpz_cdiv_q_2exp(r, r, 1); fmpz_add(m, a, r); fmpz_mul_2exp(R, r, RADIUS_BITS); mag_init(B); mag_init(C); mag_init(D); mag_init(bound); arb_init(t); arb_init(u); if (fmpz_cmp(R, m) >= 0) { mag_inf(C); mag_inf(D); } else { /* C = exp(R * |F'(m)| + (1/2) R^2 * (n/(m-R)^2 + 1/(m-R))) */ /* C = exp(R * (|F'(m)| + (1/2) R * (n/(m-R) + 1)/(m-R))) */ /* D = (1/2) R * (n/(m-R) + 1)/(m-R) */ fmpz_sub(tmp, m, R); mag_set_fmpz(D, n); mag_div_fmpz(D, D, tmp); mag_one(C); mag_add(D, D, C); mag_div_fmpz(D, D, tmp); mag_mul_fmpz(D, D, R); mag_mul_2exp_si(D, D, -1); /* C = |F'(m)| */ wp = 20 + 1.05 * fmpz_bits(n); arb_set_fmpz(t, n); arb_div_fmpz(t, t, m, wp); fmpz_add_ui(tmp, m, 1); arb_set_fmpz(u, tmp); arb_digamma(u, u, wp); arb_sub(t, t, u, wp); arb_get_mag(C, t); /* C = exp(R * (C + D)) */ mag_add(C, C, D); mag_mul_fmpz(C, C, R); mag_exp(C, C); } if (mag_cmp_2exp_si(C, tol / 4 + 2) > 0) { _arb_bell_sum_taylor(res, n, a, m, mmag, tol); _arb_bell_sum_taylor(t, n, m, b, mmag, tol); arb_add(res, res, t, 2 * tol); } else { arb_ptr mx, ser1, ser2, ser3; /* D = T(m) */ wp = 20 + 1.05 * fmpz_bits(n); arb_set_fmpz(t, m); arb_pow_fmpz(t, t, n, wp); fmpz_add_ui(tmp, m, 1); arb_gamma_fmpz(u, tmp, wp); arb_div(t, t, u, wp); arb_get_mag(D, t); /* error bound: (b-a) * C * D * B^N / (1 - B), B = r/R */ /* ((b-a) * C * D * 2) * 2^(-N*RADIUS_BITS) */ /* ((b-a) * C * D * 2) */ mag_mul(bound, C, D); mag_mul_2exp_si(bound, bound, 1); fmpz_sub(tmp, b, a); mag_mul_fmpz(bound, bound, tmp); /* N = (tol + log2((b-a)*C*D*2) - mmag) / RADIUS_BITS */ if (mmag == NULL) { /* estimate D ~= 2^mmag */ fmpz_add_ui(tmp, MAG_EXPREF(C), tol); fmpz_cdiv_q_ui(tmp, tmp, RADIUS_BITS); } else { fmpz_sub(tmp, MAG_EXPREF(bound), mmag); fmpz_add_ui(tmp, tmp, tol); fmpz_cdiv_q_ui(tmp, tmp, RADIUS_BITS); } if (fmpz_cmp_ui(tmp, 5 * tol / 4) > 0) N = 5 * tol / 4; else if (fmpz_cmp_ui(tmp, 2) < 0) N = 2; else N = fmpz_get_ui(tmp); /* multiply by 2^(-N*RADIUS_BITS) */ mag_mul_2exp_si(bound, bound, -N * RADIUS_BITS); mx = _arb_vec_init(2); ser1 = _arb_vec_init(N); ser2 = _arb_vec_init(N); ser3 = _arb_vec_init(N); /* estimate (this should work for moderate n and tol) */ wp = 1.1 * tol + 1.05 * fmpz_bits(n) + 5; /* increase precision until convergence */ while (1) { /* (m+x)^n / gamma(m+1+x) */ arb_set_fmpz(mx, m); arb_one(mx + 1); _arb_poly_log_series(ser1, mx, 2, N, wp); for (k = 0; k < N; k++) arb_mul_fmpz(ser1 + k, ser1 + k, n, wp); arb_add_ui(mx, mx, 1, wp); _arb_poly_lgamma_series(ser2, mx, 2, N, wp); _arb_vec_sub(ser1, ser1, ser2, N, wp); _arb_poly_exp_series(ser3, ser1, N, N, wp); /* t = a - m, u = b - m */ arb_set_fmpz(t, a); arb_sub_fmpz(t, t, m, wp); arb_set_fmpz(u, b); arb_sub_fmpz(u, u, m, wp); arb_power_sum_vec(ser1, t, u, N, wp); arb_zero(res); for (k = 0; k < N; k++) arb_addmul(res, ser3 + k, ser1 + k, wp); if (mmag != NULL) { if (_fmpz_sub_small(MAG_EXPREF(arb_radref(res)), mmag) <= -tol) break; } else { if (arb_rel_accuracy_bits(res) >= tol) break; } wp = 2 * wp; } /* add the series truncation bound */ arb_add_error_mag(res, bound); _arb_vec_clear(mx, 2); _arb_vec_clear(ser1, N); _arb_vec_clear(ser2, N); _arb_vec_clear(ser3, N); } mag_clear(B); mag_clear(C); mag_clear(D); mag_clear(bound); arb_clear(t); arb_clear(u); fmpz_clear(m); fmpz_clear(r); fmpz_clear(R); fmpz_clear(tmp); }
/* corrects branch cut of sum_{k=0}^{r-1} log(z+k), given the logarithm of the product */ void _acb_log_rising_correct_branch(acb_t t, const acb_t t_wrong, const acb_t z, ulong r, long prec) { acb_t f; arb_t pi, u, v; fmpz_t pi_mult; long i, argprec; acb_init(f); arb_init(u); arb_init(pi); arb_init(v); fmpz_init(pi_mult); argprec = FLINT_MIN(prec, 40); arb_zero(u); for (i = 0; i < r; i++) { acb_add_ui(f, z, i, argprec); acb_arg(v, f, argprec); arb_add(u, u, v, argprec); } if (argprec == prec) { arb_set(acb_imagref(t), u); } else { arb_sub(v, u, acb_imagref(t), argprec); arb_const_pi(pi, argprec); arb_div(v, v, pi, argprec); if (arb_get_unique_fmpz(pi_mult, v)) { arb_const_pi(v, prec); arb_mul_fmpz(v, v, pi_mult, prec); arb_add(acb_imagref(t), acb_imagref(t), v, prec); } else { arb_zero(u); for (i = 0; i < r; i++) { acb_add_ui(f, z, i, prec); acb_arg(v, f, prec); arb_add(u, u, v, prec); } arb_set(acb_imagref(t), u); } } acb_clear(f); arb_clear(u); arb_clear(v); arb_clear(pi); fmpz_clear(pi_mult); }
void acb_modular_transform(acb_t w, const psl2z_t g, const acb_t z, slong prec) { #define a (&g->a) #define b (&g->b) #define c (&g->c) #define d (&g->d) #define x acb_realref(z) #define y acb_imagref(z) if (fmpz_is_zero(c)) { /* (az+b)/d, where we must have a = d = 1 */ acb_add_fmpz(w, z, b, prec); } else if (fmpz_is_zero(a)) { /* b/(cz+d), where -bc = 1, c = 1 => -1/(z+d) */ acb_add_fmpz(w, z, d, prec); acb_inv(w, w, prec); acb_neg(w, w); } else if (0) { acb_t t, u; acb_init(t); acb_init(u); acb_set_fmpz(t, b); acb_addmul_fmpz(t, z, a, prec); acb_set_fmpz(u, d); acb_addmul_fmpz(u, z, c, prec); acb_div(w, t, u, prec); acb_clear(t); acb_clear(u); } else { /* (az+b)/(cz+d) = (re+im*i)/den where re = bd + (bc+ad)x + ac(x^2+y^2) im = (ad-bc)y den = c^2(x^2+y^2) + 2cdx + d^2 */ fmpz_t t; arb_t re, im, den; arb_init(re); arb_init(im); arb_init(den); fmpz_init(t); arb_mul(im, x, x, prec); arb_addmul(im, y, y, prec); fmpz_mul(t, b, d); arb_set_fmpz(re, t); fmpz_mul(t, b, c); fmpz_addmul(t, a, d); arb_addmul_fmpz(re, x, t, prec); fmpz_mul(t, a, c); arb_addmul_fmpz(re, im, t, prec); fmpz_mul(t, d, d); arb_set_fmpz(den, t); fmpz_mul(t, c, d); fmpz_mul_2exp(t, t, 1); arb_addmul_fmpz(den, x, t, prec); fmpz_mul(t, c, c); arb_addmul_fmpz(den, im, t, prec); fmpz_mul(t, a, d); fmpz_submul(t, b, c); arb_mul_fmpz(im, y, t, prec); arb_div(acb_realref(w), re, den, prec); arb_div(acb_imagref(w), im, den, prec); arb_clear(re); arb_clear(im); arb_clear(den); fmpz_clear(t); } #undef a #undef b #undef c #undef d #undef x #undef y }
void arb_log_arf(arb_t z, const arf_t x, slong prec) { if (arf_is_special(x)) { if (arf_is_pos_inf(x)) arb_pos_inf(z); else arb_indeterminate(z); } else if (ARF_SGNBIT(x)) { arb_indeterminate(z); } else if (ARF_IS_POW2(x)) { if (fmpz_is_one(ARF_EXPREF(x))) { arb_zero(z); } else { fmpz_t exp; fmpz_init(exp); _fmpz_add_fast(exp, ARF_EXPREF(x), -1); arb_const_log2(z, prec + 2); arb_mul_fmpz(z, z, exp, prec); fmpz_clear(exp); } } else if (COEFF_IS_MPZ(*ARF_EXPREF(x))) { arb_log_arf_huge(z, x, prec); } else { slong exp, wp, wn, N, r, closeness_to_one; mp_srcptr xp; mp_size_t xn, tn; mp_ptr tmp, w, t, u; mp_limb_t p1, q1bits, p2, q2bits, error, error2, cy; int negative, inexact, used_taylor_series; TMP_INIT; exp = ARF_EXP(x); negative = 0; ARF_GET_MPN_READONLY(xp, xn, x); /* compute a c >= 0 such that |x-1| <= 2^(-c) if c > 0 */ closeness_to_one = 0; if (exp == 0) { slong i; closeness_to_one = FLINT_BITS - FLINT_BIT_COUNT(~xp[xn - 1]); if (closeness_to_one == FLINT_BITS) { for (i = xn - 2; i > 0 && xp[i] == LIMB_ONES; i--) closeness_to_one += FLINT_BITS; closeness_to_one += (FLINT_BITS - FLINT_BIT_COUNT(~xp[i])); } } else if (exp == 1) { closeness_to_one = FLINT_BITS - FLINT_BIT_COUNT(xp[xn - 1] & (~LIMB_TOP)); if (closeness_to_one == FLINT_BITS) { slong i; for (i = xn - 2; xp[i] == 0; i--) closeness_to_one += FLINT_BITS; closeness_to_one += (FLINT_BITS - FLINT_BIT_COUNT(xp[i])); } closeness_to_one--; } /* if |t-1| <= 0.5 */ /* |log(1+t) - t| <= t^2 */ /* |log(1+t) - (t-t^2/2)| <= t^3 */ if (closeness_to_one > prec + 1) { inexact = arf_sub_ui(arb_midref(z), x, 1, prec, ARB_RND); mag_set_ui_2exp_si(arb_radref(z), 1, -2 * closeness_to_one); if (inexact) arf_mag_add_ulp(arb_radref(z), arb_radref(z), arb_midref(z), prec); return; } else if (2 * closeness_to_one > prec + 1) { arf_t t, u; arf_init(t); arf_init(u); arf_sub_ui(t, x, 1, ARF_PREC_EXACT, ARF_RND_DOWN); arf_mul(u, t, t, ARF_PREC_EXACT, ARF_RND_DOWN); arf_mul_2exp_si(u, u, -1); inexact = arf_sub(arb_midref(z), t, u, prec, ARB_RND); mag_set_ui_2exp_si(arb_radref(z), 1, -3 * closeness_to_one); if (inexact) arf_mag_add_ulp(arb_radref(z), arb_radref(z), arb_midref(z), prec); arf_clear(t); arf_clear(u); return; } /* Absolute working precision (NOT rounded to a limb multiple) */ wp = prec + closeness_to_one + 5; /* Too high precision to use table */ if (wp > ARB_LOG_TAB2_PREC) { arf_log_via_mpfr(arb_midref(z), x, prec, ARB_RND); arf_mag_set_ulp(arb_radref(z), arb_midref(z), prec); return; } /* Working precision in limbs */ wn = (wp + FLINT_BITS - 1) / FLINT_BITS; TMP_START; tmp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS(4 * wn + 3); w = tmp; /* requires wn+1 limbs */ t = w + wn + 1; /* requires wn+1 limbs */ u = t + wn + 1; /* requires 2wn+1 limbs */ /* read x-1 */ if (xn <= wn) { flint_mpn_zero(w, wn - xn); mpn_lshift(w + wn - xn, xp, xn, 1); error = 0; } else { mpn_lshift(w, xp + xn - wn, wn, 1); error = 1; } /* First table-based argument reduction */ if (wp <= ARB_LOG_TAB1_PREC) q1bits = ARB_LOG_TAB11_BITS; else q1bits = ARB_LOG_TAB21_BITS; p1 = w[wn-1] >> (FLINT_BITS - q1bits); /* Special case: covers logarithms of small integers */ if (xn == 1 && (w[wn-1] == (p1 << (FLINT_BITS - q1bits)))) { p2 = 0; flint_mpn_zero(t, wn); used_taylor_series = 0; N = r = 0; /* silence compiler warning */ } else { /* log(1+w) = log(1+p/q) + log(1 + (qw-p)/(p+q)) */ w[wn] = mpn_mul_1(w, w, wn, UWORD(1) << q1bits) - p1; mpn_divrem_1(w, 0, w, wn + 1, p1 + (UWORD(1) << q1bits)); error += 1; /* Second table-based argument reduction (fused with log->atanh conversion) */ if (wp <= ARB_LOG_TAB1_PREC) q2bits = ARB_LOG_TAB11_BITS + ARB_LOG_TAB12_BITS; else q2bits = ARB_LOG_TAB21_BITS + ARB_LOG_TAB22_BITS; p2 = w[wn-1] >> (FLINT_BITS - q2bits); u[2 * wn] = mpn_lshift(u + wn, w, wn, q2bits); flint_mpn_zero(u, wn); flint_mpn_copyi(t, u + wn, wn + 1); t[wn] += p2 + (UWORD(1) << (q2bits + 1)); u[2 * wn] -= p2; mpn_tdiv_q(w, u, 2 * wn + 1, t, wn + 1); /* propagated error from 1 ulp error: 2 atanh'(1/3) = 2.25 */ error += 3; /* |w| <= 2^-r */ r = _arb_mpn_leading_zeros(w, wn); /* N >= (wp-r)/(2r) */ N = (wp - r + (2*r-1)) / (2*r); N = FLINT_MAX(N, 0); /* Evaluate Taylor series */ _arb_atan_taylor_rs(t, &error2, w, wn, N, 0); /* Multiply by 2 */ mpn_lshift(t, t, wn, 1); /* Taylor series evaluation error (multiply by 2) */ error += error2 * 2; used_taylor_series = 1; } /* Size of output number */ tn = wn; /* First table lookup */ if (p1 != 0) { if (wp <= ARB_LOG_TAB1_PREC) mpn_add_n(t, t, arb_log_tab11[p1] + ARB_LOG_TAB1_LIMBS - tn, tn); else mpn_add_n(t, t, arb_log_tab21[p1] + ARB_LOG_TAB2_LIMBS - tn, tn); error++; } /* Second table lookup */ if (p2 != 0) { if (wp <= ARB_LOG_TAB1_PREC) mpn_add_n(t, t, arb_log_tab12[p2] + ARB_LOG_TAB1_LIMBS - tn, tn); else mpn_add_n(t, t, arb_log_tab22[p2] + ARB_LOG_TAB2_LIMBS - tn, tn); error++; } /* add exp * log(2) */ exp--; if (exp > 0) { cy = mpn_addmul_1(t, arb_log_log2_tab + ARB_LOG_TAB2_LIMBS - tn, tn, exp); t[tn] = cy; tn += (cy != 0); error += exp; } else if (exp < 0) { t[tn] = 0; u[tn] = mpn_mul_1(u, arb_log_log2_tab + ARB_LOG_TAB2_LIMBS - tn, tn, -exp); if (mpn_cmp(t, u, tn + 1) >= 0) { mpn_sub_n(t, t, u, tn + 1); } else { mpn_sub_n(t, u, t, tn + 1); negative = 1; } error += (-exp); tn += (t[tn] != 0); } /* The accumulated arithmetic error */ mag_set_ui_2exp_si(arb_radref(z), error, -wn * FLINT_BITS); /* Truncation error from the Taylor series */ if (used_taylor_series) mag_add_ui_2exp_si(arb_radref(z), arb_radref(z), 1, -r*(2*N+1) + 1); /* Set the midpoint */ inexact = _arf_set_mpn_fixed(arb_midref(z), t, tn, wn, negative, prec); if (inexact) arf_mag_add_ulp(arb_radref(z), arb_radref(z), arb_midref(z), prec); TMP_END; } }