Beispiel #1
void diffBetweenFiles(char * path1, char * path2, int indent_limit) {

    // Controllo prima se i file sono diversi e poi calcolo le differenze..
    if(are_equals(path1, path2) != 0) {

        str_file * file1;
        str_file * file2;
        file1 = (str_file *) malloc(sizeof(str_file));
        file2 = (str_file *) malloc(sizeof(str_file));

        // Copio i due percorsi passati per parametro nel campo path delle rispettive strutture precedentemente dichiarate..
        file1->path = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(path1));
        strcpy(file1->path, path1);
        file2->path = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(path2));
        strcpy(file2->path, path2);

        printf("%s\n", file1->path);
        printf("%s\n", file2->path);

        file1->file = fopen(file1->path,"r");
        if (file1->file == NULL) {
            // Impossibile aprire path1

        file2->file = fopen(file2->path,"r");
        if (file2->file == NULL)  {
            // Impossibile aprire path2

        // Obtain file1 dimension in bytes
        fseek(file1->file, 0, SEEK_END);
        file1->size = ftell(file1->file);
        file1->line = (char *) malloc(file1->size);
        fseek(file1->file, 0, SEEK_SET);  // Return to the top of the file

        // Obtain file2 dimension in bytes
        fseek(file2->file, 0, SEEK_END);
        file2->size = ftell(file2->file);
        file2->line = (char *) malloc(file2->size);
        fseek(file2->file, 0, SEEK_SET);  // Return to the top of the file

        /* legge e stampa ogni riga */
        char buf_file1[128];
        char buf_file2[128];

        // File con contenuto diverso..
        int indent_tab;
        for(indent_tab = 0; indent_tab < indent_limit; indent_tab++) { printf("  "); }
        printf ("Differences between files: %s - %s\n", path1, path2);

        // Muovo i buffer utilizzati per il controllo in maniera parallela
        while(fgets(buf_file1, 128, file1->file) != NULL && fgets(buf_file2, 128, file2->file)) {
            if(strcmp(buf_file1, buf_file2) != 0) {

                for(indent_tab = 0; indent_tab < indent_limit + 1; indent_tab++) { printf("  "); }
                printf("+ %s", buf_file1);
                for(indent_tab = 0; indent_tab < indent_limit + 1; indent_tab++) { printf("  "); }
                printf("- %s", buf_file2);

                //printf("Differences in %s - %s", buf_file1, buf_file2);

        // Sarò arrivato alla fine dei uno dei due files..
        // Stampo la differenza solo di uno rispetto all'altro..
        while(fgets(buf_file1, 128, file1->file) != NULL) {
            for(indent_tab = 0; indent_tab < indent_limit + 1; indent_tab++) { printf("  "); }
            printf("+ %s", buf_file1);

            printf("finito file 1\n");
        else if(ferror(file1->file))
            printf("error 1\n");

        while(fgets(buf_file2, 128, file2->file) != NULL) {
            for(indent_tab = 0; indent_tab < indent_limit + 1; indent_tab++) { printf("  "); }
            printf("- %s", buf_file2);

            printf("finito file 2\n");
        else if(ferror(file2->file))
            printf("error 2\n");

        //long int current_seek1 = 0;
        //long int current_seek2 = 0;
        //long int prec_seek2 = 0;

        //printf("size1 %d\n", file1->size);
        //printf("size2 %d\n", file2->size);

        // Leggo una riga dal primo file..
        while(fgets(buf_file1, file1->size, file1->file) != NULL && current_seek2 != file2->size) {

            // Ottengo la posizione corrente che sto analizzando nel primo file..
            //current_seek1 = ftell(file1->file);

            prec_seek2 = current_seek2;

            //printf("file 1 leggo %s\n", buf_file1);

            //fseek(file2->file, 0, SEEK_SET);  // Return to the top of the file
            while(fgets(buf_file2, file2->size, file2->file) != NULL && strcmp(buf_file1, buf_file2) != 0) {
                // printf("file 2 leggo %s\n", buf_file2);
                // Do nothing

            // Ottengo la posizione corrente che sto analizzando nel secondo file..
            current_seek2 = ftell(file2->file);

            // REMOVE after test..
            if(strcmp(buf_file1, buf_file2) != 0) {
                printf("uguali %ssono a %li in file1 e %li in file2", buf_file1, ftell(file1->file), current_seek2);
            // Se ho raggiunto la fine del secondo file..
            if (current_seek2 == file2->size) {
                printf("+ %s", buf_file1);
            else {

                fseek(file2->file, prec_seek2, SEEK_SET);
                while(fgets(buf_file2, file2->size, file2->file) != NULL && ftell(file2->file) != current_seek2) {
                    printf("- %s", buf_file2);

        // Se sono arrivato alla fine del secondo file..
        // Leggo tutto il file 1 dalla pos corrente fino alla fine aggiungendo un +
        while(fgets(buf_file1, file1->size, file1->file) != NULL) {
            printf("+ %s", buf_file1);

        //file1->read = fread(file1->line, file1->size, 1, file1->file);
        //printf("\nfile1:\n%s\n----------------------------\n\n\nora bello\n\n", file1->line);


        // Read the entire file1 and file2
        //file1->read = fread(file1->line, file1->size, 1, file1->file);
        //file2->read = fread(file2->line, file2->size, 1, file2->file);
        //printf("\nfile1:\n%s\n----------------------------", file1->line);
        //printf("\nfile2:\n%s\n----------------------------", file2->line);

        char buffer[1];
        while (fread(buffer, sizeof buffer, 1, file1->file) == 1)
           printf("%d\n", buffer[0]);

        if (feof(file1->file))

        if(strcmp(file1->line , file2->line) == 0) {
            printIndented("I files sono uguali!", indent_limit);
        } else {
            printIndented("I files sono diversi!", indent_limit);

        //printf("------------------- fine ------\n");

Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

  /*Matrix lucien = CreateNewMatrix(4,7);
  int tmat[1][4] = {1, 0, 0, 1};*/
  int hmat[3][7] = {
  Matrix hmatrix = convert(3, 7, hmat);
  /*Matrix puissant = convert(1, 4, tmat);
  Matrix hmatrix = convert(3, 7, hmat);
  Matrix result = times_Matrix(puissant, lucien);
  Matrix decod = decode(result);
  Matrix error = correct(result, hmatrix);*/
  double p = 0.001;
  int i;
  int n;

  for(i = 1; i < 500; i++){
    p = (double)i / (double)1000;
    printf("Start execution with %.4f\n",p);

    int success, fail, total;
    double proba;
      success = 0;
      fail = 0;
      proba = 0;
      total = 0;
    for(n = 0; n <= 500; n++){
      Matrix randMatrix = random_Matrix(1,4);
      /*printf("Random message is:\n");
      Matrix c = encode (randMatrix);
      /*printf("Encoded message is:\n");
      Matrix c2 = noise(c, p);
      /*printf("Noised message is:\n");
      Matrix cor = correct(c2, hmatrix);
      /*printf("Corrected message is:\n");

      Matrix deco = decode(cor);
      /*printf("Decoded message is:\n");

      if(are_equals(randMatrix, deco) == 1){
	/*printf(" M == M'\n");*/
	/*printf(" M =\\= M'\n");*/
    proba = (double)success/(double)total * 100;
    printf("Proba success is : %.0f\n", proba);
    proba = (double)fail/(double)total * 100;
    printf("Proba success is : %.0f\n", proba); 

    printf("Finish execution\n");  


  return 0;
Beispiel #3
int are_equals_directories(char path1[256] , char path2[256]) {

    struct dirent *dirent1, *dirent2;
    DIR *dir1, *dir2;
    struct stat stat1, stat2;
    int is_dir1, is_dir2;
    int equal_dir = 0;

    char completePath1[256];
    char completePath2[256];

    strcpy(completePath1, path1);
    strcpy(completePath2, path2);

    // Verifico se entrambe le directories sono vuote..
    if (empty_directories(path1, path2) == 1) {
        //printf("%s e %s sono vuote\n", path1, path2 );
        return 1;

    if ((dir1 = opendir(path1)) == NULL) {
        printf("Cannot open %s\n", path1);
        syslog(LOG_INFO, "Cannot open %s. Terminated.", path1);

    while ((dirent1 = readdir(dir1)) != NULL) {

        if (strcmp(dirent1->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(dirent1->d_name, "..") != 0) {

            // Concateno il nome del file/directory al path originario per lavorare ricorsivamente sul path completo..
            // Serve per tenere traccia del path completo dove si trova il file o la directory che si sta analizzando.
            //size_t length1 = strlen(path1) + strlen(dirent1->d_name) + 1;
            //char * completePath1 = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * length1);

            // Se si tratta di una directory aggiungo uno / tra il path e il nome della cartella
            // if ( is_dir1 ) { snprintf(completePath1, length1 + , "%s%s/", path1, dirent1->d_name); }
            // else { snprintf(completePath1, length1, "%s%s", path1, dirent1->d_name); }

            //snprintf(completePath1, length1, "%s%s", path1, dirent1->d_name);
            strcat(completePath1, dirent1->d_name);

            // Valuto se si tratta di una sub-directory..
            stat(completePath1, &stat1);
            is_dir1 = ((stat1.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR);

            printf("path1: %s\n", path1);
            printf("d_name: %s\n", dirent1->d_name);
            printf("def: %s%s\n", path1, dirent1->d_name);

            if ((dir2 = opendir(path2)) == NULL) { 
                printf("Cannot open %s\n", path2);
                syslog(LOG_INFO, "Cannot open %s. Terminated.", path2);

            equal_dir = 0;

            // Scorro tutta la seconda directory e controllo se il file è presente
            while ( !equal_dir && (dirent2 = readdir(dir2)) != NULL) {

                // Verifico che non siano le entries di default delle directories..
                if (strcmp(dirent2->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(dirent2->d_name, "..") != 0) {

                    // Se i files o le directories hanno lo stesso nome..
                    if(strcmp(dirent1->d_name, dirent2->d_name) == 0) {

                        //printf("analizzando %s\n", dirent2->d_name);
                        // Concateno il nome del file/directory al path originario per lavorare ricorsivamente sul path completo..
                        // Serve per tenere traccia del path completo dove si trova il file o la directory che si sta analizzando.
                        //size_t length2 = strlen(path2) + strlen(dirent2->d_name) + 1;
                        //char * completePath2 = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * length2);
                        // Se si tratta di una directory aggiungo uno / tra il path e il nome della cartella
                        // if ( is_dir1 ) { snprintf(completePath1, length1 + , "%s%s/", path1, dirent1->d_name); }
                        // else { snprintf(completePath1, length1, "%s%s", path1, dirent1->d_name); }

                        //snprintf(completePath2, length2, "%s%s", path2, dirent2->d_name);

                        strcpy(completePath2, path2);

                        // Valuto se si tratta di una sub-directory..
                        stat(completePath2, &stat2);
                        is_dir2 = ((stat2.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR);

                        // test
                        printf("path2: %s\n", path2);
                        printf("d_name2: %s\n", dirent2->d_name);
                        printf("def2: %s%s\n", path2, dirent2->d_name);

                        if (is_dir1 && is_dir2) {

                            strcat(completePath1, "/");
                            strcat(completePath2, "/");

                            // Procedo in maniera ricorsiva sulle sub-directory aventi lo stesso nome in entrambi i path..
                            equal_dir = equal_dir || are_equals_directories(completePath1, completePath2);
                            //printf("equal_dif = %d , dopo equal_directories  tra %s e %s\n", equal_dir, completePath1, completePath2 );
                        else {
                            equal_dir = equal_dir || are_equals(completePath1, completePath2);

                        //printf("%d con %s vs %s\n", equal_dir, completePath1, completePath2);
                // else { equal_dir = 1; }

            if( equal_dir == 0 ) { /* printf("diverse..- %s\n", completePath1); */ return equal_dir; }

    return equal_dir;
Beispiel #4
// tests implementation
void CMathTest::test()
  int int_val = -1;
  long long_val = -1l;
  float float_val = -1.0f;
  double double_val = -1.0;
#if !defined (_STLP_NO_LONG_DOUBLE)
  long double long_double_val = -1.0l;

  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::abs(int_val), -int_val) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::abs(long_val), -long_val) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::labs(long_val), -long_val) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::abs(float_val), -float_val) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::abs(double_val), -double_val) );
#if !defined (_STLP_NO_LONG_DOUBLE)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::abs(long_double_val), -long_double_val) );

  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::fabs(float_val), -float_val) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::fabs(double_val), -double_val) );
#if !defined (_STLP_NO_LONG_DOUBLE)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::fabs(long_double_val), -long_double_val) );

  std::div_t div_res = std::div(3, 2);
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( div_res.quot == 1 );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( div_res.rem == 1 );
  std::ldiv_t ldiv_res = std::ldiv(3l, 2l);
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( ldiv_res.quot == 1l );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( ldiv_res.rem == 1l );
  ldiv_res = std::div(3l, 2l);
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( ldiv_res.quot == 1l );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( ldiv_res.rem == 1l );

  int rand_val = std::rand();
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( rand_val >= 0 && rand_val <= RAND_MAX );

  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::floor(1.5), 1.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::ceil(1.5), 2.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::fmod(1.5, 1.0), 0.5) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sqrt(4.0), 2.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::pow(2.0, 2), 4.0) );
   * Uncomment the following to check that it generates an ambiguous call
   * as there is no Standard pow(int, int) function only pow(double, int),
   * pow(float, int) and some others...
   * If it do not generate a compile time error it should at least give
   * the good result.
  //CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::pow(10, -2), 0.01) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::pow(10.0, -2), 0.01) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::exp(0.0), 1.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::log(std::exp(1.0)), 1.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::log10(100.0), 2.0) );
#if !defined (STLPORT) || !defined (_STLP_USING_PLATFORM_SDK_COMPILER) || !defined (_WIN64)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::modf(100.5, &double_val), 0.5) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(double_val, 100.0) );
  double_val = std::frexp(8.0, &int_val);
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(double_val * std::pow(2.0, int_val), 8.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::ldexp(1.0, 2), 4.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::cos(std::acos(1.0)), 1.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sin(std::asin(1.0)), 1.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::tan(std::atan(1.0)), 1.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::tan(std::atan2(1.0, 1.0)), 1.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::cosh(0.0), 1.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sinh(0.0), 0.0) );
#if !defined (STLPORT) || !defined (_STLP_USING_PLATFORM_SDK_COMPILER) || !defined (_M_AMD64)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::tanh(0.0), 0.0) );

  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::floor(1.5f), 1.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::ceil(1.5f), 2.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::fmod(1.5f, 1.0f), 0.5f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sqrt(4.0f), 2.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::pow(2.0f, 2), 4.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::exp(0.0f), 1.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::log(std::exp(1.0f)), 1.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::log10(100.0f), 2.0f) );
#if !defined (STLPORT) || !defined (_STLP_USING_PLATFORM_SDK_COMPILER) || !defined (_WIN64)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::modf(100.5f, &float_val), 0.5f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(float_val, 100.0f) );
  float_val = std::frexp(8.0f, &int_val);
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(float_val * std::pow(2.0f, int_val), 8.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::ldexp(1.0f, 2), 4.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::cos(std::acos(1.0f)), 1.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sin(std::asin(1.0f)), 1.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::tan(std::atan(1.0f)), 1.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::tan(std::atan2(1.0f, 1.0f)), 1.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::cosh(0.0f), 1.0f) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sinh(0.0f), 0.0f) );
#if !defined (STLPORT) || !defined (_STLP_USING_PLATFORM_SDK_COMPILER) || !defined (_M_AMD64)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::tanh(0.0f), 0.0f) );

#if !defined (_STLP_NO_LONG_DOUBLE)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::floor(1.5l), 1.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::ceil(1.5l), 2.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::fmod(1.5l, 1.0l), 0.5l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sqrt(4.0l), 2.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::pow(2.0l, 2), 4.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::exp(0.0l), 1.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::log(std::exp(1.0l)), 1.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::log10(100.0l), 2.0l) );
#  if !defined (STLPORT) || !defined (_STLP_USING_PLATFORM_SDK_COMPILER) || !defined (_WIN64)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::modf(100.5l, &long_double_val), 0.5l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(long_double_val, 100.0l) );
#  endif
  long_double_val = std::frexp(8.0l, &int_val);
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(long_double_val * std::pow(2.0l, int_val), 8.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::ldexp(1.0l, 2), 4.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::cos(std::acos(1.0l)), 1.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sin(std::asin(1.0l)), 1.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::tan(0.0l), 0.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::atan(0.0l), 0.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::atan2(0.0l, 1.0l), 0.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::cosh(0.0l), 1.0l) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sinh(0.0l), 0.0l) );
#  if !defined (STLPORT) || !defined (_STLP_USING_PLATFORM_SDK_COMPILER) || !defined (_M_AMD64)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::tanh(0.0l), 0.0l) );
#  endif

  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sqrt(std::sqrt(std::sqrt(256.0))), 2.0) );
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sqrt(std::sqrt(std::sqrt(256.0f))), 2.0f) );
#if !defined (_STLP_NO_LONG_DOUBLE)
  CPPUNIT_CHECK( are_equals(std::sqrt(std::sqrt(std::sqrt(256.0l))), 2.0l) );