Beispiel #1
void update_handler( void )
    static  int     pulse_area;
    static  int     pulse_mobile;
    static  int     pulse_violence;
    static  int     pulse_point;
    static  int	    pulse_music;

    if ( --pulse_area     <= 0 )
	pulse_area	= PULSE_AREA;
	/* number_range( PULSE_AREA / 2, 3 * PULSE_AREA / 2 ); */
	area_update	( );

    if ( --pulse_music	  <= 0 )
	pulse_music	= PULSE_MUSIC;

    if ( --pulse_mobile   <= 0 )
	pulse_mobile	= PULSE_MOBILE;
	mobile_update	( );

    if ( --pulse_violence <= 0 )
	pulse_violence	= PULSE_VIOLENCE;
	violence_update	( );

    if ( --pulse_point    <= 0 )
	pulse_point     = PULSE_TICK;
/* number_range( PULSE_TICK / 2, 3 * PULSE_TICK / 2 ); */
	weather_update	( );
	char_update	( );
	obj_update	( );

    aggr_update( );
    tail_chain( );
Beispiel #2
void update_handler( void )
  static int       pulse_area;
  static int     pulse_mobile;
  static int   pulse_violence;
  static int      pulse_point;
  static int       pulse_room;
  struct timeval        start;  

  gettimeofday( &start, NULL );

  event_update( );
  delete_list( extracted );

  if( --pulse_area <= 0 ) {
    pulse_area = number_range( PULSE_AREA/2, 3*PULSE_AREA/2 );
    area_update( );

  if( --pulse_mobile <= 0 ) {
    pulse_mobile = PULSE_MOBILE;
    action_update( );
    auction_update( );
    regen_update( );
    time_update( );

  if( --pulse_point <= 0 ) {
    pulse_point = number_range( PULSE_TICK/2, 3*PULSE_TICK/2 );
    char_update( );
    obj_update( );

  if( --pulse_room <= 0 ) {
    pulse_room = number_range( PULSE_ROOM/2, 3*PULSE_ROOM/2 );
    room_update( );
    w3_who( );

  if( --pulse_violence <= 0 ) {
    pulse_violence = PULSE_VIOLENCE;
    update_queue( );

  pulse_time[ TIME_UPDATE ] = stop_clock( start );  
Beispiel #3
 * Big mama top level function.
void boot_db( void )
     * Init some data space stuff.
	if ( ( string_space = calloc( 1, MAX_STRING ) ) == NULL )
	    bug( "Boot_db: can't alloc %d string space.", MAX_STRING );
	    exit( 1 );
	top_string	= string_space;
	fBootDb		= TRUE;

     * Init random number generator.
	init_mm( );

     * Set time and weather.
	long lhour, lday, lmonth;

	lhour		= (current_time - 650336715)
	time_info.hour	= lhour  % 24;
	lday		= lhour  / 24;	= lday   % 35;
	lmonth		= lday   / 35;
	time_info.month	= lmonth % 17;
	time_info.year	= lmonth / 17;

	     if ( time_info.hour <  5 ) weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK;
	else if ( time_info.hour <  6 ) weather_info.sunlight = SUN_RISE;
	else if ( time_info.hour < 19 ) weather_info.sunlight = SUN_LIGHT;
	else if ( time_info.hour < 20 ) weather_info.sunlight = SUN_SET;
	else                            weather_info.sunlight = SUN_DARK;

	weather_info.change	= 0;
	weather_info.mmhg	= 960;
	if ( time_info.month >= 7 && time_info.month <=12 )
	    weather_info.mmhg += number_range( 1, 50 );
	    weather_info.mmhg += number_range( 1, 80 );

	     if ( weather_info.mmhg <=  980 ) = SKY_LIGHTNING;
	else if ( weather_info.mmhg <= 1000 ) = SKY_RAINING;
	else if ( weather_info.mmhg <= 1020 ) = SKY_CLOUDY;
	else                         = SKY_CLOUDLESS;


     * Assign gsn's for skills which have them.
	int sn;

	for ( sn = 0; sn < MAX_SKILL; sn++ )
	    if ( skill_table[sn].pgsn != NULL )
		*skill_table[sn].pgsn = sn;

     * Read in all the area files.
	FILE *fpList;

	if ( ( fpList = fopen( AREA_LIST, "r" ) ) == NULL )
	    perror( AREA_LIST );
	    exit( 1 );

	for ( ; ; )
	    strcpy( strArea, fread_word( fpList ) );
	    if ( strArea[0] == '$' )

	    if ( strArea[0] == '-' )
		fpArea = stdin;
		if ( ( fpArea = fopen( strArea, "r" ) ) == NULL )
		    perror( strArea );
		    exit( 1 );

	    for ( ; ; )
		char *word;

		if ( fread_letter( fpArea ) != '#' )
		    bug( "Boot_db: # not found.", 0 );
		    exit( 1 );

		word = fread_word( fpArea );

		     if ( word[0] == '$'               )                 break;
		else if ( !str_cmp( word, "AREA"     ) ) load_area    (fpArea);
		else if ( !str_cmp( word, "HELPS"    ) ) load_helps   (fpArea);
		else if ( !str_cmp( word, "MOBILES"  ) ) load_mobiles (fpArea);
		else if ( !str_cmp( word, "OBJECTS"  ) ) load_objects (fpArea);
		else if ( !str_cmp( word, "RESETS"   ) ) load_resets  (fpArea);
		else if ( !str_cmp( word, "ROOMS"    ) ) load_rooms   (fpArea);
		else if ( !str_cmp( word, "SHOPS"    ) ) load_shops   (fpArea);
		else if ( !str_cmp( word, "SPECIALS" ) ) load_specials(fpArea);
		    bug( "Boot_db: bad section name.", 0 );
		    exit( 1 );

	    if ( fpArea != stdin )
		fclose( fpArea );
	    fpArea = NULL;
	fclose( fpList );

     * Fix up exits.
     * Declare db booting over.
     * Reset all areas once.
     * Load up the notes file.
	fix_exits( );
	fBootDb	= FALSE;
	area_update( );
	load_notes( );
