Beispiel #1
static void main_simpleProd(void)
  double c;

  /* Initialize function 'simpleProd' input arguments. */
  /* Call the entry-point 'simpleProd'. */
  c = simpleProd(argInit_real_T(), argInit_real_T());
Beispiel #2
 * Arguments    : void
 * Return Type  : void
static void main_Csetminmax(void)
  double value[1302];

  /* Initialize function 'Csetminmax' input arguments. */
  /* Initialize function input argument 'value'. */

  /* Call the entry-point 'Csetminmax'. */
  Csetminmax(value, argInit_real_T(), argInit_real_T());
Beispiel #3
 * Arguments    : void
 * Return Type  : void
static void main_ekf_update(void)
  double dv0[5];
  double dv1[5];
  double dv2[2];
  double dv3[25];
  double dv4[25];
  double dv5[36];
  double P_k_k[25];
  double x_k_k[5];

  /* Initialize function 'ekf_update' input arguments. */
  /* Initialize function input argument 'x_kk_kk'. */
  /* Initialize function input argument 'zm_k'. */
  /* Initialize function input argument 'm0'. */
  /* Initialize function input argument 'P_kk_kk'. */
  /* Initialize function input argument 'Q'. */
  /* Initialize function input argument 'R'. */
  /* Call the entry-point 'ekf_update'. */
  ekf_update(dv0, dv1, dv2, dv3, dv4, dv5, argInit_real_T(), x_k_k, P_k_k);
Beispiel #4
 * Arguments    : double result[1302]
 * Return Type  : void
static void argInit_1x1302_real_T(double result[1302])
  int b_j1;

  /* Loop over the array to initialize each element. */
  for (b_j1 = 0; b_j1 < 1302; b_j1++) {
    /* Set the value of the array element.
       Change this value to the value that the application requires. */
    result[b_j1] = argInit_real_T();
Beispiel #5
 * Arguments    : double result[5]
 * Return Type  : void
static void argInit_5x1_real_T(double result[5])
  int idx0;

  /* Loop over the array to initialize each element. */
  for (idx0 = 0; idx0 < 5; idx0++) {
    /* Set the value of the array element.
       Change this value to the value that the application requires. */
    result[idx0] = argInit_real_T();
Beispiel #6
 * Arguments    : double result[36]
 * Return Type  : void
static void argInit_6x6_real_T(double result[36])
  int idx0;
  int idx1;

  /* Loop over the array to initialize each element. */
  for (idx0 = 0; idx0 < 6; idx0++) {
    for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < 6; idx1++) {
      /* Set the value of the array element.
         Change this value to the value that the application requires. */
      result[idx0 + 6 * idx1] = argInit_real_T();
// Arguments    : void
// Return Type  : void
static void c_main_makeHistFutTablewithRear()
  emxArray_real_T *y;
  emxArray_uint8_T *testm;
  double range;
  double dims;
  emxArray_real_T *rmat;
  emxInitArray_real_T(&y, 2);

  // Initialize function 'makeHistFutTablewithRearrange' input arguments.
  // Initialize function input argument 'testm'.
  testm = argInit_1xUnbounded_uint8_T();
  range = argInit_real_T();
  dims = argInit_real_T();

  // Initialize function input argument 'rmat'.
  rmat = argInit_Unboundedx1_real_T();

  // Call the entry-point 'makeHistFutTablewithRearrange'.
  makeHistFutTablewithRearrange(testm, range, dims, rmat, y);
Beispiel #8
 * Arguments    : void
 * Return Type  : void
static void main_cget_latlon(void)
  double plon;
  double plat;

  /* Initialize function 'cget_latlon' input arguments. */
  /* Call the entry-point 'cget_latlon'. */
  cget_latlon(argInit_real_T(), argInit_real_T(), argInit_real_T(),
              argInit_real_T(), argInit_real_T(), argInit_real_T(), &plat, &plon);
// Arguments    : void
// Return Type  : emxArray_real_T *
static emxArray_real_T *argInit_Unboundedx1_real_T()
  emxArray_real_T *result;
  static int iv1[1] = { 2 };

  int idx0;

  // Set the size of the array.
  // Change this size to the value that the application requires.
  result = emxCreateND_real_T(1, *(int (*)[1])&iv1[0]);

  // Loop over the array to initialize each element.
  for (idx0 = 0; idx0 < result->size[0U]; idx0++) {
    // Set the value of the array element.
    // Change this value to the value that the application requires.
    result->data[idx0] = argInit_real_T();

  return result;