Beispiel #1
// *****************************************************************************
PodNode* PodNode::childByName(const std::string& name)
    // TODO: Use a better data structure/algorithm.
    for (PodNodeDeque::const_iterator iter = asBlock().begin();
            iter != asBlock().end(); ++iter)
        if ((*iter)->podName() == name)
            return (*iter);
    return NULL;
Beispiel #2
// *****************************************************************************
const PodNode* PodNode::firstChildOfType(const std::string& podType) const
    // TODO: Use a better data structure/algorithm.
    for (PodNodeDeque::const_iterator iter = asBlock().begin();
            iter != asBlock().end(); ++iter)
        if ((*iter)->podType() == podType)
            return (*iter);
    return NULL;
Beispiel #3
bool Log::BlockBuffer::readHeader(uint32_t blockId, BlockHeader *header) {
  if (!prepareBlock(blockId)) return false;

  *header = asBlock()->header;

  return true;
Beispiel #4
bool Log::BlockBuffer::writeHeader(uint32_t blockId, const BlockHeader& header) {
  if (!prepareBlock(blockId)) return false;

  asBlock()->header = header;
  dirty = true;

  return true;
Beispiel #5
bool Log::BlockBuffer::readEntry(uint32_t blockId,
                                 uint32_t entryId,
                                 Entry *entry) {
  if (!isValidEntryId(entryId)) return false;
  if (!prepareBlock(blockId)) return false;

  *entry = asBlock()->entries[entryId];

  return true;
Beispiel #6
// *****************************************************************************
void PodNode::dump(std::ostream& output, int indent)
    for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) output << "\t";

    output << "PodNode('" << m_podName << "'";
    if (!m_podType.empty())
        output << ", type='" << m_podType << "'";

    if (m_value)
        output << ", value=" << *m_value;
        output << ", value=NULL";

    output << ", parent='" << (m_parent ? m_parent->podName() : "NULL") << "'";

    if (const EmbedPodValue* embed = dynamic_cast<const EmbedPodValue*>(m_value))
        output << ", lang='" << embed->language() << "'";
    else if (isBlock())
        const PodNodeDeque& children = asBlock();

        output << std::endl;
        for (PodNodeDeque::const_iterator iter = asBlock().begin();
                iter != asBlock().end(); ++iter)
            (*iter)->dump(output, indent+1);
        for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) output << "\t";
    output << " [defined in '" << m_sourcefile << "', line " << m_sourceline << "]";
    output << ")" << std::endl;
Beispiel #7
bool Log::BlockBuffer::writeEntry(uint32_t blockId,
                                  uint32_t entryId,
                                  const Entry& entry) {
  if (!isValidEntryId(entryId)) return false;
  if (!prepareBlock(blockId)) return false;

  asBlock()->entries[entryId] = entry;
  dirty = true;

  return true;
Beispiel #8
// *****************************************************************************
void PodNode::write(std::ostream& output, int indent) const
    if (!isValid()) return;

    if (valueType() == BLOCK 
        && (!parent() && m_podName.empty() && m_podType.empty()))
        // At the top-level, don't output enclosing braces, just the
        // nodes in the block.
        for (PodNodeDeque::const_iterator iter = asBlock().begin();
                iter != asBlock().end(); ++iter)
            (*iter)->write(output, indent);
        for (int i = 0; i < indent; ++i) output << "    ";

        if (!m_podType.empty())
            output << m_podType << " ";
        if (!m_podName.empty())
            output << m_podName;
        if (m_value)
            if (!m_podName.empty()) output << " = ";
            m_value->write(output, indent);
        output << ";" << std::endl;
Beispiel #9
// *****************************************************************************
PodNodeDeque& PodNode::asBlock()
    if (BlockPodValue* v = dynamic_cast<BlockPodValue*>(m_value))
        return v->value();
    else if (!m_value)
        // Special case: User asked for value as a block, but this node has no
        // current value, so set the value to be an empty block and return it.
        m_value = new BlockPodValue;
        return asBlock();
    throw ValueTypeError(__FUNCTION__, this);
Beispiel #10
// *****************************************************************************
void PodNode::syncBlock()
    if (!isBlock()) return;

    // We need to remove any PodNode*s from this block if they are
    // already parented to some other node.  If we don't they can 
    // get double-deleted if this node is deleted during the thrown
    // exeception, which will cause a segfault.
    // Because of this, we collect all the errors found and throw
    // them at once after cleaning things up.
    std::ostringstream err;
    PodNodeDeque& block = asBlock();
    PodNodeDeque::iterator iter = block.begin();
    while (iter != block.end())
        PodNode* child = (*iter);
        if (!child)
            err << "Invalid NULL pointer in block." << std::endl;
            iter = block.begin();  // erase() invalidates iter, so start over
        else if (child->m_parent && child->m_parent != this)
            err << child->repr() << " is already a child of " 
                << child->m_parent->repr() << std::endl;
            iter = block.begin();  // erase() invalidates iter, so start over
            child->m_parent = this;
    if (!err.str().empty())
        throw PodIntegrityError(this, err.str());