static void
unicode_subst (int src, int dest, int nr, string fn) {
  for (int i=0; i<nr; i++) {
    string csrc = upcase_all ("<#" * as_hexadecimal (src  + i) * ">");
    string cdest= upcase_all ("<#" * as_hexadecimal (dest + i) * ">");
    if (dest + i < 128) cdest= string ((char) (dest + i));
    substitution_char (csrc)= cdest;
    substitution_font (csrc)= fn;
    csrc= locase_all (csrc);
    substitution_char (csrc)= cdest;
    substitution_font (csrc)= fn;
    csrc= rewrite_math (csrc);
    substitution_char (csrc)= cdest;
    substitution_font (csrc)= fn;
Beispiel #2
uni_upcase_char (string s) {
  if (N(s) == 1) {
    unsigned char c= s[0];
    if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
	(c >= ((unsigned char) 0xA0) && (c <= ((unsigned char) 0xBF))) ||
	(c >= ((unsigned char) 0xE0)))
      return string ((char) (c - 0x20));
    return s;
  else if (starts (s, "<#") && ends (s, ">")) {
    int code= from_hexadecimal (s (2, N(s) - 1));
    if (code >= 0x3AC && code <= 0x3CE) {
      if      (code >= 0x3B1 && code <= 0x3CB) code -= 0x20;
      else if (code >= 0x3AC && code <= 0x3AC) code -= 0x26;
      else if (code >= 0x3AD && code <= 0x3AF) code -= 0x25;
      else if (code >= 0x3CC && code <= 0x3CC) code -= 0x40;
      else if (code >= 0x3CD && code <= 0x3CE) code -= 0x3f;
    else if (code >= 0x450 && code <= 0x45F) code -= 0x50;
    else if (code >= 0x430 && code <= 0x44F) code -= 0x20;
    else if (code >= 0x460 && code <= 0x4FF) {
      if ((code & 1) == 1) code -= 1;
    return "<#" * as_hexadecimal (code) * ">";
  else {
    init_case_tables ();
    if (upcase_tab->contains (s)) return upcase_tab[s];
    return s;
Beispiel #3
uni_locase_char (string s) {
  if (N(s) == 1) {
    unsigned char c= s[0];
    if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
	(c >= ((unsigned char) 0x80) && (c <= ((unsigned char) 0x9F))) ||
	(c >= ((unsigned char) 0xC0) && (c <= ((unsigned char) 0xDF))))
      return string ((char) (c + 0x20));
    return s;
  else if (starts (s, "<#") && ends (s, ">")) {
    int code= from_hexadecimal (s (2, N(s) - 1));
    if (code >= 0x386 && code <= 0x3AB) {
      if      (code >= 0x391 && code <= 0x3AB) code += 0x20;
      else if (code >= 0x386 && code <= 0x386) code += 0x26;
      else if (code >= 0x388 && code <= 0x38A) code += 0x25;
      else if (code >= 0x38C && code <= 0x38C) code += 0x40;
      else if (code >= 0x38E && code <= 0x38F) code += 0x3f;
    else if (code >= 0x400 && code <= 0x40F) code += 0x50;
    else if (code >= 0x410 && code <= 0x42F) code += 0x20;
    else if (code >= 0x460 && code <= 0x4FF) {
      if ((code & 1) == 0) code += 1;
    return "<#" * as_hexadecimal (code) * ">";
  else {
    init_case_tables ();
    if (locase_tab->contains (s)) return locase_tab[s];
    return s;
static bool
is_greek (string c) {
  static hashmap<string,bool> t (false);
  if (N(t) == 0) {
    array<int> a;
    //for (int i= 0x391; i<0x3a9; i++) if (i != 0x3a2) a << i;
    for (int i= 0x3b1; i<0x3c9; i++) a << i;
    for (int i= 0; i<N(a); i++) {
      string s= upcase_all ("<#" * as_hexadecimal (a[i]) * ">");
      t (s)= true;
      t (locase_all (s))= true;
      t (rewrite_math (s))= true;
  return t[c];
substitute_math_letter (string c, int math_kind) {
  if (math_kind == 0) return "";
  int code= get_utf8_code (c);
  if ((code >= 0x1d400 && code <= 0x1d7ff) ||
      (code >= 0x2100 && code <= 0x213f)) {
    init_unicode_substitution ();
    string nc= "<#" * as_hexadecimal (code) * ">";
    string sc= substitution_char [nc];
    string sf= substitution_font [nc];
    //cout << c << " (" << nc << ") -> " << sc << ", " << sf << "\n";
    if (sc != "" && sc != c) {
      bool flag= ends (sf, "cal") || ends (sf, "frak") || ends (sf, "bbb");
      if (!flag || math_kind == 2) return sf;
  return "";
Beispiel #6
picture_as_eps (picture pic, int dpi) {
    (void) dpi;
    if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert<< "in picture_as_eps " <<LF;
    static const char* d= "0123456789ABCDEF";
    int w_pt= pic->get_width (), h_pt= pic->get_height ();
    int ox= pic->get_origin_x (), oy= pic->get_origin_y ();
    string r;

    string sw= as_string (w_pt);
    string sh= as_string (h_pt);
    r << "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n%%Creator: TeXmacs\n%%BoundingBox: 0 0 "
      << sw << " " << sh
      << "\n\n% Created by picture_as_eps ()\n\n%%BeginProlog\nsave\n"
      << "countdictstack\nmark\nnewpath\n/showpage {} def\n/setpagedevice "
      << "{pop} def\n%%EndProlog\n%%Page 1 1\n"
      << "/max { 2 copy lt { exch } if pop } bind def\n"
      << "/ImageWidth " << sw
      << " def\n/ImageHeight " << sh << " def\nImageWidth ImageHeight max "
      << "ImageWidth ImageHeight max scale\n\n/ImageDatas\n\tcurrentfile\n\t"
      << "<< /Filter /ASCIIHexDecode >>\n\t/ReusableStreamDecode\n\tfilter\n";

    int v, i= 0, j= 0, k= 0, l= 0;
    bool alpha= false;
    for (j=0; j < h_pt; j++)
        for (i=0; i < w_pt; i++) {
            color col= pic->get_pixel (i - ox, h_pt - 1 - j - oy);
            int rr, gg, bb, aa;
            get_rgb_color (col, rr, gg, bb, aa);
            if (aa != 255) alpha= true;

    string mask;
    for (j= 0; j < h_pt; j++) {
        for (i=0; i < w_pt; i++) {
            color col= pic->get_pixel (i - ox, h_pt - 1 - j - oy);
            int rr, gg, bb, aa;
            get_rgb_color (col, rr, gg, bb, aa);
            rr= (rr * aa + 255 * (255 - aa)) / 255;
            gg= (gg * aa + 255 * (255 - aa)) / 255;
            bb= (bb * aa + 255 * (255 - aa)) / 255;
            r << as_hexadecimal (rr, 2);
            r << as_hexadecimal (gg, 2);
            r << as_hexadecimal (bb, 2);
            if (l > 12) {
                r << "\n";
                l= 0;
        if (alpha) {
            v = 0;
            for (i=0; i < w_pt; i++) {
                color col= pic->get_pixel (i - ox, h_pt - 1 - j - oy);
                int rr, gg, bb, aa;
                get_rgb_color (col, rr, gg, bb, aa);
                v += (aa <= 32) << (3 - i % 4);
                if (i % 4 == 3 || i + 1 == w_pt) {
                    mask << d[v];
                    v= 0;
                    // Padding of the image data mask
                    if (i + 1 == w_pt && k % 2 == 1) {
                        mask << d[0];
                    // Code layout
                    if (k >= 78) {
                        mask << "\n";
                        k= 0;
    r << ">\ndef\n\n";

    if (alpha) {
        r << "/MaskDatas\n\tcurrentfile\n\t<< /Filter /ASCIIHexDecode >>\n"
          << "\t/ReusableStreamDecode\n\tfilter\n"
          << mask
          << ">\ndef\n\n"
          << "/TheMask\n<<\n\t/ImageType\t1\n\t/Width\t\tImageWidth\n\t/Height\t"
          << "\tImageHeight\n\t/BitsPerComponent 1\n\t/Decode [ 0 1 ]\n\t"
          << "/ImageMatrix [ ImageWidth 0 0 ImageWidth neg 0 ImageHeight ]\n\t"
          << "/DataSource MaskDatas\n>> def\n\n";
    r << "/TheImage\n<<\n\t/ImageType\t1\n\t/Width\t\tImageWidth\n\t/Height\t"
      << "\tImageHeight\n\t/BitsPerComponent 8\n\t/Decode [ 0 1 0 1 0 1 ]\n\t"
      << "/ImageMatrix [ ImageWidth 0 0 ImageWidth neg 0 ImageHeight ]\n\t"
      << "/DataSource ImageDatas\n>> def\n\n"
      << "/DeviceRGB setcolorspace\n";
    if (alpha) {
        r << "<<\n\t/ImageType 3\n\t/InterleaveType 3\n\t/DataDict TheImage\n"
          << "\t/MaskDict TheMask\n>>";
    else {
        r << "\tTheImage";
    r << "\nimage\nshowpage\n%%Trailer\ncleartomark\ncountdictstack\n"
      << "exch sub { end } repeat\nrestore\n%%EOF\n";

    return r;
Beispiel #7
static void
translit_set (int i, string s) {
  string h= as_hexadecimal (i);
  translit_table ("<#" * locase_all (h) * ">")= s;
  translit_table ("<#" * upcase_all (h) * ">")= s;