Beispiel #1
 * @brief      Test whether multiple records exist in the cluster.
 * @param[in]  argc  The argc
 * @param      argv  The argv
 * @param[in]  self  The object
 * @return     { description_of_the_return_value }
static VALUE batch_read(int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE self) {

  as_error err;
  as_status status;
  aerospike * as = rb_aero_CLIENT;

  VALUE keys;
  VALUE options;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &keys, &options);

  long keys_len = rb_ary_len_long(keys);

  as_batch batch;
  as_batch_inita(&batch, keys_len);

  VALUE return_data = rb_hash_new();

  for (long i = 0; i < keys_len; ++i) {
    VALUE element = rb_ary_entry(keys, i);

    // set into hash for return values
    rb_hash_aset(return_data, element, Qfalse);

    VALUE tmp = rb_funcall(element, rb_intern("namespace"), 0);
    char * c_namespace = StringValueCStr( tmp );

    tmp = rb_funcall(element, rb_intern("set"), 0);
    char * c_set = StringValueCStr( tmp );

    tmp = rb_funcall(element, rb_intern("key"), 0);

    if ( TYPE(tmp) != T_FIXNUM ) {
      char * c_key = StringValueCStr( tmp );
      as_key_init(as_batch_keyat(&batch,i), c_namespace, c_set, c_key);
    else {
      as_key_init_int64(as_batch_keyat(&batch,i), c_namespace, c_set, FIX2LONG(tmp));

  if ( aerospike_batch_get(as, &err, NULL, &batch, batch_read_callback, return_data) != AEROSPIKE_OK ) {


  rb_aero_logger(AS_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, &tm, 1, rb_str_new2("[Client][batch_read] success"));

  return return_data;
static void
as_put_callback1(as_error* err, void* udata, as_event_loop* event_loop)
	assert_success_async(&monitor, err, udata);
	as_key key;
	as_key_init(&key, NAMESPACE, SET, "pa1");
	as_error e;
	as_status status = aerospike_key_get_async(as, &e, NULL, &key, as_get_callback1, __result__, event_loop, NULL);
	assert_status_async(&monitor, status, &e);
Beispiel #3
static int put(lua_State *L){

	aerospike* as = lua_touserdata(L, 1);

	const char* nameSpace = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);

	const char* set = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);

	//Key as string
	const char* keyString = luaL_checkstring(L, 4);

	// Number of bins.
	const int numBins = lua_tointeger(L, 5);

	as_record rec = add_bins_to_rec(L, 6, numBins);

	//const as_record * test = &rec;
	//if (as_val_type(as_record_get(test, "animals")) == AS_LIST)
	//	printf("correct list\n");
	//	printf("not a list\n");

	// Create key
	as_key key;
	as_error err;
	as_key_init(&key, nameSpace, set, keyString);

	// Write record
	aerospike_key_put(as, &err, NULL, &key, &rec);
	// Return status
	lua_pushnumber(L, err.code);
	lua_pushstring(L, err.message);
	return 2;

static void insert_data(int numrecs, const char *setname)
	as_status rc;
	char strval[SET_STRSZ], strkey[SET_STRSZ];

	as_error err;

	for (int i=0; i<numrecs; i++) {

		sprintf(strval, "str-%s-%d", setname ? setname : "noset", i);
		sprintf(strkey, "key-%s-%d", setname, i);

		// Map bin
        as_hashmap m;
        as_hashmap_init(&m, 8);
		as_stringmap_set_int64((as_map *) &m, "x", i);
		as_stringmap_set_int64((as_map *) &m, "y", i+1);
		as_stringmap_set_int64((as_map *) &m, "z", i+2);

        as_record r;
        as_record_init(&r, 3);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "bin1", i);
		as_record_set_str(&r, "bin2", strval);
		as_record_set_map(&r, "bin3", (as_map *) &m);

        as_key k;
		as_key_init(&k, NS, setname, strkey);

		rc = aerospike_key_put(as, &err, NULL, &k, &r);
		if (rc != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
			error("digest put failed with error %d", rc);


Beispiel #5
static int increment(lua_State *L){
	as_error err;
	aerospike* as = lua_touserdata(L, 1);
	const char* nameSpace = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	const char* set = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
	const char* keyString = luaL_checkstring(L, 4);
	const int numBins = lua_tointeger(L, 5);

	as_operations ops = add_bins_to_increment(L, 6, numBins);

	as_key key;
	as_key_init(&key, nameSpace, set, keyString);
	// Apply the operations. Since the record does not exist, it will be created
	// and the bins initialized with the ops' integer values.
	aerospike_key_operate(as, &err, NULL, &key, &ops, NULL);


	lua_pushnumber(L, err.code);
	lua_pushstring(L, err.message);
	return 2;
 * Creates 100 records and 9 indexes.
 * Records are structured as:
 *      {a: String, b: Integer, c: Integer, d: Integer, e: Integer}
 * The key is "a-b-c-d-e"
 * The values are:
 *      a = "abc"
 *      b = 100
 *      c = <current index>
 *      d = c % 10
 *      e = b + (c + 1) * (d + 1) / 2
bool query_foreach_create()
	as_error err;
	int n_recs = 100;
	as_status status;
	as_index_task task;
	// create index on "a"	
	status = aerospike_index_create(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "a", "idx_test_a", AS_INDEX_STRING);
	index_process_return_code(status, &err, &task);

	// create index on "b"
	status = aerospike_index_create(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "b", "idx_test_b", AS_INDEX_NUMERIC);
	index_process_return_code(status, &err, &task);

	// create index on "c"
	status = aerospike_index_create(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "c", "idx_test_c", AS_INDEX_NUMERIC);
	index_process_return_code(status, &err, &task);

	// create index on "d"
	status = aerospike_index_create(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "d", "idx_test_d", AS_INDEX_NUMERIC);
	index_process_return_code(status, &err, &task);

	// create complex index on "x"
	status = aerospike_index_create_complex(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "x", "idx_test_x", AS_INDEX_TYPE_LIST, AS_INDEX_STRING);
	index_process_return_code(status, &err, &task);

	// create complex index on "y"
	status = aerospike_index_create_complex(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "y", "idx_test_y", AS_INDEX_TYPE_MAPKEYS, AS_INDEX_STRING);
	index_process_return_code(status, &err, &task);

	// create complex index on "y"	 
	status = aerospike_index_create_complex(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "y", "idx_test_y1", AS_INDEX_TYPE_MAPVALUES, AS_INDEX_STRING);
	index_process_return_code(status, &err, &task);

	// create complex index on "z"	 
	status = aerospike_index_create_complex(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "z", "idx_test_z", AS_INDEX_TYPE_LIST, AS_INDEX_NUMERIC);
	index_process_return_code(status, &err, &task);

	char* buffer = alloca(n_recs * 1024 + 1);
	uint32_t the_ttl = AS_RECORD_NO_EXPIRE_TTL;
	// insert records
	for ( int i = 0; i < n_recs; i++ ) {

		if (i == 10) {
			// We change the TTL from never to 100 days
			the_ttl = 100 * 24 * 60 * 60;
		else if (i == 42) {
			// NOTE - We pause on the 42nd iteration for a few
			// milliseconds and note the time.  We can then use the
			// as_predexp_rec_last_update_after predicate below to find
			// the later records.

			g_epochns = cf_clock_getabsolute() * 1000 * 1000;

			// Also on the 42nd iteration we change the TTL to
			// 10 days for the remaining records.
			the_ttl = 10 * 24 * 60 * 60;
		char * 	a = "abc";
		int 	b = n_recs;
		int 	c = i;
		int 	d = i % 10;
		int 	e = b + (c + 1) * (d + 1) / 2;
		int		g = i;	// Only set on odd records.
		char f[64];
		snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "0x%04x", i);
		char keystr[64] = { '\0' };
		snprintf(keystr, 64, "%s-%d-%d-%d-%d", a, b, c, d, e);
		// Make list		
		as_arraylist list;
		as_arraylist_init(&list, 3, 0);
		if ( (i%3) == 0) {
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "x");
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "x1");
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "x2");
		} else {
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "not_x1");
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "not_x2");
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "not_x3");

		// Make map
		as_hashmap map;
		as_hashmap_init(&map, 1);
		if ( (i%7) == 0) {
			as_stringmap_set_str((as_map *) &map, "ykey", "yvalue");
		} else {
			as_stringmap_set_str((as_map *) &map, "ykey_not", "yvalue_not");

		// Make list of integers		
		as_arraylist list2;
		as_arraylist_init(&list2, 5, 0);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i+1);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i+2);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i+3);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i+4);

		// Make a string of variable size
		for (int jj = 0; jj < i * 1024; ++jj) {
			buffer[jj] = 'X';
		buffer[i * 1024] = '\0';

		// We only create the g bin for odd records.
		bool create_g_bin = i % 2 == 1;
		as_record r;
		as_record_init(&r, 10 + (create_g_bin ? 1 : 0));
		as_record_set_str(&r,   "a", a);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "b", b);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "c", c);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "d", d);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "e", e);
		as_record_set_str(&r,   "f", f);
		if (create_g_bin) {
			as_record_set_int64(&r, "g", g);
		as_record_set_list(&r, "x", (as_list *) &list);
		as_record_set_map(&r, "y", (as_map *) &map);
		as_record_set_list(&r, "z", (as_list *) &list2);
		as_record_set_str(&r,   "bigstr", buffer);

		r.ttl = the_ttl;
		as_key key;
		as_key_init(&key, NAMESPACE, SET, keystr);
		aerospike_key_put(as, &err, NULL, &key, &r);
		if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
			error("aerospike_key_put() failed %d %s", err.code, err.message);
			return false;
		as_record *r1 = NULL;
		aerospike_key_exists(as, &err, NULL, &key, &r1);
		if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
			error("aerospike_key_exists() failed %d %s", err.code, err.message);
			return false;
		if (! r1) {
			error("key not found %s", keystr);
			return false;
	return true;
 * Creates 100 records and 9 indexes.
 * Records are structured as:
 *      {a: String, b: Integer, c: Integer, d: Integer, e: Integer}
 * The key is "a-b-c-d-e"
 * The values are:
 *      a = "abc"
 *      b = 100
 *      c = <current index>
 *      d = c % 10
 *      e = b + (c + 1) * (d + 1) / 2
bool query_foreach_create()
	as_error err;
	int n_recs = 100;
	as_status status;
	as_index_task task;
	// create index on "a"
	status = aerospike_index_create(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "a", "idx_test_a", AS_INDEX_STRING);
	if ( status == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		aerospike_index_create_wait(&err, &task, 0);
	else {
		info("error(%d): %s", err.code, err.message);
	// create index on "b"
	status = aerospike_index_create(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "b", "idx_test_b", AS_INDEX_NUMERIC);
	if ( status == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		aerospike_index_create_wait(&err, &task, 0);
	else {
		info("error(%d): %s", err.code, err.message);
	// create index on "c"
	status = aerospike_index_create(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "c", "idx_test_c", AS_INDEX_NUMERIC);
	if ( status == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		aerospike_index_create_wait(&err, &task, 0);
	else {
		info("error(%d): %s", err.code, err.message);
	// create index on "d"
	status = aerospike_index_create(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "d", "idx_test_d", AS_INDEX_NUMERIC);
	if ( status == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		aerospike_index_create_wait(&err, &task, 0);
	else {
		info("error(%d): %s", err.code, err.message);
	// create complex index on "x"
	status = aerospike_index_create_complex(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "x", "idx_test_x", AS_INDEX_TYPE_LIST, AS_INDEX_STRING);
	if ( status == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		aerospike_index_create_wait(&err, &task, 0);
	else {
		info("error(%d): %s", err.code, err.message);
	// create complex index on "y"
	status = aerospike_index_create_complex(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "y", "idx_test_y", AS_INDEX_TYPE_MAPKEYS, AS_INDEX_STRING);
	if ( status == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		aerospike_index_create_wait(&err, &task, 0);
	else {
		info("error(%d): %s", err.code, err.message);
	// create complex index on "y"
	status = aerospike_index_create_complex(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "y", "idx_test_y1", AS_INDEX_TYPE_MAPVALUES, AS_INDEX_STRING);
	if ( status == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		aerospike_index_create_wait(&err, &task, 0);
	else {
		info("error(%d): %s", err.code, err.message);

	// create complex index on "z"
	status = aerospike_index_create_complex(as, &err, &task, NULL, NAMESPACE, SET, "z", "idx_test_z", AS_INDEX_TYPE_LIST, AS_INDEX_NUMERIC);
	if ( status == AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
		aerospike_index_create_wait(&err, &task, 0);
	else {
		info("error(%d): %s", err.code, err.message);
	// insert records
	for ( int i = 0; i < n_recs; i++ ) {
		char * 	a = "abc";
		int 	b = n_recs;
		int 	c = i;
		int 	d = i % 10;
		int 	e = b + (c + 1) * (d + 1) / 2;
		char keystr[64] = { '\0' };
		snprintf(keystr, 64, "%s-%d-%d-%d-%d", a, b, c, d, e);
		// Make list
		as_arraylist list;
		as_arraylist_init(&list, 3, 0);
		if ( (i%3) == 0) {
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "x");
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "x1");
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "x2");
		} else {
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "not_x1");
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "not_x2");
			as_arraylist_append_str(&list, "not_x3");

		// Make map
		as_hashmap map;
		as_hashmap_init(&map, 1);
		if ( (i%7) == 0) {
			as_stringmap_set_str((as_map *) &map, "ykey", "yvalue");
		} else {
			as_stringmap_set_str((as_map *) &map, "ykey_not", "yvalue_not");

		// Make list of integers
		as_arraylist list2;
		as_arraylist_init(&list2, 5, 0);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i+1);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i+2);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i+3);
		as_arraylist_append_int64(&list2, i+4);

		as_record r;
		as_record_init(&r, 9);
		as_record_set_str(&r,   "a", a);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "b", b);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "c", c);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "d", d);
		as_record_set_int64(&r, "e", e);
		as_record_set_list(&r, "x", (as_list *) &list);
		as_record_set_map(&r, "y", (as_map *) &map);
		as_record_set_list(&r, "z", (as_list *) &list2);
		as_key key;
		as_key_init(&key, NAMESPACE, SET, keystr);
		aerospike_key_put(as, &err, NULL, &key, &r);
		if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
			error("aerospike_key_put() failed %d %s", err.code, err.message);
			return false;
		as_record *r1 = NULL;
		aerospike_key_exists(as, &err, NULL, &key, &r1);
		if (err.code != AEROSPIKE_OK) {
			error("aerospike_key_exists() failed %d %s", err.code, err.message);
			return false;
		if (! r1) {
			error("key not found %s", keystr);
			return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #8
static int get(lua_State *L){
	aerospike* as = lua_touserdata(L, 1);
	const char* nameSpace = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	const char* set = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
	const char* keyString = luaL_checkstring(L, 4);
	//printf("key-:%s\n", keyString);
	as_record* rec = NULL;
	as_key key;
	as_error err;
	as_key_init(&key, nameSpace, set, keyString);

	// Read the test record from the database.
	aerospike_key_get(as, &err, NULL, &key, &rec);

	// Push the error code
	lua_pushnumber(L, err.code);

	// Push the error message
	lua_pushstring(L, err.message);

	// Create an new table and push it
	if ( err.code == AEROSPIKE_OK){
		lua_newtable(L); /* create table to hold Bins read */
		 * iterate through bin and add the bin name
		 * and value to the table
		as_record_iterator it;
		as_record_iterator_init(&it, rec);

		while (as_record_iterator_has_next(&it)) {
		    as_bin *bin        = as_record_iterator_next(&it);
		    as_val *value      = (as_val*)as_bin_get_value(bin);
            char * binName = as_bin_get_name(bin);
		    int bin_type = as_val_type(value); //Bin Type

		    switch (bin_type){
		    case AS_INTEGER:
		    	//printf("--integer-%s-\n", binName);
			    lua_pushstring(L, binName); //Bin name
		    	lua_pushnumber(L, as_integer_get(as_integer_fromval(value)));
		    case AS_DOUBLE:
		    	//printf("--double-%s-\n", binName);
			    lua_pushstring(L, binName); //Bin name
		    	lua_pushnumber(L, as_double_get(as_double_fromval(value)));
		    case AS_STRING:
		    	//printf("--string-%s-\n", binName);
			    lua_pushstring(L, binName); //Bin name
		    	lua_pushstring(L, as_val_tostring(value));
		    case AS_LIST:
		    	//printf("--list-%s-\n", binName);
			    lua_pushstring(L, binName); //Bin name
		    	// Iterate through arraylist populating table
		    	as_list* p_list = as_list_fromval(value);
		    	as_arraylist_iterator it;
		    	as_arraylist_iterator_init(&it, (const as_arraylist*)p_list);
                // create a Lua inner table table for the "List"
		    	int count = 0;
		    	// See if the elements match what we expect.
		    	while (as_arraylist_iterator_has_next(&it)) {
		    		const as_val* p_val = as_arraylist_iterator_next(&it);
		    		//Assume string
		    		char* p_str = as_val_tostring(p_val);
                    lua_pushnumber(L, count); // table[i]
			    	lua_pushstring(L, p_str); //Value
                    //printf("%d => %s\n", count, p_str);
			    	lua_settable(L, -3);
		    lua_settable(L, -3);
	return 3;
Beispiel #9
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getting batch of records in one call
// batch size is limited on aerospike server (default: 5000)
// def batch_get(keys, specific_bins = nil, options = {})
// params:
//   keys - Array of AerospikeC::Key objects
//   specific bins - Array of strings representing bin names
//   options - hash of options:
//     with_header: returns also generation and expire_in field (default: false)
//  ------
//  RETURN: Array of hashes where each hash represents record bins
// @TODO options policy
static VALUE batch_get(int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE self) {

  as_error err;
  as_status status;
  aerospike * as = rb_aero_CLIENT;
  char ** bin_names;
  long n_bin_names;

  VALUE keys;
  VALUE specific_bins;
  VALUE options;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &keys, &specific_bins, &options);

  // default values for optional arguments
  if ( NIL_P(specific_bins) ) {
    specific_bins = Qnil;
  else {
    if ( TYPE(specific_bins) != T_ARRAY ) rb_raise(rb_aero_OptionError, "[AerospikeC::Client][batch_get] specific_bins must be an Array");

    bin_names   = rb_array2bin_names(specific_bins);
    n_bin_names = rb_ary_len_long(specific_bins);
  if ( NIL_P(options) ) {
    options = rb_hash_new();
    rb_hash_aset(options, with_header_sym, Qfalse);

  long keys_len = rb_ary_len_long(keys);

  VALUE records_bins = rb_ary_new();

  as_batch_read_records records;
  as_batch_read_inita(&records, keys_len);

  // map array into as_batch_read_record * record
  for (int i = 0; i < keys_len; ++i) {
    VALUE element = rb_ary_entry(keys, i);
    VALUE tmp;

    tmp = rb_funcall(element, rb_intern("namespace"), 0);
    char * c_namespace = StringValueCStr( tmp );

    tmp = rb_funcall(element, rb_intern("set"), 0);
    char * c_set = StringValueCStr( tmp );

    as_batch_read_record * record = as_batch_read_reserve(&records);

    tmp = rb_funcall(element, rb_intern("key"), 0);

    if ( TYPE(tmp) != T_FIXNUM ) {
      char * c_key = StringValueCStr( tmp );
      as_key_init(&record->key, c_namespace, c_set, c_key);
    else {
      as_key_init_int64(&record->key, c_namespace, c_set, FIX2LONG(tmp));

    if ( specific_bins == Qnil ) {
      record->read_all_bins = true;
    else {
      record->bin_names  = bin_names;
      record->n_bin_names = n_bin_names;

  // read here!
  if ( ( status = aerospike_batch_read(as, &err, NULL, &records) ) != AEROSPIKE_OK ) {
    if ( status == AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND ) {
      rb_aero_logger(AS_LOG_LEVEL_WARN, &tm, 1, rb_str_new2("[Client][batch_get] AEROSPIKE_ERR_RECORD_NOT_FOUND"));
      return Qnil;


  as_vector list = records.list;

  // map records into array of hashes
  for (long i = 0; i < list.size; ++i) {
    as_batch_read_record * record = as_vector_get(&list, i);
    as_record rec = record->record;

    VALUE bins = record2hash(&rec);
    bins = check_with_header(bins, options, &rec);

    rb_ary_push(records_bins, bins);


  if ( specific_bins != Qnil ) bin_names_destroy(bin_names, n_bin_names);

  rb_aero_logger(AS_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, &tm, 1, rb_str_new2("[Client][batch_get] success"));

  return records_bins;