Beispiel #1
int main() {
  sayGreeting(std::cout, inputName(std::cin));
int main() {
	FILE *fp;
	FILE *fp2;
	char* file_name = "students.txt";
	char* file_name2 = "log.txt";
	int studentId;
	char name[30];
	char class[10];
	char department[10];
	int r;
	StudentNode temp;
	StudentNode* result;
	int i;
	int loop;
	int userChoice;

	//Initialize index array
	for (i = 0; i<20; i++) {
		indexArray[i].r = i;
		indexArray[i].node = NULL;
		cur[i] = NULL;

	printf("Begin of program\n\n");

	//Try to open file to read
	if ((fp = fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL) {
		printf("No such file\n");

	//Add students to their corespoding indexes
	while (fscanf(fp, "%d:%[^:]:%[^:]:%[^:\n]", &studentId, name, class, department) == 4) {
		addStudent(studentId, name, class, department);

	//Link indexes together

	loop = 1;
	while (loop) {
		printf ("******************************\n* What do you wanna do?      *\n*     1- Add student         *\n*     2- Delete student      *\n*     3- Find student        *\n*     4- Edit student        *\n*     5- Student list        *\n*     6- Exit                *\n******************************");
		printf("\nYour choice: ");
		scanf("%d%*c", &userChoice);
		switch (userChoice) {
			case 1: 
				studentId = askForId();
				temp = findStudentById(studentId);
				if (temp == NULL) { 
					strcpy(name, askForName());
					strcpy(class, askForClass());
					strcpy(department, askForDepartment());
					addStudent (studentId, name, class, department);
					addStudentToFile(studentId, name, class, department, file_name);
					makeLog(studentId, "APPEND", file_name2);
					printf("Add success!\n");
				} else
					printf("ID already existed!\n");
			case 2:
				studentId = askForId();
				if (deleteStudent(studentId) == 1) {
					deleteStudentFromFile(studentId, file_name);
					makeLog(studentId, "DELETE", file_name2);
					printf("Delete success!\n");
				} else
					printf("Can't find any student with given ID!\n");
			case 3:
				printf("\nFind by which criteria?\n1- Student ID\n2- Name\n3- Class\n4- Department\n5- Back to menu\nYour choice: ");
				scanf("%d%*c", &userChoice);
				switch (userChoice) {
					case 1:
						studentId = askForId();
						temp = findStudentById(studentId);
						if (temp != NULL) {
							printf("%-10d | %-30s | %-10s | %-10s\n", temp->studentId, temp->name, temp->class, temp->department);
						} else 
int main() {
  sayGreeting(std::cout, inputName(std::cin),
              inputName(std::cin)); // order is unspecified