Beispiel #1
void DataTypeDate::deserializeTextQuoted(IColumn & column, ReadBuffer & istr) const
    DayNum_t x;
    assertChar('\'', istr);
    readDateText(x, istr);
    assertChar('\'', istr);
    static_cast<ColumnUInt16 &>(column).getData().push_back(x);    /// It's important to do this at the end - for exception safety.
Beispiel #2
void DataTypeDate::deserializeTextJSON(IColumn & column, ReadBuffer & istr) const
    DayNum_t x;
    assertChar('"', istr);
    readDateText(x, istr);
    assertChar('"', istr);
    static_cast<ColumnUInt16 &>(column).getData().push_back(x);
Beispiel #3
static void deserializeTextImpl(IColumn & column, ReadBuffer & istr, Reader && read_nested)
    ColumnArray & column_array = static_cast<ColumnArray &>(column);
    ColumnArray::Offsets & offsets = column_array.getOffsets();

    IColumn & nested_column = column_array.getData();

    size_t size = 0;
    assertChar('[', istr);

        bool first = true;
        while (!istr.eof() && *istr.position() != ']')
            if (!first)
                if (*istr.position() == ',')
                    throw Exception("Cannot read array from text", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ARRAY_FROM_TEXT);

            first = false;


            if (*istr.position() == ']')


        assertChar(']', istr);
    catch (...)
        if (size)

    offsets.push_back((offsets.empty() ? 0 : offsets.back()) + size);
bool TabSeparatedRowInputStream::read(Block & block)

	size_t size = data_types.size();

		if (istr.eof())
			return false;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
			data_types[i].get()->deserializeTextEscaped(*block.unsafeGetByPosition(i).column.get(), istr);

			/// пропускаем разделители
			if (i + 1 == size)
				if (!istr.eof())
					if (unlikely(row_num == 1))

					assertChar('\n', istr);
				assertChar('\t', istr);
	catch (Exception & e)
		String verbose_diagnostic;
			WriteBufferFromString diagnostic_out(verbose_diagnostic);
			printDiagnosticInfo(block, diagnostic_out);

		e.addMessage("\n" + verbose_diagnostic);

	return true;
void NamesAndTypesList::readText(ReadBuffer & buf)
    const DataTypeFactory & data_type_factory = DataTypeFactory::instance();

    assertString("columns format version: 1\n", buf);
    size_t count;
    DB::readText(count, buf);
    assertString(" columns:\n", buf);
    for (NameAndTypePair & it : *this)
        readBackQuotedStringWithSQLStyle(, buf);
        assertChar(' ', buf);
        String type_name;
        readString(type_name, buf);
        it.type = data_type_factory.get(type_name);
        assertChar('\n', buf);
Beispiel #6
void DataTypeTuple::deserializeTextJSON(IColumn & column, ReadBuffer & istr) const
    const size_t size = elems.size();
    assertChar('[', istr);

    deserializeSafe(elems, column, istr, [&]
        for (const auto i : ext::range(0, size))
            if (i != 0)
                assertChar(',', istr);
            elems[i]->deserializeTextJSON(extractElementColumn(column, i), istr);

    assertChar(']', istr);
void DataTypeDateTime::deserializeTextJSON(IColumn & column, ReadBuffer & istr, const FormatSettings & settings) const
    time_t x;
    if (checkChar('"', istr))
        readText(x, istr, settings, time_zone, utc_time_zone);
        assertChar('"', istr);
        readIntText(x, istr);
    static_cast<ColumnUInt32 &>(column).getData().push_back(x);
void DataTypeDateTime::deserializeTextQuoted(IColumn & column, ReadBuffer & istr, const FormatSettings & settings) const
    time_t x;
    if (checkChar('\'', istr)) /// Cases: '2017-08-31 18:36:48' or '1504193808'
        readText(x, istr, settings, time_zone, utc_time_zone);
        assertChar('\'', istr);
    else /// Just 1504193808 or 01504193808
        readIntText(x, istr);
    static_cast<ColumnUInt32 &>(column).getData().push_back(x);    /// It's important to do this at the end - for exception safety.
void TabSeparatedRowInputStream::readPrefix()
	size_t columns = sample.columns();
	String tmp;

	if (with_names)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
			readEscapedString(tmp, istr);
			assertChar(i == columns - 1 ? '\n' : '\t', istr);

	if (with_types)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
			readEscapedString(tmp, istr);
			assertChar(i == columns - 1 ? '\n' : '\t', istr);
Beispiel #10
void DataTypeTuple::deserializeTextCSV(IColumn & column, ReadBuffer & istr, const char delimiter) const
    deserializeSafe(elems, column, istr, [&]
        const size_t size = elems.size();
        for (const auto i : ext::range(0, size))
            if (i != 0)
                assertChar(delimiter, istr);
            elems[i]->deserializeTextCSV(extractElementColumn(column, i), istr, delimiter);
void DataTypeDateTime::deserializeTextCSV(IColumn & column, ReadBuffer & istr, const FormatSettings & settings) const
    time_t x;

    if (istr.eof())

    char maybe_quote = *istr.position();

    if (maybe_quote == '\'' || maybe_quote == '\"')

    readText(x, istr, settings, time_zone, utc_time_zone);

    if (maybe_quote == '\'' || maybe_quote == '\"')
        assertChar(maybe_quote, istr);

    static_cast<ColumnUInt32 &>(column).getData().push_back(x);
Beispiel #12
    void readQueries()
        ReadBufferFromFileDescriptor in(STDIN_FILENO);

        while (!in.eof())
            std::string query;
            readText(query, in);
            assertChar('\n', in);

            if (!query.empty())

        if (queries.empty())
            throw Exception("Empty list of queries.");

        std::cerr << "Loaded " << queries.size() << " queries.\n";
bool ValuesRowInputStream::read(MutableColumns & columns)
    size_t num_columns = columns.size();


    if (istr.eof() || *istr.position() == ';')
        return false;

    /** Typically, this is the usual format for streaming parsing.
      * But as an exception, it also supports processing arbitrary expressions instead of values.
      * This is very inefficient. But if there are no expressions, then there is no overhead.
    ParserExpression parser;

    assertChar('(', istr);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)

        char * prev_istr_position = istr.position();
        size_t prev_istr_bytes = istr.count() - istr.offset();

        bool rollback_on_exception = false;
            header.getByPosition(i).type->deserializeTextQuoted(*columns[i], istr, format_settings);
            rollback_on_exception = true;

            if (i != num_columns - 1)
                assertChar(',', istr);
                assertChar(')', istr);
        catch (const Exception & e)
            if (!format_settings.values.interpret_expressions)

            /** The normal streaming parser could not parse the value.
              * Let's try to parse it with a SQL parser as a constant expression.
              * This is an exceptional case.
            if (e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_INPUT_ASSERTION_FAILED
                || e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_QUOTED_STRING
                || e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_NUMBER
                || e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATE
                || e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME
                || e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ARRAY_FROM_TEXT)
                /// TODO Case when the expression does not fit entirely in the buffer.

                /// If the beginning of the value is no longer in the buffer.
                if (istr.count() - istr.offset() != prev_istr_bytes)

                if (rollback_on_exception)

                const IDataType & type = *header.getByPosition(i).type;

                Expected expected;

                Tokens tokens(prev_istr_position, istr.buffer().end());
                TokenIterator token_iterator(tokens);

                ASTPtr ast;
                if (!parser.parse(token_iterator, ast, expected))
                    throw Exception("Cannot parse expression of type " + type.getName() + " here: "
                        + String(prev_istr_position, std::min(SHOW_CHARS_ON_SYNTAX_ERROR, istr.buffer().end() - prev_istr_position)),

                istr.position() = const_cast<char *>(token_iterator->begin);

                std::pair<Field, DataTypePtr> value_raw = evaluateConstantExpression(ast, *context);
                Field value = convertFieldToType(value_raw.first, type, value_raw.second.get());

                /// Check that we are indeed allowed to insert a NULL.
                if (value.isNull())
                    if (!type.isNullable())
                        throw Exception{"Expression returns value " + applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToString(), value)
                            + ", that is out of range of type " + type.getName()
                            + ", at: " + String(prev_istr_position, std::min(SHOW_CHARS_ON_SYNTAX_ERROR, istr.buffer().end() - prev_istr_position)),



                if (i != num_columns - 1)
                    assertChar(',', istr);
                    assertChar(')', istr);

    if (!istr.eof() && *istr.position() == ',')

    return true;
bool TabSeparatedRowInputStream::parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(Block & block,
	WriteBuffer & out, size_t max_length_of_column_name, size_t max_length_of_data_type_name)
	size_t size = data_types.size();
	for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
		if (i == 0 && istr.eof())
			out << "<End of stream>\n";
			return false;

		out << "Column " << i << ", " << std::string((i < 10 ? 2 : i < 100 ? 1 : 0), ' ')
			<< "name: " << sample.getByPosition(i).name << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_column_name - sample.getByPosition(i).name.size(), ' ')
			<< "type: " << data_types[i]->getName() << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_data_type_name - data_types[i]->getName().size(), ' ');

		auto prev_position = istr.position();
		std::exception_ptr exception;

			data_types[i]->deserializeTextEscaped(*block.getByPosition(i).column, istr);
		catch (...)
			exception = std::current_exception();

		auto curr_position = istr.position();

		if (curr_position < prev_position)
			throw Exception("Logical error: parsing is non-deterministic.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

		if (data_types[i]->isNumeric())
			/// Пустая строка вместо числа.
			if (curr_position == prev_position)
				out << "ERROR: text ";
				verbosePrintString(prev_position, std::min(prev_position + 10, istr.buffer().end()), out);
				out << " is not like " << data_types[i]->getName() << "\n";
				return false;

		out << "parsed text: ";
		verbosePrintString(prev_position, curr_position, out);

		if (exception)
			if (data_types[i]->getName() == "DateTime")
				out << "ERROR: DateTime must be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or NNNNNNNNNN (unix timestamp, exactly 10 digits) format.\n";
			else if (data_types[i]->getName() == "Date")
				out << "ERROR: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.\n";
				out << "ERROR\n";
			return false;

		out << "\n";

		if (data_types[i]->isNumeric())
			if (*curr_position != '\n' && *curr_position != '\t')
				out << "ERROR: garbage after " << data_types[i]->getName() << ": ";
				verbosePrintString(curr_position, std::min(curr_position + 10, istr.buffer().end()), out);
				out << "\n";

				if (data_types[i]->getName() == "DateTime")
					out << "ERROR: DateTime must be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or NNNNNNNNNN (unix timestamp, exactly 10 digits) format.\n";
				else if (data_types[i]->getName() == "Date")
					out << "ERROR: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.\n";

				return false;

		/// Разделители
		if (i + 1 == size)
			if (!istr.eof())
					assertChar('\n', istr);
				catch (const DB::Exception &)
					if (*istr.position() == '\t')
						out << "ERROR: Tab found where line feed is expected."
							" It's like your file has more columns than expected.\n"
							"And if your file have right number of columns, maybe it have unescaped tab in value.\n";
					else if (*istr.position() == '\r')
						out << "ERROR: Carriage return found where line feed is expected."
							" It's like your file has DOS/Windows style line separators, that is illegal in TabSeparated format.\n";
						out << "ERROR: There is no line feed. ";
						verbosePrintString(istr.position(), istr.position() + 1, out);
						out << " found instead.\n";
					return false;
				assertChar('\t', istr);
			catch (const DB::Exception &)
				if (*istr.position() == '\n')
					out << "ERROR: Line feed found where tab is expected."
						" It's like your file has less columns than expected.\n"
						"And if your file have right number of columns, maybe it have unescaped backslash in value before tab, which cause tab has escaped.\n";
				else if (*istr.position() == '\r')
					out << "ERROR: Carriage return found where tab is expected.\n";
					out << "ERROR: There is no tab. ";
					verbosePrintString(istr.position(), istr.position() + 1, out);
					out << " found instead.\n";
				return false;

	return true;
bool ValuesRowInputStream::read(Block & block)
	size_t size = block.columns();


	if (istr.eof() || *istr.position() == ';')
		return false;

	/** Как правило, это обычный формат для потокового парсинга.
	  * Но в качестве исключения, поддерживается также обработка произвольных выражений вместо значений.
	  * Это очень неэффективно. Но если выражений нет, то оверхед отсутствует.
	ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias parser(false);

	assertChar('(', istr);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)

		char * prev_istr_position = istr.position();
		size_t prev_istr_bytes = istr.count() - istr.offset();

		auto & col = block.getByPosition(i);

		bool rollback_on_exception = false;
			col.type.get()->deserializeTextQuoted(*col.column.get(), istr);
			rollback_on_exception = true;

			if (i != size - 1)
				assertChar(',', istr);
				assertChar(')', istr);
		catch (const Exception & e)
			if (!interpret_expressions)

			/** Обычный потоковый парсер не смог распарсить значение.
			  * Попробуем распарсить его SQL-парсером как константное выражение.
			  * Это исключительный случай.
			if (e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_INPUT_ASSERTION_FAILED
				|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_QUOTED_STRING
				|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATE
				|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME
				|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ARRAY_FROM_TEXT)
				/// TODO Работоспособность, если выражение не помещается целиком до конца буфера.

				/// Если начало значения уже не лежит в буфере.
				if (istr.count() - istr.offset() != prev_istr_bytes)

				if (rollback_on_exception)

				IDataType & type = *block.safeGetByPosition(i).type;

				IParser::Pos pos = prev_istr_position;

				Expected expected = "";
				IParser::Pos max_parsed_pos = pos;

				ASTPtr ast;
				if (!parser.parse(pos, istr.buffer().end(), ast, max_parsed_pos, expected))
					throw Exception("Cannot parse expression of type " + type.getName() + " here: "
						+ String(prev_istr_position, std::min(SHOW_CHARS_ON_SYNTAX_ERROR, istr.buffer().end() - prev_istr_position)),

				istr.position() = const_cast<char *>(max_parsed_pos);

				std::pair<Field, DataTypePtr> value_raw = evaluateConstantExpression(ast, context);
				Field value = convertFieldToType(value_raw.first, type, value_raw.second.get());

				if (value.isNull())
					/// Check that we are indeed allowed to insert a NULL.
					bool is_null_allowed = false;

					if (type.isNullable())
						is_null_allowed = true;
						/// NOTE: For now we support only one level of null values, i.e.
						/// there are not yet such things as Array(Nullable(Array(Nullable(T))).
						/// Therefore the code below is valid within the current limitations.
						const auto array_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(&type);
						if (array_type != nullptr)
							const auto & nested_type = array_type->getMostNestedType();
							if (nested_type->isNullable())
								is_null_allowed = true;

					if (!is_null_allowed)
						throw Exception{"Expression returns value " + applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToString(), value)
							+ ", that is out of range of type " + type.getName()
							+ ", at: " + String(prev_istr_position, std::min(SHOW_CHARS_ON_SYNTAX_ERROR, istr.buffer().end() - prev_istr_position)),



				if (i != size - 1)
					assertChar(',', istr);
					assertChar(')', istr);

	if (!istr.eof() && *istr.position() == ',')

	return true;
Beispiel #16
/** gcc-7 generates wrong code with optimization level greater than 1.
  * See tests: dbms/src/IO/tests/write_int.cpp
  *  and dbms/tests/queries/0_stateless/
  * This is compiler bug. The bug does not present in gcc-8 and clang-8.
  * Nevertheless, we don't need high optimization of this function.
bool OPTIMIZE(1) CSVRowInputStream::parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(MutableColumns & columns,
    WriteBuffer & out, size_t max_length_of_column_name, size_t max_length_of_data_type_name)
    const char delimiter = format_settings.csv.delimiter;

    for (size_t input_position = 0; input_position < column_indexes_for_input_fields.size(); ++input_position)
        if (input_position == 0 && istr.eof())
            out << "<End of stream>\n";
            return false;

        if (column_indexes_for_input_fields[input_position].has_value())
            const auto & column_index = *column_indexes_for_input_fields[input_position];
            const auto & current_column_type = data_types[column_index];

            out << "Column " << input_position << ", " << std::string((input_position < 10 ? 2 : input_position < 100 ? 1 : 0), ' ')
                << "name: " << header.safeGetByPosition(column_index).name << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_column_name - header.safeGetByPosition(column_index).name.size(), ' ')
                << "type: " << current_column_type->getName() << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_data_type_name - current_column_type->getName().size(), ' ');

            BufferBase::Position prev_position = istr.position();
            BufferBase::Position curr_position = istr.position();
            std::exception_ptr exception;

                prev_position = istr.position();
                current_column_type->deserializeAsTextCSV(*columns[column_index], istr, format_settings);
                curr_position = istr.position();
            catch (...)
                exception = std::current_exception();

            if (curr_position < prev_position)
                throw Exception("Logical error: parsing is non-deterministic.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);

            if (isNumber(current_column_type) || isDateOrDateTime(current_column_type))
                /// An empty string instead of a value.
                if (curr_position == prev_position)
                    out << "ERROR: text ";
                    verbosePrintString(prev_position, std::min(prev_position + 10, istr.buffer().end()), out);
                    out << " is not like " << current_column_type->getName() << "\n";
                    return false;

            out << "parsed text: ";
            verbosePrintString(prev_position, curr_position, out);

            if (exception)
                if (current_column_type->getName() == "DateTime")
                    out << "ERROR: DateTime must be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or NNNNNNNNNN (unix timestamp, exactly 10 digits) format.\n";
                else if (current_column_type->getName() == "Date")
                    out << "ERROR: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.\n";
                    out << "ERROR\n";
                return false;

            out << "\n";

            if (current_column_type->haveMaximumSizeOfValue())
                if (*curr_position != '\n' && *curr_position != '\r' && *curr_position != delimiter)
                    out << "ERROR: garbage after " << current_column_type->getName() << ": ";
                    verbosePrintString(curr_position, std::min(curr_position + 10, istr.buffer().end()), out);
                    out << "\n";

                    if (current_column_type->getName() == "DateTime")
                        out << "ERROR: DateTime must be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or NNNNNNNNNN (unix timestamp, exactly 10 digits) format.\n";
                    else if (current_column_type->getName() == "Date")
                        out << "ERROR: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.\n";

                    return false;
            static const String skipped_column_str = "<SKIPPED COLUMN>";
            out << "Column " << input_position << ", " << std::string((input_position < 10 ? 2 : input_position < 100 ? 1 : 0), ' ')
                << "name: " << skipped_column_str << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_column_name - skipped_column_str.length(), ' ')
                << "type: " << skipped_column_str << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_data_type_name - skipped_column_str.length(), ' ');

            String tmp;
            readCSVString(tmp, istr, format_settings.csv);

        /// Delimiters
        if (input_position + 1 == column_indexes_for_input_fields.size())
            if (istr.eof())
                return false;

            /// we support the extra delimiter at the end of the line
            if (*istr.position() == delimiter)
                if (istr.eof())

            if (!istr.eof() && *istr.position() != '\n' && *istr.position() != '\r')
                out << "ERROR: There is no line feed. ";
                verbosePrintString(istr.position(), istr.position() + 1, out);
                out << " found instead.\n"
                    " It's like your file has more columns than expected.\n"
                    "And if your file have right number of columns, maybe it have unquoted string value with comma.\n";

                return false;

                assertChar(delimiter, istr);
            catch (const DB::Exception &)
                if (*istr.position() == '\n' || *istr.position() == '\r')
                    out << "ERROR: Line feed found where delimiter (" << delimiter << ") is expected."
                        " It's like your file has less columns than expected.\n"
                        "And if your file have right number of columns, maybe it have unescaped quotes in values.\n";
                    out << "ERROR: There is no delimiter (" << delimiter << "). ";
                    verbosePrintString(istr.position(), istr.position() + 1, out);
                    out << " found instead.\n";
                return false;

    return true;