Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int rank;
    assertz("MPI_Init", MPI_Init(&argc, &argv));
    assertz("MPI_Comm_rank", MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank));

    const int data_size = 2;
    int data_replace[data_size];
    const int tag_1 = 12345;
    const int tag_2 = 67890;
    const int jack = 0;
    const int jill = 1;
    MPI_Status stat;
    if (rank == jack) {
        data_replace[0] = 11;
        data_replace[1] = 12;
        MPI_Sendrecv_replace(&data_replace, data_size, MPI_INT, jill, tag_1, jill, tag_2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
    if (rank == jill) {
        data_replace[0] = 21;
        data_replace[1] = 22;
        MPI_Sendrecv_replace(&data_replace, data_size, MPI_INT, jack, tag_2, jack, tag_1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);
    if (rank < 2) {
        printf("rank = %d : data_replace[] = {%d, %d} \n", rank, data_replace[0], data_replace[1]);

    assertz("MPI_Finalize", MPI_Finalize());
Beispiel #2
std::string zpt::rest::authorization::serialize(zpt::json _info) {
		_info["owner"]->type() == zpt::JSString &&
		_info["application"]->type() == zpt::JSString &&
		_info["grant_type"]->type() == zpt::JSString,
		"token serialization failed: required fields are 'owner', 'application' and 'grant_type'", 412, 0);
	return _info["owner"]->str() + std::string("@") + _info["application"]->str() + std::string("/") + _info["grant_type"]->str() + std::string("/") + (_info["key"]->type() == zpt::JSString ? _info["key"]->str() : zpt::generate_key() + std::to_string(time_t(nullptr)) + zpt::generate_key());
Beispiel #3
zpt::redis::ZList::ZList(zpt::json _options, std::string _conf_path) : __options(_options), __conn(nullptr) {
	try {
		std::string _bind((std::string)_options->getPath(_conf_path)["bind"]);
		std::string _address(_bind.substr(0, _bind.find(":")));
		uint _port = std::stoi(_bind.substr(_bind.find(":") + 1));
		this->connection(_options->getPath(_conf_path) + zpt::json{"host", _address, "port", _port});
	} catch (std::exception& _e) {
		assertz(false, std::string("could not connect to Redis server: ") + _e.what(), 500, 0);
Beispiel #4
std::string zpt::rest::scopes::serialize(zpt::json _info) {
		_info->type() == zpt::JSObject &&
		_info->obj()->size() != 0,
		"scope serialization failed: required at least one scope", 412, 0);
	std::string _scopes;
	for (auto _field : _info->obj()){
		if (_scopes.length() != 0) {
			_scopes += std::string(",");
		_scopes += _field.first + std::string("{") + ((std::string) _field.second) + std::string("}");
	return _scopes;
Beispiel #5
int main(int o_argc, const string const* o_argv) {

  MyData _data;
  int    _shmd;
  size_t _off ;
  const string SEM_NAME = "/posix_sem";
  const string SHM_NAME = "/posix_shm";
  /* Nowaday, memory is so cheap that I just do not care about the unused memory.
   * If is it too waste, then just compile with DYN_SEG_SIZE switch.
  #ifndef DYN_SEG_SIZE
  const off_t SEG_SIZE = sizeof(mydata_t);
  off_t _segSz = sizeof(size_t);
  for(size_t i = 1; i < o_argc; i++) {
    _segSz += strlen(o_argv[i]) + 1;
  #endif /* DYN_SEG_SIZE */
  /* open/create semaphore and lock */
  sem_t* _sem = sem_open(SEM_NAME, O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, 1);
  assertv(_sem, SEM_FAILED);
  assertz( sem_wait(_sem) );
  /* Critical section: */
  /* there is no arguments so print shared memory object content */
  if(o_argc == 1) {
    /* obtain the descriptor of shared memory object */
    asserts( _shmd = shm_open(SHM_NAME, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) );
    /* map shared memory object into a virtual address */
    #ifdef DYN_SEG_SIZE
    struct stat _buf;
    assertz( fstat(_shmd, &_buf) );
    assertv(_data = mmap(NULL, _segSz = _buf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, _shmd, 0), MAP_FAILED);
    assertv(_data = mmap(NULL, SEG_SIZE, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, _shmd, 0), MAP_FAILED);
    #endif /* DYN_SEG_SIZE */
    /* read from shared memory object */
    _off = 0;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < _data->len; i++) {
      print(_data->vals + _off);
      print(" ");
      _off += strlen(_data->vals + _off) + 1;
  /* write arguments in the reveres order into shared memory object */
  else {
    #ifdef ALLOW_CLEANUP
    int _ret;
    /* if shared memory object already exist obtain its id and destroy, otherwise do nothing */
    if( o_argc == 2 && !strcmp(o_argv[1], "cleanup") ) {
      _ret = shm_unlink(SHM_NAME);  
      if(_ret == -1 && errno != ENOENT) asserts(_ret);
      /* destroy the semaphore before exit */
      _ret = sem_unlink(SEM_NAME);
      if(_ret == -1 && errno != ENOENT) asserts(_ret);
    #endif /* ALLOW_CLEANUP */
    /* use existing shared memory object or create the new one */
    asserts( _shmd = shm_open(SHM_NAME, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) );
    /* allocate a space for the maximum line length */
    #ifdef DYN_SEG_SIZE
    assertz( ftruncate(_shmd, _segSz) );
    assertz( ftruncate(_shmd, SEG_SIZE) );
    #endif /* DYN_SEG_SIZE */
    /* map shared memory object into virtual address */
    #ifdef DYN_SEG_SIZE
    assertv(_data = mmap(NULL, _segSz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, _shmd, 0), MAP_FAILED);
    assertv(_data = mmap(NULL, SEG_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, _shmd, 0), MAP_FAILED);
    #endif /* DYN_SEG_SIZE */

    /* write into the shared memory object */
    _data->len = o_argc - 1;
    _off = 0;
    for(size_t i = o_argc - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      /* it is safe to use strcpy, because we got enought memory */
      strcpy(_data->vals + _off, o_argv[i]);
      _off += strlen(o_argv[i]) + 1;
  /* unmap shared memory object from virtual address space */
  #ifdef DYN_SEG_SIZE
  assertz( munmap(_data, _segSz) );
  assertz( munmap(_data, SEG_SIZE) );
  #endif /* DYN_SEG_SIZE */
  _data = NULL;
  /* close the unused descriptor of shared memory object */ 
  assertz( close(_shmd) );
  /* unlock the semaphore */
  assertz( sem_post(_sem) );
Beispiel #6
bool zpt::RESTServer::route_http(zpt::socketstream_ptr _cs) {
	zpt::http::rep _reply;
	_reply->status((zpt::HTTPStatus) 200);
	zpt::http::req _request;
	try {
		(*_cs) >> _request;
	catch(zpt::SyntaxErrorException& _e) {
		assertz(false, "error parsing HTTP data", 500, 0);

	bool _return = false;
	bool _api_found = false;
	std::string _prefix(_request->url());
	if (this->__options["directory"]->ok()) {
		for (auto _api : this->__options["directory"]->obj()) {
			bool _endpoint_found = false;
			for (auto _endpoint : _api.second["endpoints"]->arr()) {
				if (_prefix.find(_endpoint->str()) == 0) {
					_endpoint_found = true;
					_api_found = true;
					short _type = zpt::str2type(_api.second["type"]->str());
					zpt::json _in = zpt::rest::http2zmq(_request);
					switch(_type) {
						case ZMQ_REP :
						case ZMQ_REQ :
						case ZMQ_ROUTER_DEALER : {
							zpt::socket _client = this->__poll->bind(ZMQ_ASSYNC_REQ, _api.second["connect"]->str());
								[] (zpt::json _envelope) -> std::string {
									return std::string(zpt::rest::zmq2http(_envelope));
							_return = false;
						case ZMQ_PUB_SUB : {
							std::string _connect = _api.second["connect"]->str();
							zpt::socket _client = this->__poll->bind(ZMQ_PUB, _connect.substr(0, _connect.find(",")));
							zpt::http::rep _reply = zpt::rest::zmq2http(zpt::rest::accepted(_prefix));
							(*_cs) << _reply << flush;
							_return = true;
						case ZMQ_PUSH : {
							zpt::socket _client = this->__poll->bind(ZMQ_PUSH, _api.second["connect"]->str());
							zpt::http::rep _reply = zpt::rest::zmq2http(zpt::rest::accepted(_prefix));
							(*_cs) << _reply << flush;
							_return = true;
			if (_endpoint_found) {
	if (!_api_found) {
		zlog(string("-> | \033[33;40m") + zpt::method_names[_request->method()] + string("\033[0m ") + _request->url(), zpt::info);
		zlog(string("<- | \033[31;40m404\033[0m"), zpt::info);
		zpt::http::rep _reply = zpt::rest::zmq2http(zpt::rest::not_found(_prefix));
		(*_cs) << _reply << flush;
		_return = true;
	return _return;
Beispiel #7
zpt::RESTServer::RESTServer(std::string _name, zpt::json _options) : __name(_name), __emitter( new zpt::RESTEmitter(_options)), __poll(new zpt::ZMQPoll(_options, __emitter)), __options(_options) {
	assertz(this->__options["zmq"]->ok() && this->__options["zmq"]->type() == zpt::JSArray && this->__options["zmq"]->arr()->size() != 0, "zmq settings (bind, type) must be provided in the configuration file", 500, 0);
	((zpt::RESTEmitter*) this->__emitter.get())->poll(this->__poll);

	for (auto _definition : this->__options["zmq"]->arr()) {
		short int _type = zpt::str2type(_definition["type"]->str());

		switch(_type) {
				this->__router_dealer.push_back(this->__poll->bind(ZMQ_ROUTER_DEALER, _definition["bind"]->str()));
			case ZMQ_PUB_SUB : {
				this->__pub_sub.push_back(this->__poll->bind(ZMQ_XPUB_XSUB, _definition["bind"]->str()));
				/*std::string _connect(_definition["bind"]->str());
				zpt::replace(_connect, "*", ((std::string) this->__options["host"]));
				this->__poll->bind(ZMQ_PUB_SUB, _connect)->in().setsockopt(ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "/", 1);*/
			default : {
				this->__poll->bind(_type, _definition["bind"]->str());

	if (this->__options["rest"]["modules"]->ok()) {
		for (auto _i : this->__options["rest"]["modules"]->arr()) {
			std::string _lib_file("lib");
			_lib_file.append((std::string) _i);

			if (_lib_file.length() > 6) {
				zlog(std::string("loading module '") + _lib_file + std::string("'"), zpt::notice);
				void *hndl = dlopen(, RTLD_NOW);
				if (hndl == nullptr) {
					zlog(std::string(dlerror()), zpt::error);
				else {
					void (*_populate)(zpt::ev::emitter);
					_populate = (void (*)(zpt::ev::emitter)) dlsym(hndl, "restify");

	if (!!this->__options["rest"]["uploads"]["upload_controller"]) {
		 *  definition of handlers for the file upload controller
		 *  registered as a Controller
		this->__emitter->on(zpt::ev::Post, zpt::rest::url_pattern({ this->__emitter->version(), "files" }),
			[] (zpt::ev::performative _performative, std::string _resource, zpt::json _payload, zpt::ev::emitter _pool) -> zpt::json {
				return zpt::undefined;

		 *  definition of handlers for the file upload removal controller
		 *  registered as a Controller
		this->__emitter->on(zpt::ev::Delete, zpt::rest::url_pattern({ this->__emitter->version(), "files", "(.+)" }),
			[] (zpt::ev::performative _performative, std::string _resource, zpt::json _payload, zpt::ev::emitter _pool) -> zpt::json {
				return zpt::undefined;

Beispiel #8
int main(int o_argc, const string const* o_argv) {
  string _path = getExecPath(*o_argv);
  key_t _key = ftok(_path, 'x');
  asserts(_key, "ftok");
  _path = NULL;

  union  semun  _arg  ;
  struct sembuf _buf  ;
  int           _shmid;
  MyData        _data ;
  size_t        _off  ;
  /* Nowaday, memory is so cheap that I just do not care about the unused memory.
   * If is it too waste, then just compile with DYN_SEG_SIZE switch.
  #ifndef DYN_SEG_SIZE
  const off_t SEG_SIZE = sizeof(mydata_t);
  #endif /* DYN_SEG_SIZE */
  _buf.sem_num = 0;
  _buf.sem_flg = 0;

  /* Try to create a set of semaphores. */
  int _semid = semget(_key, 1, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
  if(_semid == -1) {
    const int MAX_TRIES = 6;
    /* If semget failed, and the set does not exist then exit */
    if(errno != EEXIST) asserts(_semid, "semget");
    _semid = semget(_key, 1, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
    struct semid_ds _ds;
    _arg.buf = &_ds;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_TRIES; i++) {
      asserts( semctl(_semid, 0, IPC_STAT, _arg) );
      if(_ds.sem_otime != 0) break;
    if(_ds.sem_otime == 0)
      fatal (
        "The set of semaphores already exists, but it is not initialized.\n"
        "This is a permanent error, and I have given up."
  /* init semaphore */
  else {
    /* Note:
     *   Some systems, like Linux, implicitly initializes a set of semaphores by value 0,
     *   but unfortunately some does not. For that reason, this operation is necessary to ensure
     *   a portability.
    _arg.val = 0;
    asserts( semctl(_semid, 0, SETVAL, _arg) );
    /* post semaphore */
    _buf.sem_op = 1;
    asserts( semop(_semid, &_buf, 1) );
  /* lock the semaphore */  
  _buf.sem_op = -1;
  asserts( semop(_semid, &_buf, 1) );
  /* Critical section: */ 
  /* there is no arguments so print shared memory object content */
  if(o_argc == 1) {
    /* obtain the descriptor of shared memory object */
    asserts( _shmid = shmget(_key, 0, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | SHM_RDONLY) );
    /* map shared memory object into virtual address space */
    assertv(_data = shmat(_shmid, NULL, 0), cast(void*)-1);

    /* read from shared memory object */
    _off = 0;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < _data->len; i++) {
      print(_data->vals + _off);
      print(" ");
      _off += strlen(_data->vals + _off) + 1;
  /* write arguments in the reveres order into shared memory object */
  else {
    #if (defined ALLOW_CLEANUP || defined DYN_SEG_SIZE)
    struct shmid_ds _shmds;
    #endif /* ALLOW_CLEANUP || DYN_SEG_SIZE */
    #ifdef ALLOW_CLEANUP
    union semun _semun;
    /* if shared memory object already exist obtain its id and destroy, otherwise do nothing */
    if( o_argc == 2 && !strcmp(o_argv[1], "cleanup") ) {
      _shmid = shmget(_key, 0, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);  
      if(_shmid == -1) {
        if(errno != ENOENT) asserts(_shmid);
      else asserts( shmctl(_shmid, IPC_RMID, &_shmds) );
      /* destroy the semaphore before exit */
      asserts( semctl(_semid, 0, IPC_RMID, _semun) );
    #endif /* ALLOW_CLEANUP */
    /* use existing shared memory object or create the new one */
    #ifdef DYN_SEG_SIZE  
    off_t _segSz = sizeof(size_t);
    for(size_t i = 1; i < o_argc; i++) {
      _segSz += strlen(o_argv[i]) + 1;

    /* Try to create a new shared memory object.
     * If such object already exits the destoy it before.
    _shmid = shmget(_key, _segSz, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL);
    if(_shmid == -1) {
      if(errno == EEXIST) {
        asserts( _shmid = shmget(_key, 0, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) );
        asserts( shmctl(_shmid, IPC_RMID, &_shmds) );
        asserts( _shmid = shmget(_key, _segSz, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | IPC_CREAT) );
    asserts( _shmid = shmget(_key, SEG_SIZE, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | IPC_CREAT) );
    #endif /* DYN_SEG_SIZE */

    /* map shared memory object into virtual address space */
    assertv(_data = shmat(_shmid, NULL, 0), cast(void*)-1);
    /* write into the shared memory object */
    _data->len = o_argc - 1;
    _off = 0;
    for(size_t i = o_argc - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      /* it is safe to use strcpy, because we got enought memory */
      strcpy(_data->vals + _off, o_argv[i]);
      _off += strlen(o_argv[i]) + 1;
  /* unmap shared memory object from virtual address space */
  assertz( shmdt(_data) );
  _data = NULL;
  /* unlock the semaphore */
  _buf.sem_op = 1;
  asserts( semop(_semid, &_buf, 1) );
