Beispiel #1
 * \brief [lua_CFunction] Return a lua 'variable' object (for access from lua, don't call
 * directly)
 * This function is called to lookup a variable construct a 'variable' object.
 * It would be called in the following example as would be seen in
 * extensions.lua.
 * \code
 * channel.variable
 * \endcode
static int lua_get_variable(lua_State *L)
	struct ast_channel *chan;
	const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	char *value = NULL;
	char *workspace = alloca(LUA_BUF_SIZE);
	workspace[0] = '\0';
	lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "channel");
	chan = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
	/* if this is not a request for a dialplan funciton attempt to retrieve
	 * the value of the variable */
	if (!ast_strlen_zero(name) && name[strlen(name) - 1] != ')') {
		pbx_retrieve_variable(chan, name, &value, workspace, LUA_BUF_SIZE, ast_channel_varshead(chan));

	if (value) {
		lua_pushstring(L, value);
		lua_setfield(L, -2, "value");

	return 1;	
Beispiel #2
 * \brief [lua_CFunction] Used to get the value of a variable or dialplan
 * function (for access from lua, don't call directly)
 * The value of the variable or function is returned.  This function is the
 * 'get()' function in the following example as would be seen in
 * extensions.lua.
 * \code
 * channel.variable:get()
 * \endcode
static int lua_get_variable_value(lua_State *L)
	struct ast_channel *chan;
	char *value = NULL, *name;
	char *workspace = alloca(LUA_BUF_SIZE);
	int autoservice;

	workspace[0] = '\0';

	if (!lua_istable(L, 1)) {
		lua_pushstring(L, "User probably used '.' instead of ':' for retrieving a channel variable value");
		return lua_error(L);
	lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "channel");
	chan = lua_touserdata(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	lua_getfield(L, 1, "name");
	name = ast_strdupa(lua_tostring(L, -1));
	lua_pop(L, 1);
	lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "autoservice");
	autoservice = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	if (autoservice)
	/* if this is a dialplan function then use ast_func_read(), otherwise
	 * use pbx_retrieve_variable() */
	if (!ast_strlen_zero(name) && name[strlen(name) - 1] == ')') {
		value = ast_func_read(chan, name, workspace, LUA_BUF_SIZE) ? NULL : workspace;
	} else {
		pbx_retrieve_variable(chan, name, &value, workspace, LUA_BUF_SIZE, ast_channel_varshead(chan));
	if (autoservice)

	if (value) {
		lua_pushstring(L, value);
	} else {

	return 1;
/*! \brief Initiate new call, part of PBX interface
 *         dest is the dial string */
static int local_call(struct ast_channel *ast, const char *dest, int timeout)
	struct local_pvt *p = ast_channel_tech_pvt(ast);
	int pvt_locked = 0;

	struct ast_channel *owner = NULL;
	struct ast_channel *chan = NULL;
	int res;
	struct ast_var_t *varptr;
	struct ast_var_t *clone_var;
	char *reduced_dest = ast_strdupa(dest);
	char *slash;
	const char *exten;
	const char *context;

	if (!p) {
		return -1;

	/* since we are letting go of channel locks that were locked coming into
	 * this function, then we need to give the tech pvt a ref */
	ao2_ref(p, 1);

	awesome_locking(p, &chan, &owner);
	pvt_locked = 1;

	if (owner != ast) {
		res = -1;
		goto return_cleanup;

	if (!owner || !chan) {
		res = -1;
		goto return_cleanup;

	 * Note that cid_num and cid_name aren't passed in the ast_channel_alloc
	 * call, so it's done here instead.
	 * All these failure points just return -1. The individual strings will
	 * be cleared when we destroy the channel.
	ast_party_redirecting_copy(ast_channel_redirecting(chan), ast_channel_redirecting(owner));

	ast_party_dialed_copy(ast_channel_dialed(chan), ast_channel_dialed(owner));

	ast_connected_line_copy_to_caller(ast_channel_caller(chan), ast_channel_connected(owner));
	ast_connected_line_copy_from_caller(ast_channel_connected(chan), ast_channel_caller(owner));

	ast_channel_language_set(chan, ast_channel_language(owner));
	ast_channel_accountcode_set(chan, ast_channel_accountcode(owner));
	ast_channel_musicclass_set(chan, ast_channel_musicclass(owner));

	ast_channel_cc_params_init(chan, ast_channel_get_cc_config_params(owner));

	/* Make sure we inherit the AST_CAUSE_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE if it's set on the queue/dial call request in the dialplan */
	if (ast_channel_hangupcause(ast) == AST_CAUSE_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE) {
		ast_channel_hangupcause_set(chan, AST_CAUSE_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE);

	/* copy the channel variables from the incoming channel to the outgoing channel */
	/* Note that due to certain assumptions, they MUST be in the same order */
	AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(ast_channel_varshead(owner), varptr, entries) {
		clone_var = ast_var_assign(varptr->name, varptr->value);
		if (clone_var) {
			AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(ast_channel_varshead(chan), clone_var, entries);
Beispiel #4
struct ast_channel *ast_cel_fabricate_channel_from_event(const struct ast_event *event)
    struct varshead *headp;
    struct ast_var_t *newvariable;
    const char *mixed_name;
    char timebuf[30];
    struct ast_channel *tchan;
    struct ast_cel_event_record record = {
        .version = AST_CEL_EVENT_RECORD_VERSION,

    /* do not call ast_channel_alloc because this is not really a real channel */
    if (!(tchan = ast_dummy_channel_alloc())) {
        return NULL;

    headp = ast_channel_varshead(tchan);

    /* first, get the variables from the event */
    if (ast_cel_fill_record(event, &record)) {
        return NULL;

    /* next, fill the channel with their data */
    mixed_name = (record.event_type == AST_CEL_USER_DEFINED)
                 ? record.user_defined_name : record.event_name;
    if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("eventtype", mixed_name))) {
        AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);

    if (ast_strlen_zero(cel_dateformat)) {
        snprintf(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%ld.%06ld", (long) record.event_time.tv_sec,
                 (long) record.event_time.tv_usec);
    } else {
        struct ast_tm tm;
        ast_localtime(&record.event_time, &tm, NULL);
        ast_strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), cel_dateformat, &tm);

    if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("eventtime", timebuf))) {
        AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);

    if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("eventenum", record.event_name))) {
        AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);
    if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("userdeftype", record.user_defined_name))) {
        AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);
    if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("eventextra", record.extra))) {
        AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);

    ast_channel_caller(tchan)-> = 1;
    ast_channel_caller(tchan)-> = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_name);
    ast_channel_caller(tchan)->id.number.valid = 1;
    ast_channel_caller(tchan)->id.number.str = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_num);
    ast_channel_caller(tchan)->ani.number.valid = 1;
    ast_channel_caller(tchan)->ani.number.str = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_ani);
    ast_channel_redirecting(tchan)->from.number.valid = 1;
    ast_channel_redirecting(tchan)->from.number.str = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_rdnis);
    ast_channel_dialed(tchan)->number.str = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_dnid);

    ast_channel_exten_set(tchan, record.extension);
    ast_channel_context_set(tchan, record.context);
    ast_channel_name_set(tchan, record.channel_name);
    ast_channel_uniqueid_set(tchan, record.unique_id);
    ast_channel_linkedid_set(tchan, record.linked_id);
    ast_channel_accountcode_set(tchan, record.account_code);
    ast_channel_peeraccount_set(tchan, record.peer_account);
    ast_channel_userfield_set(tchan, record.user_field);

    if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("BRIDGEPEER", record.peer))) {
        AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);

    ast_channel_appl_set(tchan, ast_strdup(record.application_name));
    ast_channel_data_set(tchan, ast_strdup(record.application_data));
    ast_channel_amaflags_set(tchan, record.amaflag);

    return tchan;
Beispiel #5
 * \internal
 * \brief Handle COLP and redirecting conditions.
 * \since 12.0.0
 * \param p Unreal private structure.
 * \param ast Channel indicating the condition.
 * \param condition What is being indicated.
 * \retval 0 on success.
 * \retval -1 on error.
static int unreal_colp_redirect_indicate(struct ast_unreal_pvt *p, struct ast_channel *ast, int condition)
	struct ast_channel *my_chan;
	struct ast_channel *my_owner;
	struct ast_channel *this_channel;
	struct ast_channel *the_other_channel;
	int isoutbound;
	int res = 0;
	unsigned char frame_data[1024];
	struct ast_frame f = {
		.frametype = AST_FRAME_CONTROL,
		.subclass.integer = condition,
		.data.ptr = frame_data,

	 * A connected line update frame may only contain a partial
	 * amount of data, such as just a source, or just a ton, and not
	 * the full amount of information.  However, the collected
	 * information is all stored in the outgoing channel's
	 * connectedline structure, so when receiving a connected line
	 * update on an outgoing unreal channel, we need to transmit the
	 * collected connected line information instead of whatever
	 * happens to be in this control frame.  The same applies for
	 * redirecting information, which is why it is handled here as
	 * well.
	ast_unreal_lock_all(p, &my_chan, &my_owner);
	isoutbound = AST_UNREAL_IS_OUTBOUND(ast, p);
	if (isoutbound) {
		this_channel = p->chan;
		the_other_channel = p->owner;
	} else {
		this_channel = p->owner;
		the_other_channel = p->chan;
	if (the_other_channel) {
		if (condition == AST_CONTROL_CONNECTED_LINE) {
			f.datalen = ast_connected_line_build_data(frame_data, sizeof(frame_data),
				ast_channel_connected(this_channel), NULL);
		} else {
			f.datalen = ast_redirecting_build_data(frame_data, sizeof(frame_data),
				ast_channel_redirecting(this_channel), NULL);
	if (my_chan) {
	if (my_owner) {
	if (the_other_channel) {
		res = unreal_queue_frame(p, isoutbound, &f, ast, 0);

	return res;

int ast_unreal_indicate(struct ast_channel *ast, int condition, const void *data, size_t datalen)
	struct ast_unreal_pvt *p = ast_channel_tech_pvt(ast);
	int res = 0;

	if (!p) {
		return -1;

	ao2_ref(p, 1); /* ref for unreal_queue_frame */

	switch (condition) {
		res = unreal_colp_redirect_indicate(p, ast, condition);
		if (ast_test_flag(p, AST_UNREAL_MOH_INTERCEPT)) {
			ast_moh_start(ast, data, NULL);
		res = unreal_queue_indicate(p, ast, condition, data, datalen);
		if (ast_test_flag(p, AST_UNREAL_MOH_INTERCEPT)) {
		res = unreal_queue_indicate(p, ast, condition, data, datalen);
		res = unreal_queue_indicate(p, ast, condition, data, datalen);

	ao2_ref(p, -1);
	return res;

int ast_unreal_digit_begin(struct ast_channel *ast, char digit)
	struct ast_unreal_pvt *p = ast_channel_tech_pvt(ast);
	int res = -1;
	struct ast_frame f = { AST_FRAME_DTMF_BEGIN, };
	int isoutbound;

	if (!p) {
		return -1;

	ao2_ref(p, 1); /* ref for unreal_queue_frame */
	isoutbound = AST_UNREAL_IS_OUTBOUND(ast, p);
	f.subclass.integer = digit;
	res = unreal_queue_frame(p, isoutbound, &f, ast, 0);
	ao2_ref(p, -1);

	return res;

int ast_unreal_digit_end(struct ast_channel *ast, char digit, unsigned int duration)
	struct ast_unreal_pvt *p = ast_channel_tech_pvt(ast);
	int res = -1;
	struct ast_frame f = { AST_FRAME_DTMF_END, };
	int isoutbound;

	if (!p) {
		return -1;

	ao2_ref(p, 1); /* ref for unreal_queue_frame */
	isoutbound = AST_UNREAL_IS_OUTBOUND(ast, p);
	f.subclass.integer = digit;
	f.len = duration;
	res = unreal_queue_frame(p, isoutbound, &f, ast, 0);
	ao2_ref(p, -1);

	return res;

int ast_unreal_sendtext(struct ast_channel *ast, const char *text)
	struct ast_unreal_pvt *p = ast_channel_tech_pvt(ast);
	int res = -1;
	struct ast_frame f = { AST_FRAME_TEXT, };
	int isoutbound;

	if (!p) {
		return -1;

	ao2_ref(p, 1); /* ref for unreal_queue_frame */
	isoutbound = AST_UNREAL_IS_OUTBOUND(ast, p); = (char *) text;
	f.datalen = strlen(text) + 1;
	res = unreal_queue_frame(p, isoutbound, &f, ast, 0);
	ao2_ref(p, -1);
	return res;

int ast_unreal_sendhtml(struct ast_channel *ast, int subclass, const char *data, int datalen)
	struct ast_unreal_pvt *p = ast_channel_tech_pvt(ast);
	int res = -1;
	struct ast_frame f = { AST_FRAME_HTML, };
	int isoutbound;

	if (!p) {
		return -1;

	ao2_ref(p, 1); /* ref for unreal_queue_frame */
	isoutbound = AST_UNREAL_IS_OUTBOUND(ast, p);
	f.subclass.integer = subclass; = (char *)data;
	f.datalen = datalen;
	res = unreal_queue_frame(p, isoutbound, &f, ast, 0);
	ao2_ref(p, -1);

	return res;

void ast_unreal_call_setup(struct ast_channel *semi1, struct ast_channel *semi2)
	struct ast_var_t *varptr;
	struct ast_var_t *clone_var;

	 * Note that cid_num and cid_name aren't passed in the
	 * ast_channel_alloc calls in ast_unreal_new_channels().  It's
	 * done here instead.
	ast_party_redirecting_copy(ast_channel_redirecting(semi2), ast_channel_redirecting(semi1));

	ast_party_dialed_copy(ast_channel_dialed(semi2), ast_channel_dialed(semi1));

	ast_connected_line_copy_to_caller(ast_channel_caller(semi2), ast_channel_connected(semi1));
	ast_connected_line_copy_from_caller(ast_channel_connected(semi2), ast_channel_caller(semi1));

	ast_channel_language_set(semi2, ast_channel_language(semi1));
	ast_channel_accountcode_set(semi2, ast_channel_accountcode(semi1));
	ast_channel_musicclass_set(semi2, ast_channel_musicclass(semi1));

	ast_channel_cc_params_init(semi2, ast_channel_get_cc_config_params(semi1));

	 * Make sure we inherit the AST_CAUSE_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE if it's
	 * set on the queue/dial call request in the dialplan.
	if (ast_channel_hangupcause(semi1) == AST_CAUSE_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE) {
		ast_channel_hangupcause_set(semi2, AST_CAUSE_ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE);

	 * Copy the channel variables from the semi1 channel to the
	 * outgoing channel.
	 * Note that due to certain assumptions, they MUST be in the
	 * same order.
	AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(ast_channel_varshead(semi1), varptr, entries) {
		clone_var = ast_var_assign(varptr->name, varptr->value);
		if (clone_var) {
			AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(ast_channel_varshead(semi2), clone_var, entries);
	ast_channel_datastore_inherit(semi1, semi2);
Beispiel #6
struct ast_channel *ast_cel_fabricate_channel_from_event(const struct ast_event *event)
	struct varshead *headp;
	struct ast_var_t *newvariable;
	const char *mixed_name;
	char timebuf[30];
	struct ast_channel *tchan;
	struct ast_cel_event_record record = {
	struct ast_datastore *datastore;
	char *app_data;

	/* do not call ast_channel_alloc because this is not really a real channel */
	if (!(tchan = ast_dummy_channel_alloc())) {
		return NULL;

	headp = ast_channel_varshead(tchan);

	/* first, get the variables from the event */
	if (ast_cel_fill_record(event, &record)) {
		return NULL;

	/* next, fill the channel with their data */
	mixed_name = (record.event_type == AST_CEL_USER_DEFINED)
		? record.user_defined_name : record.event_name;
	if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("eventtype", mixed_name))) {
		AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);

	if (ast_strlen_zero(cel_dateformat)) {
		snprintf(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%ld.%06ld", (long) record.event_time.tv_sec,
				(long) record.event_time.tv_usec);
	} else {
		struct ast_tm tm;
		ast_localtime(&record.event_time, &tm, NULL);
		ast_strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), cel_dateformat, &tm);

	if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("eventtime", timebuf))) {
		AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);

	if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("eventenum", record.event_name))) {
		AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);
	if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("userdeftype", record.user_defined_name))) {
		AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);
	if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("eventextra", record.extra))) {
		AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);

	ast_channel_caller(tchan)-> = 1;
	ast_channel_caller(tchan)-> = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_name);
	ast_channel_caller(tchan)->id.number.valid = 1;
	ast_channel_caller(tchan)->id.number.str = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_num);
	ast_channel_caller(tchan)->ani.number.valid = 1;
	ast_channel_caller(tchan)->ani.number.str = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_ani);
	ast_channel_redirecting(tchan)->from.number.valid = 1;
	ast_channel_redirecting(tchan)->from.number.str = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_rdnis);
	ast_channel_dialed(tchan)->number.str = ast_strdup(record.caller_id_dnid);

	ast_channel_exten_set(tchan, record.extension);
	ast_channel_context_set(tchan, record.context);
	ast_channel_name_set(tchan, record.channel_name);
	ast_channel_uniqueid_set(tchan, record.unique_id);
	ast_channel_linkedid_set(tchan, record.linked_id);
	ast_channel_accountcode_set(tchan, record.account_code);
	ast_channel_peeraccount_set(tchan, record.peer_account);
	ast_channel_userfield_set(tchan, record.user_field);

	if ((newvariable = ast_var_assign("BRIDGEPEER", record.peer))) {
		AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries);

	ast_channel_amaflags_set(tchan, record.amaflag);

	/* We need to store an 'application name' and 'application
	 * data' on the channel for logging purposes, but the channel
	 * structure only provides a place to store pointers, and it
	 * expects these pointers to be pointing to data that does not
	 * need to be freed. This means that the channel's destructor
	 * does not attempt to free any storage that these pointers
	 * point to. However, we can't provide data in that form directly for
	 * these structure members. In order to ensure that these data
	 * elements have a lifetime that matches the channel's
	 * lifetime, we'll put them in a datastore attached to the
	 * channel, and set's the channel's pointers to point into the
	 * datastore.  The datastore will then be automatically destroyed
	 * when the channel is destroyed.

	if (!(datastore = ast_datastore_alloc(&fabricated_channel_datastore, NULL))) {
		return NULL;

	if (!(app_data = ast_malloc(strlen(record.application_name) + strlen(record.application_data) + 2))) {
		return NULL;

	ast_channel_appl_set(tchan, strcpy(app_data, record.application_name));
	ast_channel_data_set(tchan, strcpy(app_data + strlen(record.application_name) + 1,

	datastore->data = app_data;
	ast_channel_datastore_add(tchan, datastore);

	return tchan;