Beispiel #1
void EVShield::initLEDTimers()
  #if defined(__AVR__)

	  MsTimer2::set(3, callbackLED);
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
// Inialize all static variables to default state
// Insert SoftPWM ISR into Core Timer ISR
int32_t SoftPWMServoInit(void)
    uint32_t i, j;

    // Inialize all of our static arrays
    for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < SOFTPWMSERVO_MAX_PINS; i++)
            Chan[j][i].NextEdgeTime = 0;
            Chan[j][i].SetPort = NULL;
            Chan[j][i].ClearPort = NULL;
            Chan[j][i].Port = 0;
            Chan[j][i].Bit = 0;
            Chan[j][i].PWMValue = 0;
            Chan[j][i].IsServo = false;
            Chan[j][i].NextChanP = NULL;
        FirstChanP[j] = NULL;

    RisingEdge = true;
    CurrentTime = 0;
    InactiveBuffer = 1;
    ActiveBuffer = 0;
    ISRFirstChanP = NULL;
    InactiveBufferReady = false;
    FrameTime = SOFTPWMSERVO_DEFAULT_FRAME_TIME;        // Start out with default 2ms frame time
    ServoFrames = SOFTPWMSERVO_DEFAULT_SERVO_FRAMES;    // Start out with default of 10 frames (20ms)
    // Insert our ISR handler, if it's not already there
    if (attachCoreTimerService(HandlePWMServo))
        Initalized = true;
        return SOFTPWMSERVO_OK;
        Initalized = false;
        return SOFTPWMSERVO_ERROR;
/***    InitWS2812(uint8_t * pPatternBuffer, uint32_t cbPatternBuffer, uint32_t fInvert)
 *    Parameters:
 *          pPatternBuffer: A pointer to the pattern buffer for the DMA to use
 *                          The application allocates this and should be 
 *                          CBWS2812PATBUF(__cDevices) bytes long.
 *          cbPatternBuffer: This should be CBWS2812PATBUF(__cDevices) or larger
 *          fInvert:        Because the WS2812 does not have a VinH <= 3.3 when Vcc >= 4.7v
 *                          External hardware may be needed to level shift the 3.3v SDO output
 *                          to a higher Data in signal to the WS2812. This level shifter may
 *                          be a simple transistor tied to 5v - 7v. The transistor will invert
 *                          the SDO output signal and to maintain the correct signal polarity
 *                          to the WS2812 you would need to invert the signal coming out of SDO.
 *                          If fInvert is true, the SDO output signal will be inverted from what
 *                          the WS2812 would normally take. By default, the is "false".
 *    Return Values:
 *          True if the core timer can be aquired and initialization succeeded.
 *    Description:
 *      Initialize the SPI to 20MHz which is a 50ns clock
 *      This will enable .35us pattern resolution in the SPI
 *      shift register.
 *      Also, initialize 2 DMA channels, one to shift out
 *      the pattern buffer, the other to maintain zeros
 *      for the restart / reset patteren (RES).
 * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
uint32_t InitWS2812(uint8_t * pPatternBuffer, uint32_t cbPatternBuffer, uint32_t fInvert)
    // Disable SPI and DMA
    SPI2CON             = 0;
    DMACON              = 0;

    // set up SPI2
    SPI2CONbits.MSTEN   = 1;    // SPI in master mode
    SPI2CONbits.ENHBUF  = 1;    // enable 16 byte transfer buffer
    SPI2CONbits.STXISEL = 0b10; // trigger DMA event when the ENBUF is half empty
//    SPI2CONbits.DISSDI  = 1;  // Disable the SDI pin, allow it to be used for GPIO (not implemented on an MX6)
    SPI2STAT            = 0;    // clear status register
    SPI2BRG             = (__PIC32_pbClk / (2 * 20000000)) - 1;  // 20MHz, 50ns

    IEC1bits.SPI2RXIE   = 0;    // disable SPI interrupts
    IEC1bits.SPI2TXIE   = 0;    // disable SPI interrupts
    IEC1bits.SPI2EIE    = 0;    // disable SPI interrupts
    IFS1bits.SPI2RXIF   = 0;    // disable SPI interrupts
    IFS1bits.SPI2TXIF   = 0;    // disable SPI interrupts
    IFS1bits.SPI2EIF    = 0;    // disable SPI interrupts

    IEC1bits.DMA0IE     = 0;
    IFS1bits.DMA0IF     = 0;

    IEC1bits.DMA1IE     = 0;
    IFS1bits.DMA1IF     = 0;

    DMACONbits.ON       = 1;    // turn on the DMA controller
    IEC1CLR=0x00010000;         // disable DMA channel 0 interrupts
    IFS1CLR=0x00010000;         // clear existing DMA channel 0 interrupt flag

    // Set up DMA channel 0
    DCH0CON             = 0;    // clear it
    DCH0CONbits.CHAED   = 0;    // do not allow events to be remembered when disabled
    DCH0CONbits.CHAEN   = 0;    // do not Allow continuous operation
    DCH0CONbits.CHPRI   = 0b11; // highest priority

    DCH0ECON            = 0;    // clear it
    DCH0ECONbits.CHSIRQ = _SPI2_TX_IRQ;   // SPI2TX 1/2 empty notification
    DCH0ECONbits.SIRQEN = 1;    // enable IRQ transfer enables

    DCH0INT             = 0;    // do not trigger any events
    DCH0INTbits.CHBCIF  = 0;    // clear IF bit
    IPC9bits.DMA0IP     = 7;    // priority 7
    IPC9bits.DMA1IS     = 0;    // sub priority 0

    DCH0SSA             = KVA_2_PA(pPatternBuffer); // source address of transfer
    DCH0SSIZ            = cbPatternBuffer;          // number of bytes in source
    DCH0DSA             = KVA_2_PA(&SPI2BUF);       // destination address is the SPI2 buffer
    DCH0DSIZ            = 1;                        // 1 byte at the destination
    DCH0CSIZ            = 1;                        // only transfer 1 byte per event

    // Set up DMA channel 1
    DCH1CON             = 0;    // clear it
    DCH1CONbits.CHCHNS  = 0;    // allow chaining to the next higher priority DMA channel 0
    DCH1CONbits.CHCHN   = 1;    // Turn on chaining
    DCH1CONbits.CHAED   = 0;    // do not allow events to be remembered when disabled
    DCH1CONbits.CHAEN   = 1;    // turn on continuous operation
    DCH1CONbits.CHPRI   = 0b11; // highest priority

    DCH1ECON            = 0;    // clear it
    DCH1ECONbits.CHSIRQ = _SPI2_TX_IRQ;   // SPI2TX 1/2 empty notification
    DCH1ECONbits.SIRQEN = 1;    // enable IRQ transfer enables

    DCH1INT             = 0;    // do not trigger any events

        DCH1SSA         = KVA_2_PA(&ones);     // refresh cycle is inverted streaming 1s
        DCH1SSA         = KVA_2_PA(&zeros);     // normal refresh cycle streaming 0s
    DCH1SSIZ            = 1;                    // number of bytes in source

    DCH1DSA             = KVA_2_PA(&SPI2BUF);   // destination address is the SPI2 buffer
    DCH1DSIZ            = 1;                    // 1 byte at the destination
    DCH1CSIZ            = 1;                    // only transfer 1 byte per event

    // initial time for the core serivce routine

    // attach the core service routine
        // Enable DMA channel 1 and SPI 2
        // we enable in the refresh cycle until a pattern
        // is loaded in the main sketch.
        fWS2812Updating = true;
        IFS1bits.DMA0IF     = 0;
        IEC1bits.DMA0IE     = 1;
        DCH1CONbits.CHEN    = 1;    // turn DMA channel 1 ON; just zero output
        SPI2CONbits.ON      = 1;
        return(1);                  // success

    // Things are not good, disable SPI and DMA
    SPI2CON             = 0;
    DMACON              = 0;

    // error out