Beispiel #1
void QgsLayoutItemPicture::setPictureRotation( double rotation )
  double oldRotation = mPictureRotation;
  mPictureRotation = rotation;

  if ( mResizeMode == Zoom )
    //find largest scaling of picture with this rotation which fits in item
    QSizeF currentPictureSize = pictureSize();
    QRectF rotatedImageRect = QgsLayoutUtils::largestRotatedRectWithinBounds( QRectF( 0, 0, currentPictureSize.width(), currentPictureSize.height() ), rect(), mPictureRotation );
    mPictureWidth = rotatedImageRect.width();
    mPictureHeight = rotatedImageRect.height();
  else if ( mResizeMode == ZoomResizeFrame )
    QSizeF currentPictureSize = pictureSize();
    QRectF oldRect = QRectF( pos().x(), pos().y(), rect().width(), rect().height() );

    //calculate actual size of image inside frame
    QRectF rotatedImageRect = QgsLayoutUtils::largestRotatedRectWithinBounds( QRectF( 0, 0, currentPictureSize.width(), currentPictureSize.height() ), rect(), oldRotation );

    //rotate image rect by new rotation and get bounding box
    QTransform tr;
    tr.rotate( mPictureRotation );
    QRectF newRect = tr.mapRect( QRectF( 0, 0, rotatedImageRect.width(), rotatedImageRect.height() ) );

    //keep the center in the same location
    newRect.moveCenter( );
    attemptSetSceneRect( newRect );
    emit changed();

  emit pictureRotationChanged( mPictureRotation );
void QgsLayoutItemLabel::adjustSizeToText()
  QSizeF newSize = sizeForText();

  //keep alignment point constant
  double xShift = 0;
  double yShift = 0;

  itemShiftAdjustSize( newSize.width(), newSize.height(), xShift, yShift );

  //update rect for data defined size and position
  attemptSetSceneRect( QRectF( pos().x() + xShift, pos().y() + yShift, newSize.width(), newSize.height() ) );
Beispiel #3
void QgsLayoutItemPicture::recalculateSize()
  //call set scene rect with current position/size, as this will trigger the
  //picture item to recalculate its frame and image size
  attemptSetSceneRect( QRectF( pos().x(), pos().y(), rect().width(), rect().height() ) );