 * Essentially merges in a given color to an existing pixel according to the
 * given weight.
static void setWeightedPixel(Color_t *canvas, int width, int height,
        int x, int y, Color_t color, float weight)
    Color_t avg = averageColors(canvas[coord_to_ind(x, y, width)],
            color, weight);

    setPixel(canvas, width, height, x, y, avg.red, avg.green, avg.blue);
static tupletable2
colormapFromBv(unsigned int      const newcolors,
               boxVector         const bv, 
               unsigned int      const boxes,
               tupletable2       const colorfreqtable, 
               unsigned int      const depth,
               enum methodForRep const methodForRep) {
    ** Ok, we've got enough boxes.  Now choose a representative color for
    ** each box.  There are a number of possible ways to make this choice.
    ** One would be to choose the center of the box; this ignores any structure
    ** within the boxes.  Another method would be to average all the colors in
    ** the box - this is the method specified in Heckbert's paper.  A third
    ** method is to average all the pixels in the box. 
    tupletable2 colormap;
    unsigned int bi;

    colormap = newColorMap(newcolors, depth);

    for (bi = 0; bi < boxes; ++bi) {
        switch (methodForRep) {
        case REP_CENTER_BOX: 
            centerBox(bv[bi].ind, bv[bi].colors, colorfreqtable, depth, 
        case REP_AVERAGE_COLORS:
            averageColors(bv[bi].ind, bv[bi].colors, colorfreqtable, depth,
        case REP_AVERAGE_PIXELS:
            averagePixels(bv[bi].ind, bv[bi].colors, colorfreqtable, depth,
            pm_error("Internal error: invalid value of methodForRep: %d",
    return colormap;