Beispiel #1
int main ( void )
    int8_t status;

     * Reuse part of the idle thread's stack for the stack required
     * during this startup function.
    SP = (int)&idle_thread_stack[(IDLE_STACK_SIZE_BYTES/2) - 1];

     * Note: to protect OS structures and data during initialisation,
     * interrupts must remain disabled until the first thread
     * has been restored. They are reenabled at the very end of
     * the first thread restore, at which point it is safe for a
     * reschedule to take place.

     * Initialise the OS before creating our threads.
     * Note that we tell the OS that the idle stack is half its actual
     * size. This prevents it prefilling the bottom half with known
     * values for stack-checkig purposes, which we cannot allow because
     * we are temporarily using it for our own stack. The remainder will
     * still be available once the OS is started, this only prevents the
     * OS from prefilling it.
     * If you are not reusing the idle thread's stack during startup then
     * you should pass in the correct size here.
    status = atomOSInit(&idle_thread_stack[IDLE_STACK_SIZE_BYTES - 1], (IDLE_STACK_SIZE_BYTES/2));
    if (status == ATOM_OK)
        /* Enable the system tick timer */

        /* Create an application thread */
        status = atomThreadCreate(&main_tcb,
                     16, main_thread_func, 0,
                     &main_thread_stack[MAIN_STACK_SIZE_BYTES - 1],
        if (status == ATOM_OK)
             * First application thread successfully created. It is
             * now possible to start the OS. Execution will not return
             * from atomOSStart(), which will restore the context of
             * our application thread and start executing it.
             * Note that interrupts are still disabled at this point.
             * They will be enabled as we restore and execute our first
             * thread in archFirstThreadRestore().

    while (1)

    /* There was an error starting the OS if we reach here */
    return (0);
int main ( void )
    int8_t status;

     * Reuse part of the idle thread's stack for the stack required
     * during this startup function.
    SP = (int)&idle_thread_stack[(IDLE_STACK_SIZE_BYTES/2) - 1];

     * Note: to protect OS structures and data during initialisation,
     * interrupts must remain disabled until the first thread
     * has been restored. They are reenabled at the very end of
     * the first thread restore, at which point it is safe for a
     * reschedule to take place.

     * Initialise the OS before creating our threads.
     * Note that we cannot enable stack-checking on the idle thread on
     * this platform because we are already using part of the idle
     * thread's stack now as our startup stack. Prefilling for stack
     * checking would overwrite our current stack.
     * If you are not reusing the idle thread's stack during startup then
     * you are free to enable stack-checking here.
    status = atomOSInit(&idle_thread_stack[0], IDLE_STACK_SIZE_BYTES, FALSE);
    if (status == ATOM_OK)

        /* Enable the system tick timer */

        /* Create the main thread */
        status = atomThreadCreate(&main_tcb,
                     MAIN_THREAD_PRIO, main_thread_func, 0,
        if (status == ATOM_OK)
             * Application threads successfully created. It is
             * now possible to start the OS. Execution will not return
             * from atomOSStart(), which will restore the context of
             * our application thread and start executing it.
             * Note that interrupts are still disabled at this point.
             * They will be enabled as we restore and execute our first
             * thread in archFirstThreadRestore().

    while (1)
		atomTimerDelay (2 * SYSTEM_TICKS_PER_SEC); // wait 2 sec

    /* There was an error starting the OS if we reach here */
    return (0);