Beispiel #1
int alert_is_on_route (roadmap_alerter_location_info *pInfo, int steering, roadmap_alert_provider* provider, int i ) {

   int rc = 0;
   int from;
   int to;
   RoadMapPosition from_position;
   RoadMapPosition to_position;
   int road_azymuth;
   int delta;

   BOOL is_alert_on_route = ((provider->is_on_route) && ((* (provider->is_on_route))((* (provider->get_id))(i))));

   if (is_alert_on_route)
      return TRUE;

   roadmap_square_set_current (pInfo->square_id);
   roadmap_line_points (pInfo->line_id, &from, &to);
   roadmap_point_position (from, &from_position);
   roadmap_point_position (to, &to_position);
   road_azymuth = roadmap_math_azymuth (&from_position, &to_position);
   delta = azymuth_delta (steering, road_azymuth);
   if (delta >= -90 && delta < 90)
      rc = navigate_is_line_on_route (pInfo->square_id, pInfo->line_id, from, to);
      rc = navigate_is_line_on_route (pInfo->square_id, pInfo->line_id, to, from);
   return rc;
Beispiel #2
static int alert_is_on_route (const RoadMapPosition *point_position, int steering) {

    int count = 0;
    int layers[128];
    int layers_count;
    RoadMapNeighbour neighbours;
    int rc = 0;
    int from;
    int to;
    RoadMapPosition from_position;
    RoadMapPosition to_position;
    int road_azymuth;
    int delta;
    int square_current = roadmap_square_active ();

    layers_count =  roadmap_layer_all_roads (layers, 128);
    if (layers_count > 0) {
        count = roadmap_street_get_closest
                (point_position, 0, layers, layers_count, &neighbours, 1);
        if (count > 0) {
            roadmap_square_set_current (neighbours.line.square);
            roadmap_line_points (neighbours.line.line_id, &from, &to);
            roadmap_point_position (from, &from_position);
            roadmap_point_position (to, &to_position);
            road_azymuth = roadmap_math_azymuth (&from_position, &to_position);
            delta = azymuth_delta (steering, road_azymuth);
            if (delta >= -90 && delta < 90)
                rc = navigate_is_line_on_route (neighbours.line.square, neighbours.line.line_id, from, to);
                rc = navigate_is_line_on_route (neighbours.line.square, neighbours.line.line_id, to, from);

    roadmap_square_set_current (square_current);
    return rc;
Beispiel #3
//checks whether an alert is within range
static int is_alert_in_range(const RoadMapGpsPosition *gps_position, const PluginLine *line) {

    int count;
    int i;
    int distance ;
    int steering;
    RoadMapPosition pos;
    int azymuth;
    int delta;
    int j;
    unsigned int speed;
    RoadMapPosition gps_pos;
    int square;
    int squares[9];
    int count_squares;

    gps_pos.latitude = gps_position->latitude;
    gps_pos.longitude = gps_position->longitude;
    count_squares = roadmap_square_find_neighbours (&gps_pos, 0, squares);

    for (square = 0; square < count_squares; square++) {


        // loop alll prvidor for an alert
        for (j = 0 ; j < RoadMapAlertProvidors.count; j++) {

            count =  (* (RoadMapAlertProvidors.providor[j]->count)) ();

            // no alerts for this providor
            if (count == 0) {

            for (i=0; i<count; i++) {

                // if the alert is not alertable, continue. (dummy speed cams, etc.)
                if (!(* (RoadMapAlertProvidors.providor[j]->is_alertable))(i)) {

                (* (RoadMapAlertProvidors.providor[j]->get_position)) (i, &pos, &steering);

                // check that the alert is within alert distance
                distance = roadmap_math_distance(&pos, &gps_pos);

                if (distance > (*(RoadMapAlertProvidors.providor[j]->get_distance))(i)) {

                // check if the alert is on the navigation route
                if (!alert_is_on_route (&pos, steering)) {

                    // check that the alert is in the direction of driving
                    delta = azymuth_delta(gps_position->steering, steering);
                    if (delta > AZYMUTH_DELTA || delta < (0-AZYMUTH_DELTA)) {

                    // check that we didnt pass the alert
                    azymuth = roadmap_math_azymuth (&gps_pos, &pos);
                    delta = azymuth_delta(azymuth, steering);
                    if (delta > 90|| delta < (-90)) {


                    // check that the alert is on the same street
                    if (!check_same_street(line, &pos)) {

                speed = (* (RoadMapAlertProvidors.providor[j]->get_speed))(i);
                // check that the driving speed is over the allowed speed for that alert
                if ((unsigned int)roadmap_math_to_speed_unit(gps_position->speed) < speed) {
                    the_active_alert.alert_type = WARN;
                    the_active_alert.distance_to_alert 	= distance;
                    the_active_alert.active_alert_id 	=  (* (RoadMapAlertProvidors.providor[j]->get_id))(i);
                    the_active_alert.alert_providor = j;
                    return TRUE;
                else {
                    the_active_alert.alert_type = ALERT;
                    the_active_alert.alert_providor = j;
                    the_active_alert.distance_to_alert 	= distance;
                    the_active_alert.active_alert_id 	= (* (RoadMapAlertProvidors.providor[j]->get_id))(i);
                    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Beispiel #4
 * searches for relevant alerts in the given param provider - D.F.
static BOOL is_alert_in_range_provider(roadmap_alert_provider* provider,
      const RoadMapGpsPosition *gps_position, const PluginLine* line,
      int * pAlert_index, int * pDistance, const char* cur_street_name){
   int i;
   int steering;
   RoadMapPosition pos;
   int azymuth;
   int delta;
   int square_current;
   int count = 0;
   const char *street_name;
   roadmap_alerter_location_info location_info;
   roadmap_alerter_location_info * pAlert_location_info = NULL;
   RoadMapPosition gps_pos;
   gps_pos.latitude = gps_position->latitude;
   gps_pos.longitude = gps_position->longitude;
   square_current = roadmap_square_active ();
   count =  (* (provider->count)) ();

   // no alerts for this provider
   if (count == 0) {
      return FALSE;

   for (i=0; i<count; i++) {

      roadmap_square_set_current (square_current);
      // if the alert is not alertable, continue. (dummy speed cams, etc.)
      if (!(* (provider->is_alertable))(i)) {

      (* (provider->get_position)) (i, &pos, &steering);

      // check that the alert is within alert distance
      * pDistance = roadmap_math_distance(&pos, &gps_pos);

      if (*pDistance > (*(provider->get_distance))(i))

      // Let the provider handle the Alert.
      if ((* (provider->handle_event))((* (provider->get_id))(i)))

      // get this alerts cached location info
      pAlert_location_info = (*(provider->get_location_info))(i);

      // retrieve the current location info for this alert ( square id, line id... )
         continue; // could not find relevant location.

      // check if the alert is on the navigation route
      if (!alert_is_on_route (&location_info, steering)) {

         roadmap_square_set_current (square_current);
         if ((* (provider->check_same_street))(i)){

            // check that the alert is in the direction of driving
            delta = azymuth_delta(gps_position->steering, steering);
            if (delta > AZYMUTH_DELTA || delta < (0-AZYMUTH_DELTA)) {

            // check that we didnt pass the alert
            azymuth = roadmap_math_azymuth (&gps_pos, &pos);
            delta = azymuth_delta(azymuth, steering);
            if (delta > 90|| delta < (-90))

            // get the street name of the alert
            get_street_from_line(location_info.square_id,location_info.line_id, &street_name);

            // if same street found an alert infront of us
               continue; // not the same street.


      // if we got until here, then we found a valid alert
      * pAlert_index = i;
      roadmap_square_set_current (square_current);
      return TRUE;


   roadmap_square_set_current (square_current);
   return FALSE;
Beispiel #5
 * [IN] alert_position - the position of the alert
 * [IN] alert_location_info - The old location_info of the alert. Will be updated if necessary
 * [OUT] pNew_Info - the location_info of this alert, to be calculated.
 * returns TRUE iff successful in finding relevant location info for this alert
 * - D.F.
BOOL get_alert_location_info(const RoadMapPosition *alert_position, int alert_streering, roadmap_alerter_location_info *pNew_Info,
      roadmap_alerter_location_info *alert_location_info){

   int alert_square_time_stamp;
   int layers_count;
   int count;
   int layers[128];
   RoadMapNeighbour neighbours[2];
   int square;
   zoom_t context_save_zoom;
   RoadMapPosition context_save_pos;

   if (alert_location_info){

      // check if this alert was tagged as invalid in the past - Could locate a street next to it, eventhough
      // its tile already exists.
      if (alert_location_info->square_id == ALERTER_SQUARE_ID_INVALID)
         return FALSE;

      // if alert info is already initialized and has an up to date timestamp, use its info.
         alert_square_time_stamp = roadmap_square_version(alert_location_info->square_id);
            pNew_Info->line_id = alert_location_info->line_id;
            pNew_Info->square_id = alert_location_info->square_id;
            pNew_Info->time_stamp = alert_location_info->time_stamp;
            return TRUE;

   // did not return so far - so no cached valid location info was found, need to cacluate it.
   layers_count =  roadmap_layer_all_roads (layers, 128);
   if (layers_count > 0) {
      square = roadmap_tile_get_id_from_position(0,alert_position);
         return FALSE; // do no have this alert's tile, return FALSE;

      roadmap_math_get_context(&context_save_pos, &context_save_zoom);
      roadmap_math_set_context((RoadMapPosition *)alert_position, 2);
      count = roadmap_street_get_closest(alert_position, 0, layers, layers_count, 1, &neighbours[0], 2);
      roadmap_math_set_context(&context_save_pos, context_save_zoom);
      if(count>0&&neighbours[0].distance <= MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_ROAD){
         if (count > 1){
            int direction;
            direction = roadmap_line_route_get_direction (neighbours[0].line.line_id, ROUTE_CAR_ALLOWED);
            if (direction == ROUTE_DIRECTION_WITH_LINE || direction == ROUTE_DIRECTION_AGAINST_LINE){
               int line_azymuth;
               int delta;
               if (direction == ROUTE_DIRECTION_WITH_LINE)
                  line_azymuth = roadmap_math_azymuth (&neighbours[0].from, &neighbours[0].to);
                  line_azymuth = roadmap_math_azymuth (&neighbours[0].to, &neighbours[0].from);

               delta = azymuth_delta(line_azymuth, alert_streering);
               if (delta > AZYMUTH_DELTA || delta < (0-AZYMUTH_DELTA)) {
                  pNew_Info->line_id = neighbours[1].line.line_id;
                  pNew_Info->square_id = neighbours[1].line.square;
                  pNew_Info->time_stamp  = roadmap_square_version(pNew_Info->square_id);
                  pNew_Info->line_id = neighbours[0].line.line_id;
                  pNew_Info->square_id = neighbours[0].line.square;
                  pNew_Info->time_stamp  = roadmap_square_version(pNew_Info->square_id);
               pNew_Info->line_id = neighbours[0].line.line_id;
               pNew_Info->square_id = neighbours[0].line.square;
               pNew_Info->time_stamp  = roadmap_square_version(pNew_Info->square_id);
            // found valid information
            pNew_Info->line_id = neighbours[0].line.line_id;
            pNew_Info->square_id = neighbours[0].line.square;
            pNew_Info->time_stamp  = roadmap_square_version(pNew_Info->square_id);

         // We have the alert's tile, yet still we could not locate it satisfactorily on
         // a street. Tag this alert so it will not be checked in the future.
            alert_location_info->square_id = ALERTER_SQUARE_ID_INVALID;

         return FALSE;

   if(alert_location_info){ // update the information of the alert, for future calls.
      alert_location_info->line_id = pNew_Info->line_id;
      alert_location_info->square_id = pNew_Info->square_id;
      alert_location_info->time_stamp = pNew_Info->time_stamp;
   return TRUE;