static void do_complete(void* owner, operation* base, const asio::error_code& result_ec, std::size_t /*bytes_transferred*/) { asio::error_code ec(result_ec); // Take ownership of the operation object. win_iocp_socket_accept_op* o(static_cast<win_iocp_socket_accept_op*>(base)); ptr p = { asio::detail::addressof(o->handler_), o, o }; handler_work<Handler> w(o->handler_); if (owner) { typename Protocol::endpoint peer_endpoint; std::size_t addr_len = peer_endpoint.capacity(); socket_ops::complete_iocp_accept(o->socket_, o->output_buffer(), o->address_length(),, &addr_len, o->new_socket_.get(), ec); // Restart the accept operation if we got the connection_aborted error // and the enable_connection_aborted socket option is not set. if (ec == asio::error::connection_aborted && !o->enable_connection_aborted_) { o->reset(); o->socket_service_.restart_accept_op(o->socket_, o->new_socket_, o->, o->protocol_.type(), o->protocol_.protocol(), o->output_buffer(), o->address_length(), o); p.v = p.p = 0; return; } // If the socket was successfully accepted, transfer ownership of the // socket to the peer object. if (!ec) { o->peer_.assign(o->protocol_, typename Socket::native_handle_type( o->new_socket_.get(), peer_endpoint), ec); if (!ec) o->new_socket_.release(); } // Pass endpoint back to caller. if (o->peer_endpoint_) *o->peer_endpoint_ = peer_endpoint; } ASIO_HANDLER_COMPLETION((o)); // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before // the upcall is made. Even if we're not about to make an upcall, a // sub-object of the handler may be the true owner of the memory associated // with the handler. Consequently, a local copy of the handler is required // to ensure that any owning sub-object remains valid until after we have // deallocated the memory here. detail::binder1<Handler, asio::error_code> handler(o->handler_, ec); p.h = asio::detail::addressof(handler.handler_); p.reset(); // Make the upcall if required. if (owner) { fenced_block b(fenced_block::half); ASIO_HANDLER_INVOCATION_BEGIN((handler.arg1_)); w.complete(handler, handler.handler_); ASIO_HANDLER_INVOCATION_END; } }
void Map::CreateMap( vector<vector<Tile*> >& tiles, char* tmxFile, int numSpritesRow ) { //Clear out all the tiles backTiles.clear(); backTiles.shrink_to_fit(); // open the XML map file TiXmlDocument xmlFile( tmxFile ); if(xmlFile.LoadFile()) { cout << "Successfully opened the XML map file.\n"; } else { cout << "ERROR: Unable to open the XML map file.\n"; } // parse the XML // this code assumes that the layers exist in the XML file in this order: sprites, then collision, then ladders. mapWidth = atoi(xmlFile.FirstChildElement("map")->Attribute("width")); mapHeight = atoi(xmlFile.FirstChildElement("map")->Attribute("height")); int tileSize = atoi(xmlFile.FirstChildElement("map")->Attribute("tilewidth")); string tileImageFilename = xmlFile.FirstChildElement("map")->FirstChildElement("tileset")->FirstChildElement("image")->Attribute("source"); string spriteLayer = xmlFile.FirstChildElement("map")->FirstChildElement("layer")->FirstChildElement("data")->GetText(); string collisionLayer = xmlFile.FirstChildElement("map")->FirstChildElement("layer")->NextSibling()->FirstChildElement("data")->GetText(); string ladderLayer = xmlFile.FirstChildElement("map")->FirstChildElement("layer")->NextSibling()->NextSibling()->FirstChildElement("data")->GetText(); string enemiesLayer = xmlFile.FirstChildElement("map")->FirstChildElement("layer")->NextSibling()->NextSibling()->NextSibling()->FirstChildElement("data")->GetText(); // convert the CSV strings into vectors of ints // these ints are the sprite numbers for each tile. 0 would be the first sprite in the first row, etc. replace(spriteLayer.begin(), spriteLayer.end(), ',', ' '); // convert CSV to space-delimited stringstream a(spriteLayer); vector<int> spriteInts; string temp1; while(a >> temp1) { spriteInts.push_back(atoi(temp1.c_str())); } replace(collisionLayer.begin(), collisionLayer.end(), ',', ' '); // convert CSV to space-delimited stringstream b(collisionLayer); vector<int> collisionInts; string temp2; while(b >> temp2) { collisionInts.push_back(atoi(temp2.c_str())); } replace(ladderLayer.begin(), ladderLayer.end(), ',', ' '); // convert CSV to space-delimited stringstream c(ladderLayer); vector<int> ladderInts; string temp3; while(c >> temp3) { ladderInts.push_back(atoi(temp3.c_str())); } replace(enemiesLayer.begin(), enemiesLayer.end(), ',', ' '); // convert CSV to space-delimited stringstream d(enemiesLayer); vector<int> enemyInts; string temp4; while(d >> temp4) { enemyInts.push_back(atoi(temp4.c_str())); } // generate the vectors of tiles int i = 0; for(int row = 0; row < mapHeight; row++) { vector<Tile*> currentRow; for(int column = 0; column < mapWidth; column++) { int xPosition = (i % mapWidth) * tileSize; int yPosition = (i / mapWidth) * tileSize; bool collision = collisionInts[i]; // non-zero sprite number indicates collision region bool ladder = ladderInts[i]; // non-zero sprite number indicates ladder region Game_Enemies enemy; if(enemyInts[i] == 377) enemy = CORGI; else if(enemyInts[i] == 378) enemy = HUSKY; else if(enemyInts[i] == 379) enemy = GREYHOUND; else if(enemyInts[i] == 380) enemy = SHIBA; else if(enemyInts[i] == 381) enemy = BULLDOG; else enemy = NONE; string spriteFilePath = tileImageFilename; int spritesPerRow = numSpritesRow; int spriteXoffset = ((spriteInts[i] - 1) % spritesPerRow) * tileSize; int spriteYoffset = ((spriteInts[i] - 1) / spritesPerRow) * tileSize; i++; currentRow.push_back( new Tile( xPosition, yPosition, collision, ladder, enemy, spriteXoffset, spriteYoffset ) ); } tiles.push_back(currentRow); } // for debugging: examine the contents of a tile cout << "There are " << tiles.size() << " rows, and " << tiles[0].size() << " columns.\n\n"; int tileToExamine = 1; cout << "Details for tile #" << tileToExamine << ":\n\n"; cout << "xPosition = " << tiles[tileToExamine / mapWidth][tileToExamine % mapWidth]->GetDestination().x << "\n"; cout << "yPosition = " << tiles[tileToExamine / mapWidth][tileToExamine % mapWidth]->GetDestination().y << "\n"; cout << "collision = " << tiles[tileToExamine / mapWidth][tileToExamine % mapWidth]->GetCollision() << "\n"; cout << "ladder = " << tiles[tileToExamine / mapWidth][tileToExamine % mapWidth]->GetIsLadder() << "\n"; cout << "enemy = " << tiles[tileToExamine / mapWidth][tileToExamine % mapWidth]->GetEnemy() << "\n"; //cout << "spriteFilePath = " << << "\n"; cout << "spriteXoffset = " << tiles[tileToExamine / mapWidth][tileToExamine % mapWidth]->GetClip().x << "\n"; cout << "spriteYoffset = " << tiles[tileToExamine / mapWidth][tileToExamine % mapWidth]->GetClip().y << "\n"; cout << "\nDone.\n"; //Get pixels width and height of the map also mapPixWidth = mapWidth * TILE_SIZE; mapPixHeight = mapHeight * TILE_SIZE; }
void StatCounter::record(time_t time, double value, double valueSq, double min, double max, size_t cnt) { if(debugRecord.enabled()) { LogDebug << "record" << value << valueSq << min << max << cnt << time; } else { LogSpam << "StatCounter::record thread_id " << boost::this_thread::get_id(); } ++dequeueRecords_; --queueLenRecords_; time_t nowTime; if(isCollated_) { if(time > istat::istattime(&nowTime) + collationInterval_) { ++recordsFromTheFuture_; if (debugRejectedCounters) { LogWarning << "StatCounter::record rejected counter from the future: " << time << " > " << nowTime << ": " << counters_[0].file->header().name; } return; } if(time < collations_[0].time) { ++recordsFromThePast_; if (debugRejectedCounters) { LogWarning << "StatCounter::record rejected counter from the past: " << time << " < " << collations_[0].time << " < " << collations_[1].time << " < " << collations_[2].time << ": " << counters_[0].file->header().name; } return; } } else { if(time > istat::istattime(&nowTime) + time_t(60)) { if (debugRejectedCounters) { LogWarning << "StatCounter::record rejected counter from the future: " << time << " > " << nowTime << ": " << counters_[0].file->header().name; } ++recordsFromTheFuture_; return; } } if(isCollated_) { time -= time % collationInterval_; size_t i = findCollationIndex(time); // No matching bucket candidate in time range. Shift ahead! if(i == BUCKETS_PER_COLLATION_WINDOW) { if(collations_[0].time == 0) { for(size_t i = 0; i != BUCKETS_PER_COLLATION_WINDOW; ++i) { collations_[(BUCKETS_PER_COLLATION_WINDOW - 1) - i] = CollationInfo(time - (i * collationInterval_)); } } else { maybeShiftCollated(time); } i = findCollationIndex(time); } CollationInfo &collation(collations_[i]); istat::Bucket &bucket(collation.bucket); bucket.collatedUpdate(value / double(collationInterval_), time); ++collation.writes; // Only update the statfile on power-of-two updates. if((collation.writes & (collation.writes - 1)) == 0) { counters_.begin()->file->updateBucket(bucket); } } else { // Don't record zero-sample buckets. if(cnt == 0) { ++recordsRejected_; if (debugRejectedCounters) { LogWarning << "StatCounter::record rejected counter with 0 count: " << counters_[0].file->header().name; } return; } double avg = value / double(cnt); // Ensure the value ranges are sensible, or reject them. // We allow a small amount of epsilon (0.01%) here before rejecting counters due to double vs. float // conversion in Buckets transferred from istatd agents to the master if (min > (max + fabs(max) * 0.0001) || (avg + fabs(avg) * 0.0001) < min || avg > (max + fabs(max) * 0.0001)) { if (debugRejectedCounters) { LogWarning << "StatCounter::record rejected counter with bad min/avg/max: " << counters_[0].file->header().name << min << avg << "(" << value << "/" << cnt << ")" << max; } ++recordsRejected_; return; } istat::Bucket b(value, float(valueSq), float(min), float(max), int(cnt), time); for(std::vector<OneCounter>::iterator ptr(counters_.begin()), end(counters_.end()); ptr != end; ++ptr) { ptr->file->updateBucket(b); } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { { // a * b' = C ; a' * b = d boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> a(3); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) a(i) = i; std::cout << "a=" << a << std::endl; boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> b(3); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) b(i) = i; std::cout << "b=" << b << std::endl; boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> c(3, 3); boost::numeric::bindings::blas::gemm( boost::numeric::bindings::traits::NO_TRANSPOSE, boost::numeric::bindings::traits::TRANSPOSE, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, c ); std::cout << "c=" << c << std::endl; boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> d(1); boost::numeric::bindings::blas::gemm( boost::numeric::bindings::traits::TRANSPOSE, boost::numeric::bindings::traits::NO_TRANSPOSE, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, d ); std::cout << "d=" << d << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; { // a * b' = C ; a' * b = d std::vector<double> a(3); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) a[i] = i; std::cout << "a=[" << a.size() << "]("; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) std::cout << (i > 0 ? "," : "") << a[i]; std::cout << ")" << std::endl; std::valarray<double> b(3); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) b[i] = i; std::cout << "b=[" << b.size() << "]("; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) std::cout << (i > 0 ? "," : "") << b[i]; std::cout << ")" << std::endl; boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> c(3, 3); boost::numeric::bindings::blas::gemm( boost::numeric::bindings::traits::NO_TRANSPOSE, boost::numeric::bindings::traits::TRANSPOSE, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, c ); std::cout << "c=" << c << std::endl; std::vector<double> d(1); boost::numeric::bindings::blas::gemm( boost::numeric::bindings::traits::TRANSPOSE, boost::numeric::bindings::traits::NO_TRANSPOSE, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, d ); std::cout << "d=[" << d.size() << "]("; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < d.size(); ++i) std::cout << (i > 0 ? "," : "") << d[i]; std::cout << ")" << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; { // a * b' = C ; a' * b = d double a[3]; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) a[i] = i; std::cout << "a=[" << 3 << "]("; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) std::cout << (i > 0 ? "," : "") << a[i]; std::cout << ")" << std::endl; std::vector<double> b(3); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) b[i] = i; std::cout << "b=[" << b.size() << "]("; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) std::cout << (i > 0 ? "," : "") << b[i]; std::cout << ")" << std::endl; boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double, boost::numeric::ublas::column_major> c(3, 3); boost::numeric::bindings::blas::gemm( boost::numeric::bindings::traits::NO_TRANSPOSE, boost::numeric::bindings::traits::TRANSPOSE, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, c ); std::cout << "c=" << c << std::endl; std::valarray<double> d(1); boost::numeric::bindings::blas::gemm( boost::numeric::bindings::traits::TRANSPOSE, boost::numeric::bindings::traits::NO_TRANSPOSE, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, d ); std::cout << "d=[" << d.size() << "]("; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < d.size(); ++i) std::cout << (i > 0 ? "," : "") << d[i]; std::cout << ")" << std::endl; } return 0; }
void HaystackAccessMethod::searchCommand(OperationContext* txn, Collection* collection, const BSONObj& nearObj, double maxDistance, const BSONObj& search, BSONObjBuilder* result, unsigned limit) { Timer t; LOG(1) << "SEARCH near:" << nearObj << " maxDistance:" << maxDistance << " search: " << search << endl; int x, y; { BSONObjIterator i(nearObj); x = ExpressionKeysPrivate::hashHaystackElement(, _bucketSize); y = ExpressionKeysPrivate::hashHaystackElement(, _bucketSize); } int scale = static_cast<int>(ceil(maxDistance / _bucketSize)); GeoHaystackSearchHopper hopper(nearObj, maxDistance, limit, _geoField, collection); long long btreeMatches = 0; for (int a = -scale; a <= scale && !hopper.limitReached(); ++a) { for (int b = -scale; b <= scale && !hopper.limitReached(); ++b) { BSONObjBuilder bb; bb.append("", ExpressionKeysPrivate::makeHaystackString(x + a, y + b)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < _otherFields.size(); i++) { // See if the non-geo field we're indexing on is in the provided search term. BSONElement e = search.getFieldDotted(_otherFields[i]); if (e.eoo()) bb.appendNull(""); else bb.appendAs(e, ""); } BSONObj key = bb.obj(); unordered_set<DiskLoc, DiskLoc::Hasher> thisPass; scoped_ptr<Runner> runner(InternalPlanner::indexScan(txn, collection, _descriptor, key, key, true)); Runner::RunnerState state; DiskLoc loc; while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(NULL, &loc))) { if (hopper.limitReached()) { break; } pair<unordered_set<DiskLoc, DiskLoc::Hasher>::iterator, bool> p = thisPass.insert(loc); // If a new element was inserted (haven't seen the DiskLoc before), p.second // is true. if (p.second) { hopper.consider(loc); btreeMatches++; } } } } BSONArrayBuilder arr(result->subarrayStart("results")); int num = hopper.appendResultsTo(&arr); arr.done(); { BSONObjBuilder b(result->subobjStart("stats")); b.append("time", t.millis()); b.appendNumber("btreeMatches", btreeMatches); b.append("n", num); b.done(); } }
void ComplexMesh::ComputeConstrainedParameterization() { const float Lambda = 1.0f; SparseMatrix<double> M(_Vertices.Length() * 2); Vector<double> x(_Vertices.Length() * 2), b(_Vertices.Length() * 2); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vertex &CurVertex = _Vertices[VertexIndex]; if(CurVertex.Boundary()) { M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, 1.0f); M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, 1.0f); } else { for(UINT EdgeIndex = 0; EdgeIndex < CurVertex.Vertices().Length(); EdgeIndex++) { Vertex &OtherVertex = *(CurVertex.Vertices()[EdgeIndex]); FullEdge &CurEdge = CurVertex.GetSharedEdge(OtherVertex); double ConstantFactor = Lambda * CurEdge.GetCotanTerm(); Assert(ConstantFactor == ConstantFactor, "ConstantFactor invalid"); M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, -ConstantFactor); M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, -ConstantFactor); M.PushElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, OtherVertex.Index() * 2 + 0, ConstantFactor); M.PushElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, OtherVertex.Index() * 2 + 1, ConstantFactor); } } } for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vertex &CurVertex = _Vertices[VertexIndex]; if(CurVertex.Boundary()) { x[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = CurVertex.TexCoords().x; x[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = CurVertex.TexCoords().y; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = CurVertex.TexCoords().x; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = CurVertex.TexCoords().y; } else { //x[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = CurVertex.Pos().x; //x[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = CurVertex.Pos().y; x[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = pmrnd() * 0.01f; x[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = pmrnd() * 0.01f; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = 0.0f; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = 0.0f; } } BiCGLinearSolver<double> Solver; //TaucsSymmetricLinearSolver Solver; Solver.LoadMatrix(&M); Solver.Factor(); Solver.SetParamaters(1000, 1e-6); Solver.Solve(x, b); Console::WriteLine(Solver.GetOutputString()); double Error = Solver.ComputeError(x, b); Console::WriteLine(String("Parameterization error: ") + String(Error)); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vertex &CurVertex = _Vertices[VertexIndex]; if(!CurVertex.Boundary()) { CurVertex.TexCoords().x = float(x[VertexIndex * 2 + 0]); CurVertex.TexCoords().y = float(x[VertexIndex * 2 + 1]); } //Console::WriteLine(String(CurVertex.TexCoords().x)); } }
PointPath CMapSearch::DoSearch(int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2) { PointPath ans; CoorType a(y1, x1), b(y2, x2), c, d; //如果是直线 if(a.x == b.x || a.y == b.y) { if(Abled(a, b, true, true)) { ans.bExist = true; ans.Num = 2; ans.Points[0] = a, ans.Points[1] = b; return ans; } } //如果有一个转折点 for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(i == 0) c.Set(a.y, b.x); else c.Set(b.y, a.x); //如果转折点合法 if(Map[c.y][c.x] == -1) if(Abled(a, c, true) && Abled(c, b, false, true)) { ans.bExist = true; ans.Num = 3; ans.Points[0] = a, ans.Points[1] = c, ans.Points[2] = b; return ans; } } //如果有两个转折点 for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //重置转折点1 c.Set(y1, x1); c += dir[i]; //如果此转折点合法 while(c.isIll() && Map[c.y][c.x] == -1) { if(Abled(a, c, true)) { //设置转折点2 switch(i) { case 0: case 1: d.Set(b.y, c.x); break; case 2: case 3: d.Set(c.y, b.x); break; default: break; } //如果转折点2合法 if(Map[d.y][d.x] == -1) { if(Abled(c, d) && Abled(d, b, false, true)) { ans.bExist = true; ans.Num = 4; ans.Points[0] = a; ans.Points[1] = c; ans.Points[2] = d; ans.Points[3] = b; return ans; } } } else break; c += dir[i]; } } ans.bExist = false; return ans; }
/******************************************************************************* * For each run, the input filename must be given on the command line. In all * * cases, the command line is: * * * * executable <input file name> * * * *******************************************************************************/ bool run_example(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Initialize PETSc, MPI, and SAMRAI. PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, NULL); SAMRAI_MPI::setCommunicator(PETSC_COMM_WORLD); SAMRAI_MPI::setCallAbortInSerialInsteadOfExit(); SAMRAIManager::startup(); { // cleanup dynamically allocated objects prior to shutdown // Parse command line options, set some standard options from the input // file, and enable file logging. Pointer<AppInitializer> app_initializer = new AppInitializer(argc, argv, "cc_poisson.log"); Pointer<Database> input_db = app_initializer->getInputDatabase(); // Create major algorithm and data objects that comprise the // application. These objects are configured from the input database. Pointer<CartesianGridGeometry<NDIM> > grid_geometry = new CartesianGridGeometry<NDIM>( "CartesianGeometry", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("CartesianGeometry")); Pointer<PatchHierarchy<NDIM> > patch_hierarchy = new PatchHierarchy<NDIM>("PatchHierarchy", grid_geometry); Pointer<StandardTagAndInitialize<NDIM> > error_detector = new StandardTagAndInitialize<NDIM>( "StandardTagAndInitialize", NULL, app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("StandardTagAndInitialize")); Pointer<BergerRigoutsos<NDIM> > box_generator = new BergerRigoutsos<NDIM>(); Pointer<LoadBalancer<NDIM> > load_balancer = new LoadBalancer<NDIM>("LoadBalancer", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("LoadBalancer")); Pointer<GriddingAlgorithm<NDIM> > gridding_algorithm = new GriddingAlgorithm<NDIM>("GriddingAlgorithm", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("GriddingAlgorithm"), error_detector, box_generator, load_balancer); // Initialize the AMR patch hierarchy. gridding_algorithm->makeCoarsestLevel(patch_hierarchy, 0.0); int tag_buffer = 1; int level_number = 0; bool done = false; while (!done && (gridding_algorithm->levelCanBeRefined(level_number))) { gridding_algorithm->makeFinerLevel(patch_hierarchy, 0.0, 0.0, tag_buffer); done = !patch_hierarchy->finerLevelExists(level_number); ++level_number; } // Create cell-centered data and extrapolate that data at physical // boundaries to obtain ghost cell values. VariableDatabase<NDIM>* var_db = VariableDatabase<NDIM>::getDatabase(); Pointer<VariableContext> context = var_db->getContext("CONTEXT"); Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("v"); const int gcw = 4; const int idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(var, context, gcw); for (int ln = 0; ln <= patch_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber(); ++ln) { Pointer<PatchLevel<NDIM> > level = patch_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln); level->allocatePatchData(idx); for (PatchLevel<NDIM>::Iterator p(level); p; p++) { Pointer<Patch<NDIM> > patch = level->getPatch(p()); const Box<NDIM>& patch_box = patch->getBox(); const Index<NDIM>& patch_lower = patch_box.lower(); Pointer<CellData<NDIM, double> > data = patch->getPatchData(idx); for (Box<NDIM>::Iterator b(patch_box); b; b++) { const Index<NDIM>& i = b(); (*data)(i) = 0; for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d) { (*data)(i) += 4 * (d + 1) * (d + 1) * i(d); } } pout << "level number = " << ln << "\n"; pout << "patch_box = " << patch_box << "\n"; pout << "\n"; plog << "interior data:\n"; data->print(data->getBox()); plog << "\n"; CartExtrapPhysBdryOp constant_fill_op(idx, "CONSTANT"); constant_fill_op.setPhysicalBoundaryConditions(*patch, 0.0, data->getGhostCellWidth()); plog << "constant extrapolated ghost data:\n"; data->print(data->getGhostBox()); plog << "\n"; CartExtrapPhysBdryOp linear_fill_op(idx, "LINEAR"); linear_fill_op.setPhysicalBoundaryConditions(*patch, 0.0, data->getGhostCellWidth()); plog << "linear extrapolated ghost data:\n"; data->print(data->getGhostBox()); plog << "\n"; bool warning = false; for (Box<NDIM>::Iterator b(data->getGhostBox()); b; b++) { const Index<NDIM>& i = b(); double val = 0; for (int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d) { val += 4 * (d + 1) * (d + 1) * i(d); } if (!MathUtilities<double>::equalEps(val, (*data)(i))) { warning = true; pout << "warning: value at location " << i << " is not correct\n"; pout << " expected value = " << val << " computed value = " << (*data)(i) << "\n"; } } if (!warning) { pout << "linearly extrapolated boundary data appears to be correct.\n"; } else { pout << "possible errors encountered in linearly extrapolated boundary data.\n"; } pout << "checking robin bc handling . . .\n"; Pointer<CartesianPatchGeometry<NDIM> > pgeom = patch->getPatchGeometry(); const double* const x_lower = pgeom->getXLower(); const double* const x_upper = grid_geometry->getXUpper(); const double* const dx = pgeom->getDx(); const double shift = 3.14159; for (Box<NDIM>::Iterator b(patch_box); b; b++) { const Index<NDIM>& i = b(); double X[NDIM]; for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d) { X[d] = x_lower[d] + dx[d] * (static_cast<double>(i(d) - patch_lower(d)) + 0.5); } (*data)(i) = 2.0 * X[NDIM - 1] + shift; } plog << "interior data:\n"; data->print(data->getBox()); plog << "\n"; LocationIndexRobinBcCoefs<NDIM> dirichlet_bc_coef("dirichlet_bc_coef", NULL); for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM - 1; ++d) { dirichlet_bc_coef.setBoundarySlope(2 * d, 0.0); dirichlet_bc_coef.setBoundarySlope(2 * d + 1, 0.0); } dirichlet_bc_coef.setBoundaryValue(2 * (NDIM - 1), shift); dirichlet_bc_coef.setBoundaryValue(2 * (NDIM - 1) + 1, 2.0 * x_upper[NDIM - 1] + shift); CartCellRobinPhysBdryOp dirichlet_bc_fill_op(idx, &dirichlet_bc_coef); dirichlet_bc_fill_op.setPhysicalBoundaryConditions(*patch, 0.0, data->getGhostCellWidth()); plog << "extrapolated ghost data:\n"; data->print(data->getGhostBox()); plog << "\n"; warning = false; for (Box<NDIM>::Iterator b(data->getGhostBox()); b; b++) { const Index<NDIM>& i = b(); double X[NDIM]; for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d) { X[d] = x_lower[d] + dx[d] * (static_cast<double>(i(d) - patch_lower(d)) + 0.5); } double val = 2.0 * X[NDIM - 1] + shift; if (!MathUtilities<double>::equalEps(val, (*data)(i))) { warning = true; pout << "warning: value at location " << i << " is not correct\n"; pout << " expected value = " << val << " computed value = " << (*data)(i) << "\n"; } } if (!warning) { pout << "dirichlet boundary data appears to be correct.\n"; } else { pout << "possible errors encountered in extrapolated dirichlet boundary data.\n"; } LocationIndexRobinBcCoefs<NDIM> neumann_bc_coef("neumann_bc_coef", NULL); for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM - 1; ++d) { neumann_bc_coef.setBoundarySlope(2 * d, 0.0); neumann_bc_coef.setBoundarySlope(2 * d + 1, 0.0); } neumann_bc_coef.setBoundarySlope(2 * (NDIM - 1), -2.0); neumann_bc_coef.setBoundarySlope(2 * (NDIM - 1) + 1, +2.0); CartCellRobinPhysBdryOp neumann_bc_fill_op(idx, &neumann_bc_coef); neumann_bc_fill_op.setPhysicalBoundaryConditions(*patch, 0.0, data->getGhostCellWidth()); plog << "extrapolated ghost data:\n"; data->print(data->getGhostBox()); plog << "\n"; warning = false; for (Box<NDIM>::Iterator b(data->getGhostBox()); b; b++) { const Index<NDIM>& i = b(); double X[NDIM]; for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d) { X[d] = x_lower[d] + dx[d] * (static_cast<double>(i(d) - patch_lower(d)) + 0.5); } double val = 2.0 * X[NDIM - 1] + shift; if (!MathUtilities<double>::equalEps(val, (*data)(i))) { warning = true; pout << "warning: value at location " << i << " is not correct\n"; pout << " expected value = " << val << " computed value = " << (*data)(i) << "\n"; } } if (!warning) { pout << "neumann boundary data appears to be correct.\n"; } else { pout << "possible errors encountered in extrapolated neumann boundary data.\n"; } } } } // cleanup dynamically allocated objects prior to shutdown SAMRAIManager::shutdown(); PetscFinalize(); return true; } // main
void main(void) { int i; cout << endl << endl; cout << "Memory at start: " << coreleft() << " bytes\n"; IArray<MyNode> a(10),b(a),c; // Create an array of 10 elements for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { a.add(new MyNode(i)); } cout << "Memory after creating array: " << coreleft() << " bytes\n"; dumpArray(a); dumpArray(b); cout << "a == b > " << ((a == b) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << endl; c = a; dumpArray(c); cout << "c == a > " << ((c == a) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << endl; // Insert a number of elements into the middle of the array a.setDelta(10); for (i = 100; i < 120; i++) { a.insert(new MyNode(i),5); } dumpArray(a); getch(); // Insert an element at the start and at the end a.insert(new MyNode(-1),0); a.insert(new MyNode(-2),a.numberOfItems()); dumpArray(a); getch(); // Now replace some elements in the array a.replace(new MyNode(-3),4); a.replace(new MyNode(-3),5); delete a[6]; a[6] = new MyNode(-4); delete a[7]; a[7] = new MyNode(-5); dumpArray(a); getch(); // Now remove some elements from the array for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) a.destroy(4); dumpArray(a); a.destroy(10); dumpArray(a); getch(); // Display the array using iterators. IArrayIterator<MyNode> it1; for (it1 = a; it1; it1++) cout << *it1.node() << " "; cout << endl; for (it1.restart(); it1;) cout << *it1++ << " "; cout << endl; for (it1.restart(10,20); it1;) cout << *++it1 << " "; cout << endl; getch(); a.empty(); dumpArray(a); cout << "Memory at end: " << coreleft() << " bytes\n\n"; }
csEventFlattenerError csEventFlattener::Unflatten (iObjectRegistry *object_reg, iEvent* event, const char *buffer, size_t length) { csMemFile b((char *)buffer, length, csMemFile::DISPOSITION_IGNORE); uint8 ui8; int8 i8; uint16 ui16; int16 i16; uint32 ui32; int32 i32; uint64 ui64; int64 i64; double d; char *name; size_t size; b.Read((char *)&ui32, sizeof(ui32)); // protocol version ui32 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui32); if (ui32 != CS_CRYSTAL_PROTOCOL) { //csPrintf("protocol version invalid: %" PRIX32 "\n", ui32); return csEventFlattenerErrorWrongFormat; } b.Read((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); // packet size size = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui64); b.Read((char *)&ui32, sizeof(uint32)); // iEvent.Time event->Time = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui32); b.Read((char *)&event->Broadcast, sizeof(uint8)); // iEvent.Broadcast flag b.Read((char *)&ui16, sizeof(uint16)); // textual name length ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); char *buf = (char *) cs_malloc(ui16+1); b.Read(buf, ui16); // textual name buf[ui16] = '\0'; event->Name = csEventNameRegistry::GetID(object_reg, buf); // EventID cs_free(buf); while (b.GetPos() < size) { b.Read((char *)&ui16, sizeof(uint16)); ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); name = new char[ui16+1]; b.Read(name, ui16); name[ui16] = 0; b.Read((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); switch(ui8) { case CS_DATATYPE_INT8: b.Read((char *)&i8, sizeof(int8)); event->Add (name, i8); break; case CS_DATATYPE_UINT8: b.Read((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); event->Add (name, ui8); break; case CS_DATATYPE_INT16: b.Read((char *)&i16, sizeof(int16)); i16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (i16); event->Add (name, i16); break; case CS_DATATYPE_UINT16: b.Read((char *)&ui16, sizeof(uint16)); ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); event->Add (name, ui16); break; case CS_DATATYPE_INT32: b.Read((char *)&i32, sizeof(int32)); i32 = csLittleEndian::Convert (i32); event->Add (name, i32); break; case CS_DATATYPE_UINT32: b.Read((char *)&ui32, sizeof(uint32)); ui32 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui32); event->Add (name, ui32); break; case CS_DATATYPE_INT64: b.Read((char *)&i64, sizeof(int64)); i64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (i64); event->Add (name, i64); break; case CS_DATATYPE_UINT64: b.Read((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); ui64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui64); event->Add (name, ui64); break; case CS_DATATYPE_DOUBLE: b.Read((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); d = csIEEEfloat::ToNative (csLittleEndian::Convert (ui64)); event->Add (name, d); break; case CS_DATATYPE_DATABUFFER: { b.Read((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); ui64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui64); char* data = new char[ui64]; b.Read(data, ui64); event->Add (name, data, ui64); delete[] data; } break; case CS_DATATYPE_EVENT: { b.Read((char *)&ui64, sizeof (uint64)); ui64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui64); csRef<iEvent> e; e.AttachNew (new csEvent ()); event->Add (name, e); csEventFlattenerError unflattenResult = Unflatten (object_reg, e, buffer+b.GetPos(), ui64); if (unflattenResult != csEventFlattenerErrorNone) { delete[] name; return unflattenResult; } b.SetPos (b.GetPos() + (size_t)ui64); } break; default: break; } delete[] name; } return csEventFlattenerErrorNone; }
cps_api_return_code_t cps_api_set_master_node(const char *group,const char * node_name) { std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lg(_mutex); (void)load_groups(); cps_api_node_data_type_t type; if(!_nodes->get_group_type(std::string(group),type)) { EV_LOGGING(DSAPI,ERR,"SET-MASTER","Failed to get group type for %s",group); return cps_api_ret_code_ERR; } if(type != cps_api_node_data_1_PLUS_1_REDUNDENCY) { EV_LOGGING(DSAPI,ERR,"SET-MASTER","Setting master for group type %d not supported",type); return cps_api_ret_code_ERR; } auto it = _nodes->_db_node_map.find(group); if( it == _nodes->_db_node_map.end()) { EV_LOGGING(DSAPI,ERR,"CPS-DB","No group named %s found",group); return cps_api_ret_code_ERR; } bool found = false; std::string master_node; for ( auto node_it : it->second) { if (strncmp(node_it._name.c_str(),node_name,strlen(node_name))==0) { auto master_it = _nodes->_master.find(group); if(master_it != _nodes->_master.end()) { if(master_it-> == 0) { return cps_api_ret_code_OK; } else { if(!cps_api_remove_slave(node_it._addr)) { return cps_api_ret_code_ERR; } } } _nodes->_master[group]=node_it._addr; _nodes->mark_master_set(std::string(group)); master_node = node_it._addr; if(strncmp(node_it._addr.c_str(),"",strlen(""))==0) { EV_LOGGING(DSAPI,DEBUG,"SET-MASTER","Setting local node %s master for group %s",node_name,group); return cps_api_remove_slave(node_it._addr) ? cps_api_ret_code_OK : cps_api_ret_code_ERR; } found = true; break; } } if(!found) { EV_LOGGING(DSAPI,ERR,"CPS-DB","Failed to find a node named %s in group %s",node_name,group); return cps_api_ret_code_ERR; } for ( auto node_it : it->second) { if (strncmp(node_it._name.c_str(),node_name,strlen(node_name))) { cps_db::connection_request b(cps_db::ProcessDBCache(),node_it._addr.c_str()); if (!b.valid()) { return cps_api_ret_code_ERR; } if (!cps_db::make_slave(b.get(),master_node)) { EV_LOGGING(DSAPI,ERR,"SET-MASTER","Failed to make %s slave of %s", node_it._name.c_str(),master_node.c_str()); return cps_api_ret_code_ERR; } } } return cps_api_ret_code_OK; }
csEventFlattenerError csEventFlattener::Flatten (iObjectRegistry *object_reg, iEvent* event, char * buffer) { uint8 ui8; int8 i8; uint16 ui16; int16 i16; uint32 ui32; int32 i32; int64 i64; uint64 ui64; size_t size; csEventFlattenerError flattenResult = FlattenSize (object_reg, event, size); if (flattenResult != csEventFlattenerErrorNone) return flattenResult; csMemFile b (buffer, size, csMemFile::DISPOSITION_IGNORE); ui32 = CS_CRYSTAL_PROTOCOL; ui32 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui32); b.Write((char *)&ui32, sizeof(uint32)); // protocol version ui64 = size; ui64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui64); b.Write((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); // packet size ui32 = csLittleEndian::Convert ((uint32)event->Time); b.Write((char *)&ui32, sizeof(uint32)); // iEvent.Time b.Write((char *)&event->Broadcast, sizeof(uint8));// iEvent.Broadcast flag const char *nameStr = csEventNameRegistry::GetString(object_reg, event->GetName()); ui16 = (uint16)strlen (nameStr); ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); b.Write((char *)&ui16, sizeof(uint16)); // Event textual name length b.Write(nameStr, strlen(nameStr)); // Event textual name csRef<iEventAttributeIterator> iter (event->GetAttributeIterator ()); while (iter->HasNext()) { const char* name; name = iter->Next (); switch (event->GetAttributeType (name)) { case csEventAttriBase: return csEventFlattenerErroriBaseEncountered; case csEventAttrEvent: { // 2 byte name length (little endian) ui16 = (uint16)strlen(name); ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); b.Write((char *)&ui16, sizeof(int16)); // XX byte name b.Write(name, ui16); // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_EVENT; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); csRef<iEvent> ev; if (event->Retrieve (name, ev) != csEventErrNone) return csEventFlattenerErrorAttributeRetrieval; size_t innerSize; csEventFlattenerError innerResult; if ((innerResult = FlattenSize (object_reg, ev, innerSize)) != csEventFlattenerErrorNone) return innerResult; // 8 byte data length ui64 = csLittleEndian::Convert ((uint64)innerSize); b.Write((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); // XX byte data innerResult = Flatten (object_reg, ev, b.GetPos() + buffer); if (innerResult != csEventFlattenerErrorNone) return innerResult; else b.SetPos(b.GetPos() + innerSize); break; } case csEventAttrDatabuffer: { const void* data; size_t dataSize; if (event->Retrieve (name, data, dataSize) != csEventErrNone) return csEventFlattenerErrorAttributeRetrieval; // 2 byte name length (little endian) ui16 = (uint16)strlen(name); ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); b.Write((char *)&ui16, sizeof(int16)); // XX byte name b.Write(name, ui16); // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_DATABUFFER; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 4 byte data length ui64 = dataSize; ui64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui64); b.Write((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); // XX byte data b.Write ((char*)data, dataSize); break; } case csEventAttrInt: { int64 val; if (event->Retrieve (name, val) != csEventErrNone) return csEventFlattenerErrorAttributeRetrieval; // 2 byte name length (little endian) ui16 = (uint16)strlen(name); ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); b.Write((char *)&ui16, sizeof(int16)); // XX byte name b.Write(name, ui16); if ((val > 0x7fffffff) || (val < ((int32)0x80000000))) { // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_INT64; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 4 byte data i64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (val); b.Write((char *)&i64, sizeof(int64)); break; } else if ((val > 0x7fff) || (val < ((int16)0x8000))) { // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_INT32; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 4 byte data i32 = csLittleEndian::Convert ((int32)val); b.Write((char *)&i32, sizeof(int32)); break; } else if ((val > 0x7f) || (val < ((int8)0x80))) { // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_INT16; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 2 byte data i16 = csLittleEndian::Convert ((int16)val); b.Write((char *)&i16, sizeof(int16)); break; } else { // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_INT8; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 1 byte data i8 = (int8)val; b.Write((char *)&i8, sizeof(int8)); break; } } case csEventAttrUInt: { uint64 val; if (event->Retrieve (name, val) != csEventErrNone) return csEventFlattenerErrorAttributeRetrieval; // 2 byte name length (little endian) ui16 = (uint16)strlen(name); ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); b.Write((char *)&ui16, sizeof(int16)); // XX byte name b.Write(name, ui16); if (val > 0xffffffff) { // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_UINT64; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 4 byte data ui64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (val); b.Write((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); break; } else if (val > 0xffff) { // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_UINT32; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 4 byte data ui32 = csLittleEndian::Convert ((uint32)val); b.Write((char *)&ui32, sizeof(uint32)); break; } else if (val > 0xff) { // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_UINT16; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 2 byte data ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert ((uint16)val); b.Write((char *)&ui16, sizeof(uint16)); break; } else { // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_UINT8; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 1 byte data ui8 = (uint8)val; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); break; } } case csEventAttrFloat: { double val; if (event->Retrieve (name, val) != csEventErrNone) return csEventFlattenerErrorAttributeRetrieval; // 2 byte name length (little endian) ui16 = (uint16)strlen(name); ui16 = csLittleEndian::Convert (ui16); b.Write((char *)&ui16, sizeof(int16)); // XX byte name b.Write(name, ui16); // 1 byte datatype id ui8 = CS_DATATYPE_DOUBLE; b.Write((char *)&ui8, sizeof(uint8)); // 8 byte data (longlong fixed format) ui64 = csLittleEndian::Convert (csIEEEfloat::FromNative (val)); b.Write((char *)&ui64, sizeof(uint64)); break; } default: break; } } return csEventFlattenerErrorNone; }
void Run() { TC parent; MapBlock b(&parent, v3s16(1,1,1)); v3s16 relpos(MAP_BLOCKSIZE, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); assert(b.getPosRelative() == relpos); assert(b.getBox().MinEdge.X == MAP_BLOCKSIZE); assert(b.getBox().MaxEdge.X == MAP_BLOCKSIZE*2-1); assert(b.getBox().MinEdge.Y == MAP_BLOCKSIZE); assert(b.getBox().MaxEdge.Y == MAP_BLOCKSIZE*2-1); assert(b.getBox().MinEdge.Z == MAP_BLOCKSIZE); assert(b.getBox().MaxEdge.Z == MAP_BLOCKSIZE*2-1); assert(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(0,0,0)) == true); assert(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(-1,0,0)) == false); assert(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(-1,-142,-2341)) == false); assert(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(-124,142,2341)) == false); assert(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1)) == true); assert(b.isValidPosition(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1)) == false); /* TODO: this method should probably be removed if the block size isn't going to be set variable */ /*assert(b.getSizeNodes() == v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, MAP_BLOCKSIZE));*/ // Changed flag should be initially set assert(b.getChangedFlag() == true); b.resetChangedFlag(); assert(b.getChangedFlag() == false); // All nodes should have been set to // .d=CONTENT_IGNORE and .getLight() = 0 for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++) for(u16 y=0; y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++) for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++) { //assert(b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getContent() == CONTENT_AIR); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT) == 0); } { MapNode n(CONTENT_AIR); for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++) for(u16 y=0; y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++) for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++) { b.setNode(v3s16(x,y,z), n); } } /* Parent fetch functions */ parent.position_valid = false; parent.node.setContent(5); MapNode n; // Positions in the block should still be valid assert(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(0,0,0)) == true); assert(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1)) == true); n = b.getNodeParent(v3s16(0,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,0)); assert(n.getContent() == CONTENT_AIR); // ...but outside the block they should be invalid assert(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(-121,2341,0)) == false); assert(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(-1,0,0)) == false); assert(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE)) == false); { bool exception_thrown = false; try{ // This should throw an exception MapNode n = b.getNodeParent(v3s16(0,0,-1)); } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { exception_thrown = true; } assert(exception_thrown); } parent.position_valid = true; // Now the positions outside should be valid assert(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(-121,2341,0)) == true); assert(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(-1,0,0)) == true); assert(b.isValidPositionParent(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1,MAP_BLOCKSIZE)) == true); n = b.getNodeParent(v3s16(0,0,MAP_BLOCKSIZE)); assert(n.getContent() == 5); /* Set a node */ v3s16 p(1,2,0); n.setContent(4); b.setNode(p, n); assert(b.getNode(p).getContent() == 4); //TODO: Update to new system /*assert(b.getNodeTile(p) == 4); assert(b.getNodeTile(v3s16(-1,-1,0)) == 5);*/ /* propagateSunlight() */ // Set lighting of all nodes to 0 for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++){ for(u16 y=0; y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++){ for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++){ MapNode n = b.getNode(v3s16(x,y,z)); n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, 0); n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, 0); b.setNode(v3s16(x,y,z), n); } } } { /* Check how the block handles being a lonely sky block */ parent.position_valid = true; b.setIsUnderground(false); parent.node.setContent(CONTENT_AIR); parent.node.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHT_SUN); parent.node.setLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, 0); core::map<v3s16, bool> light_sources; // The bottom block is invalid, because we have a shadowing node assert(b.propagateSunlight(light_sources) == false); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(1,4,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == LIGHT_SUN); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(1,3,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == LIGHT_SUN); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(1,2,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(1,1,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(1,0,0)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0); assert(b.getNode(v3s16(1,2,3)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == LIGHT_SUN); assert(b.getFaceLight2(1000, p, v3s16(0,1,0)) == LIGHT_SUN); assert(b.getFaceLight2(1000, p, v3s16(0,-1,0)) == 0); assert(b.getFaceLight2(0, p, v3s16(0,-1,0)) == 0); // According to MapBlock::getFaceLight, // The face on the z+ side should have double-diminished light //assert(b.getFaceLight(p, v3s16(0,0,1)) == diminish_light(diminish_light(LIGHT_MAX))); // The face on the z+ side should have diminished light assert(b.getFaceLight2(1000, p, v3s16(0,0,1)) == diminish_light(LIGHT_MAX)); } /* Check how the block handles being in between blocks with some non-sunlight while being underground */ { // Make neighbours to exist and set some non-sunlight to them parent.position_valid = true; b.setIsUnderground(true); parent.node.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHT_MAX/2); core::map<v3s16, bool> light_sources; // The block below should be valid because there shouldn't be // sunlight in there either assert(b.propagateSunlight(light_sources, true) == true); // Should not touch nodes that are not affected (that is, all of them) //assert(b.getNode(v3s16(1,2,3)).getLight() == LIGHT_SUN); // Should set light of non-sunlighted blocks to 0. assert(b.getNode(v3s16(1,2,3)).getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == 0); } /* Set up a situation where: - There is only air in this block - There is a valid non-sunlighted block at the bottom, and - Invalid blocks elsewhere. - the block is not underground. This should result in bottom block invalidity */ { b.setIsUnderground(false); // Clear block for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++){ for(u16 y=0; y<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++){ for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++){ MapNode n; n.setContent(CONTENT_AIR); n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, 0); b.setNode(v3s16(x,y,z), n); } } } // Make neighbours invalid parent.position_valid = false; // Add exceptions to the top of the bottom block for(u16 x=0; x<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++) for(u16 z=0; z<MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++) { parent.validity_exceptions.push_back(v3s16(MAP_BLOCKSIZE+x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1, MAP_BLOCKSIZE+z)); } // Lighting value for the valid nodes parent.node.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHT_MAX/2); core::map<v3s16, bool> light_sources; // Bottom block is not valid assert(b.propagateSunlight(light_sources) == false); } }
void LP02::runProblem() { int numVars = 12; std::vector<VariablePtr> variables; std::vector<double> costs = {20, 40, 35, 120, 50, 60, 20, 70, 90, 35, 70, 40}; for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++) { auto var = std::make_shared<Variable>(, 0, INF); variables.push_back(var); } ConstraintSetPtr cs = std::make_shared<ConstraintSet>(); { std::vector<VariablePtr> vars = {,,,}; DenseMatrix A(1,4); A << 1, 1, 1, 1; DenseVector b(1); b << 100; ConstraintPtr lincon = std::make_shared<ConstraintLinear>(vars, A, b, false); cs->add(lincon); } { std::vector<VariablePtr> vars = {,,,}; DenseMatrix A(1,4); A << 1, 1, 1, 1; DenseVector b(1); b << 75; ConstraintPtr lincon = std::make_shared<ConstraintLinear>(vars, A, b, false); cs->add(lincon); } { std::vector<VariablePtr> vars = {,,,}; DenseMatrix A(1,4); A << 1, 1, 1, 1; DenseVector b(1); b << 90; ConstraintPtr lincon = std::make_shared<ConstraintLinear>(vars, A, b, false); cs->add(lincon); } { std::vector<VariablePtr> vars = {,,}; DenseMatrix A(1,3); A << -1, -1, -1; DenseVector b(1); b << -30; ConstraintPtr lincon = std::make_shared<ConstraintLinear>(vars, A, b, false); cs->add(lincon); } { std::vector<VariablePtr> vars = {,,}; DenseMatrix A(1,3); A << -1, -1, -1; DenseVector b(1); b << -75; ConstraintPtr lincon = std::make_shared<ConstraintLinear>(vars, A, b, false); cs->add(lincon); } { std::vector<VariablePtr> vars = {,,}; DenseMatrix A(1,3); A << -1, -1, -1; DenseVector b(1); b << -90; ConstraintPtr lincon = std::make_shared<ConstraintLinear>(vars, A, b, false); cs->add(lincon); } { std::vector<VariablePtr> vars = {,,}; DenseMatrix A(1,3); A << -1, -1, -1; DenseVector b(1); b << -50; ConstraintPtr lincon = std::make_shared<ConstraintLinear>(vars, A, b, false); cs->add(lincon); } //cout << *cs << endl; SolverGurobi solver(cs); //SolverIpopt solver(cs); auto res = solver.optimize(); cout << res << endl; fopt_found = res.objectiveValue; }
void run_test_cases( BOOST_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_TYPE(Block) ) { typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> bitset_type; typedef bitset_test< bitset_type > Tests; const int bits_per_block = bitset_type::bits_per_block; std::string long_string = get_long_string(); //===================================================================== // Test operator&= { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs, rhs; Tests::and_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(std::string("1")), rhs(std::string("0")); Tests::and_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(long_string.size(), 0), rhs(long_string); Tests::and_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(long_string.size(), 1), rhs(long_string); Tests::and_assignment(lhs, rhs); } //===================================================================== // Test operator |= { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs, rhs; Tests::or_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(std::string("1")), rhs(std::string("0")); Tests::or_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(long_string.size(), 0), rhs(long_string); Tests::or_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(long_string.size(), 1), rhs(long_string); Tests::or_assignment(lhs, rhs); } //===================================================================== // Test operator^= { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs, rhs; Tests::xor_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(std::string("1")), rhs(std::string("0")); Tests::xor_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(std::string("0")), rhs(std::string("1")); Tests::xor_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(long_string), rhs(long_string); Tests::xor_assignment(lhs, rhs); } //===================================================================== // Test operator-= { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs, rhs; Tests::sub_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(std::string("1")), rhs(std::string("0")); Tests::sub_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(std::string("0")), rhs(std::string("1")); Tests::sub_assignment(lhs, rhs); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> lhs(long_string), rhs(long_string); Tests::sub_assignment(lhs, rhs); } //===================================================================== // Test operator<<= { // case pos == 0 std::size_t pos = 0; { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::shift_left_assignment(b, pos); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("1010")); Tests::shift_left_assignment(b, pos); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::shift_left_assignment(b, pos); } } { // test with both multiple and // non multiple of bits_per_block const int how_many = 10; for (int i = 1; i <= how_many; ++i) { std::size_t multiple = i * bits_per_block; std::size_t non_multiple = multiple - 1; boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::shift_left_assignment(b, multiple); Tests::shift_left_assignment(b, non_multiple); } } { // case pos == size()/2 std::size_t pos = long_string.size() / 2; boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::shift_left_assignment(b, pos); } { // case pos >= n std::size_t pos = long_string.size(); boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::shift_left_assignment(b, pos); } //===================================================================== // Test operator>>= { // case pos == 0 std::size_t pos = 0; { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::shift_right_assignment(b, pos); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("1010")); Tests::shift_right_assignment(b, pos); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::shift_right_assignment(b, pos); } } { // test with both multiple and // non multiple of bits_per_block const int how_many = 10; for (int i = 1; i <= how_many; ++i) { std::size_t multiple = i * bits_per_block; std::size_t non_multiple = multiple - 1; boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::shift_right_assignment(b, multiple); Tests::shift_right_assignment(b, non_multiple); } } { // case pos == size()/2 std::size_t pos = long_string.size() / 2; boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::shift_right_assignment(b, pos); } { // case pos >= n std::size_t pos = long_string.size(); boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::shift_right_assignment(b, pos); } //===================================================================== // test b.set() { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::set_all(b); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("0")); Tests::set_all(b); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::set_all(b); } //===================================================================== // Test b.set(pos) { // case pos >= b.size() boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::set_one(b, 0, true); } { // case pos < b.size() boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("0")); Tests::set_one(b, 0, true); } { // case pos == b.size() / 2 boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::set_one(b, long_string.size()/2, true); } //===================================================================== // Test b.reset() { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::reset_all(b); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("0")); Tests::reset_all(b); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::reset_all(b); } //===================================================================== // Test b.reset(pos) { // case pos >= b.size() boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::reset_one(b, 0); } { // case pos < b.size() boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("0")); Tests::reset_one(b, 0); } { // case pos == b.size() / 2 boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::reset_one(b, long_string.size()/2); } //===================================================================== // Test ~b { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::operator_flip(b); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("1")); Tests::operator_flip(b); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::operator_flip(b); } //===================================================================== // Test b.flip() { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::flip_all(b); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("1")); Tests::flip_all(b); } { boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::flip_all(b); } //===================================================================== // Test b.flip(pos) { // case pos >= b.size() boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b; Tests::flip_one(b, 0); } { // case pos < b.size() boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(std::string("0")); Tests::flip_one(b, 0); } { // case pos == b.size() / 2 boost::dynamic_bitset<Block> b(long_string); Tests::flip_one(b, long_string.size()/2); } }
/************************************************************************* Returns nodes/weights for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature on [-1,1] with weight function W(x)=Power(1-x,Alpha)*Power(1+x,Beta). INPUT PARAMETERS: N - number of nodes, >=1 Alpha - power-law coefficient, Alpha>-1 Beta - power-law coefficient, Beta>-1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info - error code: * -4 an error was detected when calculating weights/nodes. Alpha or Beta are too close to -1 to obtain weights/nodes with high enough accuracy, or, may be, N is too large. Try to use multiple precision version. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -1 incorrect N/Alpha/Beta was passed * +1 OK X - array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. W - array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights. -- ALGLIB -- Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void gqgenerategaussjacobi(int n, double alpha, double beta, int& info, ap::real_1d_array& x, ap::real_1d_array& w) { ap::real_1d_array a; ap::real_1d_array b; double alpha2; double beta2; double apb; double t; int i; double s; if( n<1||ap::fp_less_eq(alpha,-1)||ap::fp_less_eq(beta,-1) ) { info = -1; return; } a.setlength(n); b.setlength(n); apb = alpha+beta; a(0) = (beta-alpha)/(apb+2); t = (apb+1)*log(double(2))+lngamma(alpha+1, s)+lngamma(beta+1, s)-lngamma(apb+2, s); if( ap::fp_greater(t,log(ap::maxrealnumber)) ) { info = -4; return; } b(0) = exp(t); if( n>1 ) { alpha2 = ap::sqr(alpha); beta2 = ap::sqr(beta); a(1) = (beta2-alpha2)/((apb+2)*(apb+4)); b(1) = 4*(alpha+1)*(beta+1)/((apb+3)*ap::sqr(apb+2)); for(i = 2; i <= n-1; i++) { a(i) = 0.25*(beta2-alpha2)/(i*i*(1+0.5*apb/i)*(1+0.5*(apb+2)/i)); b(i) = 0.25*(1+alpha/i)*(1+beta/i)*(1+apb/i)/((1+0.5*(apb+1)/i)*(1+0.5*(apb-1)/i)*ap::sqr(1+0.5*apb/i)); } } gqgeneraterec(a, b, b(0), n, info, x, w); // // test basic properties to detect errors // if( info>0 ) { if( ap::fp_less(x(0),-1)||ap::fp_greater(x(n-1),+1) ) { info = -4; } for(i = 0; i <= n-2; i++) { if( ap::fp_greater_eq(x(i),x(i+1)) ) { info = -4; } } } }
bool ComplexMesh::ComputeDiskParameterization(bool Natural) { const float Lambda = 1.0f; Vector<FullEdge *> Boundary; if(!ComputeDiskBoundary(Boundary)) { return false; } float TotalBoundaryLength = 0.0f; for(UINT i = 0; i < Boundary.Length(); i++) { TotalBoundaryLength += Boundary[i]->Vector().Length(); if(i != 0) { Assert(Boundary[i]->GetVertex(0).Index() == Boundary[i - 1]->GetVertex(1).Index(), "Invalid boundary"); } } PersistentAssert(TotalBoundaryLength > 0.0f, "Invalid boundary"); float CurBoundaryLength = 0.0f; for(UINT i = 0; i < Boundary.Length(); i++) { Vertex &CurVertex = Boundary[i]->GetVertex(0); CurVertex.TexCoords() = Vec2f::ConstructFromPolar(0.5f, 2.0f * Math::PIf * CurBoundaryLength / TotalBoundaryLength) + Vec2f(0.5f, 0.5f); CurBoundaryLength += Boundary[i]->Vector().Length(); } SparseMatrix<double> M(_Vertices.Length() * 2); const UINT FixedIndexCount = 2; UINT FixedIndices[FixedIndexCount]; FixedIndices[0] = Boundary[0]->GetVertex(0).Index(); FixedIndices[1] = Boundary[Boundary.Length() / 2]->GetVertex(1).Index(); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vertex &CurVertex = _Vertices[VertexIndex]; if(CurVertex.Boundary()) { if(Natural && VertexIndex != FixedIndices[0] && VertexIndex != FixedIndices[1]) { for(UINT TriangleIndex = 0; TriangleIndex < CurVertex.Triangles().Length(); TriangleIndex++) { Triangle &CurTriangle = *(CurVertex.Triangles()[TriangleIndex]); UINT IBaseIndex = CurTriangle.GetVertexLocalIndex(CurVertex); UINT IIndex = CurTriangle.GetVertex((IBaseIndex + 0) % 3).Index(); UINT JIndex = CurTriangle.GetVertex((IBaseIndex + 1) % 3).Index(); UINT KIndex = CurTriangle.GetVertex((IBaseIndex + 2) % 3).Index(); double Alpha = CurTriangle.GetCotangent(CurTriangle.GetVertex((IBaseIndex + 2) % 3)); double Beta = CurTriangle.GetCotangent(CurTriangle.GetVertex((IBaseIndex + 1) % 3)); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 0, 2 * IIndex + 0, Alpha + Beta); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 1, 2 * IIndex + 1, Alpha + Beta); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 0, 2 * JIndex + 0, -Alpha); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 1, 2 * JIndex + 1, -Alpha); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 0, 2 * KIndex + 0, -Beta); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 1, 2 * KIndex + 1, -Beta); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 0, 2 * JIndex + 1, 1.0); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 1, 2 * JIndex + 0, -1.0); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 0, 2 * KIndex + 1, -1.0); M.PushElement(2 * VertexIndex + 1, 2 * KIndex + 0, 1.0); } /*for(UINT EdgeIndex = 0; EdgeIndex < CurVertex.Vertices().Length(); EdgeIndex++) { Vertex &OtherVertex = *(CurVertex.Vertices()[EdgeIndex]); FullEdge &CurEdge = CurVertex.GetSharedEdge(OtherVertex); double ConstantFactor = Lambda * CurEdge.GetCotanTerm(); Assert(ConstantFactor == ConstantFactor, "ConstantFactor invalid"); M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, -ConstantFactor); M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, -ConstantFactor); M.PushElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, OtherVertex.Index() * 2 + 1, ConstantFactor); M.PushElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, OtherVertex.Index() * 2 + 1, ConstantFactor); M.PushElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, OtherVertex.Index() * 2 + 0, 1.0f); M.PushElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, OtherVertex.Index() * 2 + 1, -1.0f); }*/ } else { M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, 1.0f); M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, 1.0f); } } else { //M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, VertexAreas[VertexIndex]); //M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, VertexAreas[VertexIndex]); for(UINT EdgeIndex = 0; EdgeIndex < CurVertex.Vertices().Length(); EdgeIndex++) { Vertex &OtherVertex = *(CurVertex.Vertices()[EdgeIndex]); FullEdge &CurEdge = CurVertex.GetSharedEdge(OtherVertex); double ConstantFactor = Lambda * CurEdge.GetCotanTerm(); Assert(ConstantFactor == ConstantFactor, "ConstantFactor invalid"); M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, -ConstantFactor); M.PushDiagonalElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, -ConstantFactor); M.PushElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 0, OtherVertex.Index() * 2 + 0, ConstantFactor); M.PushElement(VertexIndex * 2 + 1, OtherVertex.Index() * 2 + 1, ConstantFactor); } } } BiCGLinearSolver<double> Solver; //TaucsSymmetricLinearSolver Solver; Solver.LoadMatrix(&M); Solver.Factor(); //ofstream File("Matrix.TexCoord.xt"); //M.Dump(File, false); //File << endl; Solver.SetParamaters(1000, 1e-6); Vector<double> x(_Vertices.Length() * 2), b(_Vertices.Length() * 2); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vertex &CurVertex = _Vertices[VertexIndex]; if(CurVertex.Boundary()) { if(!Natural || VertexIndex == FixedIndices[0] || VertexIndex == FixedIndices[1]) { x[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = CurVertex.TexCoords().x; x[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = CurVertex.TexCoords().y; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = CurVertex.TexCoords().x; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = CurVertex.TexCoords().y; } else { x[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = CurVertex.Pos().x; x[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = CurVertex.Pos().y; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = 0.0f; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = 0.0f; } } else { x[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = CurVertex.Pos().x; x[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = CurVertex.Pos().y; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] = 0.0f; b[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] = 0.0f; } //File << b[VertexIndex * 2 + 0] << '\t' << b[VertexIndex * 2 + 1] << endl; } Solver.Solve(x, b); Console::WriteLine(Solver.GetOutputString()); double Error = Solver.ComputeError(x, b); Console::WriteLine(String("Parameterization error: ") + String(Error)); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vertex &CurVertex = _Vertices[VertexIndex]; if(Natural || !CurVertex.Boundary()) { CurVertex.TexCoords().x = float(x[VertexIndex * 2 + 0]); CurVertex.TexCoords().y = float(x[VertexIndex * 2 + 1]); } } return true; }
QPointF operator+(QPointF &p) { QPointF b(p.x()+m_X,p.y()+m_Y); return b; }
void ComplexMesh::ImplicitMeanCurvatureFlow(float TimeStep) { Vector<double> VertexAreas(_Vertices.Length()); Vector<Vec3f> NewVertexPositions(_Vertices.Length()); NewVertexPositions.Clear(Vec3f::Origin); SparseMatrix<double> M(_Vertices.Length()); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vertex &CurVertex = _Vertices[VertexIndex]; VertexAreas[VertexIndex] = CurVertex.ComputeTriangleArea(); M.PushElement(VertexIndex, VertexIndex, VertexAreas[VertexIndex]); //M.PushElement(VertexIndex, VertexIndex, 1.0f); for(UINT EdgeIndex = 0; EdgeIndex < CurVertex.Vertices().Length(); EdgeIndex++) { Vertex &OtherVertex = *(CurVertex.Vertices()[EdgeIndex]); FullEdge &CurEdge = CurVertex.GetSharedEdge(OtherVertex); double ConstantFactor = CurEdge.GetCotanTerm() / 4.0f; Assert(ConstantFactor == ConstantFactor, "ConstantFactor invalid"); M.PushElement(VertexIndex, VertexIndex, TimeStep * ConstantFactor); M.PushElement(VertexIndex, OtherVertex.Index(), -TimeStep * ConstantFactor); } } BiCGLinearSolver<double> Solver; Solver.LoadMatrix(&M); const double ErrorTolerance = 1e-6; Solver.SetParamaters(1000, ErrorTolerance); Solver.Factor(); for(UINT ElementIndex = 0; ElementIndex < 3; ElementIndex++) { Vector<double> x, b(_Vertices.Length()); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { b[VertexIndex] = _Vertices[VertexIndex].Pos()[ElementIndex] * VertexAreas[VertexIndex]; //b[VertexIndex] = _Vertices[VertexIndex].Pos().Element(ElementIndex); } Solver.Solve(x, b); Console::WriteLine(Solver.GetOutputString()); double Error = Solver.ComputeError(x, b); Console::WriteLine(String("Mean curvature error: ") + String(Error)); if(Error < ErrorTolerance) { for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { NewVertexPositions[VertexIndex][ElementIndex] = float(x[VertexIndex]); } } } float AverageDelta = 0.0f; for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vec3f Delta = NewVertexPositions[VertexIndex] - _Vertices[VertexIndex].Pos(); AverageDelta += Delta.Length(); } AverageDelta /= _Vertices.Length(); for(UINT VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < _Vertices.Length(); VertexIndex++) { Vertex &CurVertex = _Vertices[VertexIndex]; Vec3f Delta = NewVertexPositions[VertexIndex] - _Vertices[VertexIndex].Pos(); if(Delta.Length() > 2.0f * AverageDelta) { Delta.SetLength(2.0f * AverageDelta); } CurVertex.Pos() += Delta; } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int rc = 0; try { // Initialize runtime TiledArray::World& world = TiledArray::initialize(argc, argv); // Get command line arguments if(argc < 2) { std::cout << "Usage: ta_sparse matrix_size block_size [repetitions]\n"; return 0; } const long matrix_size = atol(argv[1]); const long block_size = atol(argv[2]); if(matrix_size <= 0) { std::cerr << "Error: matrix size must greater than zero.\n"; return 1; } if(block_size <= 0) { std::cerr << "Error: block size must greater than zero.\n"; return 1; } if((matrix_size % block_size) != 0ul) { std::cerr << "Error: matrix size must be evenly divisible by block size.\n"; return 1; } const long repeat = (argc >= 4 ? atol(argv[3]) : 4); if(repeat <= 0) { std::cerr << "Error: number of repetitions must greater than zero.\n"; return 1; } // Print information about the test const std::size_t num_blocks = matrix_size / block_size; const double app_flop = 2.0 * matrix_size * matrix_size * matrix_size; std::vector<std::vector<double> > gflops; std::vector<std::vector<double> > times; std::vector<std::vector<double> > app_gflops; if(world.rank() == 0) std::cout << "TiledArray: block-sparse matrix multiply test..." << "\nGit HASH: " << TILEDARRAY_REVISION << "\nNumber of nodes = " << world.size() << "\nMatrix size = " << matrix_size << "x" << matrix_size << "\nBlock size = " << block_size << "x" << block_size; // Construct TiledRange std::vector<unsigned int> blocking; blocking.reserve(num_blocks + 1); for(long i = 0l; i <= matrix_size; i += block_size) blocking.push_back(i); std::vector<TiledArray::TiledRange1> blocking2(2, TiledArray::TiledRange1(blocking.begin(), blocking.end())); TiledArray::TiledRange trange(blocking2.begin(), blocking2.end()); for(unsigned int left_sparsity = 10; left_sparsity <= 100; left_sparsity += 10){ std::vector<double> inner_gflops, inner_times, inner_app_gflops; for(unsigned int right_sparsity = 10; right_sparsity <= left_sparsity; right_sparsity += 10){ const long l_block_count = (double(left_sparsity) / 100.0) * double(num_blocks * num_blocks); const long r_block_count = (double(right_sparsity) / 100.0) * double(num_blocks * num_blocks); if(world.rank() == 0) std::cout << "\nMemory per left matrix = " << double(l_block_count * block_size * block_size * sizeof(double)) / 1.0e9 << " GB" << "\nMemory per right matrix = " << double(r_block_count * block_size * block_size * sizeof(double)) / 1.0e9 << " GB" << "\nNumber of left blocks = " << l_block_count << " " << 100.0 * double(l_block_count) / double(num_blocks * num_blocks) << "%" << "\nNumber of right blocks = " << r_block_count << " " << 100.0 * double(r_block_count) / double(num_blocks * num_blocks) << "%" << "\nAverage left blocks/node = " << double(l_block_count) / double(world.size()) << "\nAverage right blocks/node = " << double(r_block_count) / double(world.size()) << "\n"; // Construct shape TiledArray::Tensor<float> a_tile_norms(trange.tiles(), 0.0), b_tile_norms(trange.tiles(), 0.0); if(world.rank() == 0) { world.srand(time(NULL)); for(long count = 0l; count < l_block_count; ++count) { std::size_t index = world.rand() % trange.tiles().volume(); // Avoid setting the same tile to non-zero. while(a_tile_norms[index] > TiledArray::SparseShape<float>::threshold()) index = world.rand() % trange.tiles().volume(); a_tile_norms[index] = std::sqrt(float(block_size * block_size)); } for(long count = 0l; count < r_block_count; ++count) { std::size_t index = world.rand() % trange.tiles().volume(); // Avoid setting the same tile to non-zero. while(b_tile_norms[index] > TiledArray::SparseShape<float>::threshold()) index = world.rand() % trange.tiles().volume(); b_tile_norms[index] = std::sqrt(float(block_size * block_size)); } } TiledArray::SparseShape<float> a_shape(world, a_tile_norms, trange), b_shape(world, b_tile_norms, trange); typedef TiledArray::Array<double, 2, TiledArray::Tensor<double>, TiledArray::SparsePolicy > SpTArray2; // Construct and initialize arrays SpTArray2 a(world, trange, a_shape); SpTArray2 b(world, trange, b_shape); SpTArray2 c; a.set_all_local(1.0); b.set_all_local(1.0); // Start clock SpTArray2::wait_for_lazy_cleanup(world);; if(world.rank() == 0) std::cout << "Starting iterations:\n"; double total_time = 0.0, flop = 0.0; // Do matrix multiplication try { for(int i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { const double start = madness::wall_time(); c("m,n") = a("m,k") * b("k,n"); const double time = madness::wall_time() - start; total_time += time; if(flop < 1.0) flop = 2.0 * c("m,n").sum(); if(world.rank() == 0) std::cout << "Iteration " << i + 1 << " time=" << time << " GFLOPS=" << flop / time / 1.0e9 << " apparent GFLOPS=" << app_flop / time / 1.0e9 << "\n"; } } catch(...) { if(world.rank() == 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "left shape = " << a.get_shape().data() << "\n" << "right shape = " << b.get_shape().data() << "\n"; printf(ss.str().c_str()); } } // Stop clock inner_gflops.push_back(double(repeat) * flop / total_time / 1.0e9); inner_times.push_back(total_time / repeat); inner_app_gflops.push_back(double(repeat) * app_flop / total_time / 1.0e9); // Print results if(world.rank() == 0) { std::cout << "Average wall time = " << total_time / double(repeat) << "\nAverage GFLOPS = " << double(repeat) * double(flop) / total_time / 1.0e9 << "\nAverage apparent GFLOPS = " << double(repeat) * double(app_flop) / total_time / 1.0e9 << "\n"; } } gflops.push_back(inner_gflops); times.push_back(inner_times); app_gflops.push_back(inner_app_gflops); } if(world.rank() == 0) { std::cout << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nGFLOPS\n"; print_results(world, gflops); std::cout << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nAverage wall times\n"; print_results(world, times); std::cout << "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nApparent GFLOPS\n"; print_results(world, app_gflops); } TiledArray::finalize(); } catch(TiledArray::Exception& e) { std::cerr << "!! TiledArray exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; rc = 1; } catch(madness::MadnessException& e) { std::cerr << "!! MADNESS exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; rc = 1; } catch(SafeMPI::Exception& e) { std::cerr << "!! SafeMPI exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; rc = 1; } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "!! std exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; rc = 1; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "!! exception: unknown exception\n"; rc = 1; } return rc; }
void BenchMarkAll(double t) { logtotal = 0; logcount = 0; cout << "<TABLE border=1><COLGROUP><COL align=left><COL align=right><COL align=right><COL align=right>" << endl; cout << "<THEAD><TR><TH>Algorithm<TH>Bytes Processed<TH>Time Taken<TH>Megabytes(2^20 bytes)/Second\n<TBODY>" << endl; BenchMarkKeyless<CRC32>("CRC-32", t); BenchMarkKeyless<Adler32>("Adler-32", t); BenchMarkKeyless<MD2>("MD2", t); BenchMarkKeyless<MD5>("MD5", t); BenchMarkKeyless<SHA>("SHA-1", t); BenchMarkKeyless<SHA256>("SHA-256", t); BenchMarkKeyless<SHA512>("SHA-512", t); BenchMarkKeyless<HAVAL3>("HAVAL (pass=3)", t); BenchMarkKeyless<HAVAL4>("HAVAL (pass=4)", t); BenchMarkKeyless<HAVAL5>("HAVAL (pass=5)", t); #ifdef WORD64_AVAILABLE BenchMarkKeyless<Tiger>("Tiger", t); #endif BenchMarkKeyless<RIPEMD160>("RIPE-MD160", t); BenchMarkKeyless<PanamaHash<false> >("Panama Hash (little endian)", t); BenchMarkKeyless<PanamaHash<true> >("Panama Hash (big endian)", t); BenchMarkKeyed<MDC<MD5> >("MDC/MD5", t); BenchMarkKeyed<LREncryption<MD5> >("Luby-Rackoff/MD5", t); BenchMarkKeyed<DESEncryption>("DES", t); BenchMarkKeyed<DES_XEX3_Encryption>("DES-XEX3", t); BenchMarkKeyed<DES_EDE3_Encryption>("DES-EDE3", t); BenchMarkKeyed<IDEAEncryption>("IDEA", t); BenchMarkKeyed<RC2Encryption>("RC2", t); BenchMarkKeyed<RC5Encryption>("RC5 (r=16)", t); BenchMarkKeyed<BlowfishEncryption>("Blowfish", t); BenchMarkKeyed<Diamond2Encryption>("Diamond2", t); BenchMarkKeyed<Diamond2LiteEncryption>("Diamond2 Lite", t); BenchMarkKeyed<ThreeWayDecryption>("3-WAY", t); BenchMarkKeyed<TEAEncryption>("TEA", t); BenchMarkKeyed<SAFER_SK64_Encryption>("SAFER (r=8)", t); BenchMarkKeyed<GOSTEncryption>("GOST", t); #ifdef WORD64_AVAILABLE BenchMarkKeyed<SHARKEncryption>("SHARK (r=6)", t); #endif BenchMarkKeyed<CAST128Encryption>("CAST-128", t); BenchMarkKeyed<CAST256Encryption>("CAST-256", t); BenchMarkKeyed<SquareEncryption>("Square", t); BenchMarkKeyed<SKIPJACKEncryption>("SKIPJACK", t); BenchMarkKeyed<RC6Encryption>("RC6", t); BenchMarkKeyed<MARSEncryption>("MARS", t); BenchMarkKeyedVariable<RijndaelEncryption>("Rijndael (128-bit key)", t, 16); BenchMarkKeyedVariable<RijndaelEncryption>("Rijndael (192-bit key)", t, 24); BenchMarkKeyedVariable<RijndaelEncryption>("Rijndael (256-bit key)", t, 32); BenchMarkKeyed<TwofishEncryption>("Twofish", t); BenchMarkKeyed<SerpentEncryption>("Serpent", t); BenchMarkKeyed<ARC4>("ARC4", t); BenchMarkKeyed<SEAL>("SEAL", t); { WAKEEncryption c(key, new BitBucket); BenchMark("WAKE", c, t); } BenchMarkKeyed<PanamaCipher<false> >("Panama Cipher (little endian)", t); BenchMarkKeyed<PanamaCipher<true> >("Panama Cipher (big endian)", t); BenchMarkKeyed<SapphireEncryption>("Sapphire", t); BenchMarkKeyed<MD5MAC>("MD5-MAC", t); BenchMarkKeyed<XMACC<MD5> >("XMACC/MD5", t); BenchMarkKeyed<HMAC<MD5> >("HMAC/MD5", t); BenchMarkKeyed<CBC_MAC<RijndaelEncryption> >("CBC-MAC/Rijndael", t); BenchMarkKeyed<DMAC<RijndaelEncryption> >("DMAC/Rijndael", t); { Integer p("CB6C,B8CE,6351,164F,5D0C,0C9E,9E31,E231,CF4E,D551,CBD0,E671,5D6A,7B06,D8DF,C4A7h"); Integer q("FD2A,8594,A132,20CC,4E6D,DE77,3AAA,CF15,CD9E,E447,8592,FF46,CC77,87BE,9876,A2AFh"); Integer s("63239752671357255800299643604761065219897634268887145610573595874544114193025997412441121667211431"); BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s); BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 512", c, t); } { Integer p("FD2A,8594,A132,20CC,4E6D,DE77,3AAA,CF15,CD9E,E447,8592,FF46,CC77,87BE,9876,9E2C," "8572,64C3,4CF4,188A,44D4,2130,1135,7982,6FF6,EDD3,26F0,5FAA,BAF4,A81E,7ADC,B80Bh"); Integer q("C8B9,5797,B349,6BA3,FD72,F2C0,A796,8A65,EE0F,B4BA,272F,4FEE,4DB1,06D5,ECEB,7142," "E8A8,E5A8,6BF9,A32F,BA37,BACC,8A75,8A6B,2DCE,D6EC,B515,980A,4BB1,08FB,6F2C,2383h"); Integer s("3578,8F00,2965,71A4,4382,699F,45FD,3922,8238,241B,CEBA,0543,3443,E8D9,12FB,AC46," "7EC4,8505,EC9E,7EE8,5A23,9B2A,B615,D0C4,9448,F23A,ADEE,E850,1A7A,CA30,0B5B,A408," "D936,21BA,844E,BDD6,7848,3D1E,9137,CC87,DAA5,773B,D45A,C8BB,5392,1393,108B,6992," "74E3,C5E2,C235,A321,0111,3BA4,BAB4,1A2F,17EE,C371,DE67,01C9,0F3D,907A,B252,9BDDh"); BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s); BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 1024", c, t); } { Integer p("EB56,978A,7BA7,B5D9,1383,4611,94F5,4766,FCEF,CF41,958A,FC41,43D0,839F,C56B,B568," "4ED3,9E5A,BABB,5ACE,8B11,CEBC,88A2,7C12,FFEE,E6E8,CF0A,E231,5BC2,DEDE,80B7,32F6," "340E,D8A6,B7DE,C779,7EE5,0E16,9C88,FC9F,2A0E,EE6C,7D47,C5F2,6B06,EB8C,F1C8,2E67," "5B82,8C28,4FB8,542F,2874,C355,CEEE,7A54,1B06,A8AB,8B66,6A5C,9DB2,72B8,74F3,7BC7h"); Integer q("EB6B,3645,4591,8343,7331,7CAC,B02E,4BB9,DEF5,8EDC,1772,DB9B,9571,5FAB,1CDD,4FB1," "7B9A,07CD,E715,D448,F552,CBBD,D387,C037,DE70,6661,F360,D0E8,D42E,292A,9321,DDCB," "0BF9,C514,BFAC,3F2C,C06E,DF64,A9B8,50D6,AC4F,B9E4,014B,5624,2B40,A0D4,5D0B,6DD4," "0989,D00E,0268,99AB,21DB,0BB4,DB38,84DA,594F,575F,95AC,1B70,45E4,96C8,C6AD,CE67h"); Integer s("C75A,8A0D,E231,295F,C08A,1716,8611,D5EC,E9EF,B565,90EC,58C0,57D0,DA7D,C6E6,DB00," "2282,1CA7,EA31,D64E,768C,0B19,8563,36DF,2226,F4EC,74A4,2844,2E8D,37E8,53DC,0172," "5F56,8CF9,B444,CA02,78B3,17AF,7C78,D320,16AE,AC3D,B97F,7259,1B8F,9C84,6A16,B878," "0595,70BB,9C52,18B5,9100,9C1F,E85A,4035,06F3,5F38,7462,F01D,0462,BFBC,A4CD,4A45," "3A77,E7F8,DED1,D6EF,CEF7,0937,CD3F,3AF1,4F88,932D,6D4B,002C,3735,304C,C5D3,B88A," "B57B,24B6,5346,9B46,5153,B7ED,B216,C181,B1C6,C52E,CD2B,E0AA,B1BB,0A93,C92E,4F79," "4931,E303,7C8F,A408,8ACF,56CD,6EC0,76A2,5015,6BA4,4C50,C44D,53B9,E168,5F84,B381," "2514,10B2,00E5,B4D1,4156,A2FE,0BF6,6F33,0A1B,91C6,31B8,1C90,02F1,FB1F,C494,8B65h"); BlumBlumShub c(p, q, s); BenchMark("BlumBlumShub 2048", c, t); } cout << "</TABLE>" << endl; cout << "<TABLE border=1><COLGROUP><COL align=left><COL align=right><COL align=right><COL align=right>" << endl; cout << "<THEAD><TR><TH>Operation<TH>Iterations<TH>Total Time<TH>Milliseconds/Operation" << endl; cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl; BenchMarkCrypto<RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor, RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor>("rsa512.dat", "RSA 512", t); BenchMarkCrypto<RabinDecryptor, RabinEncryptor>("rabi512.dat", "Rabin 512", t); BenchMarkCrypto<BlumGoldwasserPrivateKey, BlumGoldwasserPublicKey>("blum512.dat", "BlumGoldwasser 512", t); BenchMarkCrypto<LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor, LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor>("luc512.dat", "LUC 512", t); BenchMarkCrypto<ElGamalDecryptor, ElGamalEncryptor>("elgc512.dat", "ElGamal 512", t); cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: white\">" << endl; BenchMarkCrypto<RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor, RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor>("rsa1024.dat", "RSA 1024", t); BenchMarkCrypto<RabinDecryptor, RabinEncryptor>("rabi1024.dat", "Rabin 1024", t); BenchMarkCrypto<BlumGoldwasserPrivateKey, BlumGoldwasserPublicKey>("blum1024.dat", "BlumGoldwasser 1024", t); BenchMarkCrypto<LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor, LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor>("luc1024.dat", "LUC 1024", t); BenchMarkCrypto<ElGamalDecryptor, ElGamalEncryptor>("elgc1024.dat", "ElGamal 1024", t); BenchMarkCrypto<LUCELG_Decryptor, LUCELG_Encryptor>("lucc512.dat", "LUCELG 512", t); cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl; BenchMarkCrypto<RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor, RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor>("rsa2048.dat", "RSA 2048", t); BenchMarkCrypto<RabinDecryptor, RabinEncryptor>("rabi2048.dat", "Rabin 2048", t); BenchMarkCrypto<BlumGoldwasserPrivateKey, BlumGoldwasserPublicKey>("blum2048.dat", "BlumGoldwasser 2048", t); BenchMarkCrypto<LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor, LUCES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor>("luc2048.dat", "LUC 2048", t); BenchMarkCrypto<ElGamalDecryptor, ElGamalEncryptor>("elgc2048.dat", "ElGamal 2048", t); BenchMarkCrypto<LUCELG_Decryptor, LUCELG_Encryptor>("lucc1024.dat", "LUCELG 1024", t); cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: white\">" << endl; BenchMarkSignature<RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer, RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier>("rsa512.dat", "RSA 512", t); BenchMarkSignature<RabinSignerWith(SHA), RabinVerifierWith(SHA) >("rabi512.dat", "Rabin 512", t); BenchMarkSignature<RWSigner<SHA>, RWVerifier<SHA> >("rw512.dat", "RW 512", t); BenchMarkSignature<LUCSSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer, LUCSSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier>("luc512.dat", "LUC 512", t); BenchMarkSignature<NRSigner<SHA>, NRVerifier<SHA> >("nr512.dat", "NR 512", t); BenchMarkSignature<DSAPrivateKey, DSAPublicKey>("dsa512.dat", "DSA 512", t); cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl; BenchMarkSignature<RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer, RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier>("rsa1024.dat", "RSA 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature<RabinSignerWith(SHA), RabinVerifierWith(SHA) >("rabi1024.dat", "Rabin 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature<RWSigner<SHA>, RWVerifier<SHA> >("rw1024.dat", "RW 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature<LUCSSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer, LUCSSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier>("luc1024.dat", "LUC 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature<NRSigner<SHA>, NRVerifier<SHA> >("nr1024.dat", "NR 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature<DSAPrivateKey, DSAPublicKey>("dsa1024.dat", "DSA 1024", t); BenchMarkSignature<LUCELG_Signer<SHA>, LUCELG_Verifier<SHA> >("lucs512.dat", "LUCELG 512", t); cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: white\">" << endl; BenchMarkSignature<RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer, RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier>("rsa2048.dat", "RSA 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature<RabinSignerWith(SHA), RabinVerifierWith(SHA) >("rabi2048.dat", "Rabin 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature<RWSigner<SHA>, RWVerifier<SHA> >("rw2048.dat", "RW 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature<LUCSSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Signer, LUCSSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier>("luc2048.dat", "LUC 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature<NRSigner<SHA>, NRVerifier<SHA> >("nr2048.dat", "NR 2048", t); BenchMarkSignature<LUCELG_Signer<SHA>, LUCELG_Verifier<SHA> >("lucs1024.dat", "LUCELG 1024", t); cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl; BenchMarkKeyAgreement<XTR_DH>("xtrdh171.dat", "XTR-DH 171", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<XTR_DH>("xtrdh342.dat", "XTR-DH 342", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<DH>("dh512.dat", "DH 512", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<DH>("dh1024.dat", "DH 1024", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<DH>("dh2048.dat", "DH 2048", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<LUCDIF>("lucd512.dat", "LUCDIF 512", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<LUCDIF>("lucd1024.dat", "LUCDIF 1024", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<MQV>("mqv512.dat", "MQV 512", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<MQV>("mqv1024.dat", "MQV 1024", t); BenchMarkKeyAgreement<MQV>("mqv2048.dat", "MQV 2048", t); cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: white\">" << endl; { Integer modulus("199999999999999999999999980586675243082581144187569"); Integer a("659942,b7261b,249174,c86bd5,e2a65b,45fe07,37d110h"); Integer b("3ece7d,09473d,666000,5baef5,d4e00e,30159d,2df49ah"); Integer x("25dd61,4c0667,81abc0,fe6c84,fefaa3,858ca6,96d0e8h"); Integer y("4e2477,05aab0,b3497f,d62b5e,78a531,446729,6c3fach"); Integer r("100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000151"); Integer k(2); Integer d("76572944925670636209790912427415155085360939712345"); ECP ec(modulus, a, b); ECP::Point P(x, y); P = ec.Multiply(k, P); ECP::Point Q(ec.Multiply(d, P)); ECDecryptor<ECP> cpriv(ec, P, r, Q, d); ECEncryptor<ECP> cpub(cpriv); ECSigner<ECP, SHA> spriv(cpriv); ECVerifier<ECP, SHA> spub(spriv); ECDHC<ECP> ecdhc(ec, P, r, k); ECMQVC<ECP> ecmqvc(ec, P, r, k); BenchMarkEncryption("ECIES over GF(p) 168", cpub, t); BenchMarkDecryption("ECIES over GF(p) 168", cpriv, cpub, t); BenchMarkSigning("ECNR over GF(p) 168", spriv, t); BenchMarkVerification("ECNR over GF(p) 168", spriv, spub, t); BenchMarkKeyGen("ECDHC over GF(p) 168", ecdhc, t); BenchMarkAgreement("ECDHC over GF(p) 168", ecdhc, t); BenchMarkKeyGen("ECMQVC over GF(p) 168", ecmqvc, t); BenchMarkAgreement("ECMQVC over GF(p) 168", ecmqvc, t); } cout << "<TBODY style=\"background: yellow\">" << endl; { Integer r("3805993847215893016155463826195386266397436443"); Integer k(12); Integer d("2065729449256706362097909124274151550853609397"); GF2NT gf2n(155, 62, 0); byte b[]={0x7, 0x33, 0x8f}; EC2N ec(gf2n, PolynomialMod2::Zero(), PolynomialMod2(b,3)); EC2N::Point P(0x7B, 0x1C8); P = ec.Multiply(k, P); EC2N::Point Q(ec.Multiply(d, P)); ECDecryptor<EC2N> cpriv(ec, P, r, Q, d); ECEncryptor<EC2N> cpub(cpriv); ECSigner<EC2N, SHA> spriv(cpriv); ECVerifier<EC2N, SHA> spub(spriv); ECDHC<EC2N> ecdhc(ec, P, r, k); ECMQVC<EC2N> ecmqvc(ec, P, r, k); BenchMarkEncryption("ECIES over GF(2^n) 155", cpub, t); BenchMarkDecryption("ECIES over GF(2^n) 155", cpriv, cpub, t); BenchMarkSigning("ECNR over GF(2^n) 155", spriv, t); BenchMarkVerification("ECNR over GF(2^n) 155", spriv, spub, t); BenchMarkKeyGen("ECDHC over GF(2^n) 155", ecdhc, t); BenchMarkAgreement("ECDHC over GF(2^n) 155", ecdhc, t); BenchMarkKeyGen("ECMQVC over GF(2^n) 155", ecmqvc, t); BenchMarkAgreement("ECMQVC over GF(2^n) 155", ecmqvc, t); } cout << "</TABLE>" << endl; cout << "Throughput Geometric Average: " << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << exp(logtotal/logcount) << endl; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if 1 QApplication a(argc, argv); MainWindow w;; // look for image file //std::string img_file("data/floor.jpg"); //QFile file; //for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) // if (!file.exists(img_file.c_str())) // img_file.insert(0, "../"); //w.getGLWidget()->setImage(img_file.c_str()); GLLines* gllines = &w.getGLWidget()->glLines(); //gllines->setVertexLine(0, 0, QVector3D(52.3467f, 125.102f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(0, 1, QVector3D(340.253f, 130.147f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(1, 0, QVector3D(193.28f, 126.111f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(1, 1, QVector3D(225.493f, 360.173f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(2, 0, QVector3D(42.28f, 263.32f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(2, 1, QVector3D(296.967f, 397.502f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(3, 0, QVector3D(212.407f, 269.373f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(3, 1, QVector3D(34.2267f, 391.449f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(4, 0, QVector3D(294.953f, 318.809f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(4, 1, QVector3D(456.02f, 322.844f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(5, 0, QVector3D(492.26f, 208.84f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(5, 1, QVector3D(429.847f, 400.529f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(6, 0, QVector3D(299.987f, 31.2756f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(6, 1, QVector3D(555.68f, 273.409f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(7, 0, QVector3D(545.613f, 39.3467f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(7, 1, QVector3D(236.567f, 250.204f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(8, 0, QVector3D(95.6333f, 264.329f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(8, 1, QVector3D(501.32f, 273.409f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(9, 0, QVector3D(302.00f, 29.2578f, 1.0f)); //gllines->setVertexLine(9, 1, QVector3D(297.973f, 398.511f, 1.0f)); gllines->computeCanonicalVertices(w.getGLWidget()->width(), w.getGLWidget()->height()); gllines->onEnable(true); return a.exec(); #else std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> vertices; vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(52.3467f, 125.102f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(340.253f, 130.147f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(193.28f, 126.111f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(225.493f, 360.173f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(42.28f, 263.32f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(296.967f, 397.502f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(212.407f, 269.373f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(34.2267f, 391.449f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(294.953f, 318.809f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(456.02f, 322.844f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(492.26f, 208.84f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(429.847f, 400.529f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(299.987f, 31.2756f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(555.68f, 273.409f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(545.613f, 39.3467f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(236.567f, 250.204f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(95.6333f, 264.329f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(501.32f, 273.409f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(302.00f, 29.2578f, 1.0f)); vertices.push_back(Eigen::Vector3f(297.973f, 398.511f, 1.0f)); std::cout << vertices.size() << std::endl; std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> lines; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size() - 1; i += 2) lines.push_back(lineNormalized(vertices[i], vertices[i + 1])); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) std::cout << "l" << i << " : " << lines[i].x() << ", " << lines[i].y() << ", " << lines[i].z() << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; //lines[0] = Eigen::Vector3f(-0.000141084, 0.00805224, -0.999968); //lines[1] = Eigen::Vector3f(-0.00568419, 0.000782299, 0.999984); //lines[2] = Eigen::Vector3f(-0.00218568, 0.00414856, -0.999989); //lines[3] = Eigen::Vector3f(-0.0016513, -0.00241022, 0.999996); //lines[4] = Eigen::Vector3f(-8.04546e-05, 0.00321109, -0.999995); //lines[5] = Eigen::Vector3f(-0.00178489, -0.000581155, 0.999998); //lines[6] = Eigen::Vector3f(-0.00374583, 0.0039556, 0.999985); //lines[7] = Eigen::Vector3f(-0.00165759, -0.00242947, 0.999996); //lines[8] = Eigen::Vector3f(-8.53647e-05, 0.00381402, -0.999993); //lines[9] = Eigen::Vector3f(-0.00330775, -3.60706e-05, 0.999995); Eigen::MatrixXf A(5, 5); Eigen::Vector3f l, m; Eigen::VectorXf b(5); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { l = lines[i * 2 + 0]; m = lines[i * 2 + 1]; A(i, 0) = l[0] * m[0]; A(i, 1) = (l[0] * m[1] + l[1] * m[0]) / 2.0f; A(i, 2) = l[1] * m[1]; A(i, 3) = (l[0] * m[2] + l[2] * m[0]) / 2.0f; A(i, 4) = (l[1] * m[2] + l[2] * m[1]) / 2.0f; A(i, 5) = l[2] * m[2]; b[i] = -l[2] * m[2]; } std::cout << "A: \n" << A << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "b: \n" << b << std::endl << std::endl; Eigen::MatrixXf x = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b); std::cout << std::fixed << "x: \n" << x << std::endl << std::endl; Eigen::MatrixXf conic(3, 3); conic(0, 0) = x(0); conic(0, 1) = x(1) / 2.0f; conic(0, 2) = x(3) / 2.0f; conic(1, 0) = x(1) / 2.0f; conic(1, 1) = x(2); conic(1, 2) = x(4) / 2.0f; conic(2, 0) = x(3) / 2.0f; conic(2, 1) = x(4) / 2.0f; conic(2, 2) = 1.0f; std::cout << "Conic : " << std::endl << conic << std::endl << std::endl; Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXf> svd(conic, Eigen::ComputeFullU); Eigen::MatrixXf H = svd.matrixU(); std::cout << "H matrix: " << std::endl << H << std::endl << std::endl << "Singular values: " << svd.singularValues() << std::endl << std::endl; std::cout << "Rectification transformation: " << std::endl << H.inverse() << std::endl << std::endl; QImage input("floor-persp.jpg"); Eigen::Vector3f img(input.width(), input.height(), 1.0f); float xmin = 0; float xmax = 0; float ymin = 0; float ymax = 0; computImageSize(H.inverse(), 0, 0, input.width(), input.height(), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); float aspect = (xmax - xmin) / (ymax - ymin); QImage output(input.width(), input.width() / aspect, input.format()); output.fill(qRgb(0, 0, 0)); std::cout << "Output size: " << output.width() << ", " << output.height() << std::endl; float dx = (xmax - xmin) / float(output.width()); float dy = (ymax - ymin) / float(output.height()); std::cout << std::fixed << "dx, dy: " << dx << ", " << dy << std::endl; for (int x = 0; x < output.width(); ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < output.height(); ++y) { Eigen::Vector3f px(x, y, 1); float tx = 0.0f; float ty = 0.0f; Eigen::Vector2f t = multiplyPointMatrix(H, xmin + x * dx, ymin + y * dy); if (t.x() > -1 && t.y() > -1 && t.x() < input.width() && t.y() < input.height()) { //if (interpolate) //{ // QRgb rgb = bilinearInterpol(input, t.x(), t.y(), dx / 2.0, dy / 2.0); // output.setPixel(x, y, rgb); //} //else { output.setPixel(x, y, input.pixel(t.x(), t.y())); } } } }"output_5_floor.jpg"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; #endif }
int main() { Boo b(0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int sc_main( int, char*[] ) { // 1) check the existence of the reduce methods sc_int<42> a = 42; // sc_int_base cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( a ) << endl; cout << or_reduce( a ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( a ) << endl; cout << nand_reduce( a ) << endl; cout << nor_reduce( a ) << endl; cout << xnor_reduce( a ) << endl; // sc_int_subref cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( a( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << or_reduce( a( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( a( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << nand_reduce( a( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << nor_reduce( a( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << xnor_reduce( a( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; // sc_int_concref<T1,T2> cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( ( a( 7, 0 ), a( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << or_reduce( ( a( 7, 0 ), a( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( ( a( 7, 0 ), a( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << nand_reduce( ( a( 7, 0 ), a( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << nor_reduce( ( a( 7, 0 ), a( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << xnor_reduce( ( a( 7, 0 ), a( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; sc_uint<42> b = 42; // sc_uint_base cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( b ) << endl; cout << or_reduce( b ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( b ) << endl; cout << nand_reduce( b ) << endl; cout << nor_reduce( b ) << endl; cout << xnor_reduce( b ) << endl; // sc_uint_subref cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( b( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << or_reduce( b( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( b( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << nand_reduce( b( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << nor_reduce( b( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; cout << xnor_reduce( b( 7, 0 ) ) << endl; // sc_uint_concref<T1,T2> cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( ( b( 7, 0 ), b( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << or_reduce( ( b( 7, 0 ), b( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( ( b( 7, 0 ), b( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << nand_reduce( ( b( 7, 0 ), b( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << nor_reduce( ( b( 7, 0 ), b( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; cout << xnor_reduce( ( b( 7, 0 ), b( 15, 8 ) ) ) << endl; // 2) check the functionality of the reduce methods sc_int<2> c2 = -1; cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( c2 ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( c2 ) << endl; sc_int<3> c3 = -1; cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( c3 ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( c3 ) << endl; sc_uint<2> d2 = sc_dt::uint_type( -1 ); cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( d2 ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( d2 ) << endl; sc_uint<3> d3 = sc_dt::uint_type( -1 ); cout << endl; cout << and_reduce( d3 ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( d3 ) << endl; sc_int<6> e; sc_uint<6> f; cout << endl; for( int i = 0; i >= -10; -- i ) { e = i; f = i; cout << xor_reduce( e ) << endl; cout << xor_reduce( f ) << endl; } return 0; }
/************************************************************************************************* * compute_trajectory_from_last_three * Compute trajectory from last three positions if valid ball pos, otherwise c(0)=0 (no trajectory) *************************************************************************************************/ void CTrajectory::compute_trajectory_from_last_three() { Eigen::Vector3f temp; Eigen::Vector3f temporigin; double coords1[3],coords2[3],coords3[3]; has_trajectory = 0; c(0)=0; origin(0) = origin(1)=origin(2)=0; if (trajecto_pose[HISTORY-3]>=0 && trajecto_pose[HISTORY-2]>=0 && trajecto_pose[HISTORY-1]>=0) { double d1,d2,d3; origin = previous_pose[HISTORY-3]; temporigin = origin; // set orgin in ground plane temporigin[2]=0; d3 = 0; temp = previous_pose[HISTORY-2]; temp[2]=0; d2 = (temp-temporigin).norm(); temp = previous_pose[HISTORY-1]; temp[2]=0; d1 = (temp-temporigin).norm(); //Eigen::Matrix3f A; Eigen::MatrixXf A(3,3); //A << d1*d1,d1,1,d2*d2,d2,1,d3*d3,d3,1; A << d3*d3,d3,1,d2*d2,d2,1,d1*d1,d1,1; Eigen::VectorXf b(3,1); //Eigen::Vector3f b(previous_pose[HISTORY-3][2],previous_pose[HISTORY-2][2],previous_pose[HISTORY-1][2]); b << previous_pose[HISTORY-3][2],previous_pose[HISTORY-2][2],previous_pose[HISTORY-1][2]; c = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b); // check if all three points fits well to curve compute_3D_from_1D(d3,coords3); compute_3D_from_1D(d2,coords2); compute_3D_from_1D(d1,coords1); if ( sqrt ( (coords3[0]-previous_pose[HISTORY-3][0]) * (coords3[0]-previous_pose[HISTORY-3][0]) +(coords3[1]-previous_pose[HISTORY-3][1]) * (coords3[1]-previous_pose[HISTORY-3][1]) +(coords3[2]-previous_pose[HISTORY-3][2]) * (coords3[2]-previous_pose[HISTORY-3][2]) ) > MIN_DISTANCE_TRAJECTORY || sqrt ( (coords2[0]-previous_pose[HISTORY-2][0]) * (coords2[0]-previous_pose[HISTORY-2][0]) +(coords2[1]-previous_pose[HISTORY-2][1]) * (coords2[1]-previous_pose[HISTORY-2][1]) +(coords2[2]-previous_pose[HISTORY-2][2]) * (coords2[2]-previous_pose[HISTORY-2][2]) ) > MIN_DISTANCE_TRAJECTORY || sqrt ( (coords1[0]-previous_pose[HISTORY-1][0]) * (coords1[0]-previous_pose[HISTORY-1][0]) +(coords1[1]-previous_pose[HISTORY-1][1]) * (coords1[1]-previous_pose[HISTORY-1][1]) +(coords1[2]-previous_pose[HISTORY-1][2]) * (coords1[2]-previous_pose[HISTORY-1][2]) ) > MIN_DISTANCE_TRAJECTORY) /* if ( fabs(previous_pose[HISTORY-4][2] - (c(0)*d4*d4 +c(1)*d4 +c(2) ) ) > MIN_DISTANCE_TRAJECTORY || fabs(previous_pose[HISTORY-3][2] - (c(0)*d3*d3 +c(1)*d3 +c(2) ) ) > MIN_DISTANCE_TRAJECTORY || fabs(previous_pose[HISTORY-2][2] - (c(0)*d2*d2 +c(1)*d2 +c(2) ) ) > MIN_DISTANCE_TRAJECTORY || fabs(previous_pose[HISTORY-1][2] - (c(0)*d1*d1 +c(1)*d1 +c(2) ) ) > MIN_DISTANCE_TRAJECTORY )*/ { has_trajectory = 0; c(0)=0; origin(0) = origin(1)=origin(2)=0; } else { has_trajectory = 1; trajecto_pose[HISTORY-3]=1; trajecto_pose[HISTORY-2]=1; trajecto_pose[HISTORY-1]=1; origin = previous_pose[HISTORY-3]; } } }
void clearLock() { SpinBlock b(lock); clear(); }
Boundary GUIInductLoop::MyWrapper::getCenteringBoundary() const throw() { Boundary b(myBoundary); b.grow(20); return b; }
//--------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { TPS<double> rbf; Polinomio<double> pol; Matrix<double> A,B; Vector<double> x,y,f; Vector<double> lambda,b; Vector<double> xnew,ynew,fnew; double c=0.01; int n,ni,m; //make the data in the square [0,1] x [0,1] make_data(0,1,0,1, 21, 21, x, y, ni, n); //stablish the exponent in: r^beta log(r) rbf.set_beta(4); //configure the associate polynomial // pol.make( data_dimension, degree_pol) pol.make(2 , rbf.get_degree_pol()); //show the rbf and pol info cout<<rbf; cout<<pol; //show the number of nodes cout<<endl; cout<<"total nodes N = "<<n<<endl; cout<<"interior nodes ni = "<<ni<<endl; cout<<"boundary nodes nf = "<<n-ni<<endl; cout<<endl; //get the number of elements in the polynomial base m = pol.get_M(); //resize the matrices to store the partial derivatives A.Resize(n+m,n+m); A = 0.0; B.Resize(n+m,n+m); B = 0.0; //Recall that this problem has the general form // (Uxx+Uyy) (Pxx+Pyy) = f interior nodes // U P_b = g boundary nodes ni..n // P^transpose 0 = 0 momentun conditions in P // // P is the polynomial wit size n x m // P_b is the polynomial working in the boundary nodes, size nf x m // Pxx+Pyy has size ni x m //make the matriz derivatives fill_matrix( "dxx" , rbf , pol , c , x , y, 0 , ni , A); fill_matrix( "dyy" , rbf , pol , c , x , y, 0 , ni , B); A = A + B; // A <- Uxx + Uyy //Add the submatriz for the boundary nodes: U , P_b boundary nodes ni..n fill_matrix( "normal" , rbf , pol , c , x , y, ni, n , A); //Add the submatriz P^transpose at the end: P^transpose fill_matrix( "pol_trans" , rbf , pol , c , x , y, n , n+m, A); //resize the vector to store the right_size of the PDE b.Resize(n+m); b = 0.0; //fill with f for(int i=0;i<ni;i++) b(i) = right_side(x(i), y(i)); //fill with the boundary condition for(int i=ni;i<n;i++) b(i) = boundary_condition(x(i),y(i)); //solve the linear system of equations lambda = gauss(A,b); //make the new data grid int ni2,n2; make_data(0,1,0,1, 41, 41, xnew, ynew, ni2, n2); //interpolate on this new data grid (xnew,ynew) fnew = interpolate(rbf,pol,c,lambda,x,y,xnew,ynew); //determine the maximum error double e=0.0; for(int i=0;i<ni2;i++) { e = max(e, fabs(fnew(i) - sin(2*M_PI*xnew(i))*cos(2*M_PI*ynew(i))) ); } //show the error cout<<endl; cout<<"The maximum error: e_max = "<<e<<endl<<endl; //store the interpolated data save_gnu_data("data",xnew,ynew,fnew); return 0; }
void ReturnStatusTest::basic() { // default constructor test vpr::ReturnStatus s; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s == vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( s.code() == vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); // ReturnStatus::Code constructor test vpr::ReturnStatus a( vpr::ReturnStatus::WouldBlock ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a == vpr::ReturnStatus::WouldBlock ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a.code() == vpr::ReturnStatus::WouldBlock ); // copy constructor test vpr::ReturnStatus b( a ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( b == vpr::ReturnStatus::WouldBlock ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( b.code() == vpr::ReturnStatus::WouldBlock ); // setCode test a.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a == vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a.code() == vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); // status = status test s.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); a.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); a = s; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a == vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a.code() == vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); // status = code test a.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); a = vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a == vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a.code() == vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); // code() test vpr::ReturnStatus c; a.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); c.setCode( a.code() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( c == vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( c.code() == vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); // setup some stuff.... a.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); b.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); // ReturnStatus == ReturnStatus test CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a == b ); // Code == Code test CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a.code() == b.code() ); // ReturnStatus == Code test CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a == b.code() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( b == a.code() ); // setup some stuff.... a.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Succeed ); b.setCode( vpr::ReturnStatus::Fail ); // ReturnStatus != ReturnStatus test CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a != b ); // Code != Code test CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a.code() != b.code() ); // ReturnStatus != Code test CPPUNIT_ASSERT( a != b.code() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( b != a.code() ); }
int main() { { A::Enum a; B::Enum b; int n; A::init(); a=A::ONE; b=B::ONE; //a=B::ONE; //nok n=a; assert(n==1); n=b; assert(n==1); assert(A::str[A::ONE]=="one"); assert(A::str[1]=="one"); } m[ZERO_]="zero"; m[ONE_]="one"; m[TWO_]="two"; { N n=ZERO_; int m=ZERO_; assert(n==m); //n=m; //nok n=static_cast<N>(m); m=n; assert(m==n); assert(ZERO_==0); } { N n; N *p, *q; int* r; n=ZERO_; p=&n; //p=new ZERO_; //nok //p=&ZERO_; //nok q=reinterpret_cast<N*>(new int(2)); r=reinterpret_cast<int*>(p); assert(*p==n); assert(*p==ZERO_); assert(str_enum(n)=="zero"); assert(str_enum(*p)=="zero"); assert(str_enum(static_cast<N>(0))=="zero"); assert(str_enum(*q)=="two"); assert(str_int(ZERO_)=="0"); assert(str_int(*q)=="2"); assert(str_int(*r)=="0"); // TODO enum =>int* // assert(str_int_ptr(ZERO_)=="0"); //assert(str_int_ptr(&n)=="0"); //nok //assert(str_int_ptr(static_cast<int>(n))=="0"); assert(str_int_ptr(reinterpret_cast<int*>(q))=="2"); assert(str_int_ptr(r)=="0"); delete q; } { N n=ZERO_; //Base b(ZERO_); //nok Base b(n); } { const int x=5; int y=2; //enum temp { x, y }; //nok compile error ''x/y' redeclared as different kind of symbol' } return 0; }