Beispiel #1
int main_pad2unpad(int argc, char *argv[])
	bamFile in, out;
	if (argc == 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: samtools depad <in.bam>\n");
		return 1;
	in = strcmp(argv[1], "-")? bam_open(argv[1], "r") : bam_dopen(fileno(stdin), "r");
	out = bam_dopen(fileno(stdout), "w");
	bam_pad2unpad(in, out);
	bam_close(in); bam_close(out);
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main_pad2unpad(int argc, char *argv[])
    samFile *in = 0, *out = 0;
    bam_hdr_t *h = 0, *h_fix = 0;
    faidx_t *fai = 0;
    int c, compress_level = -1, is_long_help = 0;
    char in_mode[5], out_mode[6], *fn_out = 0, *fn_list = 0;
    int ret=0;
    sam_global_args ga = SAM_GLOBAL_ARGS_INIT;

    static const struct option lopts[] = {
        SAM_OPT_GLOBAL_OPTIONS('-', 0, 0, 0, 'T'),
        { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }

    /* parse command-line options */
    strcpy(in_mode, "r"); strcpy(out_mode, "w");
    while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "SCso:u1T:?", lopts, NULL)) >= 0) {
        switch (c) {
        case 'S': break;
        case 'C': hts_parse_format(&ga.out, "cram"); break;
        case 's': assert(compress_level == -1); hts_parse_format(&ga.out, "sam"); break;
        case 'o': fn_out = strdup(optarg); break;
        case 'u':
            compress_level = 0;
            if (ga.out.format == unknown_format)
                hts_parse_format(&ga.out, "bam");
        case '1':
            compress_level = 1;
            if (ga.out.format == unknown_format)
                hts_parse_format(&ga.out, "bam");
        case '?': is_long_help = 1; break;
        default:  if (parse_sam_global_opt(c, optarg, lopts, &ga) == 0) break;
            fprintf(stderr, "[bam_fillmd] unrecognized option '-%c'\n\n", c);
            return usage(is_long_help);
    if (argc == optind) return usage(is_long_help);

    strcat(out_mode, "h");
    if (compress_level >= 0) {
        char tmp[2];
        tmp[0] = compress_level + '0'; tmp[1] = '\0';
        strcat(out_mode, tmp);

    // Load FASTA reference (also needed for SAM -> BAM if missing header)
    if (ga.reference) {
        fn_list = samfaipath(ga.reference);
        fai = fai_load(ga.reference);
    // open file handlers
    if ((in = sam_open_format(argv[optind], in_mode, & == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to open \"%s\" for reading.\n", argv[optind]);
        ret = 1;
        goto depad_end;
    if (fn_list && hts_set_fai_filename(in, fn_list) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to load reference file \"%s\".\n", fn_list);
        ret = 1;
        goto depad_end;
    if ((h = sam_hdr_read(in)) == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to read the header from \"%s\".\n", argv[optind]);
        ret = 1;
        goto depad_end;
    if (fai) {
        h_fix = fix_header(h, fai);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "[depad] Warning - reference lengths will not be corrected without FASTA reference\n");
        h_fix = h;
    char wmode[2];
    strcat(out_mode, sam_open_mode(wmode, fn_out, NULL)==0 ? wmode : "b");
    if ((out = sam_open_format(fn_out? fn_out : "-", out_mode, &ga.out)) == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to open \"%s\" for writing.\n", fn_out? fn_out : "standard output");
        ret = 1;
        goto depad_end;

    // Reference-based CRAM won't work unless we also create a new reference.
    // We could embed this, but for now we take the easy option.
    if (ga.out.format == cram)
        hts_set_opt(out, CRAM_OPT_NO_REF, 1);

    if (sam_hdr_write(out, h_fix) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to write header.\n");
        ret = 1;
        goto depad_end;

    // Do the depad
    ret = bam_pad2unpad(in, out, h, fai);

    // close files, free and return
    if (fai) fai_destroy(fai);
    if (h) bam_hdr_destroy(h);
    free(fn_list); free(fn_out);
    return ret;