main(int argc, char* argv[])
	GError *err = NULL;
	GOptionContext *context;

	context = g_option_context_new ("trust-file");
	g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, option_entries, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
	if (!g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &err))
		barf_and_die (egg_error_message (err), NULL);

	g_option_context_free (context);

	if (argc != 2)
		barf_and_die ("specify trust-file", NULL);

	if (((create_for_file ? 1 : 0) +
	     (refer_for_file ? 1 : 0) +
	     (add_trust_purpose ? 1 : 0)) > 1)
		barf_and_die ("incompatible options specified", NULL);

	if (create_for_file)
		create_trust_file_for_certificate (argv[1], create_for_file);
	else if (refer_for_file)
		create_trust_file_for_issuer_and_serial (argv[1], refer_for_file);
	else if (add_trust_purpose)
		add_trust_purpose_to_file (argv[1], add_trust_purpose);

	g_free (create_for_file);
	g_free (refer_for_file);
	g_free (add_trust_purpose);

	return 0;
main(int argc, char* argv[])
	GError *err = NULL;
	gchar *contents;
	gsize n_contents;
	GNode *asn, *node;
	gint i, count;

	if (argc != 2) {
		g_printerr ("usage: dump-trust-file file\n");
		return 2;

	if (!g_file_get_contents (argv[1], &contents, &n_contents, &err))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't load file", egg_error_message (err));

	asn = egg_asn1x_create (xdg_asn1_tab, "trust-1");
	g_return_val_if_fail (asn, 1);

	if (!egg_asn1x_decode (asn, contents, n_contents))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't parse file", egg_asn1x_message (asn));

	/* Print out the certificate we refer to first */
	node = egg_asn1x_node (asn, "reference", "certReference", NULL);
	if (egg_asn1x_have (node)) {
		dump_certificate_reference (node);
	} else {
		node = egg_asn1x_node (asn, "reference", "certComplete", NULL);
		if (egg_asn1x_have (node))
			dump_certificate_complete (node);
			barf_and_die ("unsupported certificate reference", NULL);

	/* Then the assertions */
	count = egg_asn1x_count (egg_asn1x_node (asn, "assertions", NULL));
	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
		node = egg_asn1x_node (asn, "assertions", i + 1, NULL);
		dump_assertion (node);

	egg_asn1x_destroy (asn);
	g_free (contents);

	return 0;
static void
create_trust_file_for_certificate (const gchar *filename, const gchar *certificate)
	GError *err = NULL;
	GNode *asn, *cert, *choice, *ref;
	GBytes *bytes, *result;
	gchar *data;
	gsize n_data;

	if (!g_file_get_contents (certificate, &data, &n_data, &err))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't read certificate file", egg_error_message (err));

	/* Make sure the certificate is */
	cert = egg_asn1x_create (pkix_asn1_tab, "Certificate");
	g_return_if_fail (cert);

	bytes = g_bytes_new_take (data, n_data);
	if (!egg_asn1x_decode (cert, bytes))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't parse der certificate file", egg_asn1x_message (cert));

	asn = egg_asn1x_create (xdg_asn1_tab, "trust-1");
	g_return_if_fail (asn);

	ref = egg_asn1x_node (asn, "reference", NULL);
	choice = egg_asn1x_node (ref, "certComplete", NULL);

	if (!egg_asn1x_set_choice (ref, choice) || !egg_asn1x_set_any_raw (choice, bytes))
		g_return_if_reached ();

	g_bytes_unref (bytes);

	result = egg_asn1x_encode (asn, NULL);
	if (result == NULL)
		barf_and_die ("couldn't encode the trust file", egg_asn1x_message (asn));

	egg_asn1x_destroy (asn);
	egg_asn1x_destroy (cert);

	if (!g_file_set_contents (filename, g_bytes_get_data (result, NULL),
	                          g_bytes_get_size (result), &err))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't write trust file", egg_error_message (err));

	g_bytes_unref (result);
static void
add_trust_purpose_to_file (const gchar *filename, const gchar *purpose)
	GError *err = NULL;
	gchar *data;
	GBytes *result;
	gsize n_data;
	GNode *asn, *assertion;
	GBytes *bytes;

	if (!g_file_get_contents (filename, &data, &n_data, &err))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't read trust file", egg_error_message (err));

	/* Create up the trust structure */
	asn = egg_asn1x_create (xdg_asn1_tab, "trust-1");
	g_return_if_fail (asn);

	/* And parse it */
	bytes = g_bytes_new_take (data, n_data);
	if (!egg_asn1x_decode (asn, bytes))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't parse trust file", egg_asn1x_message (asn));
	g_bytes_unref (bytes);

	assertion = egg_asn1x_append (egg_asn1x_node (asn, "assertions", NULL));
	g_return_if_fail (assertion);

	if (!egg_asn1x_set_string_as_utf8 (egg_asn1x_node (assertion, "purpose", NULL), g_strdup (purpose), g_free))
		g_return_if_reached ();
	egg_asn1x_set_enumerated (egg_asn1x_node (assertion, "level", NULL), g_quark_from_string ("trusted"));

	result = egg_asn1x_encode (asn, NULL);
	if (result == NULL)
		barf_and_die ("couldn't encode trust file", egg_asn1x_message (asn));

	egg_asn1x_destroy (asn);

	if (!g_file_set_contents (filename, g_bytes_get_data (result, NULL),
	                          g_bytes_get_size (result), &err))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't write trust file", egg_error_message (err));

	g_bytes_unref (result);
static void
dump_certificate_complete (GNode *asn)
	GNode *cert;
	gchar *issuer, *serial, *subject;
	gconstpointer element;
	gpointer data;
	gsize n_data, n_element;

	/* Parse the certificate out */
	cert = egg_asn1x_create (pkix_asn1_tab, "Certificate");
	g_return_if_fail (cert);
	element = egg_asn1x_get_raw_element (asn, &n_element);
	g_return_if_fail (element);
	if (!egg_asn1x_decode (cert, element, n_element))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't parse certificate", egg_asn1x_message (cert));

	issuer = egg_dn_read (egg_asn1x_node (asn, "issuer", NULL));
	g_return_if_fail (issuer);

	subject = egg_dn_read (egg_asn1x_node (asn, "subject", NULL));
	g_return_if_fail (subject);

	data = egg_asn1x_get_integer_as_raw (egg_asn1x_node (asn, "serial", NULL), NULL, &n_data);
	g_return_if_fail (data && n_data);
	serial = egg_hex_encode (data, n_data);
	g_free (data);

	g_print ("Complete\n");
	g_print ("    issuer: %s\n", issuer);
	g_print ("    subject: %s\n", subject);
	g_print ("    serial: 0x%s\n", serial);

	egg_asn1x_destroy (cert);

	g_free (data);
	g_free (serial);
	g_free (issuer);
	g_free (subject);
static void
dump_certificate_reference (GNode *asn)
	gchar *issuer, *serial;
	gpointer data;
	gsize n_data;
	GNode *name;
	gconstpointer element;
	gsize n_element;

	/* Parse the name out */
	name = egg_asn1x_create (pkix_asn1_tab, "Name");
	g_return_if_fail (name);
	element = egg_asn1x_get_raw_element (egg_asn1x_node (asn, "issuer", NULL), &n_element);
	g_return_if_fail (element);
	if (!egg_asn1x_decode (name, element, n_element))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't parse certificate", egg_asn1x_message (name));

	issuer = egg_dn_read (name);
	g_return_if_fail (issuer);

	data = egg_asn1x_get_integer_as_raw (egg_asn1x_node (asn, "serial", NULL), NULL, &n_data);
	g_return_if_fail (data && n_data);
	serial = egg_hex_encode (data, n_data);
	g_free (data);

	g_print ("Reference\n");
	g_print ("    issuer: %s\n", issuer);
	g_print ("    serial: 0x%s\n", serial);

	egg_asn1x_destroy (name);

	g_free (data);
	g_free (serial);
	g_free (issuer);
static void
create_trust_file_for_issuer_and_serial (const gchar *filename, const gchar *certificate)
	GError *err = NULL;
	GNode *asn, *cert, *choice, *ref;
	GNode *issuer, *serial;
	gchar *data;
	GBytes *result;
	GBytes *value;
	GBytes *element;
	gsize n_data;
	GBytes *bytes;

	if (!g_file_get_contents (certificate, &data, &n_data, &err))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't read certificate file", egg_error_message (err));

	/* Make sure the certificate is */
	cert = egg_asn1x_create (pkix_asn1_tab, "Certificate");
	g_return_if_fail (cert);

	bytes = g_bytes_new_take (data, n_data);
	if (!egg_asn1x_decode (cert, bytes))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't parse der certificate file", egg_asn1x_message (cert));
	g_bytes_unref (bytes);

	/* Dig out the issuer and serial */
	issuer = egg_asn1x_node (cert, "tbsCertificate", "issuer", NULL);
	serial = egg_asn1x_node (cert, "tbsCertificate", "serialNumber", NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (issuer && serial);

	/* Create up the trust structure */
	asn = egg_asn1x_create (xdg_asn1_tab, "trust-1");
	g_return_if_fail (asn);

	/* Setup the type of trust assertion */
	ref = egg_asn1x_node (asn, "reference", NULL);
	choice = egg_asn1x_node (ref, "certReference", NULL);
	if (!egg_asn1x_set_choice (ref, choice))
		g_return_if_reached ();

	/* Copy over the serial and issuer */
	element = egg_asn1x_get_element_raw (issuer);
	if (!egg_asn1x_set_any_raw (egg_asn1x_node (choice, "issuer", NULL), element))
		g_return_if_reached ();
	g_bytes_unref (element);

	value = egg_asn1x_get_integer_as_raw (serial);
	egg_asn1x_set_integer_as_raw (egg_asn1x_node (choice, "serialNumber", NULL), value);
	g_bytes_unref (value);

	result = egg_asn1x_encode (asn, NULL);
	if (result == NULL)
		barf_and_die ("couldn't encode the trust file", egg_asn1x_message (asn));

	g_free (data);
	egg_asn1x_destroy (cert);
	egg_asn1x_destroy (asn);

	if (!g_file_set_contents (filename, g_bytes_get_data (result, NULL),
	                          g_bytes_get_size (result), &err))
		barf_and_die ("couldn't write trust file", egg_error_message (err));

	g_bytes_unref (result);