Beispiel #1
boolean bigBedSummaryArray(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end,
	enum bbiSummaryType summaryType, int summarySize, double *summaryValues)
/* Fill in summaryValues with  data from indicated chromosome range in bigBed file.
 * Be sure to initialize summaryValues to a default value, which will not be touched
 * for regions without data in file.  (Generally you want the default value to either
 * be 0.0 or nan("") depending on the application.)  Returns FALSE if no data
 * at that position. */
return bbiSummaryArray(bbi, chrom, start, end, bigBedCoverageIntervals,
	summaryType, summarySize, summaryValues);
Beispiel #2
boolean bigWigSummaryArray(char *fileName, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end,
	enum bbiSummaryType summaryType, int summarySize, double *summaryValues)
/* Fill in summaryValues with  data from indicated chromosome range in bigWig file.
 * Be sure to initialize summaryValues to a default value, which will not be touched
 * for regions without data in file.  (Generally you want the default value to either
 * be 0.0 or nan("") depending on the application.)  Returns FALSE if no data
 * at that position. */
struct bbiFile *bwf = bigWigFileOpen(fileName);
boolean ret = bbiSummaryArray(bwf, chrom, start, end, bigWigIntervalQuery,
	summaryType, summarySize, summaryValues);
return ret;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
1. urlpath bigwig
2. chrom
3. start
4. stop
5. spnum
6. outfile
7. summeth
	fputs("bwquery: wrong arg\n", stderr);
	return 1;

char *tail=NULL;
unsigned int start=strtol(argv[3],&tail,10);
if(tail[0]!='\0' || start<0)
	fprintf(stderr, "bwquery: wrong start (%s)\n", argv[3]);
	return 1;
unsigned int stop=strtol(argv[4],&tail,10);
if(tail[0]!='\0' || stop<=start)
	fprintf(stderr, "bwquery: wrong stop (%s)\n", argv[4]);
	return 1;
unsigned int spnum=strtol(argv[5],&tail,10);
if(tail[0]!='\0' || spnum<=0)
	fprintf(stderr, "bwquery: wrong spnum (%s)\n", argv[5]);
	return 1;
unsigned int summeth=strtol(argv[7],&tail,10);
if(tail[0]!='\0' || summeth<1)
	fprintf(stderr, "bwquery: wrong summeth (%s)\n", argv[7]);
	return 1;

double *data=malloc(sizeof(double)*spnum);
	fputs("bwquery: out of mem\n", stderr);
	return 1;

int i;
for(i=0; i<spnum; i++) data[i]=0;

struct bbiFile *bwf = bigWigFileOpen(argv[1]);
	fprintf(stderr, "bwquery: no access to %s\n", argv[1]);
	return 1;
bbiSummaryArray(bwf, argv[2], start, stop, (BbiFetchIntervals)bigWigIntervalQuery, 
	spnum, &data[0]);

FILE *fout=fopen(argv[6],"w");
	fputs("bwquery: failed to open output file\n", stderr);
	return 1;
for(i=0; i<spnum; i++)
	fprintf(fout, "%f\n", data[i]);

return 0;