Beispiel #1
sRGBfloat cTexture::BicubicInterpolation(double x, double y, const sRGB8 *bitmap, int w, int h) const
	int ix = x;
	int iy = y;
	double rx = (x - ix);
	double ry = (y - iy);

	double R[4][4], G[4][4], B[4][4];

	for(int yy = 0; yy < 4; yy++)
		for(int xx = 0; xx < 4; xx++)
			int ixx = ix + xx - 1;
			int iyy = iy + yy - 1;
			ixx = (ixx + w) % w;
			iyy = (iyy + h) % h;
			int addess2 = ixx + iyy * w;
			sRGB8 pixel = bitmap[addess2];
			R[xx][yy] = pixel.R;
			G[xx][yy] = pixel.G;
			B[xx][yy] = pixel.B;

	double dR = bicubicInterpolate(R, rx, ry);
	double dG = bicubicInterpolate(G, rx, ry);
	double dB = bicubicInterpolate(B, rx, ry);
	if(dR < 0) dR = 0; if(dR > 255) dR = 255;
	if(dG < 0) dG = 0; if(dG > 255) dG = 255;
	if(dB < 0) dB = 0; if(dB > 255) dB = 255;

	return sRGBfloat(dR/256.0, dG/256.0, dB/256.0);
// src is a grid src_rows * src_cols
// dest is a pre-allocated grid, dest_rows*dest_cols
void interpolate_image(float *src, uint8_t src_rows, uint8_t src_cols, 
                       float *dest, uint8_t dest_rows, uint8_t dest_cols) {
  float mu_x = (src_cols - 1.0) / (dest_cols - 1.0);
  float mu_y = (src_rows - 1.0) / (dest_rows - 1.0);

  float adj_2d[16]; // matrix for storing adjacents
  for (uint8_t y_idx=0; y_idx < dest_rows; y_idx++) {
    for (uint8_t x_idx=0; x_idx < dest_cols; x_idx++) {
       float x = x_idx * mu_x;
       float y = y_idx * mu_y;
       //Serial.print("("); Serial.print(y_idx); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(x_idx); Serial.print(") = ");
       //Serial.print("("); Serial.print(y); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(x); Serial.print(") = ");
       get_adjacents_2d(src, adj_2d, src_rows, src_cols, x, y);
       for (uint8_t i=0; i<16; i++) {
         Serial.print(adj_2d[i]); Serial.print(", ");
       float frac_x = x - (int)x; // we only need the ~delta~ between the points
       float frac_y = y - (int)y; // we only need the ~delta~ between the points
       float out = bicubicInterpolate(adj_2d, frac_x, frac_y);
       //Serial.print("\tInterp: "); Serial.println(out);
       set_point(dest, dest_rows, dest_cols, x_idx, y_idx, out);
// ray方向からの放射輝度を求める
Color radiance(const Ray &ray, const int depth, bool interpolation = true) {
	double t; // レイからシーンの交差位置までの距離
	int id;   // 交差したシーン内オブジェクトのID
	Vec normal; // 交差位置の法線
	if (!intersect_scene(ray, &t, &id, &normal))
		return BackgroundColor;

	const Rectangle &obj = recs[id];
	const Vec hitpoint = + t * ray.dir; // 交差位置

	// シーンを構成するジオメトリは全て完全拡散面と仮定
	switch (DIFFUSE) {
	case DIFFUSE: {
		const Vec v = hitpoint - obj.p0;
		const double a_len = Dot(v, Normalize(obj.a));
		const double b_len = Dot(v, Normalize(obj.b));

		double da = obj.a_num * a_len / obj.a_len;
		double db = obj.b_num * b_len / obj.b_len;

		int ia = int(da); if (ia >= obj.a_num) ia --;
		int ib = int(db); if (ib >= obj.b_num) ib --;

		// バイキュービック補間
		if (interpolation) {
			Color c[4][4];

			int ia = int(da - 0.5);
			int ib = int(db - 0.5);

			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j ++) {
					c[i][j] = obj.sample(ia + i - 1, ib + j - 1);
			int ia0 = int(da - 0.5);
			int ib0 = int(db - 0.5); 
			double dx = da - ia0 - 0.5;
			double dy = db - ib0 - 0.5;
			if (dx < 0.0)  dx = 0.0;
			if (dx >= 1.0) dx = 1.0;
			if (dy < 0.0)  dy = 0.0;
			if (dy >= 1.0) dy = 1.0;
			return PI * bicubicInterpolate(c, dx, dy);
		// 完全拡散面なのでPI倍
		return PI * obj.patch[ia * obj.b_num + ib];
	} break;
bool ofPixels_<PixelType>::resizeTo(ofPixels_<PixelType>& dst, ofInterpolationMethod interpMethod) const{
	if(&dst == this){
		return true;

	if (!(isAllocated()) || !(dst.isAllocated()) || getBytesPerPixel() != dst.getBytesPerPixel()) return false;

	int srcWidth      = getWidth();
	int srcHeight     = getHeight();
	int dstWidth	  = dst.getWidth();
	int dstHeight	  = dst.getHeight();
	int bytesPerPixel = getBytesPerPixel();

	PixelType * dstPixels = dst.getData();

	switch (interpMethod){

			int dstIndex = 0;
			float srcxFactor = (float)srcWidth/dstWidth;
			float srcyFactor = (float)srcHeight/dstHeight;
			float srcy = 0.5;
			for (int dsty=0; dsty<dstHeight; dsty++){
				float srcx = 0.5;
				int srcIndex = int(srcy)*srcWidth;
				for (int dstx=0; dstx<dstWidth; dstx++){
					int pixelIndex = int(srcIndex + srcx) * bytesPerPixel;
					for (int k=0; k<bytesPerPixel; k++){
						dstPixels[dstIndex] = pixels[pixelIndex];

			// not implemented yet
			ofLogError("ofPixels") << "resizeTo(): bilinear resize not implemented, not resizing";

			float px1, py1;
			float px2, py2;
			float px3, py3;

			float srcColor = 0;
			float interpCol;
			int patchRow;
			int patchIndex;
			float patch[16];

			int srcRowBytes = srcWidth*bytesPerPixel;
			int loIndex = (srcRowBytes)+1;
			int hiIndex = (srcWidth*srcHeight*bytesPerPixel)-(srcRowBytes)-1;

			for (int dsty=0; dsty<dstHeight; dsty++){
				for (int dstx=0; dstx<dstWidth; dstx++){

					int   dstIndex0 = (dsty*dstWidth + dstx) * bytesPerPixel;
					float srcxf = srcWidth  * (float)dstx/(float)dstWidth;
					float srcyf = srcHeight * (float)dsty/(float)dstHeight;
					int   srcx = (int) MIN(srcWidth-1,   srcxf);
					int   srcy = (int) MIN(srcHeight-1,  srcyf);
					int   srcIndex0 = (srcy*srcWidth + srcx) * bytesPerPixel;

					px1 = srcxf - srcx;
					py1 = srcyf - srcy;
					px2 = px1 * px1;
					px3 = px2 * px1;
					py2 = py1 * py1;
					py3 = py2 * py1;

					for (int k=0; k<bytesPerPixel; k++){
						int   dstIndex = dstIndex0+k;
						int   srcIndex = srcIndex0+k;

						for (int dy=0; dy<4; dy++) {
							patchRow = srcIndex + ((dy-1)*srcRowBytes);
							for (int dx=0; dx<4; dx++) {
								patchIndex = patchRow + (dx-1)*bytesPerPixel;
								if ((patchIndex >= loIndex) && (patchIndex < hiIndex)) {
									srcColor = pixels[patchIndex];
								patch[dx*4 + dy] = srcColor;

						interpCol = (PixelType)bicubicInterpolate(patch, px1,py1, px2,py2, px3,py3);
						dstPixels[dstIndex] = interpCol;


	return true;
//bool newQuad = false;
/// \brief Interpolate the value for point \a x, \a y from the values at the four corners of \a quad
double quadInterpolate(qQuadValue quad, double x, double y, bool useBicubic = true)
	double w = quad.width();
	double h = quad.height();
		// Use bicubic impl from
		double unitX = (x - quad.left() ) / w;
		double unitY = (y -  ) / h;
		double	c1 =,
			c2 =,
			c3 =,
			c4 =;

		double p[4][4] = 
// 			{c1,c1,c2,c2},
// 			{c1,c1,c2,c2},
// 			{c4,c4,c3,c3},
// 			{c4,c4,c3,c3}
			// Note: X runs DOWN, values below are (x1,y1)->(x1,y4), NOT (x1,y1)->(x4,y1) as above (commented out) 
		double p2 = bicubicInterpolate(p, unitX, unitY);
		//if(p2 > 1.0 || unitX > 1. || unitY > 1. || newQuad)
		//if(newQuad && unitX > 0.99)
			//qDebug() << "bicubicInterpolate: unit:"<<unitX<<","<<unitY<<": p2:"<<p2<<", w:"<<w<<", h:"<<h<<", x:"<<x<<", y:"<<y<<", corners:"<<corners[0].point<<corners[1].point<<corners[2].point<<corners[3].point<<", v:"<<c1<<c2<<c3<<c4;
			//newQuad = false;
		return p2;
		// Very simple implementation of
		double fr1 = ( - x) / w *
			   + (x - / w *;
		double fr2 = ( - x) / w *
			   + (x - / w *;

		double h1  = ( - y),
		       h2  = (y -;
		double p1  = h1 / h * fr1
			   + h2 / h * fr2;
		//qDebug() << "quadInterpolate: "<<x<<" x "<<y<<": "<<p1<<" (h1:"<<h1<<", h2:"<<h2<<", fr1:"<<fr1<<",fr2:"<<fr2<<",w:"<<w<<",h:"<<h<<"), bry:"<<<<", tly:"<<;
		return p1;