string ASMDecodeParser::convertBranchAddToHexAddress(string str)
//This is to convert the branch target address encoding to its hex addresss
  	//flag used to make sure no pre 0's in the string. 
  	bool flag = false;

  	//init decimal 
  	int dec = 0; 

  	//used for the four bits in the string. 
  	string fourBit = ""; 

  	//Using a stringstream object 
  	stringstream tmp; 

  	//adds two 0's in front of the encoded string and two 0's at end of the encoded string. 
  	tmp << "00" << str << "00";

  	//convert the sstring object to string then assign it into a string called binary. 
  	string binary = tmp.str(); 

  	//Creates another stringstream object for the hex and adds 0x
  	stringstream ss;
  	ss << "0x"; 

  	//goes by groups of 4 and converts each to its hex form. 
  	for(int i = 0; i <= binary.length()-4; i+=4)
    	//Gets the four bits in the string. 
    	fourBit= string(binary.begin()+i,binary.end()+(i-16));

    	//converts the fourBit string into its decimal form. 
    	dec = binaryToDecimal(fourBit);

    	//If dec does not equal 0 flag is set true. 
    	//Used to eliminate extra 0's in front. 
    	if(dec != 0 && flag != true)
      		flag = true; 

    	//used to eliminate pre 0's in address
    	//adds the hex value into the stream. 
      		ss << hex << dec;

    	//otherwise continue iteration. 

  	//converst the stringstream object to a string and assigns to the result then returns. 
  	string result = ss.str(); 
  	return result; 
 void dfs(vector<int> &result, vector<int> &gray, int i) {
     if (i == gray.size()) {
         int dec = binaryToDecimal(gray);
         result.push_back(dec / 2 ^ dec);
     gray[i] = 0;
     dfs(result, gray, i + 1);
     gray[i] = 1;
     dfs(result, gray, i + 1);
void W_DM(char value) {
	int index = binaryToDecimal(dm.address, 1);
	if(index < 0 || index > DM_SIZE) return; //Desconsidera quando o valor na entrada do endereço é inválido
								//mandado as vezes quando não se deseja fazer uma operação nem de leitura nem escrita
	if(value == '1') { //Escrita
		//Copia para a posição (dm.address) do vetor '', o valor da entrada 'dm.input'
		strcpy([index], dm.input);
		strcpy(dm.output, ZERO); //zera a saída
	} else if(value == '0') { //Leitura
		//Copia para a saída 'dm.output' o valor presente no vetor '', na posição (dm.address)
int main() {
    char binaryString[sizeofBinaryString];
    int decimal;
    printf("enter binary number\n");
    if(!isBinaryString(binaryString)) {
        printf("please enter a number binary this just containts 0 and 1\ntry again\n");
        return -1;
    printf("%s (binary)=%d (decimal)\n",binaryString,decimal);
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
 * @brief Converter::fromBinaryString2DoubleString
 * @param pBinaryString
 * @return
 * Función para convertir desde string binario a string Double
std::string Converter::fromBinaryString2DoubleString( std::string pBinaryString )
    std::string decimal;
    std::string entero;
    // conversion parte entera
    for(int i = (pBinaryString.length() - 8); i < pBinaryString.length() ; i++){
        decimal +=;
    //cout << decimal << endl;
    //cout << binaryToDecimal( decimal ) << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < (pBinaryString.length() - 8) ; i++){// conversion parte entera
        entero +=;
    //cout << entero << endl;
    //cout << binaryToDecimal( entero ) << endl;

    int decimalIntNumber = fromString2Int( binaryToDecimal( decimal ) );
    int enteroIntNumber = fromString2Int( binaryToDecimal( entero ) );

    double final = enteroIntNumber * ( pow( 10, (-decimalIntNumber) ) );
    //cout << final << endl;
    //cout << fromDouble2String( final ) << endl;
    return fromDouble2String( final );
string ASMDecodeParser::convertJumpAddToHexAddress(string str)
//Takes a jump address and converts it into its Hex Address.
  	bool flag = false; 
  	//init dec value. 
  	int dec = 0; 

  	//used for holding the four bits in coverting to hex. 
  	string fourBit = "";

  	//adds two 0's to end of address string. 
  	string binary = str + "00";

  	//using stringstream object
  	stringstream ss;
  	ss << "0x"; 
  	//Goes through the 28bits in groups of 4 and converts to hex. 
  	for(int i = 0; i <= binary.length()-4; i+=4)
    	//Grabs a group of 4bits. 
    	fourBit= string(binary.begin()+i,binary.end()+(i-24));
    	//converts the four bits to binary. 
    	dec = binaryToDecimal(fourBit);

    	//if the dec doesnt equal 0 make flag true. 
    	//Used to eliminate extra 0's in front. 
    	if(dec != 0 && flag != true)
      		flag = true; 

    	//if flag is true. 
      		//add hex into the stream. 
      		ss << hex << dec;

    	//otherwise continue iteration. 
  	//convert the stringstream into a string then assign it into the result and return. 
  	string result = ss.str(); 
  	return result; 
Beispiel #7
 * @brief Converter::binaryToString
 * @param pBinaryString
 * Conversión de binario a String
std::string Converter::binaryToString(const std::string &pBinaryString)
    std::string temp, result;
    const char SIZEOFBINARY = 8;

    for (unsigned short counter = pBinaryString.length() / SIZEOFBINARY,
         pos = 0; counter > 0; counter--, pos += SIZEOFBINARY) {

        temp = pBinaryString.substr(pos, SIZEOFBINARY);

        std::string str(binaryToDecimal(temp));
        QString asciiCharacter(str.c_str());

        char binaryToStringChar = asciiCharacter.toInt();

    //cout << "Conversión de " << pBinaryString << " a " << result << endl;
    return result;
Beispiel #8
float divisaoBinaria(unsigned char *aop1, unsigned char *aop2) {
    return divisao(binaryToDecimal(aop1), binaryToDecimal(aop2));
Beispiel #9
unsigned char multiplicacaoBinaria(unsigned char *aop1, unsigned char *aop2) {
    return multiplicacao(binaryToDecimal(aop1), binaryToDecimal(aop2));
Beispiel #10
unsigned char subtracaoBinaria(unsigned char *aop1, unsigned char *aop2) {
    return subtracao(binaryToDecimal(aop1), binaryToDecimal(aop2));
Beispiel #11
int somaBinaria(unsigned char *aop1, unsigned char *aop2) {
    printf("\nBinatyToDecimal: %d", binaryToDecimal(aop1) );
    printf("\nBinatyToDecimal: %d", binaryToDecimal(aop2) );
    return soma(binaryToDecimal(aop1), binaryToDecimal(aop2));
void ASMDecodeParser::setInstructValues(string str, Instruction &i)
//gets appropriate values for the instruction then calls instruction class set values. 
	//Inits all the values.
	Opcode myOpcode; 
	Register myRS = -1; 
	Register myRT = -1;
	Register myRD = -1;
	int myImmediate = -1; 
	string myImmediateAddress = ""; 
	//Gets the opcode value using the encoded string instruction. 
	Opcode o = opcodes.getOpcode2(str); 
	//Gets the instant type of the instruction. 
	InstType type = opcodes.getInstType(o);

	//RTYPE instruction. 
	if(type == RTYPE)
  		//Grabs rsField of encoded instruction.  
  		string rs  = string(str.begin()+6, str.end()-21); 

  		//Grabs rtField of encoded instruction. 
  		string rt = string(str.begin()+11, str.end()-16);

  		//Grabs rdField of encoded instruction. 
  		string rd = string(str.begin()+16, str.end()-11);

  		//Grabs shamtField of encoded instruction. 
  		string shamt = string(str.begin()+21, str.end()-6);

  		//Sets the opcode.
  		myOpcode = o; 

  		//Sets the rs.
  		myRS = binaryToDecimal(rs);

  		//Sets the rt.
  		myRT = binaryToDecimal(rt);

  		//sets the rd.
  		myRD = binaryToDecimal(rd);

  		//sets the imm.
  		myImmediate = twoCompBinaryToDecimal(shamt); 

  		//Calls the setValue method and inits all of the data fields in the instruction.
  		i.setValues(myOpcode,myRS,myRT,myRD,myImmediate, myImmediateAddress); 

	//ITYPE instruction. 
	else if(type == ITYPE)
		//If the instruction has a label.
			//Grab the immediate field of the instruction.
			string immediateField = string(str.begin()+16,str.end());

			//Converts the encoded address into its hexadecimal form. 
			string hex = convertBranchAddToHexAddress(immediateField);

			//sets immediateAdress
			myImmediateAddress = hex; 

		//Regular immediate.
			//Grabs immediateField of encoded string.
  			string immediateField = string(str.begin()+16,str.end());
  			//Using two's complemant for negative or positive immediate values and sets it to imm field. 
  			myImmediate = twoCompBinaryToDecimal(immediateField); 

  		//Grabs rsField of encoded string.
  		string rs = string(str.begin()+6, str.end()-21);

  		//Grabs rtField of encoded string. 
  		string rt = string(str.begin()+11,str.end()-16);

  		//sets the opcode.
  		myOpcode = o; 

  		//sets the rs.
  		myRS = binaryToDecimal(rs);

  		//sets the rt. 
  		myRT = binaryToDecimal(rt);
 		//Calls the setValue method and inits all of the data fields in the instruction.

	//JTYPE instruction. 
	else if(type == JTYPE)
		//Sets the opcode. 
		myOpcode = o; 

		//Grabs the addressField of the encoded string. 
  		string addressField = string(str.begin()+6,str.end());

  		//Calls the jump address conversion method to convert the jump address to hex address. 
  		string hex = convertJumpAddToHexAddress(addressField);

  		//sets the imm address. 
  		myImmediateAddress = hex; 

  		//Calls the setValue method and inits all of the data fields in the instruction.

		//Sets the opcode. 
		myOpcode = o; 

		//Calls the setValue method and inits all of the data fields in the instruction.
Beispiel #13
//Update the observation we return to the agent.
//Make binary array that represents a 16-bit value.
void PacMan::updateObservation() {
	//bool binary[16];
	binaryObservation[0] = false;
	binaryObservation[1] = false;
	binaryObservation[2] = false;
	binaryObservation[3] = false;
	binaryObservation[4] = false;
	binaryObservation[5] = false;
	binaryObservation[6] = false;
	binaryObservation[7] = false;
	binaryObservation[8] = false;
	binaryObservation[9] = false;
	binaryObservation[10] = false;
	binaryObservation[11] = false;
	binaryObservation[12] = false;
	binaryObservation[13] = false;
	binaryObservation[14] = false;
	binaryObservation[15] = false;

	//Get the surrounding spaces around pacman
	if (pacmanY - 1 < 0 || map[pacmanY - 1][pacmanX] == '*') {
		binaryObservation[0] = true;

	if (pacmanX + 1 > 16 || map[pacmanY][pacmanX + 1] == '*') {
		binaryObservation[1] = true;

	if (pacmanY + 1 > 18 || map[pacmanY + 1][pacmanX] == '*') {
		binaryObservation[2] = true;

	if (pacmanX - 1 < 0 || map[pacmanY][pacmanX] == '*') {
		binaryObservation[3] = true;

	//See if pacman can find a ghost or a pellet north
	int upY = pacmanY - 1;
	while (upY > 0 && map[upY][pacmanX] != '*') {
		if (map[upY][pacmanX] == 'A' || map[upY][pacmanX] == 'B'
				|| map[upY][pacmanX] == 'C' || map[upY][pacmanX] == 'D') {

			binaryObservation[4] = true;

		if (map[upY][pacmanX] == '.') {
			binaryObservation[11] = true;


	//See if pacman can find a ghost or a pellet east.
	int rightX = pacmanX + 1;
	while (rightX < 17 && map[pacmanY][rightX] != '*') {
		if (map[pacmanY][rightX] == 'A' || map[pacmanY][rightX] == 'B'
				|| map[pacmanY][rightX] == 'C' || map[pacmanY][rightX] == 'D') {

			binaryObservation[5] = true;

		if (map[pacmanY][rightX] == '.') {
			binaryObservation[12] = true;


	//See if pacman can find a ghost or a pellet south.
	int downY = pacmanY + 1;
	while (downY < 19 && map[downY][pacmanX] != '*') {

		if (map[downY][pacmanX] == 'A' || map[downY][pacmanX] == 'B'
				|| map[downY][pacmanX] == 'C' || map[downY][pacmanX] == 'D') {

			binaryObservation[6] = true;
		if (map[downY][pacmanX] == '.') {
			binaryObservation[13] = true;

	//See if pacman can find a ghost or a pellet east.
	int leftX = pacmanX - 1;
	while (leftX > 0 && map[pacmanY][leftX] != '*') {
		if (map[pacmanY][leftX] == 'A' || map[pacmanY][leftX] == 'B'
				|| map[pacmanY][leftX] == 'C' || map[pacmanY][leftX] == 'D') {

			binaryObservation[7] = true;

		if (map[pacmanY][leftX] == '.') {
			binaryObservation[14] = true;


	//Check if there's a pellet nearby
	for (int y = 0; y < 19; y++) {
		for (int x = 0; x < 17; x++) {
			int distance = manhattanDistance(pacmanX, pacmanY, x, y);

			if (!binaryObservation[8] && distance <= 2 && map[y][x] == '.') {
				binaryObservation[8] = true;

			if (!binaryObservation[9] && distance <= 3 && map[y][x] == '.') {
				binaryObservation[9] = true;

			if (!binaryObservation[10] && distance <= 4 && map[y][x] == '.') {
				binaryObservation[10] = true;

	//See if pacman is under the effects of a power pellet
	binaryObservation[15] = poweredUp;

	m_observation = binaryToDecimal(binaryObservation);
Beispiel #14
void huffman(FILE** file, FILE** ptFileOutput, char* fileInputName) {
	char c;
	int i = 0;
	int positionChar = 0;
	int tailleTab = 0;
	int tailleCode = 0;
	int currentChar = 0;
	float longueurTotaleCode = 0;
	char* tabChar;
	char* fileOutputName;
	int* intTab;
	char* charTab;
	char* bufferCode;
	char charTemp[7];
	elementListe* elemL = NULL;
	elementListe** ptListe = &elemL;

	/* temps de traitement */
	clock_t start_time, end_time;
	start_time = clock();

	intTab = calloc(1, sizeof(int));
	charTab = calloc(1, sizeof(char));

	if ((intTab == NULL) || (charTab == NULL)) {
		printf("Erreur d'allocation intTab ou  charTab.\n");

	/* parcours du fichier source et remplissage des tableaux de frequence*/
	while ((c = fgetc(*file)) != EOF) {

		/*printf("%c", c);*/
		if (isInTab(c, charTab) == -1) {
			intTab = realloc(intTab, sizeof(int) * tailleTab + 1);
			charTab = realloc(charTab, sizeof(char) * tailleTab + 1);
			if ((intTab == NULL) || (charTab == NULL)) {
				printf("Erreur REALLOC intTab ou  charTab.\n");

			intTab[tailleTab] = 1;
			charTab[tailleTab] = c;

		} else {
			positionChar = isInTab(c, charTab);

	/* Affichage tableau */
	/*for (i = 0; i < tailleTab; i++) {
	 printf("1-%c   %d\n", charTab[i], intTab[i]);

	tri(charTab, intTab, tailleTab);

	/* Affichage tableaux triés */
	/*for (i = 0; i < tailleTab; i++) {
	 printf("2-%c   %d\n", charTab[i], intTab[i]);

	for (i = 0; i < tailleTab; i++) {
		createChainedList(ptListe, charTab[i], intTab[i]);
	/* Affichage liste chainee triée*/
	/*for (a = *ptListe;a->suivant!=NULL;a = a->suivant) {
	 printf("3-%c   %d\n", a->caractere, a->frequence);


	while ((*ptListe)->suivant != NULL) {

	/* La liste ne contient plus qu'un seul element qui contiend l'arbre entier */
	tabChar = calloc(1, sizeof(char*));
	if (tabChar == NULL) {
		printf("Erreur d'allocation tabChar.\n");

	/* Parcours d'arbre*/
	prefixeHuffmanTree(elemL->noeudIntermediaire, tabChar, 0);

	/* affichage caractères codés */
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
		if (code[i]) {
			printf("'%c': %s\n", i, code[i]);
			longueurTotaleCode += strlen(code[i]);

	printf("Longueur moyenne d'un symbole : %.2f bits\n",
			longueurTotaleCode / tailleTab);
	printf("Compression en cours, veuillez patienter . . .\n");

	/*Ecriture de la taille de la table des fréquences */
	fileOutputName = calloc((8 + strlen(fileInputName)), sizeof(char));
	if (fileOutputName == NULL) {
		printf("Erreur d'allocation fileOutputName.\n");

	fileOutputName = createBinaryFile(fileInputName, ptFileOutput, ".huffman");

	openFile(fileOutputName, ptFileOutput, "wb");


	/* on écrit la taille du dictionnaire  */
	fwrite(&tailleTab, sizeof(int), 1, *ptFileOutput);

	/* Ecriture du dictionnaire de donnees */
	for (i = 0; i < tailleTab; i++) {

		fwrite(&charTab[i], sizeof(char), 1, *ptFileOutput);
		fwrite(&intTab[i], sizeof(int), 1, *ptFileOutput);
		tailleFileOutput += 4;

	bufferCode = calloc(1, sizeof(char));
	if (bufferCode == NULL) {
		printf("Erreur d'allocation bufferCode.\n");
	/*pointeur sur le fichier initial pour un nouveau parcours (creation du code)*/
	fseek(*file, 0, SEEK_SET);

	while ((c = fgetc(*file)) != EOF) {
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
			if (c == (char) i) {

				tailleCode = strlen(code[i]) + strlen(bufferCode) + 1;
				bufferCode = realloc(bufferCode, tailleCode * sizeof(char));
				if (bufferCode == NULL) {
					printf("Erreur reallocation bufferCode.\n");
				strcat(bufferCode, code[i]);
	/* Affichage du buffer */
	/*printf("%s\n", bufferCode);*/

	tailleCode = strlen(bufferCode);
	int nboctet = tailleCode / 7;
	tailleFileOutput += nboctet;
	for (i = 0; i < nboctet; i++) {
		strncpy(charTemp, bufferCode, 7);
		currentChar = binaryToDecimal(charTemp);
		fwrite(&currentChar, 1, 1, *ptFileOutput);
		bufferCode += 7;

	i = nboctet * 7;

	/* si il reste des octets */
	if (i != tailleCode) {

		strcpy(charTemp, bufferCode);
		if (strlen(charTemp) != 7) {
			for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
				if (charTemp[i] == '\0') {
					charTemp[i + 1] = '\0';
					charTemp[i] = '0';
			currentChar = binaryToDecimal(charTemp);
			fwrite(&currentChar, 1, 1, *ptFileOutput);

	printf("Taux de compression : %.2llu %% \n",
			100 -((tailleFileOutput) * 100 / tailleFileInput));

	intTab = NULL;
	charTab = NULL;
	fileOutputName = NULL;
	tabChar = NULL;

	end_time = clock();
	printf("Compression effectuee en %lu s.",
			(long) ((end_time - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC));