bool SharedSurface_IOSurface::ReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid* pixels) { // Calling glReadPixels when an IOSurface is bound to the current framebuffer // can cause corruption in following glReadPixel calls (even if they aren't // reading from an IOSurface). // We workaround this by copying to a temporary texture, and doing the readback // from that. MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->IsCurrent()); ScopedTexture destTex(mGL); { ScopedFramebufferForTexture srcFB(mGL, ProdTexture(), ProdTextureTarget()); ScopedBindFramebuffer bindFB(mGL, srcFB.FB()); ScopedBindTexture bindTex(mGL, destTex.Texture()); mGL->raw_fCopyTexImage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, mHasAlpha ? LOCAL_GL_RGBA : LOCAL_GL_RGB, x, y, width, height, 0); } ScopedFramebufferForTexture destFB(mGL, destTex.Texture()); ScopedBindFramebuffer bindFB(mGL, destFB.FB()); mGL->raw_fReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, format, type, pixels); return true; }
bool SharedSurface_IOSurface::CopyTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) { /* Bug 896693 - OpenGL framebuffers that are backed by IOSurface on OSX expose a bug * in glCopyTexImage2D --- internalformats GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA * return the wrong results. To work around, copy framebuffer to a temporary texture * using GL_RGBA (which works), attach as read framebuffer and glCopyTexImage2D * instead. */ // says that width or // height set to 0 results in a NULL texture. Lets not do any work and punt to // original glCopyTexImage2D, since the FBO below will fail when trying to attach a // texture of 0 width or height. if (width == 0 || height == 0) return false; switch (internalformat) { case LOCAL_GL_ALPHA: case LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE: case LOCAL_GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: break; default: return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(mGL->IsCurrent()); ScopedTexture destTex(mGL); { ScopedBindTexture bindTex(mGL, destTex.Texture()); mGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, LOCAL_GL_NEAREST); mGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, LOCAL_GL_NEAREST); mGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); mGL->fTexParameteri(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, LOCAL_GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); mGL->raw_fCopyTexImage2D(LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, LOCAL_GL_RGBA, x, y, width, height, 0); } ScopedFramebufferForTexture tmpFB(mGL, destTex.Texture(), LOCAL_GL_TEXTURE_2D); ScopedBindFramebuffer bindFB(mGL, tmpFB.FB()); mGL->raw_fCopyTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border); return true; }
bool TexUnpackImage::TexOrSubImage(bool isSubImage, bool needsRespec, const char* funcName, WebGLTexture* tex, TexImageTarget target, GLint level, const webgl::DriverUnpackInfo* dui, GLint xOffset, GLint yOffset, GLint zOffset, GLenum* const out_error) const { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(needsRespec, !isSubImage); WebGLContext* webgl = tex->mContext; gl::GLContext* gl = webgl->GL(); gl->MakeCurrent(); if (needsRespec) { *out_error = DoTexOrSubImage(isSubImage, gl, target.get(), level, dui, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, nullptr); if (*out_error) return false; } do { if (mDepth != 1) break; const bool isDstPremult = webgl->mPixelStore_PremultiplyAlpha; if (mIsSrcPremult != isDstPremult) break; if (dui->unpackFormat != LOCAL_GL_RGB && dui->unpackFormat != LOCAL_GL_RGBA) break; if (dui->unpackType != LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) break; gl::ScopedFramebuffer scopedFB(gl); gl::ScopedBindFramebuffer bindFB(gl, scopedFB.FB()); { gl::GLContext::LocalErrorScope errorScope(*gl); gl->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, target.get(), tex->mGLName, level); if (errorScope.GetError()) break; } const GLenum status = gl->fCheckFramebufferStatus(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (status != LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) break; const gfx::IntSize destSize(mWidth, mHeight); const auto dstOrigin = (webgl->mPixelStore_FlipY ? gl::OriginPos::TopLeft : gl::OriginPos::BottomLeft); if (!gl->BlitHelper()->BlitImageToFramebuffer(mImage, destSize, scopedFB.FB(), dstOrigin)) { break; } // Blitting was successful, so we're done! *out_error = 0; return true; } while (false); webgl->GenerateWarning("%s: Failed to hit GPU-copy fast-path. Falling back to CPU" " upload.", funcName); const RefPtr<gfx::SourceSurface> surf = mImage->GetAsSourceSurface(); RefPtr<gfx::DataSourceSurface> dataSurf; if (surf) { // WARNING: OSX can lose our MakeCurrent here. dataSurf = surf->GetDataSurface(); } if (!dataSurf) { webgl->ErrorOutOfMemory("%s: GetAsSourceSurface or GetDataSurface failed after" " blit failed for TexUnpackImage.", funcName); return false; } const TexUnpackSurface surfBlob(webgl, target, mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, dataSurf, mIsSrcPremult); return surfBlob.TexOrSubImage(isSubImage, needsRespec, funcName, tex, target, level, dui, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, out_error); }
bool TexUnpackImage::TexOrSubImage(bool isSubImage, bool needsRespec, const char* funcName, WebGLTexture* tex, TexImageTarget target, GLint level, const webgl::DriverUnpackInfo* dui, GLint xOffset, GLint yOffset, GLint zOffset, const webgl::PackingInfo& pi, GLenum* const out_error) const { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(needsRespec, !isSubImage); WebGLContext* webgl = tex->mContext; gl::GLContext* gl = webgl->GL(); gl->MakeCurrent(); if (needsRespec) { *out_error = DoTexOrSubImage(isSubImage, gl, target.get(), level, dui, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, nullptr); if (*out_error) return true; } const char* fallbackReason; do { if (mDepth != 1) { fallbackReason = "depth is not 1"; break; } if (webgl->mPixelStore_UnpackSkipPixels || webgl->mPixelStore_UnpackSkipRows || webgl->mPixelStore_UnpackSkipImages) { fallbackReason = "non-zero UNPACK_SKIP_* not yet supported"; break; } const auto fnHasPremultMismatch = [&]() { if (mSrcAlphaType == gfxAlphaType::Opaque) return false; const bool srcIsPremult = (mSrcAlphaType == gfxAlphaType::Premult); const auto& dstIsPremult = webgl->mPixelStore_PremultiplyAlpha; if (srcIsPremult == dstIsPremult) return false; if (dstIsPremult) { fallbackReason = "UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL is not true"; } else { fallbackReason = "UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL is not false"; } return true; }; if (fnHasPremultMismatch()) break; if (dui->unpackFormat != LOCAL_GL_RGB && dui->unpackFormat != LOCAL_GL_RGBA) { fallbackReason = "`format` is not RGB or RGBA"; break; } if (dui->unpackType != LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) { fallbackReason = "`type` is not UNSIGNED_BYTE"; break; } gl::ScopedFramebuffer scopedFB(gl); gl::ScopedBindFramebuffer bindFB(gl, scopedFB.FB()); { gl::GLContext::LocalErrorScope errorScope(*gl); gl->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, target.get(), tex->mGLName, level); if (errorScope.GetError()) { fallbackReason = "bug: failed to attach to FB for blit"; break; } } const GLenum status = gl->fCheckFramebufferStatus(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (status != LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { fallbackReason = "bug: failed to confirm FB for blit"; break; } const gfx::IntSize destSize(mWidth, mHeight); const auto dstOrigin = (webgl->mPixelStore_FlipY ? gl::OriginPos::TopLeft : gl::OriginPos::BottomLeft); if (!gl->BlitHelper()->BlitImageToFramebuffer(mImage, destSize, scopedFB.FB(), dstOrigin)) { fallbackReason = "likely bug: failed to blit"; break; } // Blitting was successful, so we're done! *out_error = 0; return true; } while (false); const nsPrintfCString perfMsg("%s: Failed to hit GPU-copy fast-path: %s (src type %u)", funcName, fallbackReason, uint32_t(mImage->GetFormat())); if (webgl->mPixelStore_RequireFastPath) { webgl->ErrorInvalidOperation("%s", perfMsg.BeginReading()); return false; } webgl->GeneratePerfWarning("%s Falling back to CPU upload.", perfMsg.BeginReading()); const RefPtr<gfx::SourceSurface> surf = mImage->GetAsSourceSurface(); RefPtr<gfx::DataSourceSurface> dataSurf; if (surf) { // WARNING: OSX can lose our MakeCurrent here. dataSurf = surf->GetDataSurface(); } if (!dataSurf) { webgl->ErrorOutOfMemory("%s: GetAsSourceSurface or GetDataSurface failed after" " blit failed for TexUnpackImage.", funcName); return false; } const TexUnpackSurface surfBlob(webgl, target, mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, dataSurf, mSrcAlphaType); return surfBlob.TexOrSubImage(isSubImage, needsRespec, funcName, tex, target, level, dui, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, pi, out_error); }
void TexUnpackImage::TexOrSubImage(bool isSubImage, bool needsRespec, const char* funcName, WebGLTexture* tex, TexImageTarget target, GLint level, const webgl::DriverUnpackInfo* dui, GLint xOffset, GLint yOffset, GLint zOffset, GLenum* const out_glError) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(needsRespec, !isSubImage); *out_glError = 0; WebGLContext* webgl = tex->mContext; gl::GLContext* gl = webgl->GL(); gl->MakeCurrent(); if (needsRespec) { GLenum error = DoTexOrSubImage(isSubImage, gl, target.get(), level, dui, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, nullptr); if (error) { MOZ_ASSERT(!error); *out_glError = LOCAL_GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return; } } do { if (dui->unpackFormat != LOCAL_GL_RGB && dui->unpackFormat != LOCAL_GL_RGBA) break; if (dui->unpackType != LOCAL_GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) break; gl::ScopedFramebuffer scopedFB(gl); gl::ScopedBindFramebuffer bindFB(gl, scopedFB.FB()); { gl::GLContext::LocalErrorScope errorScope(*gl); gl->fFramebufferTexture2D(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER, LOCAL_GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, target.get(), tex->mGLName, level); if (errorScope.GetError()) break; } const GLenum status = gl->fCheckFramebufferStatus(LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER); if (status != LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) break; gl::OriginPos srcOrigin, dstOrigin; OriginsForDOM(webgl, &srcOrigin, &dstOrigin); const gfx::IntSize destSize(mWidth, mHeight); if (!gl->BlitHelper()->BlitImageToFramebuffer(mImage, destSize, scopedFB.FB(), dstOrigin)) { break; } return; // Blitting was successful, so we're done! } while (false); TexUnpackSurface surfBlob(mImage->GetAsSourceSurface(), mIsAlphaPremult); surfBlob.TexOrSubImage(isSubImage, needsRespec, funcName, tex, target, level, dui, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, out_glError); }