bool Database_SQLite3::saveBlock(const v3s16 &pos, const std::string &data) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); verifyDatabase(); #ifdef __ANDROID__ /** * Note: For some unknown reason SQLite3 fails to REPLACE blocks on Android, * deleting them and then inserting works. */ bindPos(m_stmt_read, pos); if (sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read) == SQLITE_ROW) { deleteBlock(pos); } sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); #endif bindPos(m_stmt_write, pos); SQLOK(sqlite3_bind_blob(m_stmt_write, 2,, data.size(), NULL)); SQLRES(sqlite3_step(m_stmt_write), SQLITE_DONE) sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_write); return true; }
bool Database_SQLite3::saveBlock(const v3s16 &pos, const std::string &data) { verifyDatabase(); #ifdef __ANDROID__ /** * Note: For some unknown reason SQLite3 fails to REPLACE blocks on Android, * deleting them and then inserting works. */ bindPos(m_stmt_read, pos); if (sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read) == SQLITE_ROW) { deleteBlock(pos); } sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); #endif bindPos(m_stmt_write, pos); SQLOK(sqlite3_bind_blob(m_stmt_write, 2,, data.size(), NULL), "Internal error: failed to bind query at " __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__)); SQLRES(sqlite3_step(m_stmt_write), SQLITE_DONE, "Failed to save block") sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_write); return true; }
std::string Database_SQLite3::loadBlock(const v3s16 &pos) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); verifyDatabase(); bindPos(m_stmt_read, pos); if (sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read) != SQLITE_ROW) { sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); return ""; } const char *data = (const char *) sqlite3_column_blob(m_stmt_read, 0); size_t len = sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt_read, 0); std::string s; if (data) s = std::string(data, len); sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read); // We should never get more than 1 row, so ok to reset sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); return s; }
bool Database_SQLite3::deleteBlock(const v3s16 &pos) { verifyDatabase(); bindPos(m_stmt_delete, pos); bool good = sqlite3_step(m_stmt_delete) == SQLITE_DONE; sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_delete); if (!good) { errorstream << "WARNING: deleteBlock: Block failed to delete " << PP(pos) << ": " << sqlite3_errmsg(m_database) << std::endl; } return good; }
void MapDatabaseSQLite3::loadBlock(const v3s16 &pos, std::string *block) { verifyDatabase(); bindPos(m_stmt_read, pos); if (sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read) != SQLITE_ROW) { sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); return; } const char *data = (const char *) sqlite3_column_blob(m_stmt_read, 0); size_t len = sqlite3_column_bytes(m_stmt_read, 0); *block = (data) ? std::string(data, len) : ""; sqlite3_step(m_stmt_read); // We should never get more than 1 row, so ok to reset sqlite3_reset(m_stmt_read); }