Beispiel #1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Buffer::Grow(SzType n)
    // Backup the current memory
    Buffer bkp(m_Ptr, m_Cap, m_Cur, m_Mem);
    // Acquire a bigger buffer
    Request(bkp.m_Cap + n);
    // Copy the data from the old buffer
    std::memcpy(m_Ptr, bkp.m_Ptr, bkp.m_Cap);
    // Copy the previous edit cursor
    m_Cur = bkp.m_Cur;
Beispiel #2
main(int argc, char** argv)
	ros::init(argc, argv, "bk_planner_node");
	ros::NodeHandle nh;
	tf::TransformListener tf(ros::Duration(10));
	try	{
		bk_planner::BKPlanner bkp("bk_planner", tf);

		// All callbacks are taken care of in the main thread
		while(nh.ok()) {
	// The planner will go out of scope here and call its destructor.
	// It might throw a lock error because of interraction between the threads and mutexes
	catch(boost::lock_error e) {
		cout << "Boost threw a lock error (" << e.what() << ")\n";
		cout << "Honey Badger don't care, Honey Badger don't give a &$%#\n\n";