Beispiel #1
ShaderFactory2::genDefaultSliceShaderString(bool lighting,
					    bool emissive,
					    QList<CropObject> crops,
					    int nvol,
					    bool peel, int peelType,
					    float peelMin, float peelMax, float peelMix,
					    int mixvol, bool mixColor, bool mixOpacity,
					    int interpolateVolumes)
  bool cropPresent = false;
  bool tearPresent = false;
  bool viewPresent = false;
  for(int i=0; i<crops.count(); i++)
    if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::Tear_Tear)
      cropPresent = true;
    else if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::View_Tear)
      tearPresent = true;
      viewPresent = true;

  bool pathCropPresent = PathShaderFactory::cropPresent();
  bool pathViewPresent = PathShaderFactory::blendPresent();

  float lastSet[4];

  for(int i=1; i<=nvol; i++)
      float idx = nvol-i+1;
      lastSet[i-1] = (Global::lutSize()-idx)/Global::lutSize();

  QString shader;

  shader =  "#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable\n";
  shader += "varying vec3 pointpos;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2D lutTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect dataTex;\n";

  shader += "uniform sampler1D paintTex;\n";

  shader += "uniform float tfSet;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 delta;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 eyepos;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 lightpos;\n";
  shader += "uniform float ambient;\n";
  shader += "uniform float diffuse;\n";
  shader += "uniform float specular;\n";
  shader += "uniform float speccoeff;\n";
  shader += "uniform int gridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tsizex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tsizey;\n";
  shader += "uniform float depthcue;\n";

  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect lightTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridy;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridz;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightnrows;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightncols;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightlod;\n";

  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect pruneTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunegridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunetsizex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunetsizey;\n";
  shader += "uniform float prunelod;\n";
  shader += "uniform int zoffset;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec2 dataMin;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec2 dataSize;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tminz;\n";

  shader += "uniform int lod;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirFront;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirUp;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirRight;\n";
  shader += "uniform float interpVol;\n";
  shader += "uniform bool mixTag;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec3 brickMin;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 brickMax;\n";

  shader += "uniform int shdlod;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect shdTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform float shdIntensity;\n";

  shader += "uniform float opmod;\n";
  shader += "uniform bool linearInterpolation;\n";

  shader += "uniform float dofscale;\n";

  shader += ShaderFactory::genTextureCoordinate();

  if (tearPresent) shader += TearShaderFactory::generateTear(crops);
  if (cropPresent) shader += CropShaderFactory::generateCropping(crops);
  if (viewPresent) shader += BlendShaderFactory::generateBlend(crops, nvol);
  if (pathViewPresent) shader += PathShaderFactory::applyPathBlend(nvol);
  if (pathCropPresent) shader += PathShaderFactory::applyPathCrop();

  shader += "void main(void)\n";
  shader += "{\n";
  shader += "  vec3 lightcol = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";

  shader += "  vec3 texCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].xyz;\n";

  shader += "if (any(lessThan(texCoord,brickMin)) || ";
  shader += "any(greaterThan(texCoord, brickMax)))\n";
  shader += "  discard;\n";

  if (crops.count() > 0)
      shader += "  vec3 otexCoord = texCoord;\n";
      shader += "  float feather = 1.0;\n";
      if (pathCropPresent)
	shader += "  float feather = 1.0;\n";
      if (pathViewPresent)
	shader += "  vec3 otexCoord = texCoord;\n";

  if (tearPresent)
      shader += "vec4 tcf = dissect(texCoord);\n";
      shader += "texCoord =;\n";
      shader += "feather *= tcf.w;\n";
  if (cropPresent) shader += "feather *= crop(texCoord, true);\n";
  if (pathCropPresent) shader += "feather *= pathcrop(texCoord, true);\n";

  shader += "texCoord.x = 1.0 + float(tsizex-2)*(texCoord.x-dataMin.x)/dataSize.x;\n";
  shader += "texCoord.y = 1.0 + float(tsizey-2)*(texCoord.y-dataMin.y)/dataSize.y;\n";
  shader += "texCoord.z = 1.0 + (texCoord.z-float(tminz))/float(lod);\n";

  shader += genVgx(nvol);

//  shader += "if (shdlod > 0)\n";
//  shader += "  {\n";
//  shader += "     vec4 shadow = texture2DRect(shdTex, gl_FragCoord.xy/vec2(shdlod));\n";
//  shader += "     lightcol = vec3(1.0-smoothstep(0.0, shdIntensity, shadow.a));\n";
//  shader += "     lightcol = clamp(vec3(0.1), lightcol, vec3(1));\n";
//  shader += "  }\n";
//  shader += "else\n";
  shader += "  {\n";
  shader += "    if (lightlod > 0)\n";
  shader += "     {\n"; // calculate light color
  shader += "       vec2 pvg = texCoord.xy/(prunelod*float(lightlod));\n";	       
  shader += "       int lbZslc = int(float(zoffset+slice)/(prunelod*float(lightlod)));\n";
  shader += "       float lbZslcf = fract(float(zoffset+slice)/(prunelod*float(lightlod)));\n";
  shader += "       vec2 pvg0 = getTextureCoordinate(lbZslc, ";
  shader += "                     lightncols, lightgridx, lightgridy, pvg);\n";
  shader += "       vec2 pvg1 = getTextureCoordinate(lbZslc+1, ";
  shader += "                     lightncols, lightgridx, lightgridy, pvg);\n";	       
  shader += "       vec3 lc0 = texture2DRect(lightTex, pvg0).xyz;\n";
  shader += "       vec3 lc1 = texture2DRect(lightTex, pvg1).xyz;\n";
  shader += "       lightcol = mix(lc0, lc1, lbZslcf);\n";	       
  shader += "       lightcol = 1.0-pow((vec3(1,1,1)-lightcol),vec3(lod,lod,lod));\n";
  shader += "     }\n";
  shader += "    else\n";
  shader += "     lightcol = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";
  shader += "  }\n";
  shader += "if (shdlod > 0)\n";
  shader += "  {\n";
  shader += "     float sa = texture2DRect(shdTex, gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(dofscale)/vec2(shdlod)).a;\n";
  shader += "     sa = 1.0-smoothstep(0.0, shdIntensity, sa);\n";
  shader += "     sa = clamp(0.1, sa, 1.0);\n";
  shader += "     lightcol *= sa;\n";
  shader += "  }\n";

//  //----------------------------------
//  shader += " if (lightlod > 0)\n";
//  shader += "   {\n"; // calculate light color
//  shader += "     vec2 pvg = texCoord.xy/(prunelod*float(lightlod));\n";
//  shader += "     int lbZslc = int(float(zoffset+slice)/(prunelod*float(lightlod)));\n";
//  shader += "     float lbZslcf = fract(float(zoffset+slice)/(prunelod*float(lightlod)));\n";
//  shader += "     vec2 pvg0 = getTextureCoordinate(lbZslc, ";
//  shader += "                   lightncols, lightgridx, lightgridy, pvg);\n";
//  shader += "     vec2 pvg1 = getTextureCoordinate(lbZslc+1, ";
//  shader += "                   lightncols, lightgridx, lightgridy, pvg);\n";
//  shader += "     vec3 lc0 = texture2DRect(lightTex, pvg0).xyz;\n";
//  shader += "     vec3 lc1 = texture2DRect(lightTex, pvg1).xyz;\n";
//  shader += "     lightcol = mix(lc0, lc1, lbZslcf);\n";
//  shader += "     lightcol = 1.0-pow((vec3(1,1,1)-lightcol),vec3(lod,lod,lod));\n";
//  shader += "   }\n";
//  shader += " else\n";
//  shader += "   lightcol = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";
//  //----------------------------------

  if (peel || lighting || !Global::use1D())
    shader += getNormal(nvol);

  if (interpolateVolumes == 2 && nvol == 2)
      shader += "  vg.x = mix(vg.x, vg.y, interpVol);\n";
      shader += "  grad1 = mix(grad1, grad2, interpVol);\n";
      shader += "  normal1 = mix(normal1, normal2, interpVol);\n";
      shader += "  vg.y = vg.x;\n";
      shader += "  grad2 = grad1;\n";
      shader += "  normal2 = normal1;\n";
  for(int i=1; i<=nvol; i++)
      QString c;
      if (i == 1) c = "x";
      else if (i == 2) c = "y";
      else if (i == 3) c = "z";
      else if (i == 4) c = "w";
      if (Global::use1D())
	shader += QString("  vec2 vol%1 = vec2(vg.%2, 0.0);\n").arg(i).arg(c);
	shader += QString("  vec2 vol%1 = vec2(vg.%2, grad%1/float(%3));\n").	\
      if (emissive)
	shader += QString("  vec2 emis%1 = vol%1;\n").arg(i);
      // interpolate values between the volumes
      if (interpolateVolumes == 2 && nvol == 2)
	shader += QString("  vol%1.y += tfSet;\n").arg(i);
	shader += QString("  vol%1.y += tfSet+float(%2);\n").		\

  for(int i=1; i<=nvol; i++)
    shader += QString("  vec4 color%1 = texture2D(lutTex, vol%1);\n").arg(i);

  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
      if (PruneHandler::blend())
	shader += blendVolume(nvol);
	shader += tagVolume();

  if (lighting)
    shader += addLighting(nvol);

  if (peel)
      if (!lighting) 
	  shader += QString("  if (grad1 > 0.0)\n");
	  shader += QString("     normal1 = normalize(normal1);\n");
	  shader += "  else\n";
	  shader += QString("     normal1 = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);\n");

	  shader += "  normal1 = mix(vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), normal1, step(0.0, grad1));"; 
	  shader += "  vec3 voxpos = pointpos;\n";
	  shader += "  vec3 I = voxpos - eyepos;\n";
	  shader += "  I = normalize(I);\n";
      shader += "  float IdotN = dot(I, normal1);\n";

	  if(nvol == 2) 
	  	  shader += QString("  vec2 one = vec2(1.0, 1.0);\n");
	  	  shader += QString("  vec2 vIdotN = vec2(IdotN, IdotN);\n");	  	  
		  shader += QString("  vec2 peelMix = vec2(float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMix);
		  shader += QString("  vec2 peelMin = vec2(float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMin);
		  shader += QString("  vec2 peelMinSub = vec2(float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMin-0.1);
		  shader += QString("  vec2 peelMax = vec2(float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMax);
		  shader += QString("  vec2 peelMaxPlus = vec2(float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMax+0.1);
	  else if(nvol == 3)
	  	  shader += QString("  vec3 one = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
	  	  shader += QString("  vec3 vIdotN = vec3(IdotN, IdotN, IdotN);\n");	  	  
		  shader += QString("  vec3 peelMix = vec3(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMix);
		  shader += QString("  vec3 peelMin = vec3(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMin);
		  shader += QString("  vec3 peelMinSub = vec3(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMin-0.1);
		  shader += QString("  vec3 peelMax = vec3(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMax);
		  shader += QString("  vec3 peelMaxPlus = vec3(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMax+0.1);
	  else if(nvol == 4)
	  	  shader += QString("  vec4 one = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
	  	  shader += QString("  vec4 vIdotN = vec4(IdotN, IdotN, IdotN, IdotN);\n");
		  shader += QString("  vec4 peelMix = vec4(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMix);
		  shader += QString("  vec4 peelMin = vec4(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMin);
		  shader += QString("  vec4 peelMinSub = vec4(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMin-0.1);
		  shader += QString("  vec4 peelMax = vec4(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMax);
		  shader += QString("  vec4 peelMaxPlus = vec4(float(%1), float(%1), float(%1), float(%1));\n").arg(peelMax+0.1);	  

      if (peelType == 0)
	  if (peelMin < peelMax)
	    shader += QString("  val1 = smoothstep(peelMin, peelMax, vIdotN);\n");
	    shader += QString("  val1 = smoothstep(peelMax, peelMin, -vIdotN);\n");
      else if (peelType == 1)
	{ //---- keep inside
	  shader += QString("  val1 = one-smoothstep(peelMinSub, peelMin, vIdotN);\n");
	  shader += QString("  val1 *= smoothstep(peelMax, peelMaxPlus, vIdotN);\n");

      shader += QString("  vIdotN = mix(val1, one, peelMix);\n").arg(peelMix);

	  for(int i=1; i<=nvol; i++)

		  QString c;
		  if (i == 1) c = "x";
		  else if (i == 2) c = "y";
		  else if (i == 3) c = "z";
		  else if (i == 4) c = "w";
		  shader += QString("  color%2.rgba *= vIdotN.").arg(i);
		  shader += c + ";\n";

  if (viewPresent)
      if (nvol == 2) shader += "blend(otexCoord, vol1, vol2, grad1, grad2, color1, color2);\n";
      if (nvol == 3) shader += "blend(otexCoord, vol1, vol2, vol3, grad1, grad2, grad3, color1, color2, color3);\n";
      if (nvol == 4) shader += "blend(otexCoord, vol1, vol2, vol3, vol4, grad1, grad2, grad3, grad4, color1, color2, color3, color4);\n";
  if (pathViewPresent)
      if (nvol == 2) shader += "pathblend(otexCoord, vol1, vol2, grad1, grad2, color1, color2);\n";
      if (nvol == 3) shader += "pathblend(otexCoord, vol1, vol2, vol3, grad1, grad2, grad3, color1, color2, color3);\n";
      if (nvol == 4) shader += "pathblend(otexCoord, vol1, vol2, vol3, vol4, grad1, grad2, grad3, grad4, color1, color2, color3, color4);\n";

//  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
//    {
//      if (PruneHandler::blend())
//	shader += blendVolume(nvol);
//      else
//	shader += tagVolume();
//    }
  if (interpolateVolumes > 0 && nvol == 2)
      if (interpolateVolumes == 2) // interpolate values between the volumes
	shader += "  gl_FragColor = color1;\n";
      else                         // interpolate colors between the volumes
	shader += "  gl_FragColor = mix(color1, color2, interpVol);\n";
    shader += mixColorOpacity(nvol, mixvol, mixColor, mixOpacity);

  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
    shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgba = mix(vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), gl_FragColor.rgba, prunefeather.x);\n";

  // -- apply feather
  if (tearPresent || cropPresent || pathCropPresent)
    shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgba = mix(gl_FragColor.rgba, vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), feather);\n";

  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
      shader += "if (delta.x > 1.0)\n";
      shader += "{\n";
      shader += "  float v1 = vol1.x*step(0.001, color1.a);\n";
      shader += "  float v2 = vol2.x*step(0.001, color2.a);\n";
      shader += "  float r = v1;\n";
      shader += "  float a1 = color1.a;\n";
      shader += "  float a2 = color2.a;\n";
      shader += "  float a = a1;\n";
      shader += "  if (delta.x < 2.0) { r = max(0.0,v1-v2); a = max(0.0,a1-a2); }\n"; // A-B
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 3.0) { r = abs(v1-v2); a = abs(a1-a2); }\n"; // ||A-B||
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 4.0) { r = min(1.0,v1+v2); a = min(1.0,a1+a2); }\n"; // A+B
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 5.0) { r = max(v1,v2); a = max(a1,a2); }\n"; // max(A,B)
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 6.0) { r = min(v1,v2); a = min(a1,a2); }\n"; // min(A,B)
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 7.0) { r = min(1.0,v1/v2); a = min(1.0,a1/a2); }\n"; // A/B
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 8.0) { r = v1*v2; a = a1*a2; }\n"; // A*B
      shader += "  r *= step(0.001,gl_FragColor.a);\n";
      shader += "  gl_FragColor = vec4(r, a, prunefeather.z, 1.0);\n";
      shader += "  return;\n";
      shader += "}\n";
      shader += "if (delta.x > 1.0)\n";
      shader += "{\n";
      shader += "  float v1 = vol1.x*step(0.001, color1.a);\n";
      shader += "  float v2 = vol2.x*step(0.001, color2.a);\n";
      shader += "  float r = v1;\n";
      shader += "  float a1 = color1.a;\n";
      shader += "  float a2 = color2.a;\n";
      shader += "  float a = a1;\n";
      shader += "  if (delta.x < 2.0) { r = max(0.0,v1-v2); a = max(0.0,a1-a2); }\n"; // A-B
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 3.0) { r = abs(v1-v2); a = abs(a1-a2); }\n"; // ||A-B||
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 4.0) { r = min(1.0,v1+v2); a = min(1.0,a1+a2); }\n"; // A+B
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 5.0) { r = max(v1,v2); a = max(a1,a2); }\n"; // max(A,B)
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 6.0) { r = min(v1,v2); a = min(a1,a2); }\n"; // min(A,B)
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 7.0) { r = min(1.0,v1/v2); a = min(1.0,a1/a2); }\n"; // A/B
      shader += "  else if (delta.x < 8.0) { r = v1*v2; a = a1*a2; }\n"; // A*B
      shader += "  r *= step(0.001,gl_FragColor.a);\n";
      shader += "  gl_FragColor = vec4(r, a, 0.0, 1.0);\n";
      shader += "  return;\n";
      shader += "}\n";

  shader += "gl_FragColor = 1.0-pow((vec4(1,1,1,1)-gl_FragColor),";
  shader += "vec4(lod,lod,lod,lod));\n";

  shader += "  if (gl_FragColor.a < 0.005)\n";
  shader += "	discard;\n";
  shader += "\n";

  if (emissive)
      for(int i=1; i<=nvol; i++)
	  shader += QString("  emis%1.y += %2;\n").arg(i).arg(lastSet[i-1]);
	  shader += QString("  gl_FragColor.rgb += step(0.01, color%1.a)*texture2D(lutTex, emis%1).rgb;\n").arg(i);

  // -- depth cueing
  shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgb *= depthcue;\n";

  shader += "  gl_FragColor *= opmod;\n";

  shader += "}\n";

  return shader;
Beispiel #2
ShaderFactory::genDefaultSliceShaderString(bool bit16,
					   bool lighting,
					   bool emissive,
					   QList<CropObject> crops,
					   bool peel, int peelType,
					   float peelMin, float peelMax, float peelMix)
  bool cropPresent = false;
  bool tearPresent = false;
  bool viewPresent = false;
  bool glowPresent = false;
  for(int i=0; i<crops.count(); i++)
    if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::Tear_Tear)
      cropPresent = true;
    else if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::View_Tear)
      tearPresent = true;
    else if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::Glow_Ball)
      viewPresent = true;
      glowPresent = true;

  for(int i=0; i<crops.count(); i++)
    if (crops[i].cropType() >= CropObject::View_Tear &&
	crops[i].cropType() <= CropObject::View_Block &&
	crops[i].magnify() > 1.0)
      tearPresent = true;

  bool pathCropPresent = PathShaderFactory::cropPresent();
  bool pathViewPresent = PathShaderFactory::blendPresent();

  float lastSet = (Global::lutSize()-1.0)/Global::lutSize();
  QString shader;

  shader =  "#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable\n";
  shader += "varying vec3 pointpos;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2D lutTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect dataTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler1D paintTex;\n";

  shader += "uniform float tfSet;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 delta;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 eyepos;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 lightpos;\n";
  shader += "uniform float ambient;\n";
  shader += "uniform float diffuse;\n";
  shader += "uniform float specular;\n";
  shader += "uniform float speccoeff;\n";
  shader += "uniform int gridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tsizex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tsizey;\n";
  shader += "uniform float depthcue;\n";

  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect lightTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridy;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridz;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightnrows;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightncols;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightlod;\n";

  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect pruneTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunegridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunetsizex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunetsizey;\n";
  shader += "uniform float prunelod;\n";
  shader += "uniform int zoffset;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec2 dataMin;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec2 dataSize;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tminz;\n";

  shader += "uniform int lod;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirFront;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirUp;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirRight;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec3 brickMin;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 brickMax;\n";

  shader += genTextureCoordinate();

  if (tearPresent) shader += TearShaderFactory::generateTear(crops);
  if (cropPresent) shader += CropShaderFactory::generateCropping(crops);
  if (glowPresent) shader += GlowShaderFactory::generateGlow(crops);  
  if (viewPresent) shader += BlendShaderFactory::generateBlend(crops);
  if (pathCropPresent) shader += PathShaderFactory::applyPathCrop();
  if (pathViewPresent) shader += PathShaderFactory::applyPathBlend();

  shader += "void main(void)\n";
  shader += "{\n";

  shader += "  vec3 lightcol = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";

  shader += "  vec3 texCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].xyz;\n";

  shader += "if (any(lessThan(texCoord,brickMin)) || any(greaterThan(texCoord, brickMax)))\n";
  shader += "  discard;\n";

  if (crops.count() > 0)
      shader += "  vec3 otexCoord = texCoord;\n";
      shader += "  float feather = 1.0;\n";
      if (pathCropPresent)
	shader += "  float feather = 1.0;\n";
      if (pathViewPresent)
	shader += "  vec3 otexCoord = texCoord;\n";

  if (tearPresent)
      shader += "vec4 tcf = dissect(texCoord);\n";
      shader += "texCoord =;\n";
      shader += "feather *= tcf.w;\n";
  if (cropPresent) shader += "feather *= crop(texCoord, true);\n";
  if (pathCropPresent) shader += "feather *= pathcrop(texCoord, true);\n";

  shader += "texCoord.x = 1.0 + float(tsizex-2)*(texCoord.x-dataMin.x)/dataSize.x;\n";
  shader += "texCoord.y = 1.0 + float(tsizey-2)*(texCoord.y-dataMin.y)/dataSize.y;\n";

// Manipulate z-coordinate for non linear depth levels
//  int levels = 4;
//  float origT[10], newT[10];
//  origT[0] = 00.00;  newT[0] = 00.0;
//  origT[1] = 01.20;  newT[1] = 11.0;
//  origT[2] = 04.00;  newT[2] = 23.0;
//  origT[3] = 37.62;  newT[3] = 56.0;
//  origT[4] = 62.00;  newT[4] = 62.0;
//  for(int o=0; o<levels; o++)
//    {
//      if (o > 0)
//	shader += "else ";
//      shader += QString("if (texCoord.z >= float(%1) && texCoord.z < float(%2))\n").\
//	arg(origT[o]).\
//	arg(origT[o+1]);
//      shader += "  {\n"; 
//      shader += QString("    float tz = (texCoord.z-float(%1))/(float(%2)-float(%1));\n").\
//	arg(origT[o]).							\
//	arg(origT[o+1]);
//      shader += QString("    texCoord.z = float(%1) + tz * (float(%2)-float(%1));\n").\
//	arg(newT[o]).\
//	arg(newT[o+1]);
//      shader += "  }\n";
//    }
  shader += "texCoord.z = 1.0 + (texCoord.z-float(tminz))/float(lod);\n";

  shader += genVgx();

  shader += " if (lightlod > 0)\n";
  shader += "   {\n"; // calculate light color
  shader += "     vec3 lc;\n";
  shader += "     vec2 pvg = texCoord.xy / prunelod;\n";
  shader += "     pvg /= vec2(lightlod,lightlod);\n";
  shader += "     vec2 pvg0 = getTextureCoordinate(int(float(zoffset+slice)/prunelod)/lightlod, ";
  shader += "            lightncols, lightgridx, lightgridy, pvg);\n";
  shader += "     vec2 pvg1 = getTextureCoordinate(int(float(zoffset+slice+1)/prunelod)/lightlod, ";
  shader += "            lightncols, lightgridx, lightgridy, pvg);\n";
  shader += "     vec3 lc0 = texture2DRect(lightTex, pvg0).xyz;\n";
  shader += "     vec3 lc1 = texture2DRect(lightTex, pvg1).xyz;\n";
  shader += "     lightcol = mix(lc0, lc1, slicef);\n";
  shader += "     lightcol = 1.0-pow((vec3(1,1,1)-lightcol),vec3(lod,lod,lod));\n";
  shader += "   }\n";
  shader += " else\n";
  shader += "   lightcol = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";

  if (peel || lighting || !Global::use1D())
    shader += getNormal();

  if (bit16)
      shader += "int h0 = int(65535.0*vg.x);\n";
      shader += "int h1 = h0 / 256;\n";
      shader += "h0 = int(mod(float(h0),256.0));\n";
      shader += "float fh0 = float(h0)/256.0;\n";
      shader += "float fh1 = float(h1)/256.0;\n";

      shader += QString("vg.xy = vec2(fh0, fh1*%1);\n").arg(1.0/Global::lutSize());
      if (Global::use1D())
	shader += "  vg.y = 0.0;\n";
	shader += QString("  vg.y = grad*%1;\n").arg(1.0/Global::lutSize());

  shader += "  vg1 = vg;\n";
  shader += "  vg.y += tfSet;\n";
  shader += "  gl_FragColor = texture2D(lutTex, vg.xy);\n";

  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
      shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgba = mix(vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), gl_FragColor.rgba, prunefeather.x);\n";
      if (PruneHandler::blend())
	shader += blendVolume();
	shader += tagVolume();

  if (tearPresent || cropPresent || pathCropPresent)
    shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgba = mix(gl_FragColor.rgba, vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), feather);\n";

  if (viewPresent) shader += "  blend(otexCoord, vg, gl_FragColor);\n";
  if (pathViewPresent) shader += "pathblend(otexCoord, vg, gl_FragColor);\n";

  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
      shader += "if (delta.x > 1.0)\n";
      shader += "  { gl_FragColor = vec4(vg.x*step(0.001,gl_FragColor.a),";
      shader += "gl_FragColor.a, prunefeather.z, 1.0); return; }\n";
      shader += "if (delta.x > 1.0)\n";
      shader += "  { gl_FragColor = vec4(vg.x*step(0.001,gl_FragColor.a),";
      shader += "gl_FragColor.a, 0.0, 1.0); return; }\n";

  shader += "gl_FragColor = 1.0-pow((vec4(1,1,1,1)-gl_FragColor),";
  shader += "vec4(lod,lod,lod,lod));\n";

  shader += "\n";
  shader += "  if (gl_FragColor.a < 0.005)\n";
  shader += "	discard;\n";

  if (lighting)
    shader += addLighting();

  shader += genPeelShader(peel, peelType,
			  peelMin, peelMax, peelMix,

  if (emissive)
      shader += QString("  vg1.y += float(%1);\n").arg(lastSet);
      shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgb += texture2D(lutTex, vg1.xy).rgb;\n";

  // -- depth cueing
  shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgb *= depthcue;\n";

  if (glowPresent) shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgb += glow(otexCoord);\n";

  shader += "  gl_FragColor = clamp(gl_FragColor, vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0));\n";

  shader += "}\n";

  return shader;
Beispiel #3
ShaderFactory::genDefaultSliceShaderString(bool bit16,
					   bool lighting,
					   bool emissive,
					   QList<CropObject> crops,
					   bool peel, int peelType,
					   float peelMin, float peelMax, float peelMix)
  bool cropPresent = false;
  bool tearPresent = false;
  bool viewPresent = false;
  bool glowPresent = false;
  for(int i=0; i<crops.count(); i++)
    if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::Tear_Tear)
      cropPresent = true;
    else if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::View_Tear)
      tearPresent = true;
    else if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::Glow_Ball)
      viewPresent = true;
      glowPresent = true;

  for(int i=0; i<crops.count(); i++)
    if (crops[i].cropType() >= CropObject::View_Tear &&
	crops[i].cropType() <= CropObject::View_Block &&
	crops[i].magnify() > 1.0)
      tearPresent = true;

  bool pathCropPresent = PathShaderFactory::cropPresent();
  bool pathViewPresent = PathShaderFactory::blendPresent();

  float lastSet = (Global::lutSize()-1.0)/Global::lutSize();
  QString shader;

  shader =  "#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable\n";
  shader += "varying vec3 pointpos;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2D lutTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect dataTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler1D paintTex;\n";

  shader += "uniform float tfSet;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 delta;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 eyepos;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 lightpos;\n";
  shader += "uniform float ambient;\n";
  shader += "uniform float diffuse;\n";
  shader += "uniform float specular;\n";
  shader += "uniform float speccoeff;\n";
  shader += "uniform int gridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tsizex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tsizey;\n";
  shader += "uniform float depthcue;\n";

  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect lightTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridy;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightgridz;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightnrows;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightncols;\n";
  shader += "uniform int lightlod;\n";

  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect pruneTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunegridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunetsizex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunetsizey;\n";
  shader += "uniform float prunelod;\n";
  shader += "uniform int zoffset;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec2 dataMin;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec2 dataSize;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tminz;\n";

  shader += "uniform int lod;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirFront;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirUp;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirRight;\n";

  shader += "uniform bool mixTag;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec3 brickMin;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 brickMax;\n";

  shader += "uniform int shdlod;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect shdTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform float shdIntensity;\n";

  shader += "uniform float opmod;\n";
  shader += "uniform bool linearInterpolation;\n";

  shader += "uniform float dofscale;\n";

  shader += genTextureCoordinate();

  if (tearPresent) shader += TearShaderFactory::generateTear(crops);
  if (cropPresent) shader += CropShaderFactory::generateCropping(crops);
  if (glowPresent) shader += GlowShaderFactory::generateGlow(crops);  
  if (viewPresent) shader += BlendShaderFactory::generateBlend(crops);
  if (pathCropPresent) shader += PathShaderFactory::applyPathCrop();
  if (pathViewPresent) shader += PathShaderFactory::applyPathBlend();

  shader += "void main(void)\n";
  shader += "{\n";

  shader += "  vec3 lightcol = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";

  shader += "  vec3 texCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].xyz;\n";

  shader += "if (any(lessThan(texCoord,brickMin)) || ";
  shader += "any(greaterThan(texCoord, brickMax)))\n";
  //shader += "    if (any(lessThan(texCoord,brickMin-vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5))) || ";
  //shader += "    any(greaterThan(texCoord, brickMax+vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5))))\n";
  //shader += "    if (any(lessThan(texCoord,brickMin-vec3(1,1,1))) || ";
  //shader += "    any(greaterThan(texCoord, brickMax+vec3(1,1,1))))\n";
  shader += "  discard;\n";

  if (crops.count() > 0)
      shader += "  vec3 otexCoord = texCoord;\n";
      shader += "  float feather = 1.0;\n";
      if (pathCropPresent)
	shader += "  float feather = 1.0;\n";
      if (pathViewPresent)
	shader += "  vec3 otexCoord = texCoord;\n";

  if (tearPresent)
      shader += "vec4 tcf = dissect(texCoord);\n";
      shader += "texCoord =;\n";
      shader += "feather *= tcf.w;\n";
  if (cropPresent) shader += "feather *= crop(texCoord, true);\n";
  if (pathCropPresent) shader += "feather *= pathcrop(texCoord, true);\n";

  shader += "texCoord.x = 1.0 + float(tsizex-2)*(texCoord.x-dataMin.x)/dataSize.x;\n";
  shader += "texCoord.y = 1.0 + float(tsizey-2)*(texCoord.y-dataMin.y)/dataSize.y;\n";  
  shader += "texCoord.z = 1.0 + (texCoord.z-float(tminz))/float(lod);\n";

  shader += genVgx();

  shader += "float value = vg.x;\n";

  // this is specifically for nearest neighbour interpolating when upscaling
  // or volume and surface area calculations
  shader += "  if (depthcue > 1.0) vg.x = val0;\n";

  shader += "if (lightlod > 0)\n";
  shader += "  {\n"; // calculate light color
  shader += "    vec2 pvg = texCoord.xy/(prunelod*float(lightlod));\n";	       
  shader += "    int lbZslc = int(float(zoffset+slice)/(prunelod*float(lightlod)));\n";
  shader += "    float lbZslcf = fract(float(zoffset+slice)/(prunelod*float(lightlod)));\n";
  shader += "    vec2 pvg0 = getTextureCoordinate(lbZslc, ";
  shader += "                  lightncols, lightgridx, lightgridy, pvg);\n";
  shader += "    vec2 pvg1 = getTextureCoordinate(lbZslc+1, ";
  shader += "                  lightncols, lightgridx, lightgridy, pvg);\n";	       
  shader += "    vec3 lc0 = texture2DRect(lightTex, pvg0).xyz;\n";
  shader += "    vec3 lc1 = texture2DRect(lightTex, pvg1).xyz;\n";
  shader += "    lightcol = mix(lc0, lc1, lbZslcf);\n";
  shader += "    lightcol = 1.0-pow((vec3(1,1,1)-lightcol),vec3(lod,lod,lod));\n";
  shader += "  }\n";
  shader += "else\n";
  shader += "  lightcol = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n";

  shader += "if (shdlod > 0)\n";
  shader += "  {\n";
  shader += "     float sa = texture2DRect(shdTex, gl_FragCoord.xy*vec2(dofscale)/vec2(shdlod)).a;\n";
  shader += "     sa = 1.0-smoothstep(0.0, shdIntensity, sa);\n";
  shader += "     sa = clamp(0.1, sa, 1.0);\n";
  shader += "     lightcol *= sa;\n";
  shader += "  }\n";

  if (peel || lighting || !Global::use1D())
    shader += getNormal();

  if (bit16)
      shader += "  int h0 = int(65535.0*vg.x);\n";
      shader += "  int h1 = h0 / 256;\n";
      shader += "  h0 = int(mod(float(h0),256.0));\n";
      shader += "  float fh0 = float(h0)/256.0;\n";
      shader += "  float fh1 = float(h1)/256.0;\n";

      shader += QString("  vg.xy = vec2(fh0, fh1*%1);\n").arg(1.0/Global::lutSize());
      if (Global::use1D())
	shader += "  vg.y = 0.0;\n";
	shader += QString("  vg.y = grad*%1;\n").arg(1.0/Global::lutSize());

  shader += "  vg1 = vg;\n";
  shader += "  vg.y += tfSet;\n";
  shader += "  gl_FragColor = texture2D(lutTex, vg.xy);\n";

  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
      shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgba = mix(vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), gl_FragColor.rgba, prunefeather.x);\n";
      if (PruneHandler::blend())
	shader += blendVolume();
	shader += tagVolume();

  if (tearPresent || cropPresent || pathCropPresent)
    shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgba = mix(gl_FragColor.rgba, vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), feather);\n";

  if (viewPresent) shader += "  blend(false, otexCoord, vg, gl_FragColor);\n";
  if (pathViewPresent) shader += "pathblend(otexCoord, vg, gl_FragColor);\n";

  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
      shader += "if (delta.x > 1.0)\n";
      shader += "  { gl_FragColor = vec4(value*step(0.001,gl_FragColor.a),";
      shader += "gl_FragColor.a, prunefeather.z, 1.0); return; }\n";
      shader += "if (delta.x > 1.0)\n";
      shader += "  { gl_FragColor = vec4(value*step(0.001,gl_FragColor.a),";
      shader += "gl_FragColor.a, 0.0, 1.0); return; }\n";

  shader += "gl_FragColor = 1.0-pow((vec4(1,1,1,1)-gl_FragColor),";
  shader += "vec4(lod,lod,lod,lod));\n";

  shader += "\n";
  shader += "  if (gl_FragColor.a < 0.005)\n";
  shader += "	discard;\n";

  if (lighting)
    shader += addLighting();

  shader += genPeelShader(peel, peelType,
			  peelMin, peelMax, peelMix,

  if (emissive)
      shader += QString("  vg1.y += float(%1);\n").arg(lastSet);
      shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgb += texture2D(lutTex, vg1.xy).rgb;\n";

  // -- depth cueing
  shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgb *= min(1.0,depthcue);\n";

  shader += "  gl_FragColor *= opmod;\n";

  if (glowPresent) shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgb += glow(otexCoord);\n";

  shader += "  gl_FragColor = clamp(gl_FragColor, vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0));\n";

  shader += "}\n";

  return shader;
Beispiel #4
ShaderFactory::genSliceShadowShaderString(bool bit16,
					  float shadowintensity,
					  float r, float g, float b,
					  QList<CropObject> crops,
					  bool peel, int peelType,
					  float peelMin, float peelMax, float peelMix)
  bool cropPresent = false;
  bool tearPresent = false;
  bool viewPresent = false;
  bool glowPresent = false;
  for(int i=0; i<crops.count(); i++)
    if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::Tear_Tear)
      cropPresent = true;
    else if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::View_Tear)
      tearPresent = true;
    else if (crops[i].cropType() < CropObject::Glow_Ball)
      viewPresent = true;
      glowPresent = true;

  for(int i=0; i<crops.count(); i++)
    if (crops[i].cropType() >= CropObject::View_Tear &&
	crops[i].cropType() <= CropObject::View_Block &&
	crops[i].magnify() > 1.0)
      tearPresent = true;

  bool pathCropPresent = PathShaderFactory::cropPresent();
  bool pathViewPresent = PathShaderFactory::blendPresent();

  QString shader;
  float maxrgb = qMax(r, qMax(g, b));
  if (maxrgb > 1)
    maxrgb = 1.0/maxrgb;
    maxrgb = 1.0;

  shader =  "#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable\n";
  shader += "varying vec3 pointpos;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2D lutTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect dataTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform sampler1D paintTex;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec3 eyepos;\n";
  shader += "uniform float tfSet;\n";
  shader += "uniform int gridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tsizex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tsizey;\n";
  shader += "\n";

  shader += "uniform sampler2DRect pruneTex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunegridx;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunetsizex;\n";
  shader += "uniform int prunetsizey;\n";
  shader += "uniform float prunelod;\n";
  shader += "uniform int zoffset;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec2 dataMin;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec2 dataSize;\n";
  shader += "uniform int tminz;\n";

  shader += "uniform int lod;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirFront;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirUp;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 dirRight;\n";

  shader += "uniform vec3 brickMin;\n";
  shader += "uniform vec3 brickMax;\n";

  shader += genTextureCoordinate();
  if (tearPresent) shader += TearShaderFactory::generateTear(crops);
  if (cropPresent) shader += CropShaderFactory::generateCropping(crops);
  if (glowPresent) shader += GlowShaderFactory::generateGlow(crops);  
  if (viewPresent) shader += BlendShaderFactory::generateBlend(crops);
  if (pathCropPresent) shader += PathShaderFactory::applyPathCrop();
  if (pathViewPresent) shader += PathShaderFactory::applyPathBlend();

  shader += "void main(void)\n";
  shader += "{\n";

  shader += "  vec3 texCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].xyz;\n";

  shader += "if (any(lessThan(texCoord,brickMin)) || any(greaterThan(texCoord, brickMax)))\n";
  shader += "  discard;\n";

  if (crops.count() > 0)
      shader += "  vec3 otexCoord = texCoord;\n";
      shader += "  float feather = 1.0;\n";
      if (pathCropPresent)
	shader += "  float feather = 1.0;\n";
      if (pathViewPresent)
	shader += "  vec3 otexCoord = texCoord;\n";

  if (glowPresent)
      shader += "  vec3 glowColor = glow(otexCoord);\n";
      shader += "  float glowMix = max(glowColor.r, max(glowColor.g, glowColor.b));\n";
      shader += "  if (glowMix > 0.05) discard;";

  if (tearPresent)
      shader += "vec4 tcf = dissect(texCoord);\n";
      shader += "texCoord =;\n";
      shader += "feather *= tcf.w;\n";
  if (cropPresent) shader += "feather *= crop(texCoord, true);\n";
  if (pathCropPresent) shader += "feather *= pathcrop(texCoord, true);\n";

  shader += "texCoord.x = 1.0 + float(tsizex-2)*(texCoord.x-dataMin.x)/dataSize.x;\n";
  shader += "texCoord.y = 1.0 + float(tsizey-2)*(texCoord.y-dataMin.y)/dataSize.y;\n";
  shader += "texCoord.z = 1.0 + (float(texCoord.z)-float(tminz))/float(lod);\n";

  shader += genVgx();

  shader += getNormal();

  if (bit16)
      shader += "int h0 = int(65535.0*vg.x);\n";
      shader += "int h1 = h0 / 256;\n";
      shader += "h0 = int(mod(float(h0),256.0));\n";
      shader += "float fh0 = float(h0)/256.0;\n";
      shader += "float fh1 = float(h1)/256.0;\n";

      shader += QString("vg.xy = vec2(fh0, fh1*%1 + tfSet);\n").arg(1.0/Global::lutSize());
      if (Global::use1D())
	shader += "  vg.y = tfSet;\n";
	  shader += QString("  vg.y = grad*%1;\n").arg(1.0/Global::lutSize());
	  shader += "  vg.y += tfSet;\n";

  shader += "  gl_FragColor = texture2D(lutTex, vg.xy);\n";

  shader += genPeelShader(peel, peelType,
			  peelMin, peelMax, peelMix,
  if (Global::emptySpaceSkip())
      shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgba = mix(vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), gl_FragColor.rgba, prunefeather.x);\n";
      if (PruneHandler::blend())
	shader += blendVolume();
	shader += tagVolume();

  if (tearPresent || cropPresent || pathCropPresent)
    shader += "  gl_FragColor.rgba = mix(gl_FragColor.rgba, vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), feather);\n";

  if (viewPresent) shader += "blend(otexCoord, vg, gl_FragColor);\n";
  if (pathViewPresent) shader += "pathblend(otexCoord, vg, gl_FragColor);\n";

  shader += "gl_FragColor = 1.0-pow((vec4(1,1,1,1)-gl_FragColor),";
  shader += "vec4(lod,lod,lod,lod));\n";

  // --- modulate shadow by homogenity
  shader += QString("  gl_FragColor.rgba *= 1.0-smoothstep(0.0, float(%1), grad);\n").arg(shadowintensity);

  shader += "  if (gl_FragColor.a < 0.01)\n";
  shader += "	discard;\n";
  shader += "\n";
  shader += QString("  gl_FragColor.rgba *= vec4(%1, %2, %3, %4);\n").\

//  shader += "  gl_FragColor.r = clamp(gl_FragColor.r, 0.0, 1.0);\n";
//  shader += "  gl_FragColor.g = clamp(gl_FragColor.g, 0.0, 1.0);\n";
//  shader += "  gl_FragColor.b = clamp(gl_FragColor.b, 0.0, 1.0);\n";
//  shader += "  gl_FragColor.a = clamp(gl_FragColor.a, 0.0, 1.0);\n";

  shader += "}\n";

  return shader;