Beispiel #1
static void merge_zoomed_image(Image* dst, const Image* src, const Palette* pal,
                               int x, int y, int opacity,
                               int blend_mode, int zoom)
  BlenderHelper<DstTraits, SrcTraits> blender(src, pal, blend_mode);
  typename SrcTraits::address_t src_address;
  typename DstTraits::address_t dst_address, dst_address_end;
  typename DstTraits::address_t scanline, scanline_address;
  int src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h;
  int dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h;
  int box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h;
  int first_box_w, first_box_h;
  int line_h, bottom;

  box_w = 1<<zoom;
  box_h = 1<<zoom;

  src_x = 0;
  src_y = 0;
  src_w = src->w;
  src_h = src->h;

  dst_x = x;
  dst_y = y;
  dst_w = src->w<<zoom;
  dst_h = src->h<<zoom;

  // clipping...
  if (dst_x < 0) {
    src_x += (-dst_x)>>zoom;
    src_w -= (-dst_x)>>zoom;
    dst_w -= (-dst_x);
    first_box_w = box_w - ((-dst_x) % box_w);
    dst_x = 0;
Beispiel #2
static void merge_zoomed_image(Image* dst, const Image* src, const Palette* pal,
                               int x, int y, int opacity,
                               int blend_mode, int zoom)
  BlenderHelper<DstTraits, SrcTraits> blender(src, pal, blend_mode);
  int src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h;
  int dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h;
  int box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h;
  int first_box_w, first_box_h;
  int line_h, bottom;

  box_w = 1<<zoom;
  box_h = 1<<zoom;

  src_x = 0;
  src_y = 0;
  src_w = src->width();
  src_h = src->height();

  dst_x = x;
  dst_y = y;
  dst_w = src->width()<<zoom;
  dst_h = src->height()<<zoom;

  // clipping...
  if (dst_x < 0) {
    src_x += (-dst_x)>>zoom;
    src_w -= (-dst_x)>>zoom;
    dst_w -= (-dst_x);
    first_box_w = box_w - ((-dst_x) % box_w);
    dst_x = 0;
void SVGPath::calculateAnimatedValue(SVGAnimationElement* animationElement, float percentage, unsigned repeatCount, PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGPropertyBase> fromValue, PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGPropertyBase> toValue, PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGPropertyBase> toAtEndOfDurationValue, SVGElement*)
    bool isToAnimation = animationElement->animationMode() == ToAnimation;

    const RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGPath> from = toSVGPath(fromValue);
    const RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGPath> to = toSVGPath(toValue);
    const RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<SVGPath> toAtEndOfDuration = toSVGPath(toAtEndOfDurationValue);

    const SVGPathByteStream& toStream = to->byteStream();
    const SVGPathByteStream* fromStream = &from->byteStream();
    OwnPtr<SVGPathByteStream> copy;

    // If no 'to' value is given, nothing to animate.
    if (!toStream.size())

    if (isToAnimation) {
        copy = byteStream().copy();
        fromStream = copy.get();

    // If the 'from' value is given and it's length doesn't match the 'to' value list length, fallback to a discrete animation.
    if (fromStream->size() != toStream.size() && fromStream->size()) {
        if (percentage < 0.5) {
            if (!isToAnimation) {
                m_byteStream = fromStream->copy();
        } else {
            m_byteStream = toStream.copy();

    OwnPtr<SVGPathByteStream> lastAnimatedStream = m_byteStream.release();

    m_byteStream = SVGPathByteStream::create();
    SVGPathByteStreamBuilder builder(*m_byteStream);

    SVGPathByteStreamSource fromSource(*fromStream);
    SVGPathByteStreamSource toSource(toStream);

    SVGPathBlender blender(&fromSource, &toSource, &builder);

    // Handle additive='sum'.
    if (!fromStream->size() || (animationElement->isAdditive() && !isToAnimation))
        addToSVGPathByteStream(*m_byteStream, *lastAnimatedStream);

    // Handle accumulate='sum'.
    if (animationElement->isAccumulated() && repeatCount)
        addToSVGPathByteStream(*m_byteStream, toAtEndOfDuration->byteStream(), repeatCount);
bool addToSVGPathByteStream(SVGPathByteStream& fromStream, const SVGPathByteStream& byStream, unsigned repeatCount)
    if (fromStream.isEmpty() || byStream.isEmpty())
        return true;

    OwnPtr<SVGPathByteStream> fromStreamCopy = fromStream.copy();

    SVGPathByteStreamBuilder builder(fromStream);
    SVGPathByteStreamSource fromSource(*fromStreamCopy);
    SVGPathByteStreamSource bySource(byStream);
    SVGPathBlender blender(&fromSource, &bySource, &builder);
    return blender.addAnimatedPath(repeatCount);
PassRefPtr<AnimatableValue> AnimatablePath::interpolateTo(const AnimatableValue* value, double fraction) const
    if (usesDefaultInterpolationWith(value))
        return defaultInterpolateTo(this, value, fraction);

    std::unique_ptr<SVGPathByteStream> byteStream = SVGPathByteStream::create();
    SVGPathByteStreamBuilder builder(*byteStream);

    SVGPathByteStreamSource fromSource(path()->byteStream());
    SVGPathByteStreamSource toSource(toAnimatablePath(value)->path()->byteStream());

    SVGPathBlender blender(&fromSource, &toSource, &builder);
    bool ok = blender.blendAnimatedPath(fraction);
    ASSERT_UNUSED(ok, ok);
    return AnimatablePath::create(StylePath::create(std::move(byteStream)));
Beispiel #6
int main(void) {

	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

	FILE *input_file1 = fopen("in1.bmp", "rb");
	FILE *input_file2 = fopen("in2.bmp", "rb");
	FILE *blend = fopen("blend.bmp", "wb");
	FILE *checker = fopen("checker.bmp", "wb");

	char headerA_1[2], headerA_2[12], headerA_3[8], headerA_4[16];
	char headerB_1[2], headerB_2[12], headerB_3[8], headerB_4[16];

	int width1 = 0, height1 = 0, width2 = 0, height2 = 0;
	int file_size1 = 0, file_size2 = 0, image_size1 = 0, image_size2 = 0;

	readInputFile(input_file1, headerA_1, headerA_2, headerA_3, headerA_4,
			&file_size1, &image_size1, &width1, &height1);
	readInputFile(input_file2, headerB_1, headerB_2, headerB_3, headerB_4,
			&file_size2, &image_size2, &width2, &height2);

	unsigned char pixels1[height1][width1 * 3], pixels2[height2][width2 * 3];

	unsigned char checkerData[height1][width1 * 3];
	unsigned char blendData[height1][width1 * 3];

	readPixels(input_file1, &width1, &height1, pixels1);
	readPixels(input_file2, &width2, &height2, pixels2);

	blender(&width1, &height1, pixels1, pixels2, blendData);

	transformCheckerBoard(&width1, &height1, pixels1, pixels2, checkerData);

	printOutput(blend, headerA_1, headerA_2, headerA_3, headerA_4,
			&file_size1, &image_size1, &width1, &height1, blendData);

	printOutput(checker, headerB_1, headerB_2, headerB_3, headerB_4,
			&file_size2, &image_size2, &width2, &height2, checkerData);

	return 0;
Beispiel #7
static void merge_zoomed_image_scale_down(Image* dst, const Image* src, const Palette* pal,
  int x, int y, int opacity, int blend_mode, Zoom zoom)
  BlenderHelper<DstTraits, SrcTraits> blender(src, pal, blend_mode);
  int src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h;
  int dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h;
  int unbox_w, unbox_h;
  int bottom;

  unbox_w = zoom.remove(1);
  unbox_h = zoom.remove(1);

  src_x = 0;
  src_y = 0;
  src_w = src->width();
  src_h = src->height();

  dst_x = x;
  dst_y = y;
  dst_w = zoom.apply(src->width());
  dst_h = zoom.apply(src->height());

  // clipping...
  if (dst_x < 0) {
    src_x += zoom.remove(-dst_x);
    src_w -= zoom.remove(-dst_x);
    dst_w -= (-dst_x);
    dst_x = 0;

  if (dst_y < 0) {
    src_y += zoom.remove(-dst_y);
    src_h -= zoom.remove(-dst_y);
    dst_h -= (-dst_y);
    dst_y = 0;

  if (dst_x+dst_w > dst->width()) {
    src_w -= zoom.remove(dst_x+dst_w-dst->width());
    dst_w = dst->width() - dst_x;

  if (dst_y+dst_h > dst->height()) {
    src_h -= zoom.remove(dst_y+dst_h-dst->height());
    dst_h = dst->height() - dst_y;

  src_w = zoom.remove(zoom.apply(src_w));
  src_h = zoom.remove(zoom.apply(src_h));

  if ((src_w <= 0) || (src_h <= 0) ||
      (dst_w <= 0) || (dst_h <= 0))

  bottom = dst_y+dst_h-1;

  // Lock all necessary bits
  const LockImageBits<SrcTraits> srcBits(src, gfx::Rect(src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h));
  LockImageBits<DstTraits> dstBits(dst, gfx::Rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h));
  typename LockImageBits<SrcTraits>::const_iterator src_it = srcBits.begin();
  typename LockImageBits<SrcTraits>::const_iterator src_end = srcBits.end();
  typename LockImageBits<DstTraits>::iterator dst_it, dst_end;

  // For each line to draw of the source image...
  for (y=0; y<src_h; y+=unbox_h) {
    dst_it = dstBits.begin_area(gfx::Rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, 1));
    dst_end = dstBits.end_area(gfx::Rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, 1));

    for (x=0; x<src_w; x+=unbox_w) {
      ASSERT(src_it >= srcBits.begin() && src_it < src_end);
      ASSERT(dst_it >= dstBits.begin() && dst_it < dst_end);

      blender(*dst_it, *dst_it, *src_it, opacity);

      // Skip source pixels
      for (int delta=0; delta < unbox_w && src_it != src_end; ++delta)


    if (++dst_y > bottom)

    // Skip lines
    for (int delta=0; delta < src_w * (unbox_h-1) && src_it != src_end; ++delta)
Beispiel #8
static void merge_zoomed_image_scale_up(Image* dst, const Image* src, const Palette* pal,
  int x, int y, int opacity, int blend_mode, Zoom zoom)
  BlenderHelper<DstTraits, SrcTraits> blender(src, pal, blend_mode);
  int src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h;
  int dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h;
  int box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h;
  int first_box_w, first_box_h;
  int line_h, bottom;

  box_w = zoom.apply(1);
  box_h = zoom.apply(1);

  src_x = 0;
  src_y = 0;
  src_w = src->width();
  src_h = src->height();

  dst_x = x;
  dst_y = y;
  dst_w = zoom.apply(src->width());
  dst_h = zoom.apply(src->height());

  // clipping...
  if (dst_x < 0) {
    src_x += zoom.remove(-dst_x);
    src_w -= zoom.remove(-dst_x);
    dst_w -= (-dst_x);
    first_box_w = box_w - ((-dst_x) % box_w);
    dst_x = 0;
    first_box_w = 0;

  if (dst_y < 0) {
    src_y += zoom.remove(-dst_y);
    src_h -= zoom.remove(-dst_y);
    dst_h -= (-dst_y);
    first_box_h = box_h - ((-dst_y) % box_h);
    dst_y = 0;
    first_box_h = 0;

  if (dst_x+dst_w > dst->width()) {
    src_w -= zoom.remove(dst_x+dst_w-dst->width());
    dst_w = dst->width() - dst_x;

  if (dst_y+dst_h > dst->height()) {
    src_h -= zoom.remove(dst_y+dst_h-dst->height());
    dst_h = dst->height() - dst_y;

  if ((src_w <= 0) || (src_h <= 0) ||
      (dst_w <= 0) || (dst_h <= 0))

  bottom = dst_y+dst_h-1;

  // the scanline variable is used to blend src/dst pixels one time for each pixel
  typedef std::vector<typename DstTraits::pixel_t> Scanline;
  Scanline scanline(src_w);
  typename Scanline::iterator scanline_it;
#ifdef _DEBUG
  typename Scanline::iterator scanline_end = scanline.end();

  // Lock all necessary bits
  const LockImageBits<SrcTraits> srcBits(src, gfx::Rect(src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h));
  LockImageBits<DstTraits> dstBits(dst, gfx::Rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, dst_h));
  typename LockImageBits<SrcTraits>::const_iterator src_it = srcBits.begin();
#ifdef _DEBUG
  typename LockImageBits<SrcTraits>::const_iterator src_end = srcBits.end();
  typename LockImageBits<DstTraits>::iterator dst_it, dst_end;

  // For each line to draw of the source image...
  for (y=0; y<src_h; ++y) {
    dst_it = dstBits.begin_area(gfx::Rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, 1));
    dst_end = dstBits.end_area(gfx::Rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, 1));

    // Read 'src' and 'dst' and blend them, put the result in `scanline'
    scanline_it = scanline.begin();
    for (x=0; x<src_w; ++x) {
      ASSERT(src_it >= srcBits.begin() && src_it < src_end);
      ASSERT(dst_it >= dstBits.begin() && dst_it < dst_end);
      ASSERT(scanline_it >= scanline.begin() && scanline_it < scanline_end);

      blender(*scanline_it, *dst_it, *src_it, opacity);


      int delta;
      if ((x == 0) && (first_box_w > 0))
        delta = first_box_w;
        delta = box_w;

      while (dst_it != dst_end && delta-- > 0)


    // Get the 'height' of the line to be painted in 'dst'
    if ((y == 0) && (first_box_h > 0))
      line_h = first_box_h;
      line_h = box_h;

    // Draw the line in 'dst'
    for (box_y=0; box_y<line_h; ++box_y) {
      dst_it = dstBits.begin_area(gfx::Rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, 1));
      dst_end = dstBits.end_area(gfx::Rect(dst_x, dst_y, dst_w, 1));
      scanline_it = scanline.begin();

      x = 0;

      // first pixel
      if (first_box_w > 0) {
        for (box_x=0; box_x<first_box_w; ++box_x) {
          ASSERT(scanline_it != scanline_end);
          ASSERT(dst_it != dst_end);

          *dst_it = *scanline_it;

          if (dst_it == dst_end)
            goto done_with_line;


      // the rest of the line
      for (; x<src_w; ++x) {
        for (box_x=0; box_x<box_w; ++box_x) {
          ASSERT(dst_it !=  dst_end);

          *dst_it = *scanline_it;

          if (dst_it == dst_end)
            goto done_with_line;


      if (++dst_y > bottom)
        goto done_with_blit;

    // go to the next line in the source image
