Beispiel #1
static	void	block_cut()
	EditLine	*ed,*ed_next;
	int 	x_st, x_ed;
	char	buf[MAXEDITLINE+1];

	if (bkm.blkm==BLKM_y && bkm.y_st<GetLastNumber())
		lists_delete(bkm.y_st, bkm.y_ed-1);else
		 block_range(bkm.y_st, &bkm, &x_st, &x_ed);
		 strcpy(buf, ed->buffer);

		 block_range(bkm.y_ed, &bkm, &x_st, &x_ed);
		 strcat(buf, ed_next->buffer+x_ed);

		 Realloc(ed, buf);

		 if (bkm.y_st+1<=bkm.y_ed)
		 	lists_delete(bkm.y_st+1, bkm.y_ed);



	if (bkm.blkm==BLKM_x)
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Locate blocks of contiguous free space of a given amount.
 * @param blocks The number of contiguous blocks to search for.
 * @return The index of the first block of the contiguous free memory, or -1 if not found.
static int32_t locate_free(heap_state_t* heap_state, int32_t blocks)
	int32_t n;
	int32_t heap_blocks;
	int32_t block=block_range(heap_state,&heap_blocks);
	uint32_t page=0;
	while(block < heap_blocks)
		page = heap_state->heap_free_bitmap[block_offset(block)];
		if ( ((page & ALL_BITS) != ALL_BITS) )	/* look at 32 blocks at a time... */
			/* out of the next 32 bits, see if we can start the sequence */
			for(n=0; n < HEAP_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE; n++)
				/* try each bit */
				if (is_free_sequence(heap_state,block+n,blocks))
					return block+n;
		block += HEAP_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;	/* we've looked at 32 blocks, skip past them */
	return -1;
Beispiel #3
static	bool	bstack_copy()
	EditLine	*ed;
	char	*p;
	long	n;
	int 	x_st, x_ed;
	char	buf[MAXEDITLINE+1];

	if (bstack_nums>=MAX_bstack)
		 if (!keysel_ynq("ブロックバッファが一杯です。削除しますか?"))
		 	return FALSE;

	bstack[bstack_nums].s= p= (char *)mem_alloc(block_size(&bkm)+1);
	bstack[bstack_nums].blkm= bkm.blkm;

	n= bkm.y_st;
	while (block_range(n, &bkm, &x_st, &x_ed))
		 if (ed->next==NULL)
		 	strcpy(buf,ed->buffer); else
		 strcat(p, buf+x_st);

	return TRUE;
Beispiel #4
static	int 	block_size(block_t *bp)
	int 	ln;
	int		x_st, x_ed;
	long	n;

	n=min(bp->y_st, bp->y_ed);
	while (block_range(n, &bkm, &x_st, &x_ed))
		ln += x_ed-x_st, ++n;
	return ln;
Beispiel #5
void	FsStat::attr_stat(const SuperBlock * SB, VFile * vfile,
			  Attributes * attr)
  _gd_table = getGroupDescriptor(SB->block_size(), vfile, SB->offset());
  bool    sparse = SB->useRoFeatures(SuperBlock::_SPARSE_SUPERBLOCK,
  std::map<std::string, Variant_p > l;
  std::map<std::string, Variant_p > m;
  std::map<std::string, Variant_p > details;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SB->group_number(); ++i)
      std::ostringstream	oss;
      std::string		key;

      key = __build_range(inode_range(SB->inodes_in_group_number(), i));
      m["Inode range"] = Variant_p(new Variant(key));      
      key = __build_range(block_range(i, SB->block_in_groups_number(),
      m["Block range"] = Variant_p(new Variant(key));
      m["Directories number"] = Variant_p(new Variant(_gd_table[i].dir_nbr));
      key = unallocated_blocks(SB->block_in_groups_number(), i,
			       SB->blocks_number(), false);
      m["Unallocated blocks"] = Variant_p(new Variant(key));
      key = unallocated_inodes(SB->inodes_in_group_number(), i, false);
      m["Unallocated inodes"] = Variant_p(new Variant(key));
      oss << i;

      std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> sb_gd_bkp
	= sb_gd_backups(sparse, i, SB->block_in_groups_number());
      if (sb_gd_bkp.first != sb_gd_bkp.second)
	  details["Superblock"] = Variant_p(new Variant(sb_gd_bkp.first));
	  details["Group descriptor"] = Variant_p(new Variant(sb_gd_bkp.second));
      details["Block bitmap"] = Variant_p(new Variant(_gd_table[i].block_bitmap_addr));
      details["Inode bitmap"] = Variant_p(new Variant(_gd_table[i].inode_bitmap_addr));
      std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> it_range
	= inode_table_range(i, (SuperBlock *)SB);
      key = __build_range(it_range);
      details["Inode table block range"] = Variant_p(new Variant(key));

      key = __build_range(d_range(i, SB->block_in_groups_number(),
				  it_range.second + 1));
      details["Data blocks range"] = Variant_p(new Variant(key));
      m["Details"] = Variant_p(new Variant(details));
      l[std::string("Group ") + oss.str()] = Variant_p(new Variant(m));
  (*attr)[std::string("File system layout")] = Variant_p(new Variant(l));
Beispiel #6
void    FsStat::groupInformations(SuperBlock * SB, VFile * vfile)
  _gd_table = getGroupDescriptor(SB->block_size(), vfile, SB->offset());
  bool    sparse = SB->useRoFeatures(SuperBlock::_SPARSE_SUPERBLOCK,

  std::cout << "-------- GROUPS --------" << std::endl;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SB->group_number(); ++i)
      std::cout << "Group " << i << std::endl;
      std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>   i_range
        = inode_range(SB->inodes_in_group_number(), i);
      std::cout << "Inode range : " << i_range.first << " -> "
		<< i_range.second << std::endl;

      std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>   b_range
        = block_range(i, SB->block_in_groups_number(), SB->blocks_number());
      std::cout << "Blocks range : " << b_range.first << " -> "
		<< b_range.second << std::endl;

      sparse_option(sparse, i, SB->block_in_groups_number());

      std::cout << "\tBlock bitmap : " << _gd_table[i].block_bitmap_addr
		<< std::endl;
      std::cout << "\tInode bitmap : " << _gd_table[i].inode_bitmap_addr
		<< std::endl;

      std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> it_range = inode_table_range(i, SB);
      std::cout << "\tInode table : " << it_range.first << " -> "
		<< it_range.second << std::endl;

      std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> data_range
        = d_range(i, SB->block_in_groups_number(), it_range.second + 1);
      std::cout << "\tData range : " << data_range.first << " -> "
		<< data_range.second << std::endl;

      std::cout << "Directories number : " << _gd_table[i].dir_nbr
		<< std::endl;

      unallocated_inodes(SB->inodes_in_group_number(), i);
      unallocated_blocks(SB->block_in_groups_number(), i,

      std::cout << std::endl;
Beispiel #7
    void lu_factorize(matrix<SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major> & A)
      typedef matrix<SCALARTYPE, viennacl::row_major>  MatrixType;
      std::size_t max_block_size = 32;
      std::size_t num_blocks = (A.size2() - 1) / max_block_size + 1;
      std::vector<SCALARTYPE> temp_buffer(A.internal_size2() * max_block_size);
      // Iterate over panels
      for (std::size_t panel_id = 0; panel_id < num_blocks; ++panel_id)
        std::size_t row_start = panel_id * max_block_size;
        std::size_t current_block_size = std::min<std::size_t>(A.size1() - row_start, max_block_size);

        viennacl::range     block_range(row_start, row_start + current_block_size);
        viennacl::range remainder_range(row_start + current_block_size, A.size1());
        // Perform LU factorization on panel:
        // Read from matrix to buffer:
                                       sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * row_start          * A.internal_size2(),
                                       sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * current_block_size * A.internal_size2(),

        // Factorize (kij-version):
        for (std::size_t k=0; k < current_block_size - 1; ++k)
          for (std::size_t i=k+1; i < current_block_size; ++i)
            temp_buffer[row_start + i * A.internal_size2() + k] /= temp_buffer[row_start + k * A.internal_size2() + k];  // write l_ik
            SCALARTYPE l_ik = temp_buffer[row_start + i * A.internal_size2() + k];
            for (std::size_t j = row_start + k + 1; j < A.size1(); ++j)
              temp_buffer[i * A.internal_size2() + j] -= l_ik * temp_buffer[k * A.internal_size2() + j];  // l_ik * a_kj

        // Write back:
                                        sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * row_start          * A.internal_size2(),
                                        sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * current_block_size * A.internal_size2(),
        if (remainder_range.size() > 0)
          // Compute L_12 = [ (U_11)^{T}^{-1} A_{21}^T ]^T
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> U_11(A, block_range,     block_range);
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> A_21(A, remainder_range, block_range);
          viennacl::linalg::inplace_solve(trans(U_11), trans(A_21), viennacl::linalg::lower_tag());
          // Update remainder of A
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> L_21(A, remainder_range, block_range);
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> U_12(A, block_range,     remainder_range);
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> A_22(A, remainder_range, remainder_range);
          A_22 -= viennacl::linalg::prod(L_21, U_12);
Beispiel #8
    void lu_factorize(matrix<SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major> & A)
      typedef matrix<SCALARTYPE, viennacl::column_major>  MatrixType;
      std::size_t max_block_size = 32;
      std::size_t num_blocks = (A.size1() - 1) / max_block_size + 1;
      std::vector<SCALARTYPE> temp_buffer(A.internal_size1() * max_block_size);
      // Iterate over panels
      for (std::size_t panel_id = 0; panel_id < num_blocks; ++panel_id)
        std::size_t col_start = panel_id * max_block_size;
        std::size_t current_block_size = std::min<std::size_t>(A.size1() - col_start, max_block_size);

        viennacl::range     block_range(col_start, col_start + current_block_size);
        viennacl::range remainder_range(col_start + current_block_size, A.size1());
        // Perform LU factorization on panel:
        // Read from matrix to buffer:
                                       sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * col_start          * A.internal_size1(),
                                       sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * current_block_size * A.internal_size1(),

        // Factorize (kji-version):
        for (std::size_t k=0; k < current_block_size; ++k)
          SCALARTYPE a_kk = temp_buffer[col_start + k + k * A.internal_size1()];
          for (std::size_t i=col_start+k+1; i < A.size1(); ++i)
            temp_buffer[i + k * A.internal_size1()] /= a_kk;  // write l_ik
          for (std::size_t j=k+1; j < current_block_size; ++j)
            SCALARTYPE a_kj = temp_buffer[col_start + k + j * A.internal_size1()];
            for (std::size_t i=col_start+k+1; i < A.size1(); ++i)
              temp_buffer[i + j * A.internal_size1()] -= temp_buffer[i + k * A.internal_size1()] * a_kj;  // l_ik * a_kj

        // Write back:
                                        sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * col_start          * A.internal_size1(),
                                        sizeof(SCALARTYPE) * current_block_size * A.internal_size1(),
        if (remainder_range.size() > 0)
          // Compute U_12:
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> L_11(A, block_range,     block_range);
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> A_12(A, block_range, remainder_range);
          viennacl::linalg::inplace_solve(L_11, A_12, viennacl::linalg::unit_lower_tag());
          // Update remainder of A
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> L_21(A, remainder_range, block_range);
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> U_12(A, block_range,     remainder_range);
          viennacl::matrix_range<MatrixType> A_22(A, remainder_range, remainder_range);
          A_22 -= viennacl::linalg::prod(L_21, U_12);