Beispiel #1
static PyObject *boinc_boinc_end_critical_section(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)

	return Py_None;
static void finalCheckpoint(EvaluationState* es)

    if (writeCheckpoint(es))
        fail("Failed to write final checkpoint\n");

Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {    
    int retval;
    double fd;
    char output_path[512]; //, chkpt_path[512];
    //FILE* state;	
    retval = boinc_init();
    if (retval) {
        fprintf(stderr, "boinc_init returned %d\n", retval);

	// extract a --device option
	std::vector<char*> argVec;
	int cudaDevice = -1;
	for(int ii = 0; ii < argc; ii++) {
		if(cudaDevice < 0 && strcmp(argv[ii], "--device") == 0 && ii + 1 < argc)
			cudaDevice = atoi(argv[++ii]);
	argc = (int)argVec.size();
	argv = &argVec[0];
	if(cudaDevice < 0)
		cudaDevice = 0;


	// set the cuda device
	if ( rcuda::SetCudaDevice(cudaDevice) != 0 ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error setting device %u. Temporary exiting for 60 secs\n", cudaDevice);
	cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
	if(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, cudaDevice) == cudaErrorInvalidDevice) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error querying device %u. Temporary exiting for 60 secs\n", cudaDevice);
#ifdef WIN32
	SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL);
	int buffCount = 0x2000;
	int chainSize = 100;
	if(deviceProp.major == 1) {	
		buffCount = deviceProp.multiProcessorCount * 8;// 8 blocks per multiprocessor
		buffCount *= deviceProp.maxThreadsPerBlock / 64; // (BLOCK_X_SIZE)
//		buffCount *= 24;
		if(deviceProp.minor <= 1) buffCount *= 24; // 24 warps per multiprocessor for compute 1.0 and 1.1
		else buffCount *= 32; // 32 warps per multiprocessor for compute 1.2 and 1.3		
		buffCount = 0x2000;
	else if(deviceProp.major == 2) {		
		chainSize = 200;
/*		buffCount = deviceProp.multiProcessorCount * 8;// 8 blocks per multiprocessor
		buffCount *= deviceProp.maxThreadsPerBlock / 64; //(BLOCK_X_SIZE)		
		buffCount *= 32; // 48 warps per multiprocessor for compute 2.x
/*		if(deviceProp.minor == 1) {
			buffCount *= 2;
		buffCount = 0x4000;
	if(cudaDevice > 0) {
		chainSize = 1000;
	if(argc < 10)
		fprintf(stderr, "Not enough parameters");
		return -1;
	std::string sHashRoutineName, sCharsetName, sSalt, sCheckPoints;
	uint32 nRainbowChainCount, nPlainLenMin, nPlainLenMax, nRainbowTableIndex, nRainbowChainLen;
	uint64 nChainStart;
	sHashRoutineName = argv[1];
	sCharsetName = argv[2];
	nPlainLenMin = atoi(argv[3]);
	nPlainLenMax = atoi(argv[4]);
	nRainbowTableIndex = atoi(argv[5]);
	nRainbowChainLen = atoi(argv[6]);
	nRainbowChainCount = atoi(argv[7]);
#ifdef _WIN32
	nChainStart = _atoi64(argv[8]);
	nChainStart = atoll(argv[8]);
	sCheckPoints = argv[9];
	std::vector<int> vCPPositions;
	char *cp = strtok((char *)sCheckPoints.c_str(), ",");
	while(cp != NULL)
		cp = strtok(NULL, ",");
	if(argc == 11)
		sSalt = argv[10];
	//std::cout << "Starting ChainGenerator" << std::endl;
	// Setup CChainWalkContext
	//std::cout << "ChainGenerator started." << std::endl;

	if (!CChainWalkContext::SetHashRoutine(sHashRoutineName))
		fprintf(stderr, "hash routine %s not supported\n", sHashRoutineName.c_str());
		return 1;
	//std::cout << "Hash routine validated" << std::endl;

	if (!CChainWalkContext::SetPlainCharset(sCharsetName, nPlainLenMin, nPlainLenMax))
		std::cerr << "charset " << sCharsetName << " not supported" << std::endl;
		return 2;
	//std::cout << "Plain charset validated" << std::endl;

	if (!CChainWalkContext::SetRainbowTableIndex(nRainbowTableIndex))
		std::cerr << "invalid rainbow table index " << nRainbowTableIndex << std::endl;
		return 3;
	//std::cout << "Rainbowtable index validated" << std::endl;

	if(sHashRoutineName == "mscache")// || sHashRoutineName == "lmchall" || sHashRoutineName == "halflmchall")
		// Convert username to unicode
		const char *szSalt = sSalt.c_str();
		int salt_length = strlen(szSalt);
		unsigned char cur_salt[256];
		for (int i=0; i<salt_length; i++)
			cur_salt[i*2] = szSalt[i];
			cur_salt[i*2+1] = 0x00;
		CChainWalkContext::SetSalt(cur_salt, salt_length*2);
	else if(sHashRoutineName == "halflmchall")
	{ // The salt is hardcoded into the hash routine
	//	CChainWalkContext::SetSalt((unsigned char*)&salt, 8);
	else if(sHashRoutineName == "oracle")
		CChainWalkContext::SetSalt((unsigned char *)sSalt.c_str(), sSalt.length());
	//std::cout << "Opening chain file" << std::endl;
	// Open file
	boinc_resolve_filename("result", output_path, sizeof(output_path));
	fclose(boinc_fopen(output_path, "a"));
	FILE *outfile = boinc_fopen(output_path, "r+b");
	if (outfile == NULL)
		std::cerr << "failed to create " << output_path << std::endl;
		return 4;
	// Check existing chains
	unsigned int nDataLen = (unsigned int)GetFileLen(outfile);
	// Round to boundary
	nDataLen = nDataLen / 10 * 10;
	if (nDataLen == nRainbowChainCount * 10)
		std::cerr << "precomputation of this rainbow table already finished" << std::endl;
		return 0;

	fseek(outfile, nDataLen, SEEK_SET);
	//XXX size_t isn't 32/64 clean
	size_t nReturn;
	CChainWalkContext cwc;
	uint64 nIndex[2];
	//time_t tStart = time(NULL);

//	std::cout << "Starting to generate chains" << std::endl;
	int maxCalcBuffSize = rcuda::GetChainsBufferSize( buffCount );
	std::cerr << "maxCalcBuffSize - estimated: " << buffCount << ". Chosen: " << maxCalcBuffSize << std::endl;
	uint64 *calcBuff = new uint64[2*maxCalcBuffSize];
	int ii;

	CudaCWCExtender ex(&cwc);
	rcuda::RCudaTask cuTask;

	for(int nCurrentCalculatedChains = nDataLen / 10, calcSize; nCurrentCalculatedChains < nRainbowChainCount; )
		fd = (double)nCurrentCalculatedChains / (double)nRainbowChainCount;
		cuTask.hash = ex.GetHash();
		cuTask.startIdx = nChainStart + nCurrentCalculatedChains;
		cuTask.idxCount = std::min<int>(nRainbowChainCount - nCurrentCalculatedChains, maxCalcBuffSize);
		cuTask.dimVec = ex.GetPlainDimVec();
		cuTask.dimVecSize = ex.GetPlainDimVecSize()/2;
		cuTask.charSet = ex.GetCharSet();
		cuTask.charSetSize = ex.GetCharSetSize();
		cuTask.cpPositions = &vCPPositions[0];
		cuTask.cpPosSize = vCPPositions.size();
		cuTask.reduceOffset = ex.GetReduceOffset();
		cuTask.plainSpaceTotal = ex.GetPlainSpaceTotal();
		cuTask.rainbowChainLen = nRainbowChainLen;
		cuTask.kernChainSize = chainSize;
		for(ii = 0; ii < cuTask.idxCount; ii++) {
			calcBuff[2*ii] = cuTask.startIdx + ii;
			calcBuff[2*ii+1] = 0;
		calcSize = rcuda::CalcChainsOnCUDA(&cuTask, calcBuff);

		BOINC_STATUS boinc_status;

		if (boinc_status.quit_request || boinc_status.abort_request)
			while (1) boinc_sleep(1);

		if(calcSize > 0) {
			nCurrentCalculatedChains += calcSize;
			for(ii = 0; ii < cuTask.idxCount; ii++) {
				nIndex[0] = cuTask.startIdx + ii;
//				nReturn = fwrite(nIndex, 1, 8, outfile);
				nReturn = fwrite(calcBuff+(2*ii), 1, 8, outfile);
				nReturn += fwrite(calcBuff+(2*ii+1), 1, 2, outfile);
				if(nReturn != 10) {
					std::cerr << "disk write fail" << std::endl;
					return 9;
		} else {
			std::cerr << "Calculations on CUDA failed!" << std::endl;
			return -1;	
	delete [] calcBuff;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	std::cout << "Generation completed" << std::endl;