int m_xecute(void) { oprtype *cr, x; triple *obp, *oldchain, *ref0, *ref1, tmpchain, *triptr; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; dqinit(&tmpchain,exorder); oldchain = setcurtchain(&tmpchain); switch (expr(&x, MUMPS_STR)) { case EXPR_FAIL: setcurtchain(oldchain); return FALSE; case EXPR_INDR: if (TK_COLON != TREF(window_token)) { make_commarg(&x,indir_xecute); break; } /* caution: fall through */ case EXPR_GOOD: ref0 = maketriple(OC_COMMARG); ref0->operand[0] = x; ref0->operand[1] = put_ilit(indir_linetail); ins_triple(ref0); } setcurtchain(oldchain); if (TK_COLON == TREF(window_token)) { advancewindow(); cr = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype)); if (!bool_expr(FALSE, cr)) return FALSE; if (TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) { triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp,&tmpchain,exorder); /* violates info hiding */ if (TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) { ref0 = newtriple(OC_JMP); ref1 = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); ref1->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); *cr = put_tjmp(ref1); tnxtarg(&ref0->operand[0]); } else tnxtarg(cr); return TRUE; } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp,&tmpchain,exorder); /* violates info hiding */ return TRUE; }
int expression() { int es = 0, fileadd; char token2[20], token3[40]; if (strcmp(token, "ID") == 0) { fileadd = ftell(fp); //@ASSIGN记住当前文件位置 fscanf(fp, "%s %s\n", &token2, &token3); printf("%s %s\n", token2, token3); if (strcmp(token2, "=") == 0) //'=' { int address; es = lookup(token1, &address); if (es > 0) return(es); fscanf(fp, "%s %s\n", &token, &token1); printf("%s %s\n", token, token1); es = bool_expr(); if (es > 0) return(es); fprintf(fout, " STO %d\n", address); vartable[address].value = 1; } else { fseek(fp, fileadd, 0); //若非'='则文件指针回到'='前的标识符 printf("%s %s\n", token, token1); es = bool_expr(); if (es > 0) return(es); } } else es = bool_expr(); return(es); }
int m_goto(void) { oprtype *cr; triple *obp, *oldchain, *ref0, *ref1, tmpchain, *triptr; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; dqinit(&tmpchain, exorder); oldchain = setcurtchain(&tmpchain); if (!entryref(OC_JMP, OC_EXTJMP, (mint)indir_goto, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) { setcurtchain(oldchain); return FALSE; } setcurtchain(oldchain); if (TK_COLON == TREF(window_token)) { advancewindow(); cr = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype)); if (!bool_expr(FALSE, cr)) return FALSE; if ((TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) && (OC_NOOP != (TREF(expr_start))->opcode)) { triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /*this is a violation of info hiding*/ if ((TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) && (OC_NOOP != (TREF(expr_start))->opcode)) { ref0 = newtriple(OC_JMP); ref1 = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); ref1->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); *cr = put_tjmp(ref1); tnxtarg(&ref0->operand[0]); } else tnxtarg(cr); return TRUE; } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /*this is a violation of info hiding*/ return TRUE; }
int m_goto(void) { triple tmpchain, *oldchain, *obp, *ref0, *ref1, *triptr; oprtype *cr; dqinit(&tmpchain, exorder); oldchain = setcurtchain(&tmpchain); if (!entryref(OC_JMP, OC_EXTJMP, (mint) indir_goto, TRUE, FALSE)) { setcurtchain(oldchain); return FALSE; } setcurtchain(oldchain); if (window_token == TK_COLON) { advancewindow(); cr = (oprtype *) mcalloc(sizeof(oprtype)); if (!bool_expr((bool) FALSE, cr)) return FALSE; if (expr_start != expr_start_orig) { triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(expr_start); } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /*this is a violation of info hiding*/ if (expr_start != expr_start_orig) { ref0 = newtriple(OC_JMP); ref1 = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); ref1->operand[0] = put_tref(expr_start); *cr = put_tjmp(ref1); tnxtarg(&ref0->operand[0]); } else tnxtarg(cr); return TRUE; } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /*this is a violation of info hiding*/ return TRUE; }
int m_do(void) { int opcd; oprtype *cr; triple *calltrip, *labelref, *obp, *oldchain, *ref0, *ref1, *routineref, tmpchain, *triptr; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; if ((TK_EOL == TREF(window_token)) || (TK_SPACE == TREF(window_token))) { if (!run_time) /* DO SP SP is a noop at run time */ { calltrip = newtriple(OC_CALLSP); calltrip->operand[0] = put_mnxl(); } return TRUE; } else if (TK_AMPERSAND == TREF(window_token)) { if (!extern_func(0)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } dqinit(&tmpchain, exorder); oldchain = setcurtchain(&tmpchain); calltrip = entryref(OC_CALL, OC_EXTCALL, (mint)indir_do, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); setcurtchain(oldchain); if (!calltrip) return FALSE; if (TK_LPAREN == TREF(window_token)) { if (OC_CALL == calltrip->opcode) { assert(MLAB_REF == calltrip->operand[0].oprclass); calltrip->opcode = OC_EXCAL; ref0 = calltrip; } else { if (OC_EXTCALL == calltrip->opcode) { assert(TRIP_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprclass); if (OC_CDLIT == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->opcode) assert(CDLT_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); else { assert(OC_LABADDR == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->opcode); assert(TRIP_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprclass); assert(OC_PARAMETER == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref->opcode); assert(TRIP_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); DEBUG_ONLY(opcd = calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref-> operand[0].oprval.tref->opcode); assert((OC_ILIT == opcd) || (OC_COMINT == opcd)); DEBUG_ONLY(opcd = calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref-> operand[0].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); assert((ILIT_REF == opcd) || (TRIP_REF == opcd)); /* The opcd references above added to allow an invalid syntax using indirect values for * offsets while specifying a parm list to get through the above asserts (invalid syntax * should not trip asserts) but it leads to the conclusion that the below test may not be * robust enough since it is looking at a literal integer value when there is none so have * added further checks mirroring the first checks done in the two most recent asserts to * make the check more robust. [Example bad code: Do @lbl+@n^artn(arg)] */ if ((0 != calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref-> operand[0].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.ilit) || (OC_ILIT != calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref-> operand[0].oprval.tref->opcode) || (ILIT_REF != calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref-> operand[0].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass)) { stx_error (ERR_ACTOFFSET); return FALSE; } } } else { /* DO _ @dlabel actuallist */ assert(OC_COMMARG == calltrip->opcode); assert(TRIP_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprclass); assert(OC_ILIT == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->opcode); assert(ILIT_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); assert((mint)indir_do == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.ilit); assert(calltrip->exorder.fl == &tmpchain); routineref = maketriple(OC_CURRHD); labelref = maketriple(OC_LABADDR); ref0 = maketriple(OC_PARAMETER); dqins(calltrip->, exorder, routineref); dqins(calltrip->, exorder, labelref); dqins(calltrip->, exorder, ref0); labelref->operand[0] = calltrip->operand[0]; labelref->operand[1] = put_tref (ref0); ref0->operand[0] = calltrip->operand[1]; ref0->operand[0].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.ilit = 0; ref0->operand[1] = put_tref (routineref); calltrip->operand[0] = put_tref(routineref); calltrip->operand[1] = put_tref(labelref); } calltrip->opcode = OC_EXTEXCAL; ref0 = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER); ref0->operand[0] = calltrip->operand[1]; calltrip->operand[1] = put_tref(ref0); } if (!actuallist(&ref0->operand[1])) return FALSE; } else if (OC_CALL == calltrip->opcode) { if (TREF(for_stack_ptr) != (oprtype **)TADR(for_stack)) { if (TAREF1(for_temps, (TREF(for_stack_ptr) - (oprtype **)TADR(for_stack)))) calltrip->opcode = OC_FORLCLDO; } } if (TK_COLON == TREF(window_token)) { advancewindow(); cr = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype)); if (!bool_expr(FALSE, cr)) return FALSE; if ((TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) && (OC_NOOP != (TREF(expr_start))->opcode)) { triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /*this is a violation of info hiding*/ if (calltrip->opcode == OC_EXCAL) { triptr = newtriple(OC_JMP); triptr->operand[0] = put_mfun(&calltrip->operand[0].oprval.lab->mvname); calltrip->operand[0].oprclass = ILIT_REF; /* dummy placeholder */ } if ((TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) && (OC_NOOP != (TREF(expr_start))->opcode)) { ref0 = newtriple(OC_JMP); ref1 = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); ref1->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); *cr = put_tjmp(ref1); tnxtarg(&ref0->operand[0]); } else tnxtarg(cr); } else { obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /*this is a violation of info hiding*/ if (OC_EXCAL == calltrip->opcode) { triptr = newtriple(OC_JMP); triptr->operand[0] = put_mfun(&calltrip->operand[0].oprval.lab->mvname); calltrip->operand[0].oprclass = ILIT_REF; /* dummy placeholder */ } } return TRUE; }
int f_select(oprtype *a, opctype op) { boolean_t first_time, save_saw_side, save_shift; unsigned int save_depth; opctype old_op; oprtype *cnd, endtrip, target, tmparg; triple *oldchain, *r, *ref, *save_start, *save_start_orig, tmpchain, *triptr; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; save_shift = TREF(shift_side_effects); save_saw_side = TREF(saw_side_effect); save_depth = TREF(expr_depth); save_start = TREF(expr_start); save_start_orig = TREF(expr_start_orig); TREF(shift_side_effects) = FALSE; TREF(saw_side_effect) = FALSE; TREF(expr_depth) = 0; TREF(expr_start) = TREF(expr_start_orig) = NULL; if (save_shift) { dqinit(&tmpchain, exorder); oldchain = setcurtchain(&tmpchain); } r = maketriple(op); first_time = TRUE; endtrip = put_tjmp(r); for (;;) { cnd = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype)); if (!bool_expr(FALSE, cnd)) { if (save_shift) setcurtchain(oldchain); return FALSE; } if (TK_COLON != TREF(window_token)) { if (save_shift) setcurtchain(oldchain); stx_error(ERR_COLON); return FALSE; } advancewindow(); if (EXPR_FAIL == expr(&tmparg, MUMPS_EXPR)) { if (save_shift) setcurtchain(oldchain); return FALSE; } assert(TRIP_REF == tmparg.oprclass); old_op = tmparg.oprval.tref->opcode; if (first_time) { if ((OC_LIT == old_op) || (oc_tab[old_op].octype & OCT_MVADDR)) { ref = newtriple(OC_STOTEMP); ref->operand[0] = tmparg; tmparg = put_tref(ref); } r->operand[0] = target = tmparg; first_time = FALSE; } else { ref = newtriple(OC_STO); ref->operand[0] = target; ref->operand[1] = tmparg; if (OC_PASSTHRU == tmparg.oprval.tref->opcode) { assert(TRIP_REF == tmparg.oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); ref = newtriple(OC_STO); ref->operand[0] = target; ref->operand[1] = put_tref(tmparg.oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.tref); } } ref = newtriple(OC_JMP); ref->operand[0] = endtrip; tnxtarg(cnd); if (TK_COMMA != TREF(window_token)) break; advancewindow(); } tmparg = put_ilit(ERR_SELECTFALSE); ref = newtriple(OC_RTERROR); ref->operand[0] = tmparg; ref->operand[1] = put_ilit(FALSE); /* Not a subroutine reference */ ins_triple(r); assert(!TREF(expr_depth)); TREF(shift_side_effects) = save_shift; TREF(saw_side_effect) = save_saw_side; TREF(expr_depth) = save_depth; TREF(expr_start) = save_start; TREF(expr_start_orig) = save_start_orig; if (save_shift) { newtriple(OC_GVSAVTARG); setcurtchain(oldchain); dqadd(TREF(expr_start), &tmpchain, exorder); TREF(expr_start) =; triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); } *a = put_tref(r); return TRUE; }
int m_zgoto(void) { triple tmpchain, *oldchain, *obp, *ref0, *ref1, *triptr; oprtype *cr, quits; int4 rval; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; dqinit(&tmpchain, exorder); oldchain = setcurtchain(&tmpchain); if ((TK_EOL == window_token) || (TK_SPACE == window_token)) { /* Default zgoto level is 1 */ quits = put_ilit(1); rval = EXPR_GOOD; } else if (!(rval = intexpr(&quits))) /* note assignment */ { setcurtchain(oldchain); return FALSE; } if ((EXPR_INDR != rval) && ((TK_EOL == window_token) || (TK_SPACE == window_token))) { /* Only level parm supplied (no entry ref) - job for op_zg1 */ setcurtchain(oldchain); obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /* this is a violation of info hiding */ ref0 = newtriple(OC_ZG1); ref0->operand[0] = quits; return TRUE; } if (TK_COLON != window_token) { /* First arg parsed, not ending in ":". Better have been indirect */ setcurtchain(oldchain); if (EXPR_INDR != rval) { stx_error(ERR_COLON); return FALSE; } make_commarg(&quits, indir_zgoto); obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /* this is a violation of info hiding */ return TRUE; } advancewindow(); if (TK_COLON != window_token) { if (!entryref(OC_NOOP, OC_PARAMETER, (mint)indir_goto, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) { setcurtchain(oldchain); return FALSE; } ref0 = maketriple(OC_ZGOTO); ref0->operand[0] = quits; ref0->operand[1] = put_tref(; ins_triple(ref0); setcurtchain(oldchain); } else { ref0 = maketriple(OC_ZG1); ref0->operand[0] = quits; ins_triple(ref0); setcurtchain(oldchain); } if (TK_COLON == window_token) { /* post conditional expression */ advancewindow(); cr = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype)); if (!bool_expr((bool)FALSE, cr)) return FALSE; if (TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) { triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /* this is a violation of info hiding */ if (TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) { ref0 = newtriple(OC_JMP); ref1 = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); ref1->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); *cr = put_tjmp(ref1); tnxtarg(&ref0->operand[0]); } else tnxtarg(cr); return TRUE; } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /* this is a violation of info hiding */ return TRUE; }
int m_if(void) { triple *ref0, *ref1, *ref2, *jmpref, ifpos_in_chain, *triptr; oprtype x, y, *ta_opr; bool first_time, t_set, is_commarg; typedef struct jmpchntype { struct { struct jmpchntype *fl,*bl; }link; triple *jmptrip; }jmpchn; jmpchn *jmpchain,*nxtjmp; error_def(ERR_SPOREOL); error_def(ERR_INDEXTRACHARS); ifpos_in_chain = pos_in_chain; jmpchain = (jmpchn*) mcalloc(sizeof(jmpchn)); dqinit(jmpchain,link); if (window_token == TK_EOL) return TRUE; is_commarg = last_source_column == 1; x = for_end_of_scope(0); assert(x.oprclass == INDR_REF); if (window_token == TK_SPACE) { jmpref = newtriple(OC_JMPTCLR); jmpref->operand[0] = x; nxtjmp = (jmpchn *) mcalloc(sizeof(jmpchn)); nxtjmp->jmptrip = jmpref; dqins(jmpchain,link,nxtjmp); } else { first_time = TRUE; for (;;) { ta_opr = (oprtype *) mcalloc(sizeof(oprtype)); if (!bool_expr((bool) TRUE, ta_opr)) return FALSE; if ((ref0 = curtchain->>opcode == OC_JMPNEQ && (ref1 = ref0->>opcode == OC_COBOOL && (ref2 = ref1->>opcode == OC_INDGLVN) { dqdel(ref0,exorder); ref1->opcode = OC_JMPTSET; ref1->operand[0] = put_indr(ta_opr); ref2->opcode = OC_COMMARG; ref2->operand[1] = put_ilit((mint) indir_if); } t_set = curtchain->>opcode == OC_JMPTSET; if (!t_set) newtriple(OC_CLRTEST); if (expr_start != expr_start_orig) { triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(expr_start); } jmpref = newtriple(OC_JMP); jmpref->operand[0] = x; nxtjmp = (jmpchn *) mcalloc(sizeof(jmpchn)); nxtjmp->jmptrip = jmpref; dqins(jmpchain,link,nxtjmp); tnxtarg(ta_opr); if (first_time) { if (!t_set) newtriple(OC_SETTEST); if (expr_start != expr_start_orig) { triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(expr_start); } first_time = FALSE; } if (window_token != TK_COMMA) break; advancewindow(); } } if (is_commarg) { if (window_token != TK_EOL) { stx_error(ERR_INDEXTRACHARS); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } if (window_token != TK_EOL && window_token != TK_SPACE) { stx_error(ERR_SPOREOL); return FALSE; } if (!linetail()) { tnxtarg(&x); dqloop(jmpchain,link,nxtjmp) { ref1 = nxtjmp->jmptrip; ref1->operand[0] = x; }
int m_do(void) { triple tmpchain, *oldchain, *obp, *ref0, *tripsize, *triptr, *ref1, *calltrip, *routineref, *labelref; oprtype *cr; DCL_THREADGBL_ACCESS; SETUP_THREADGBL_ACCESS; if ((TK_SPACE == window_token) || (TK_EOL == window_token)) { if (!run_time) /* DO SP SP is a noop at run time */ { calltrip = newtriple(OC_CALLSP); calltrip->operand[0] = put_mnxl(); calltrip->operand[1] = put_ocnt(); } return TRUE; } else if (TK_AMPERSAND == window_token) { if (!extern_func(0)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } dqinit(&tmpchain, exorder); oldchain = setcurtchain(&tmpchain); calltrip = entryref(OC_CALL, OC_EXTCALL, (mint)indir_do, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); setcurtchain(oldchain); if (!calltrip) return FALSE; if (TK_LPAREN == window_token) { if (OC_CALL == calltrip->opcode) { assert(MLAB_REF == calltrip->operand[0].oprclass); calltrip->opcode = OC_EXCAL; ref0 = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER); calltrip->operand[1] = put_tref(ref0); ref0->operand[0] = put_tsiz(); /* parm to hold size of jump codegen */ tripsize = ref0->operand[0].oprval.tref; assert(OC_TRIPSIZE == tripsize->opcode); } else { if (OC_EXTCALL == calltrip->opcode) { assert(TRIP_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprclass); if (OC_CDLIT == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->opcode) assert(CDLT_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); else { assert(OC_LABADDR == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->opcode); assert(TRIP_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprclass); assert(OC_PARAMETER == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref->opcode); assert(TRIP_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); assert(OC_ILIT == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref-> operand[0].oprval.tref->opcode); assert(ILIT_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref-> operand[0].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); if (0 != calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[1].oprval.tref-> operand[0].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.ilit) { stx_error(ERR_ACTOFFSET); return FALSE; } } } else /* DO _ @dlabel actuallist */ { assert(OC_COMMARG == calltrip->opcode); assert(TRIP_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprclass); assert(OC_ILIT == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->opcode); assert(ILIT_REF == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprclass); assert((mint)indir_do == calltrip->operand[1].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.ilit); assert(calltrip->exorder.fl == &tmpchain); routineref = maketriple(OC_CURRHD); labelref = maketriple(OC_LABADDR); ref0 = maketriple(OC_PARAMETER); dqins(calltrip->, exorder, routineref); dqins(calltrip->, exorder, labelref); dqins(calltrip->, exorder, ref0); labelref->operand[0] = calltrip->operand[0]; labelref->operand[1] = put_tref(ref0); ref0->operand[0] = calltrip->operand[1]; ref0->operand[0].oprval.tref->operand[0].oprval.ilit = 0; ref0->operand[1] = put_tref(routineref); calltrip->operand[0] = put_tref(routineref); calltrip->operand[1] = put_tref(labelref); } calltrip->opcode = OC_EXTEXCAL; ref0 = newtriple(OC_PARAMETER); ref0->operand[0] = calltrip->operand[1]; calltrip->operand[1] = put_tref(ref0); } if (!actuallist(&ref0->operand[1])) return FALSE; } else if (OC_CALL == calltrip->opcode) { calltrip->operand[1] = put_ocnt(); if (TREF(for_stack_ptr) != TADR(for_stack)) { if (TAREF1(for_temps, (TREF(for_stack_ptr) - TADR(for_stack)))) calltrip->opcode = OC_FORLCLDO; } } if (TK_COLON == window_token) { advancewindow(); cr = (oprtype *)mcalloc(SIZEOF(oprtype)); if (!bool_expr((bool) FALSE, cr)) return FALSE; if (TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) { triptr = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); triptr->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); } obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /*this is a violation of info hiding*/ if (OC_EXCAL == calltrip->opcode) { triptr = newtriple(OC_JMP); triptr->operand[0] = put_mfun(&calltrip->operand[0].oprval.lab->mvname); calltrip->operand[0].oprclass = ILIT_REF; /* dummy placeholder */ tripsize->operand[0].oprval.tsize->ct = triptr; } if (TREF(expr_start) != TREF(expr_start_orig)) { ref0 = newtriple(OC_JMP); ref1 = newtriple(OC_GVRECTARG); ref1->operand[0] = put_tref(TREF(expr_start)); *cr = put_tjmp(ref1); tnxtarg(&ref0->operand[0]); } else tnxtarg(cr); } else { obp = oldchain->; dqadd(obp, &tmpchain, exorder); /*this is a violation of info hiding*/ if (OC_EXCAL == calltrip->opcode) { triptr = newtriple(OC_JMP); triptr->operand[0] = put_mfun(&calltrip->operand[0].oprval.lab->mvname); calltrip->operand[0].oprclass = ILIT_REF; /* dummy placeholder */ tripsize->operand[0].oprval.tsize->ct = triptr; } } return TRUE; }