void enkf_config_node_set_internalize(enkf_config_node_type * node, int report_step) {
  ert_impl_type impl_type = enkf_config_node_get_impl_type( node );
  if (impl_type == CONTAINER) {
    int inode;
    int container_size = enkf_config_node_container_size( node );
    for (inode = 0; inode < container_size; inode++) {
      enkf_config_node_type * child_node = enkf_config_node_container_iget( node , inode );
      enkf_config_node_set_internalize( child_node , report_step );
  } else {
    if (node->internalize == NULL)
      node->internalize = bool_vector_alloc( 0 , false );
    bool_vector_iset( node->internalize , report_step , true);
Beispiel #2
static void state_map_select_matching__( state_map_type * map , bool_vector_type * select_target , int select_mask , bool select) {
  pthread_rwlock_rdlock( &map->rw_lock );
      const int * map_ptr = int_vector_get_ptr( map->state );
      int size = util_int_min(int_vector_size( map->state ), bool_vector_size(select_target)); 
      for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
        int state_value = map_ptr[i];
        if (state_value & select_mask) 
          bool_vector_iset( select_target , i , select);
    pthread_rwlock_unlock( &map->rw_lock );
Beispiel #3
   This function will load an active map from the enkf_fs filesystem.
void gen_data_config_load_active( gen_data_config_type * config , enkf_fs_type * fs,  int report_step , bool force_load) {

  bool fs_changed = false;
  if (fs != config->read_fs) {
    config->read_fs = fs;
    fs_changed = true;

  if (!config->dynamic)
    return;                /* This is used as a GEN_PARAM instance - and the loading of mask is not an option. */
  pthread_mutex_lock( &config->update_lock );
    if ( force_load || (int_vector_iget( config->data_size_vector , report_step ) > 0)) {
      if (config->active_report_step != report_step || fs_changed) {
        char * filename = util_alloc_sprintf("%s_active" , config->key );
        FILE * stream   = enkf_fs_open_excase_tstep_file( fs , filename , report_step);

        if (stream != NULL) {
          bool_vector_fread( config->active_mask , stream );
          fclose( stream );
        } else {
          int gen_data_size = int_vector_safe_iget( config->data_size_vector, report_step );
          if (gen_data_size < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr,"** Fatal internal error in function:%s \n",__func__);
            fprintf(stderr,"   1: The active mask file:%s was not found \n",filename);
            fprintf(stderr,"   2: The size of the gen_data vectors has not been set\n");
            fprintf(stderr,"We can not create a suitable active_mask. Code should call gen_data_config_has_active_mask()\n\n");
            util_abort("%s: fatal internal error - could not create a suitable active_mask \n",__func__);
          } else {
            fprintf(stdout,"** Info: could not locate active data elements file %s, filling active vector with true all elements active \n",filename);
            bool_vector_reset( config->active_mask );
            bool_vector_iset( config->active_mask, gen_data_size - 1, true);
        free( filename );
    config->active_report_step = report_step;
  pthread_mutex_unlock( &config->update_lock );
void forward_initialize_node(enkf_main_type * enkf_main, const char * init_file, enkf_node_type * field_node) {
    const int ens_size         = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );
    bool_vector_type * iactive = bool_vector_alloc(0, false);
    bool_vector_iset( iactive , ens_size - 1 , true );

    enkf_main_create_run_path(enkf_main , iactive , 0);

    int iens                = 0;
    enkf_state_type * state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , iens );
    enkf_fs_type * fs       = enkf_main_get_fs(enkf_main);
    run_arg_type  * run_arg = run_arg_alloc_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT( fs , 0 ,0 , "simulations/run0");

    enkf_state_forward_init( state , run_arg);
void test_state() {
  rng_type * rng = rng_alloc( MZRAN , INIT_DEFAULT ); 
  int ens_size    = 10;
  int active_size = 8;
  int rows = 100;
  matrix_type * state = matrix_alloc(1,1);
  bool_vector_type * ens_mask = bool_vector_alloc(ens_size , false);
  matrix_type * A = matrix_alloc( rows , active_size);
  matrix_type * A2 = matrix_alloc( rows, active_size );
  matrix_type * A3 = matrix_alloc( 1,1 );

  for (int i=0; i < active_size; i++)
    bool_vector_iset( ens_mask , i + 1 , true );

  matrix_random_init(A , rng);
  rml_enkf_common_store_state( state , A , ens_mask );

  test_assert_int_equal( matrix_get_rows( state ) , rows );
  test_assert_int_equal( matrix_get_columns( state ) , ens_size );

    int g;
    int a = 0;
    for (g=0; g < ens_size; g++) {
      if (bool_vector_iget( ens_mask , g )) {
        test_assert_true( matrix_columns_equal( state , g , A , a ));

  rml_enkf_common_recover_state( state , A2 , ens_mask);
  rml_enkf_common_recover_state( state , A3 , ens_mask);
  test_assert_true( matrix_equal( A , A2 ));
  test_assert_true( matrix_equal( A , A3 ));
  bool_vector_free( ens_mask );
  matrix_free( state );
  matrix_free( A );
Beispiel #6
void obs_vector_ensemble_chi2(const obs_vector_type * obs_vector , 
                              enkf_fs_type * fs, 
                              bool_vector_type * valid , 
                              int step1 , 
                              int step2 , 
                              int iens1 , 
                              int iens2 , 
                              state_enum load_state , 
                              double ** chi2) {
  int step;
  enkf_node_type * enkf_node = enkf_node_alloc( obs_vector->config_node );
  node_id_type node_id;
  node_id.state = load_state;
  for (step = step1; step <= step2; step++) {
    int iens;
    node_id.report_step = step;
      void * obs_node = vector_iget( obs_vector->nodes , step);

      if (obs_node == NULL) {
        for (iens = iens1; iens < iens2; iens++) 
          chi2[step][iens] = 0;
      } else {
        for (iens = iens1; iens < iens2; iens++) {
          node_id.iens = iens;
          if (enkf_node_try_load( enkf_node , fs , node_id)) 
            chi2[step][iens] = obs_vector_chi2__(obs_vector , step , enkf_node , node_id);
          else {
            chi2[step][iens] = 0;
            // Missing data - this member will be marked as invalid in the misfit calculations.
            bool_vector_iset( valid , iens , false );
  enkf_node_free( enkf_node );
Beispiel #7
void model_config_set_load_state( model_config_type * config , int report_step) {
  bool_vector_iset(config->__load_state , report_step , true);
Beispiel #8
void model_config_init(model_config_type * model_config , 
                       const config_type * config , 
                       int ens_size , 
                       const ext_joblist_type * joblist , 
                       int last_history_restart , 
                       const sched_file_type * sched_file , 
                       const ecl_sum_type * refcase) {
  model_config->forward_model = forward_model_alloc(  joblist );
  model_config_set_refcase( model_config , refcase );

  if (config_item_set( config , FORWARD_MODEL_KEY )) {
    char * config_string = config_alloc_joined_string( config , FORWARD_MODEL_KEY , " ");
    forward_model_parse_init( model_config->forward_model , config_string );

  if (config_item_set( config , ENKF_SCHED_FILE_KEY))
    model_config_set_enkf_sched_file(model_config , config_get_value(config , ENKF_SCHED_FILE_KEY ));
  if (config_item_set( config, RUNPATH_KEY)) {
    model_config_add_runpath( model_config , DEFAULT_RUNPATH_KEY , config_get_value(config , RUNPATH_KEY) );
    model_config_select_runpath( model_config , DEFAULT_RUNPATH_KEY );

    history_source_type source_type = DEFAULT_HISTORY_SOURCE;

    if (config_item_set( config , HISTORY_SOURCE_KEY)) {
      const char * history_source = config_iget(config , HISTORY_SOURCE_KEY, 0,0);
      source_type = history_get_source_type( history_source );

    if (!model_config_select_history( model_config , source_type , sched_file , refcase ))
      if (!model_config_select_history( model_config , DEFAULT_HISTORY_SOURCE , sched_file , refcase ))
        if (!model_config_select_any_history( model_config , sched_file , refcase))
          fprintf(stderr,"** Warning:: Do not have enough information to select a history source \n");

  if (model_config->history != NULL) {
    int num_restart = history_get_last_restart( model_config->history );
    bool_vector_iset( model_config->internalize_state , num_restart - 1 , false );
    bool_vector_iset( model_config->__load_state      , num_restart - 1 , false );

    The full treatment of the SCHEDULE_PREDICTION_FILE keyword is in
    the ensemble_config file, because the functionality is implemented
    as (quite) plain GEN_KW instance. Here we just check if it is
    present or not.
  if (config_item_set(config ,  SCHEDULE_PREDICTION_FILE_KEY)) 
    model_config->has_prediction = true;
    model_config->has_prediction = false;

  if (config_item_set(config ,  CASE_TABLE_KEY)) 
    model_config_set_case_table( model_config , ens_size , config_iget( config , CASE_TABLE_KEY , 0,0));
  if (config_item_set( config , ENSPATH_KEY))
    model_config_set_enspath( model_config , config_get_value(config , ENSPATH_KEY));

  if (config_item_set( config , JOBNAME_KEY))
    model_config_set_jobname_fmt( model_config , config_get_value(config , JOBNAME_KEY));

  if (config_item_set( config , RFTPATH_KEY))
    model_config_set_rftpath( model_config , config_get_value(config , RFTPATH_KEY));
  if (config_item_set( config , DBASE_TYPE_KEY))
    model_config_set_dbase_type( model_config , config_get_value(config , DBASE_TYPE_KEY));
  if (config_item_set( config , MAX_RESAMPLE_KEY))
    model_config_set_max_internal_submit( model_config , config_get_value_as_int( config , MAX_RESAMPLE_KEY ));

    const char * export_file_name;
    if (config_item_set( config , GEN_KW_EXPORT_FILE_KEY))
      export_file_name = config_get_value(config, GEN_KW_EXPORT_FILE_KEY);
      export_file_name = DEFAULT_GEN_KW_EXPORT_FILE;

    model_config_set_gen_kw_export_file(model_config, export_file_name);
Beispiel #9
void stepwise_estimate( stepwise_type * stepwise , double deltaR2_limit , int CV_blocks) {
    int nvar          = matrix_get_columns( stepwise->X0 );
    int nsample       = matrix_get_rows( stepwise->X0 );
    double currentR2 = -1;
    bool_vector_type * active_rows = bool_vector_alloc( nsample , true );

    /*Reset beta*/
    for (int i = 0; i < nvar; i++) {
        matrix_iset(stepwise->beta, i , 0 , 0.0);

    bool_vector_set_all( stepwise->active_set , false );

    double MSE_min = 10000000;
    double Prev_MSE_min = MSE_min;
    double minR2    = -1;

    while (true) {
        int    best_var = 0;
        Prev_MSE_min = MSE_min;

          Go through all the inactive variables, and calculate the
          resulting prediction error IF this particular variable is added;
          keep track of the variable which gives the lowest prediction error.
        for (int ivar = 0; ivar < nvar; ivar++) {
            if (!bool_vector_iget( stepwise->active_set , ivar)) {
                double newR2 = stepwise_test_var(stepwise , ivar , CV_blocks);
                if ((minR2 < 0) || (newR2 < minR2)) {
                    minR2 = newR2;
                    best_var = ivar;

          If the best relative improvement in prediction error is better
          than @deltaR2_limit, the corresponding variable is added to the
          active set, and we return to repeat the loop one more
          time. Otherwise we just exit.

            MSE_min = minR2;
            double deltaR2 = MSE_min / Prev_MSE_min;

            if (( currentR2 < 0) || deltaR2 < deltaR2_limit) {
                bool_vector_iset( stepwise->active_set , best_var , true );
                currentR2 = minR2;
                bool_vector_set_all(active_rows, true);
                stepwise_estimate__( stepwise , active_rows );
            } else {
                /* The gain in prediction error is so small that we just leave the building. */
                /* NB! Need one final compuation of beta (since the test_var function does not reset the last tested beta value !) */
                bool_vector_set_all(active_rows, true);
                stepwise_estimate__( stepwise , active_rows );

            if (bool_vector_count_equal( stepwise->active_set , true) == matrix_get_columns( stepwise->X0 )) {
                stepwise_estimate__( stepwise , active_rows );
                break;   /* All variables are active. */

    stepwise_set_R2(stepwise, currentR2);
    bool_vector_free( active_rows );
Beispiel #10
static double stepwise_test_var( stepwise_type * stepwise , int test_var , int blocks) {
    double prediction_error = 0;

    bool_vector_iset( stepwise->active_set , test_var , true );   // Temporarily activate this variable

        int nvar                       = matrix_get_columns( stepwise->X0 );
        int nsample                    = matrix_get_rows( stepwise->X0 );
        int block_size                 = nsample / blocks;
        bool_vector_type * active_rows = bool_vector_alloc( nsample, true );

        /*True Cross-Validation: */
        int * randperms     = util_calloc( nsample , sizeof * randperms );
        for (int i=0; i < nsample; i++)
            randperms[i] = i;

        /* Randomly perturb ensemble indices */
        rng_shuffle_int( stepwise->rng , randperms , nsample );

        for (int iblock = 0; iblock < blocks; iblock++) {

            int validation_start = iblock * block_size;
            int validation_end   = validation_start + block_size - 1;

            if (iblock == (blocks - 1))
                validation_end = nsample - 1;

              Ensure that the active_rows vector has a block consisting of
              the interval [validation_start : validation_end] which is set to
              false, and the remaining part of the vector is set to true.
                bool_vector_set_all(active_rows, true);
                   If blocks == 1 that means all datapoint are used in the
                   regression, and then subsequently reused in the R2
                if (blocks > 1) {
                    for (int i = validation_start; i <= validation_end; i++) {
                        bool_vector_iset( active_rows , randperms[i] , false );

              Evaluate the prediction error on the validation part of the
                stepwise_estimate__( stepwise , active_rows );
                    int irow;
                    matrix_type * x_vector = matrix_alloc( 1 , nvar );
                    //matrix_type * e_vector = matrix_alloc( 1 , nvar );
                    for (irow=validation_start; irow <= validation_end; irow++) {
                        matrix_copy_row( x_vector , stepwise->X0 , 0 , randperms[irow]);
                        //matrix_copy_row( e_vector , stepwise->E0 , 0 , randperms[irow]);
                            double true_value      = matrix_iget( stepwise->Y0 , randperms[irow] , 0 );
                            double estimated_value = stepwise_eval__( stepwise , x_vector );
                            prediction_error += (true_value - estimated_value) * (true_value - estimated_value);
                            //double e_estimated_value = stepwise_eval__( stepwise , e_vector );
                            //prediction_error += e_estimated_value*e_estimated_value;

                    matrix_free( x_vector );

        free( randperms );
        bool_vector_free( active_rows );

    /*inactivate the test_var-variable after completion*/
    bool_vector_iset( stepwise->active_set , test_var , false );
    return prediction_error;