Beispiel #1
void misfit_ensemble_initialize( misfit_ensemble_type * misfit_ensemble ,
                                 const ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config ,
                                 const enkf_obs_type * enkf_obs ,
                                 enkf_fs_type * fs ,
                                 int ens_size ,
                                 int history_length,
                                 bool force_init) {

    if (force_init || !misfit_ensemble->initialized) {
        misfit_ensemble_clear( misfit_ensemble );

        msg_type * msg                 = msg_alloc("Evaluating misfit for observation: " , false);
        double ** chi2_work            = __2d_malloc( history_length + 1 , ens_size );
        bool_vector_type * iens_valid  = bool_vector_alloc( ens_size , true );

        hash_iter_type * obs_iter = enkf_obs_alloc_iter( enkf_obs );
        const char * obs_key      = hash_iter_get_next_key( obs_iter );

        misfit_ensemble->history_length = history_length;
        misfit_ensemble_set_ens_size( misfit_ensemble , ens_size );

        msg_show( msg );
        while (obs_key != NULL) {
            obs_vector_type * obs_vector = enkf_obs_get_vector( enkf_obs , obs_key );
            msg_update( msg , obs_key );

            bool_vector_reset( iens_valid );
            bool_vector_iset( iens_valid , ens_size - 1 , true );
            obs_vector_ensemble_chi2( obs_vector ,
                                      fs ,
                                      iens_valid ,
                                      0 ,
                                      0 ,
                                      ens_size ,

                Internalizing the results from the chi2_work table into the misfit structure.
            for (int iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
                misfit_member_type * node = misfit_ensemble_iget_member( misfit_ensemble , iens );
                if (bool_vector_iget( iens_valid , iens))
                    misfit_member_update( node , obs_key , misfit_ensemble->history_length , iens , (const double **) chi2_work);
            obs_key = hash_iter_get_next_key( obs_iter );

        bool_vector_free( iens_valid );
        msg_free(msg , true );
        hash_iter_free( obs_iter );

        __2d_free( chi2_work , misfit_ensemble->history_length + 1);
        misfit_ensemble->initialized = true;
Beispiel #2
bool gen_data_fload_with_report_step( gen_data_type * gen_data , const char * filename , int report_step) {
  bool   has_file = util_file_exists(filename);
  void * buffer   = NULL;
  int    size     = 0;
  ecl_type_enum load_type;
  if ( has_file ) {
    ecl_type_enum internal_type            = gen_data_config_get_internal_type(gen_data->config);
    gen_data_file_format_type input_format = gen_data_config_get_input_format( gen_data->config );
    buffer = gen_common_fload_alloc( filename , input_format , internal_type , &load_type , &size);
       Look for file @filename_active - if that file is found it is
       interpreted as a an active|inactive mask created by the forward

       The file is assumed to be an ASCII file with integers, 0
       indicates inactive elements and 1 active elements. The file
       should of course be as long as @filename.
       If the file is not found the gen_data->active_mask is set to
       all-true (i.e. the default true value is invoked).
    if (gen_data_config_is_dynamic( gen_data->config )) {
      bool_vector_reset( gen_data->active_mask );  
      bool_vector_iset( gen_data->active_mask , size - 1, true );
        char * active_file = util_alloc_sprintf("%s_active" , filename );
        if (util_file_exists( active_file )) {
          FILE * stream = util_fopen( active_file , "r");
          int active_int;
          for (int index=0; index < size; index++) {
            if (fscanf( stream ,  "%d" , &active_int) == 1) {
              if (active_int == 1)
                bool_vector_iset( gen_data->active_mask , index , true);
              else if (active_int == 0)
                bool_vector_iset( gen_data->active_mask , index , false);
                util_abort("%s: error when loading active mask from:%s only 0 and 1 allowed \n",__func__ , active_file);
            } else
              util_abort("%s: error when loading active mask from:%s - file not long enough.\n",__func__ , active_file );
          fclose( stream );
        free( active_file );
  gen_data_set_data__(gen_data , size , report_step , load_type , buffer );
  return has_file;
Beispiel #3
   This function will load an active map from the enkf_fs filesystem.
void gen_data_config_load_active( gen_data_config_type * config , enkf_fs_type * fs,  int report_step , bool force_load) {

  bool fs_changed = false;
  if (fs != config->read_fs) {
    config->read_fs = fs;
    fs_changed = true;

  if (!config->dynamic)
    return;                /* This is used as a GEN_PARAM instance - and the loading of mask is not an option. */
  pthread_mutex_lock( &config->update_lock );
    if ( force_load || (int_vector_iget( config->data_size_vector , report_step ) > 0)) {
      if (config->active_report_step != report_step || fs_changed) {
        char * filename = util_alloc_sprintf("%s_active" , config->key );
        FILE * stream   = enkf_fs_open_excase_tstep_file( fs , filename , report_step);

        if (stream != NULL) {
          bool_vector_fread( config->active_mask , stream );
          fclose( stream );
        } else {
          int gen_data_size = int_vector_safe_iget( config->data_size_vector, report_step );
          if (gen_data_size < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr,"** Fatal internal error in function:%s \n",__func__);
            fprintf(stderr,"   1: The active mask file:%s was not found \n",filename);
            fprintf(stderr,"   2: The size of the gen_data vectors has not been set\n");
            fprintf(stderr,"We can not create a suitable active_mask. Code should call gen_data_config_has_active_mask()\n\n");
            util_abort("%s: fatal internal error - could not create a suitable active_mask \n",__func__);
          } else {
            fprintf(stdout,"** Info: could not locate active data elements file %s, filling active vector with true all elements active \n",filename);
            bool_vector_reset( config->active_mask );
            bool_vector_iset( config->active_mask, gen_data_size - 1, true);
        free( filename );
    config->active_report_step = report_step;
  pthread_mutex_unlock( &config->update_lock );
Beispiel #4
bool gen_data_fload_with_report_step( gen_data_type * gen_data , const char * filename , const forward_load_context_type * load_context) {
  bool   file_exists  = util_file_exists(filename);
  void * buffer   = NULL;
  ecl_data_type load_type;

  if ( file_exists ) {
    ecl_data_type internal_type            = gen_data_config_get_internal_data_type(gen_data->config);
    gen_data_file_format_type input_format = gen_data_config_get_input_format( gen_data->config );
    int    size     = 0;
    buffer = gen_common_fload_alloc( filename , input_format , internal_type , &load_type , &size);
    if (size > 0) {
      gen_data_fload_active__(gen_data, filename, size);
    } else {
      bool_vector_reset( gen_data->active_mask );
    gen_data_set_data__(gen_data , size , load_context , load_type , buffer );
  return file_exists;
Beispiel #5
void gen_data_config_update_active(gen_data_config_type * config, int report_step , const bool_vector_type * data_mask) {
  pthread_mutex_lock( &config->update_lock );
    if ( int_vector_iget( config->data_size_vector , report_step ) > 0) {
      if (config->active_report_step != report_step) {
        /* This is the first ensemeble member loading for this
           particular report_step. */
        bool_vector_reset( config->active_mask );
        bool_vector_iset( config->active_mask , int_vector_iget( config->data_size_vector , report_step ) - 1 , true );
        config->mask_modified = true;
        int i;
        for (i=0; i < bool_vector_size( data_mask ); i++) {
          if (!bool_vector_iget( data_mask , i )) {
            bool_vector_iset( config->active_mask , i , false );
            config->mask_modified = true;
      if (config->mask_modified) {
           The global mask has been modified after the last load;
           i.e. we update the on-disk representation.
        char * filename = util_alloc_sprintf("%s_active" , config->key );
        FILE * stream   = enkf_fs_open_case_tstep_file( config->write_fs , filename , report_step , "w");
        bool_vector_fwrite( config->active_mask , stream );

        fclose( stream );
        free( filename );
        config->mask_modified = false;
    config->active_report_step = report_step;
  pthread_mutex_unlock( &config->update_lock );
Beispiel #6
static bool gen_data_fload_active__(gen_data_type * gen_data, const char * filename, int size) {
     Look for file @filename_active - if that file is found it is
     interpreted as a an active|inactive mask created by the forward

     The file is assumed to be an ASCII file with integers, 0
     indicates inactive elements and 1 active elements. The file
     should of course be as long as @filename.

     If the file is not found the gen_data->active_mask is set to
     all-true (i.e. the default true value is invoked).
  bool file_exists = false;
  if (gen_data_config_is_dynamic( gen_data->config )) {
    bool_vector_reset( gen_data->active_mask );
    bool_vector_iset( gen_data->active_mask , size - 1, true );
      char * active_file = util_alloc_sprintf("%s_active" , filename );
      if (util_file_exists( active_file )) {
        file_exists = true;
        FILE * stream = util_fopen( active_file , "r");
        int active_int;
        for (int index=0; index < size; index++) {
          if (fscanf( stream ,  "%d" , &active_int) == 1) {
            if (active_int == 1)
              bool_vector_iset( gen_data->active_mask , index , true);
            else if (active_int == 0)
              bool_vector_iset( gen_data->active_mask , index , false);
              util_abort("%s: error when loading active mask from:%s only 0 and 1 allowed \n",__func__ , active_file);
          } else
            util_abort("%s: error when loading active mask from:%s - file not long enough.\n",__func__ , active_file );
        fclose( stream );
      free( active_file );
  return file_exists;
Beispiel #7
void enkf_config_node_init_internalization(enkf_config_node_type * node) {
  if (node->internalize != NULL)
    bool_vector_reset( node->internalize );
Beispiel #8
bool string_util_init_active_mask( const char * range_string , bool_vector_type * active_mask ) {
  bool_vector_reset( active_mask );
  return string_util_update_active_mask( range_string , active_mask );
Beispiel #9
/* Setting everything back to the default value: false. */
void model_config_init_internalization( model_config_type * config ) {