float WjetPolarizationAngle(LorentzVector p4w, LorentzVector p4lepton){

  LorentzVector genp4_Wplus_;
  LorentzVector genp4_lplus_;
  LorentzVector genp4_Wplus_WCM_;
  LorentzVector genp4_lplus_WCM_;


  ROOT::Math::Boost boost_Wplus_CM( genp4_Wplus_.BoostToCM().x(), genp4_Wplus_.BoostToCM().y(), genp4_Wplus_.BoostToCM().z() );
//  cout<<" boost_Wplus_CM "<<boost_Wplus_CM<<endl;
  // Get the W, lepton, and neutrino 4-vectors in the top rest frame
  genp4_Wplus_WCM_        = boost_Wplus_CM  * genp4_Wplus_;
  genp4_lplus_WCM_        = boost_Wplus_CM  * genp4_lplus_;
  float theta_lplus_nu_WCM_ = -999.;
  // cos(theta) - should rename variables
  // theta is the angle between the lepton in the W rest frame and the W in the lab frame
    theta_lplus_nu_WCM_     = genp4_lplus_WCM_.Px()*genp4_Wplus_.Px() +
      genp4_lplus_WCM_.Py()*genp4_Wplus_.Py() +
    theta_lplus_nu_WCM_     /= genp4_lplus_WCM_.P()*genp4_Wplus_.P();

//  cout<<"theta_lplus_nu_WCM_: "<<theta_lplus_nu_WCM_<<endl;

  return theta_lplus_nu_WCM_;
float ttbarPolarizationAngle(LorentzVector p4top,LorentzVector p4w, LorentzVector p4lepton){

    LorentzVector genp4_tplus_;
    LorentzVector genp4_Wplus_;
    LorentzVector genp4_lplus_;
    LorentzVector genp4_Wplus_tCM_;
    LorentzVector genp4_lplus_WCM_;
    LorentzVector genp4_lplus_tCM_;


    // Boost from the LAB to the top CM
    ROOT::Math::Boost boost_tplus_CM( genp4_tplus_.BoostToCM().x(), genp4_tplus_.BoostToCM().y(), genp4_tplus_.BoostToCM().z() );

    // Boost from the LAB to the W CM
    ROOT::Math::Boost boost_Wplus_CM( genp4_Wplus_.BoostToCM().x(), genp4_Wplus_.BoostToCM().y(), genp4_Wplus_.BoostToCM().z() );

    // Get the W, lepton, and neutrino 4-vectors in the top rest frame
    genp4_Wplus_tCM_        = boost_tplus_CM  * genp4_Wplus_;
    genp4_lplus_tCM_        = boost_tplus_CM  * genp4_lplus_;

    // Boost from the top CM to the W CM ( tW notation )
    ROOT::Math::Boost boost_Wplus_tWCM( genp4_Wplus_tCM_.BoostToCM().x(), genp4_Wplus_tCM_.BoostToCM().y(), genp4_Wplus_tCM_.BoostToCM().z() );

    // Boost from the W CM to the top CM ( Wt notation )
    ROOT::Math::Boost boost_Wplus_WtCM  = boost_Wplus_tWCM.Inverse();

    // Get the lepton and neutrino 4-vectors in the W rest frame

    //--- LAB -> top CM -> W CM ---//
    genp4_lplus_WCM_        = boost_Wplus_tWCM  * genp4_lplus_tCM_;

    float theta_lplus_nu_WCM_ = -999.;
    // cos(theta) - should rename variables
    // theta is the angle between the lepton in the W rest frame and the W in the top rest frame
    theta_lplus_nu_WCM_     = genp4_lplus_WCM_.Px()*genp4_Wplus_tCM_.Px() +
        genp4_lplus_WCM_.Py()*genp4_Wplus_tCM_.Py() +

    theta_lplus_nu_WCM_     /= genp4_lplus_WCM_.P()*genp4_Wplus_tCM_.P();

    return theta_lplus_nu_WCM_;