APPROXMVBB_EXPORT void samplePointsGrid(Matrix3Dyn & newPoints,
                      const MatrixBase<Derived> & points,
                      const unsigned int nPoints,
                      OOBB & oobb) {

    if(nPoints >= points.cols() || nPoints < 2) {
        ApproxMVBB_ERRORMSG("Wrong arguements!")


    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> dis(0, points.cols()-1);

    //total points = bottomPoints=gridSize^2  + topPoints=gridSize^2
    unsigned int gridSize = std::max( static_cast<unsigned int>( std::sqrt( static_cast<double>(nPoints) / 2.0 )) , 1U );

    // Set z-Axis to longest dimension
    //std::cout << oobb.m_minPoint.transpose() << std::endl;

    unsigned int halfSampleSize = gridSize*gridSize;
    std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int , PREC > > topPoints(halfSampleSize,    std::pair<unsigned int,PREC>{} );    // grid of indices of the top points (indexed from 1 )
    std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int , PREC > > bottomPoints(halfSampleSize, std::pair<unsigned int,PREC>{} ); // grid of indices of the bottom points (indexed from 1 )

    using LongInt = long long int;
    MyMatrix<LongInt>::Array2 idx; // Normalized P
    //std::cout << oobb.extent() << std::endl;
    //std::cout << oobb.m_minPoint.transpose() << std::endl;
    Array2 dxdyInv =  Array2(gridSize,gridSize) / oobb.extent().head<2>(); // in K Frame;
    Vector3 K_p;

    Matrix33 A_KI(oobb.m_q_KI.matrix().transpose());

    // Register points in grid
    auto size = points.cols();
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {

        K_p = A_KI * points.col(i);
        // get x index in grid
        idx = (  (K_p - oobb.m_minPoint).head<2>().array() * dxdyInv ).template cast<LongInt>();
        // map to grid
        idx(0) = std::max(   std::min( LongInt(gridSize-1), idx(0)),  0LL   );
        idx(1) = std::max(   std::min( LongInt(gridSize-1), idx(1)),  0LL   );
        //std::cout << idx.transpose() << std::endl;
        unsigned int pos = idx(0) + idx(1)*gridSize;

        // Register points in grid
        // if z axis of p is > topPoints[pos]  -> set new top point at pos
        // if z axis of p is < bottom[pos]     -> set new bottom point at pos

        if( topPoints[pos].first == 0) {
            topPoints[pos].first  = bottomPoints[pos].first  = i+1;
            topPoints[pos].second = bottomPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);
        } else {
            if( topPoints[pos].second < K_p(2) ) {
                topPoints[pos].first = i+1;
                topPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);
            if( bottomPoints[pos].second > K_p(2) ) {
                bottomPoints[pos].first = i+1;
                bottomPoints[pos].second = K_p(2);

    // Copy top and bottom points
    unsigned int k=0;

    // k does not overflow -> 2* halfSampleSize = 2*gridSize*gridSize <= nPoints;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<halfSampleSize; ++i) {
        if( topPoints[i].first != 0 ) {
            // comment in if you want the points top points of the grid
//            Array3 a(i % gridSize,i/gridSize,oobb.m_maxPoint(2)-oobb.m_minPoint(2));
//            a.head<2>()*=dxdyInv.inverse();
            newPoints.col(k++) =  points.col(topPoints[i].first-1);  //  A_KI.transpose()*(oobb.m_minPoint + a.matrix()).eval() ;
            if(topPoints[i].first != bottomPoints[i].first) {
                // comment in if you want the bottom points of the grid
//                Array3 a(i % gridSize,i/gridSize,0);
//                a.head<2>()*=dxdyInv.inverse();
                newPoints.col(k++) = points.col(bottomPoints[i].first-1); //  A_KI.transpose()*(oobb.m_minPoint + a.matrix()).eval() ;
    // Add random points!
    while( k < nPoints) {
        newPoints.col(k++) = points.col( dis(gen) ); //= Vector3(0,0,0);//
Beispiel #2
void DrawWidget::drawChannelFilled(Channel *ch, QPainter &p, double leftTime, double currentTime, double zoomX, double viewBottom, double zoomY, int viewType)
  ZoomLookup *z;
  if(viewType == DRAW_VIEW_SUMMARY) z = &ch->summaryZoomLookup;
  else z = &ch->normalZoomLookup;
  ChannelLocker channelLocker(ch);

  QColor current = ch->color;
  QColor invert(255 -, 255 -, 255 -;

  int viewBottomOffset = toInt(viewBottom / zoomY);
  viewBottom = double(viewBottomOffset) * zoomY;
  // baseX is the no. of chunks a pixel must represent.
  double baseX = zoomX / ch->timePerChunk();

  double currentChunk = ch->chunkFractionAtTime(currentTime);
  double leftFrameTime = currentChunk - ((currentTime - leftTime) / ch->timePerChunk());
  //double leftFrameTime = leftTime / ch->timePerChunk();

  double frameTime = leftFrameTime;
  //if(frameTime < 0.0) frameTime = 0.0;
  int n = 0;
  int baseElement = int(floor(frameTime / baseX));
  if(baseElement < 0) { n -= baseElement; baseElement = 0; }
  int lastBaseElement = int(floor(double(ch->totalChunks()) / baseX));
  int firstN = n;
  int lastN = firstN;
  //QPointArray pointArray(width()*2);
  //QPointArray topPoints(width()*2);
/*  Q3PointArray bottomPoints(width()*2);
  Q3PointArray evenMidPoints(width()*2);
  Q3PointArray oddMidPoints(width()*2);
  Q3PointArray evenMidPoints2(width()*2);
  Q3PointArray oddMidPoints2(width()*2);*/
  QPolygon bottomPoints(width()*2);
  QPolygon evenMidPoints(width()*2);
  QPolygon oddMidPoints(width()*2);
  QPolygon evenMidPoints2(width()*2);
  QPolygon oddMidPoints2(width()*2);
  std::vector<QRect> noteRect(width()*2);
  std::vector<QRect> noteRect2(width()*2);
  std::vector<bool> isNoteRectEven(width()*2);
  //int pointIndex = 0;
  int pointIndex = 0;
  int evenMidPointIndex = 0;
  int oddMidPointIndex = 0;
  int evenMidPointIndex2 = 0;
  int oddMidPointIndex2 = 0;
  int rectIndex = 0;
  int rectIndex2 = 0;

  if (baseX > 1) { // More samples than pixels
    int theWidth = width();
    //if(baseElement + theWidth > z->size()) z->setSize(baseElement + theWidth);
    if(lastBaseElement > z->size()) z->setSize(lastBaseElement);
    for(; n < theWidth && baseElement < lastBaseElement; n++, baseElement++) {
      myassert(baseElement >= 0);
      ZoomElement &ze = z->at(baseElement);
      //if(!z->hasValue(baseElement)) {
      if(!ze.isValid()) {
        if(!calcZoomElement(ch, ze, baseElement, baseX)) continue;
      p.moveTo(n, 0);
      p.lineTo(n, height() - 1 - toInt(ze.high / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset);
      p.lineTo(n, height());*/
      int y = height() - 1 - toInt(ze.high() / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
      int y2, y3;
      //if(ze.noteIndex >= 0) {
      if(ze.noteIndex() != -1 && ch->dataAtChunk(ze.midChunk())->getNoteIndex() != -1) {
        myassert(ze.noteIndex() >= 0);
        myassert(ze.noteIndex() < int(ch->noteData.size()));
        AnalysisData *data = ch->dataAtChunk(ze.midChunk());
        //double avgNote = ch->noteData[ze.noteIndex()].avgNote();
        //printf("avgFreq = %f, ", ch->noteData[ze.noteIndex].avgFreq());
        //printf("numPeriods = %f, ", ch->noteData[ze.noteIndex].numPeriods());
        //printf("noteLength = %f\n", ch->noteData[ze.noteIndex].noteLength());
        //y2 = height() - 1 - toInt((avgNote+0.5) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
        //y3 = height() - 1 - toInt((avgNote-0.5) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
        //y2 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->shortTermMean + data->shortTermDeviation) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
        //y3 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->shortTermMean - data->shortTermDeviation) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;

        if(gdata->showMeanVarianceBars()) {
          //longTermMean bars
          y2 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->getLongTermMean() + data->getLongTermDeviation()) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
          y3 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->getLongTermMean() - data->getLongTermDeviation()) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
          if(ze.noteIndex() % 2 == 0) {
            evenMidPoints.setPoint(evenMidPointIndex++, n, y2);
            evenMidPoints.setPoint(evenMidPointIndex++, n, y3);
          } else {
            oddMidPoints.setPoint(oddMidPointIndex++, n, y2);
            oddMidPoints.setPoint(oddMidPointIndex++, n, y3);
          //shortTermMean bars
          y2 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->getShortTermMean() + data->getShortTermDeviation()) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
          y3 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->getShortTermMean() - data->getShortTermDeviation()) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
          if(ze.noteIndex() % 2 == 0) {
            evenMidPoints2.setPoint(evenMidPointIndex2++, n, y2);
            evenMidPoints2.setPoint(evenMidPointIndex2++, n, y3);
          } else {
            oddMidPoints2.setPoint(oddMidPointIndex2++, n, y2);
            oddMidPoints2.setPoint(oddMidPointIndex2++, n, y3);
      //} else {
      //  y2 = y3 = 0;
      //topPoints.setPoint(pointIndex, n, 0);
      //topPoints.setPoint(pointIndex, n, y);
      bottomPoints.setPoint(pointIndex++, n, y);
      bottomPoints.setPoint(pointIndex++, n, height());
      lastN = n;
    //p.drawLineSegments(topPoints, 0, pointIndex/2);
    p.drawRect(firstN, 0, lastN, height());
    //p.drawLineSegments(bottomPoints, 0, pointIndex/2);
    if(pointIndex > 1) p.drawLines(bottomPoints.constData(), pointIndex/2);

    if(gdata->showMeanVarianceBars()) {
      //shortTermMean bars
      //p.drawLineSegments(evenMidPoints2, 0, evenMidPointIndex2/2);
      if(evenMidPointIndex2 > 1) p.drawLines(evenMidPoints2.constData(), evenMidPointIndex2/2);
      //p.drawLineSegments(oddMidPoints2, 0, oddMidPointIndex2/2);
      if(oddMidPointIndex2 > 1) p.drawLines(oddMidPoints2.constData(), oddMidPointIndex2/2);

      //longTermMean bars
      //p.drawLineSegments(evenMidPoints, 0, evenMidPointIndex/2);
      if(evenMidPointIndex > 1) p.drawLines(evenMidPoints.constData(), evenMidPointIndex/2);
      //p.drawLineSegments(oddMidPoints, 0, oddMidPointIndex/2);
      if(oddMidPointIndex > 1) p.drawLines(oddMidPoints.constData(), oddMidPointIndex/2);
  } else { // More pixels than samples
    float err = 0.0;
    float pitch = 0.0;
    int intChunk = (int) floor(frameTime); // Integer version of frame time
    if(intChunk < 0) intChunk = 0;
    double stepSize = 1.0 / baseX; // So we skip some pixels
    int x = 0, y, y2, y3;
    //double start = 0 - stepSize;
    double start = (double(intChunk) - frameTime) * stepSize;
    double stop = width() + (2 * stepSize);
    //int squareSize = (int(sqrt(stepSize)) / 2) * 2 + 1; //make it an odd number
    //int halfSquareSize = squareSize/2;
    //QPointArray topPoints(0);
    //QPointArray bottomPoints(0);
    //int pointIndex = 0;
    //topPoints.putPoints(pointIndex, 1, toInt(start), 0);
    //bottomPoints.putPoints(pointIndex, 1, toInt(start), height());
    //topPoints.setPoint(pointIndex, toInt(start), 0);
    bottomPoints.setPoint(pointIndex++, toInt(start), height());
    lastN = firstN = toInt(start);
    for (double n = start; n < stop && intChunk < (int)ch->totalChunks(); n += stepSize, intChunk++) {
      myassert(intChunk >= 0);
      //if (intChunk < 0) continue; // So we don't go off the beginning of the array
      AnalysisData *data = ch->dataAtChunk(intChunk);
      err = data->getCorrelation();
      //if (err >= CERTAIN_THRESHOLD) {
      //float val = MIN(ch->dataAtChunk(intChunk)->volumeValue, 1.0);
      if(gdata->pitchContourMode() == 0)
        //p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(colorGroup().background(), ch->color, err*2.0-1.0), lineWidth));
        //p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(gdata->backgroundColor(),  ch->color, err*sqrt(data->rms)*10.0), lineWidth));
        p.setPen(QPen(colorBetween(QColor(255, 255, 255), ch->color, err * dB2ViewVal(data->getLogRms())), lineWidth));
        p.setPen(QPen(ch->color, lineWidth));
      x = toInt(n);
      lastN = x;
      //note = (data->isValid()) ? data->note : 0.0f;
      //note = (ch->isVisibleNote(data->noteIndex)) ? data->note : 0.0f;
      pitch = (ch->isVisibleChunk(data)) ? data->getPitch() : 0.0f;
      //if(ch->isVisibleChunk(data)) {
      if(data->getNoteIndex() >= 0) {
        isNoteRectEven[rectIndex] = (data->getNoteIndex() % 2) == 0;
        //note = data->note;
        //double avgNote = ch->noteData[data->noteIndex].avgNote();
        //y2 = height() - 1 - toInt((avgNote+0.5) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
        //y3 = height() - 1 - toInt((avgNote-0.5) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
        //y2 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->shortTermMean + data->shortTermDeviation) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
        //y3 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->shortTermMean - data->shortTermDeviation) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;

        if(gdata->showMeanVarianceBars()) {
          //longTermMean bars
          y2 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->getLongTermMean() + data->getLongTermDeviation()) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
          y3 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->getLongTermMean() - data->getLongTermDeviation()) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
          //shortTermMean bars
          y2 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->getShortTermMean() + data->getShortTermDeviation()) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
          y3 = height() - 1 - toInt((data->getShortTermMean() - data->getShortTermDeviation()) / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
      //} else {
      //  note = 0.0f;
      myassert(pitch >= 0.0 && pitch <= gdata->topPitch());
      //note = bound(note, 0, gdata->topNote());
      y = height() - 1 - toInt(pitch / zoomY) + viewBottomOffset;
      //y = height() - 1 - int((note / zoomY) - (viewBottom / zoomY));
      //topPoints.putPoints(pointIndex, 1, x, y);
      //bottomPoints.putPoints(pointIndex, 1, x, y);
      //topPoints.setPoint(pointIndex, x, y);
      bottomPoints.setPoint(pointIndex++, x, y);
    //topPoints.putPoints(pointIndex, 1, topPoints.point(pointIndex-1).x(), 0);
    //bottomPoints.putPoints(pointIndex, 1, bottomPoints.point(pointIndex-1).x(), height());
    //topPoints.setPoint(pointIndex, topPoints.point(pointIndex-1).x(), 0);
    bottomPoints.setPoint(pointIndex, bottomPoints.point(pointIndex-1).x(), height());

    myassert(pointIndex <= width()*2);
    //p.drawPolygon(topPoints, false, 0, pointIndex);
    p.drawRect(firstN, 0, lastN, height());
    //p.drawPolygon(bottomPoints, false, 0, pointIndex);
    p.drawPolygon(bottomPoints.constData(), pointIndex, Qt::OddEvenFill);

    if(gdata->showMeanVarianceBars()) {
      //shortTermMean bars
      for(int j=0; j<rectIndex2; j++) {
        if(isNoteRectEven[j]) p.setBrush(Qt::green);
        else p.setBrush(Qt::yellow);
      //longTermMean bars
      QColor seeThroughYellow = Qt::yellow;
      QColor seeThroughGreen = Qt::green;
      for(int j=0; j<rectIndex; j++) {
        //if(isNoteRectEven[j]) p.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::yellow, Qt::Dense3Pattern));
        //else p.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::green, Qt::Dense3Pattern));
        if(isNoteRectEven[j]) p.setBrush(seeThroughYellow);
        else p.setBrush(seeThroughGreen);