Beispiel #1
// There are two types of nodes for which we want to "render"
// 1) Leaves that are in the LOD
// 2) Non-leaves are more complicated though... usually you don't want to render them, but if their children
//    wouldn't be rendered, then you do want to render them. But sometimes they have some children that ARE
//    in the LOD, and others that are not. In this case we want to render the parent, and none of the children.
//    Since, if we know the camera position and orientation, we can know which of the corners is the "furthest"
//    corner. We can use we can use this corner as our "voxel position" to do our distance calculations off of.
//    By doing this, we don't need to test each child voxel's position vs the LOD boundary
bool OctreeElement::calculateShouldRender(const ViewFrustum* viewFrustum, float voxelScaleSize, int boundaryLevelAdjust) const {
    bool shouldRender = false;

    if (hasContent()) {
        float furthestDistance = furthestDistanceToCamera(*viewFrustum);
        float childBoundary = boundaryDistanceForRenderLevel(getLevel() + 1 + boundaryLevelAdjust, voxelScaleSize);
        bool inChildBoundary = (furthestDistance <= childBoundary);
        if (hasDetailedContent() && inChildBoundary) {
            shouldRender = true;
        } else {
            float boundary = childBoundary * 2.0f; // the boundary is always twice the distance of the child boundary
            bool inBoundary = (furthestDistance <= boundary);
            shouldRender = inBoundary && !inChildBoundary;
    return shouldRender;
Beispiel #2
float calculateRenderAccuracy(const glm::vec3& position,
        const AABox& bounds,
        float octreeSizeScale,
        int boundaryLevelAdjust) {
    float largestDimension = bounds.getLargestDimension();

    const float maxScale = (float)TREE_SCALE;
    float visibleDistanceAtMaxScale = boundaryDistanceForRenderLevel(boundaryLevelAdjust, octreeSizeScale) / OCTREE_TO_MESH_RATIO;

    static std::once_flag once;
    static QMap<float, float> shouldRenderTable;
    std::call_once(once, [&] {
        float SMALLEST_SCALE_IN_TABLE = 0.001f; // 1mm is plenty small
        float scale = maxScale;
        float factor = 1.0f;

        while (scale > SMALLEST_SCALE_IN_TABLE) {
            scale /= 2.0f;
            factor /= 2.0f;
            shouldRenderTable[scale] = factor;

    float closestScale = maxScale;
    float visibleDistanceAtClosestScale = visibleDistanceAtMaxScale;
    QMap<float, float>::const_iterator lowerBound = shouldRenderTable.lowerBound(largestDimension);
    if (lowerBound != shouldRenderTable.constEnd()) {
        closestScale = lowerBound.key();
        visibleDistanceAtClosestScale = visibleDistanceAtMaxScale * lowerBound.value();

    if (closestScale < largestDimension) {
        visibleDistanceAtClosestScale *= 2.0f;

    // FIXME - for now, it's either visible or not visible. We want to adjust this to eventually return
    // a floating point for objects that have small angular size to indicate that they may be rendered
    // with lower preciscion
    float distanceToCamera = glm::length(bounds.calcCenter() - position);
    return (distanceToCamera <= visibleDistanceAtClosestScale) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
Beispiel #3
bool LODManager::shouldRender(const RenderArgs* args, const AABox& bounds) {
    const float maxScale = (float)TREE_SCALE;
    const float octreeToMeshRatio = 4.0f; // must be this many times closer to a mesh than a voxel to see it.
    float octreeSizeScale = args->_sizeScale;
    int boundaryLevelAdjust = args->_boundaryLevelAdjust;
    float visibleDistanceAtMaxScale = boundaryDistanceForRenderLevel(boundaryLevelAdjust, octreeSizeScale) / octreeToMeshRatio;
    float distanceToCamera = glm::length(bounds.calcCenter() - args->_viewFrustum->getPosition());
    float largestDimension = bounds.getLargestDimension();
    static bool shouldRenderTableNeedsBuilding = true;
    static QMap<float, float> shouldRenderTable;
    if (shouldRenderTableNeedsBuilding) {
        float SMALLEST_SCALE_IN_TABLE = 0.001f; // 1mm is plenty small
        float scale = maxScale;
        float factor = 1.0f;
        while (scale > SMALLEST_SCALE_IN_TABLE) {
            scale /= 2.0f;
            factor /= 2.0f;
            shouldRenderTable[scale] = factor;
        shouldRenderTableNeedsBuilding = false;
    float closestScale = maxScale;
    float visibleDistanceAtClosestScale = visibleDistanceAtMaxScale;
    QMap<float, float>::const_iterator lowerBound = shouldRenderTable.lowerBound(largestDimension);
    if (lowerBound != shouldRenderTable.constEnd()) {
        closestScale = lowerBound.key();
        visibleDistanceAtClosestScale = visibleDistanceAtMaxScale * lowerBound.value();
    if (closestScale < largestDimension) {
        visibleDistanceAtClosestScale *= 2.0f;

    return distanceToCamera <= visibleDistanceAtClosestScale;
Beispiel #4
// TODO: This is essentially the same logic used to render octree cells, but since models are more detailed then octree cells
//       I've added a voxelToModelRatio that adjusts how much closer to a model you have to be to see it.
bool LODManager::shouldRenderMesh(float largestDimension, float distanceToCamera) {
    const float octreeToMeshRatio = 4.0f; // must be this many times closer to a mesh than a voxel to see it.
    float octreeSizeScale = getOctreeSizeScale();
    int boundaryLevelAdjust = getBoundaryLevelAdjust();
    float maxScale = (float)TREE_SCALE;
    float visibleDistanceAtMaxScale = boundaryDistanceForRenderLevel(boundaryLevelAdjust, octreeSizeScale) / octreeToMeshRatio;
    if (_shouldRenderTableNeedsRebuilding) {
        float SMALLEST_SCALE_IN_TABLE = 0.001f; // 1mm is plenty small
        float scale = maxScale;
        float visibleDistanceAtScale = visibleDistanceAtMaxScale;
        while (scale > SMALLEST_SCALE_IN_TABLE) {
            scale /= 2.0f;
            visibleDistanceAtScale /= 2.0f;
            _shouldRenderTable[scale] = visibleDistanceAtScale;
        _shouldRenderTableNeedsRebuilding = false;
    float closestScale = maxScale;
    float visibleDistanceAtClosestScale = visibleDistanceAtMaxScale;
    QMap<float, float>::const_iterator lowerBound = _shouldRenderTable.lowerBound(largestDimension);
    if (lowerBound != _shouldRenderTable.constEnd()) {
        closestScale = lowerBound.key();
        visibleDistanceAtClosestScale = lowerBound.value();
    if (closestScale < largestDimension) {
        visibleDistanceAtClosestScale *= 2.0f;
    return (distanceToCamera <= visibleDistanceAtClosestScale);
Beispiel #5
float getAccuracyAngle(float octreeSizeScale, int boundaryLevelAdjust) {
    const float maxScale = (float)TREE_SCALE;
    float visibleDistanceAtMaxScale = boundaryDistanceForRenderLevel(boundaryLevelAdjust, octreeSizeScale) / OCTREE_TO_MESH_RATIO;
    return atan(maxScale / visibleDistanceAtMaxScale);