Beispiel #1
// Function:	endBox()
// Title:	End Box 
// Description:
//		prints closinging graphic
// Programmer:	Paul Bladek
// Date:	9/12/06
// Version:	1.0
// Environment: Hardware: i3 
//              Software: OS: Windows 7; 
//              Compiles under Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
// Output:	
// Calls:	boxTop()
//		boxLine()
//		boxBottom()
// Called By:	main()
// Parameters:	player: short; the number of the winner (0 or 1)
// Returns:	void
// History Log: 
//		9/12/06 PB comleted v 1.0
void endBox(short player)
	const string empty;
	ostringstream msg;
	msg << "Congratulations player " << player + 1 << "!";
	boxTop(cout, BOXWIDTH);
	boxLine(cout, empty, BOXWIDTH);
	boxLine(cout, msg.str() , BOXWIDTH, 'C');
	boxLine(cout, empty, BOXWIDTH);
	boxBottom(cout, BOXWIDTH);
Beispiel #2
// Function:	header()
// Title:	header 
// Description:
//		Prints opening graphic
// Programmer:	Paul Bladek
//				Kyle Graham
//				Hang Nguyen
// Date:	9/12/06
// Version:	1.0
// Environment: Hardware: i3 
//              Software: OS: Windows 7; 
//              Compiles under Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
// Output:	
// Calls:	boxTop()
//		boxLine()
//		boxBottom()
// Called By:	main()
// Parameters:	sout: ostream&;	the stream to print to
// Returns:	void
// History Log: 
//		9/12/06 PB comleted v 1.0
//		1/16/15 KG & HN completed v 0.2	
void header(ostream& sout)
	const string empty;
	const string sink("SINK THE FLEET!");
	const string name("Kyle Graham & Hang Nguyen");	//our code
	const string by("Edmonds Community College CS 132");
	boxTop(sout, BOXWIDTH);
	boxLine(sout, empty, BOXWIDTH);
	boxLine(sout, sink , BOXWIDTH, 'C');
	boxLine(sout, empty, BOXWIDTH);
	boxLine(sout, name, BOXWIDTH, 'C'); // our code
	boxLine(sout, empty, BOXWIDTH);
	boxLine(sout, by, BOXWIDTH, 'C');
	boxLine(sout, empty, BOXWIDTH);
	boxBottom(sout, BOXWIDTH);
void CharacterSegmenter::cleanCharRegions(vector<Mat> thresholds, vector<Rect> charRegions)
  const float MIN_SPECKLE_HEIGHT_PERCENT = 0.13;
  const float MIN_SPECKLE_WIDTH_PX = 3;
  const float MIN_CONTOUR_AREA_PERCENT = 0.1;
  const float MIN_CONTOUR_HEIGHT_PERCENT = 0.60;
  Mat mask = getCharBoxMask(thresholds[0], charRegions);
  for (int i = 0; i < thresholds.size(); i++)
    bitwise_and(thresholds[i], mask, thresholds[i]);
    vector<vector<Point> > contours;
    Mat tempImg(thresholds[i].size(), thresholds[i].type());
    //Mat element = getStructuringElement( 1,
//				    Size( 2 + 1, 2+1 ),
//				    Point( 1, 1 ) );
    //dilate(thresholds[i], tempImg, element);
    //morphologyEx(thresholds[i], tempImg, MORPH_CLOSE, element);

    findContours(tempImg, contours, RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
    for (int j = 0; j < charRegions.size(); j++)
      const float MIN_SPECKLE_HEIGHT = ((float)charRegions[j].height) * MIN_SPECKLE_HEIGHT_PERCENT;
      const float MIN_CONTOUR_AREA = ((float)charRegions[j].area()) * MIN_CONTOUR_AREA_PERCENT;
      int tallestContourHeight = 0;
      float totalArea = 0;
      for (int c = 0; c < contours.size(); c++)
	if (contours[c].size() == 0)
	if (charRegions[j].contains(contours[c][0]) == false)
	Rect r = boundingRect(contours[c]);
	if (r.height <= MIN_SPECKLE_HEIGHT || r.width <= MIN_SPECKLE_WIDTH_PX)
	  // Erase this speckle
	  drawContours(thresholds[i], contours, c, Scalar(0,0,0), CV_FILLED);  
	  if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
	      drawContours(imgDbgCleanStages[i], contours, c, COLOR_DEBUG_SPECKLES, CV_FILLED);
	  if (r.height > tallestContourHeight)
	    tallestContourHeight = r.height;
	  totalArea += contourArea(contours[c]);

	//else if (r.height > tallestContourHeight)
	//  tallestContourIndex = c;
	//  tallestContourHeight = h;


      if (totalArea < MIN_CONTOUR_AREA)
	// Character is not voluminous enough.  Erase it.
	if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
	  cout << "Character CLEAN: (area) removing box " << j << " in threshold " << i << " -- Area " << totalArea << " < " << MIN_CONTOUR_AREA << endl;
	  Rect boxTop(charRegions[j].x, charRegions[j].y - 10, charRegions[j].width, 10);
	  rectangle(imgDbgCleanStages[i], boxTop, COLOR_DEBUG_MIN_AREA, -1);
	rectangle(thresholds[i], charRegions[j], Scalar(0, 0, 0), -1);
      else if (tallestContourHeight < ((float) charRegions[j].height * MIN_CONTOUR_HEIGHT_PERCENT))
	// This character is too short.  Black the whole thing out
	if (this->config->debugCharSegmenter)
	  cout << "Character CLEAN: (height) removing box " << j << " in threshold " << i << " -- Height " << tallestContourHeight << " < " << ((float) charRegions[j].height * MIN_CONTOUR_HEIGHT_PERCENT) << endl;
	  Rect boxBottom(charRegions[j].x, charRegions[j].y + charRegions[j].height, charRegions[j].width, 10);
	  rectangle(imgDbgCleanStages[i], boxBottom, COLOR_DEBUG_MIN_HEIGHT, -1);
	rectangle(thresholds[i], charRegions[j], Scalar(0, 0, 0), -1);
    Mat closureElement = getStructuringElement( 1,
				    Size( 2 + 1, 2+1 ),
				    Point( 1, 1 ) );
    //morphologyEx(thresholds[i], thresholds[i], MORPH_OPEN, element);
    //dilate(thresholds[i], thresholds[i], element);
    //erode(thresholds[i], thresholds[i], element);
    morphologyEx(thresholds[i], thresholds[i], MORPH_CLOSE, closureElement);
    // Lastly, draw a clipping line between each character boxes
    for (int j = 0; j < charRegions.size(); j++)
	line(thresholds[i], Point(charRegions[j].x - 1, charRegions[j].y), Point(charRegions[j].x - 1, charRegions[j].y + charRegions[j].height), Scalar(0, 0, 0));
	line(thresholds[i], Point(charRegions[j].x + charRegions[j].width + 1, charRegions[j].y), Point(charRegions[j].x + charRegions[j].width + 1, charRegions[j].y + charRegions[j].height), Scalar(0, 0, 0));