 *  pixaJoin()
 *      Input:  pixad  (dest pixa; add to this one)
 *              pixas  (source pixa; add from this one)
 *              istart  (starting index in nas)
 *              iend  (ending index in nas; use 0 to cat all)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This appends a clone of each indicated pix in pixas to pixad
 *      (2) istart < 0 is taken to mean 'read from the start' (istart = 0)
 *      (3) iend <= 0 means 'read to the end'
pixaJoin(PIXA    *pixad,
         PIXA    *pixas,
         l_int32  istart,
         l_int32  iend)
l_int32  ns, i;
BOXA    *boxas, *boxad;
PIX     *pix;


    if (!pixad)
        return ERROR_INT("pixad not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!pixas)
        return ERROR_INT("pixas not defined", procName, 1);
    if ((ns = pixaGetCount(pixas)) == 0) {
        L_INFO("empty pixas", procName);
        return 0;
    if (istart < 0)
        istart = 0;
    if (istart >= ns)
        return ERROR_INT("istart out of bounds", procName, 1);
    if (iend <= 0)
        iend = ns - 1;
    if (iend >= ns)
        return ERROR_INT("iend out of bounds", procName, 1);
    if (istart > iend)
        return ERROR_INT("istart > iend; nothing to add", procName, 1);

    for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++) {
        pix = pixaGetPix(pixas, i, L_CLONE);
        pixaAddPix(pixad, pix, L_INSERT);

    boxas = pixaGetBoxa(pixas, L_CLONE);
    boxad = pixaGetBoxa(pixad, L_CLONE);
    boxaJoin(boxad, boxas, 0, 0);
    boxaDestroy(&boxas);  /* just the clones */

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
std::vector<Figure> extractFigures(PIX *original, PageRegions &pageRegions,
                                   DocumentStatistics &docStats, bool verbose,
                                   bool showSteps,
                                   std::vector<Figure> &errors) {
  BOXA *bodytext = pageRegions.bodytext;
  BOXA *graphics = pageRegions.graphics;
  BOXA *captions = pageRegions.getCaptionsBoxa();
  std::vector<Caption> unassigned_captions = pageRegions.captions;
  int total_captions = captions->n;

  PIXA *steps = showSteps ? pixaCreate(4) : NULL;

  // Add bodyText boxes to fill up the margin
  BOX *margin;
  BOX *foreground;
  pixClipToForeground(original, NULL, &foreground);
  BOX *extent;
  boxaGetExtent(graphics, NULL, NULL, &extent);
  margin = boxBoundingRegion(extent, foreground);
  boxaGetExtent(bodytext, NULL, NULL, &extent);
  margin = boxBoundingRegion(margin, extent);
  boxaGetExtent(pageRegions.other, NULL, NULL, &extent);
  margin = boxBoundingRegion(margin, extent);
  int x = margin->x - 2, y = margin->y - 2, h = margin->h + 4,
      w = margin->w + 4;
  x = std::max(x, 0);
  y = std::max(y, 0);
  h = std::min((int)original->h, h);
  w = std::min((int)original->w, w);
  boxaAddBox(bodytext, boxCreate(0, 0, original->w, y), L_CLONE);
  boxaAddBox(bodytext, boxCreate(0, y + h, original->w, original->h - y - h),
  boxaAddBox(bodytext, boxCreate(0, 0, x, original->h), L_CLONE);
  boxaAddBox(bodytext, boxCreate(x + w, 0, original->w - x - w, original->h),

  // Add captions to body text
  boxaJoin(bodytext, captions, 0, captions->n);

  if (showSteps)
    pixaAddPix(steps, original, L_CLONE);

  // Generate proposed regions for each caption box
  double center = original->w / 2.0;
  BOXAA *allProposals = boxaaCreate(captions->n);
  BOXA *claimedImages = boxaCreate(captions->n);
  for (int i = 0; i < captions->n; i++) {
    BOX *captBox = boxaGetBox(captions, i, L_CLONE);
    BOXA *proposals = boxaCreate(4);
    for (int j = 0; j < bodytext->n; j++) {
      BOX *txtBox = boxaGetBox(bodytext, j, L_CLONE);
      BOX *proposal = NULL;
      int tolerance = 2;
      int horizontal = 0;
      int vertical = 0;

      boxAlignment(captBox, txtBox, tolerance, &horizontal, &vertical);
      if (vertical * horizontal != 0 or (vertical == 0 and horizontal == 0)) {

      if (vertical == 0) {
        if (horizontal == 1) {
          proposal = boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, captBox,
                                        txtBox->x + txtBox->w + 2, L_FROM_LEFT);
        } else if (horizontal == -1) {
          proposal =
              boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, captBox, txtBox->x - 2, L_FROM_RIGHT);
        boxExpandUD(proposal, bodytext);
        if (horizontal == -1) {
          proposal->w -= captBox->w + 1;
          proposal->x = captBox->x + captBox->w + 1;
        } else if (horizontal == 1) {
          proposal->w -= captBox->w + 1;
      } else {
        if (vertical == 1) {
          proposal = boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, captBox,
                                        txtBox->y + txtBox->h + 3, L_FROM_TOP);
        } else if (vertical == -1) {
          proposal =
              boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, captBox, txtBox->y - 3, L_FROM_BOT);
        boxExpandLR(proposal, bodytext);
        if (vertical == -1) {
          proposal->h -= captBox->h + 1;
          proposal->y = captBox->y + captBox->h + 1;
        } else if (vertical == 1) {
          proposal->h -= captBox->h + 1;

      // For two columns document, captions that do not
      // cross the center should not have regions pass the center
      if (docStats.documentIsTwoColumn()) {
        if (captBox->x + captBox->w <= center and
            proposal->x + proposal->w > center) {
          boxRelocateOneSide(proposal, proposal, center - 1, L_FROM_RIGHT);
        } else if (captBox->x >= center and proposal->x < center) {
          boxRelocateOneSide(proposal, proposal, center + 1, L_FROM_LEFT);

      BOX *clippedProposal;
      pixClipBoxToForeground(original, proposal, NULL, &clippedProposal);
      if (clippedProposal != NULL and
          scoreBox(clippedProposal, pageRegions.captions.at(i).type, bodytext,
                   graphics, claimedImages, original) > 0) {
        boxaAddBox(proposals, clippedProposal, L_CLONE);

    if (proposals->n > 0) {
      boxaaAddBoxa(allProposals, proposals, L_CLONE);
    } else {
      // Give up on this caption
      int on_caption = i - (total_captions - unassigned_captions.size());
      errors.push_back(Figure(unassigned_captions.at(on_caption), NULL));
      unassigned_captions.erase(unassigned_captions.begin() + on_caption);
  std::vector<Figure> figures = std::vector<Figure>();
  if (unassigned_captions.size() == 0) {
    return figures;

  // Now go through every possible assignment of captions
  // to proposals pick the highest scorign one
  int numConfigurations = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < allProposals->n; ++i) {
    numConfigurations *= allProposals->boxa[i]->n;

  if (verbose)
    printf("Found %d possible configurations\n", numConfigurations);

  BOXA *bestProposals = NULL;
  std::vector<bool> bestKeep;
  int bestFound = -1;
  double bestScore = -1;
  for (int onConfig = 0; onConfig < numConfigurations; ++onConfig) {

    // Gather the proposed regions based on the configuration number
    int configNum = onConfig;
    BOXA *proposals = boxaCreate(allProposals->n);
    std::vector<bool> keep;
    for (int i = 0; i < allProposals->n; ++i) {
      int numProposals = allProposals->boxa[i]->n;
      int selected = configNum % numProposals;
      configNum = configNum / numProposals;
      boxaAddBox(proposals, allProposals->boxa[i]->box[selected], L_COPY);

    // Attempt to split any overlapping regions
    for (int i = 0; i < proposals->n; ++i) {
      for (int j = i; j < proposals->n; ++j) {
        BOX *p1 = proposals->box[i];
        BOX *p2 = proposals->box[j];
        int eq;
        boxEqual(p1, p2, &eq);
        if (not eq)
        int vertical, horizontal;
                     unassigned_captions.at(j).boundingBox, 2, &horizontal,
        if (vertical == 0 or horizontal != 0)

        double split = splitBoxVertical(original, p1);
        if (split > 0) {
          BOX *topClipped;
          BOX *botClipped;
          BOX *top = boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, p1, split - 1, L_FROM_BOT);
          pixClipBoxToForeground(original, top, NULL, &topClipped);
          BOX *bot = boxRelocateOneSide(NULL, p1, split + 1, L_FROM_TOP);
          pixClipBoxToForeground(original, bot, NULL, &botClipped);
          if (vertical == -1) {
            proposals->box[i] = topClipped;
            proposals->box[j] = botClipped;
          } else {
            proposals->box[i] = botClipped;
            proposals->box[j] = topClipped;
          if (verbose)
            printf("Split a region vertically\n");

    if (showSteps) {
      pixaAddPix(steps, pixDrawBoxa(original, proposals, 4, 0xff000000),

    // Score the proposals
    int numFound = 0;
    double totalScore = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < proposals->n; ++i) {
      double score =
          scoreBox(proposals->box[i], pageRegions.captions.at(i).type, bodytext,
                   graphics, proposals, original);
      totalScore += score;
      if (score > 0) {
        numFound += 1;
      } else {

    // Switch in for the current best needed
    if (numFound > bestFound or
        (numFound == bestFound and totalScore > bestScore)) {
      bestFound = numFound;
      bestScore = totalScore;
      bestProposals = proposals;
      bestKeep = keep;

  if (showSteps) {
    BOX *clip;
    PIXA *show = pixaCreate(4);
    pixClipBoxToForeground(original, NULL, NULL, &clip);
    int pad = 10;
    clip->x -= 10;
    clip->y -= 10;
    clip->w += pad * 2;
    clip->h += pad * 2;
    for (int i = 0; i < steps->n; ++i) {
      pixaAddPix(show, pixClipRectangle(steps->pix[i], clip, NULL), L_CLONE);
    pixDisplay(pixaDisplayTiled(pixaConvertTo32(show), 4000, 1, 30), 0, 0);

  for (int i = 0; i < bestProposals->n; ++i) {
    if (bestKeep.at(i)) {
      BOX *imageBox = bestProposals->box[i];
      int pad = 2;
      imageBox->x -= pad;
      imageBox->y -= pad;
      imageBox->w += pad * 2;
      imageBox->h += pad * 2;
      figures.push_back(Figure(unassigned_captions.at(i), imageBox));
    } else {
      errors.push_back(Figure(unassigned_captions.at(i), NULL));
  return figures;
Beispiel #3
 *  pixSplitIntoCharacters()
 *      Input:  pixs (1 bpp, contains only deskewed text)
 *              minw (minimum component width for initial filtering; typ. 4)
 *              minh (minimum component height for initial filtering; typ. 4)
 *              &boxa (<optional return> character bounding boxes)
 *              &pixa (<optional return> character images)
 *              &pixdebug (<optional return> showing splittings)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This is a simple function that attempts to find split points
 *          based on vertical pixel profiles.
 *      (2) It should be given an image that has an arbitrary number
 *          of text characters.
 *      (3) The returned pixa includes the boxes from which the
 *          (possibly split) components are extracted.
pixSplitIntoCharacters(PIX     *pixs,
                       l_int32  minw,
                       l_int32  minh,
                       BOXA   **pboxa,
                       PIXA   **ppixa,
                       PIX    **ppixdebug)
l_int32  ncomp, i, xoff, yoff;
BOXA   *boxa1, *boxa2, *boxat1, *boxat2, *boxad;
BOXAA  *baa;
PIX    *pix, *pix1, *pix2, *pixdb;
PIXA   *pixa1, *pixadb;


    if (pboxa) *pboxa = NULL;
    if (ppixa) *ppixa = NULL;
    if (ppixdebug) *ppixdebug = NULL;
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined or not 1 bpp", procName, 1);

        /* Remove the small stuff */
    pix1 = pixSelectBySize(pixs, minw, minh, 8, L_SELECT_IF_BOTH,
                           L_SELECT_IF_GT, NULL);

        /* Small vertical close for consolidation */
    pix2 = pixMorphSequence(pix1, "c1.10", 0);

        /* Get the 8-connected components */
    boxa1 = pixConnComp(pix2, &pixa1, 8);

        /* Split the components if obvious */
    ncomp = pixaGetCount(pixa1);
    boxa2 = boxaCreate(ncomp);
    pixadb = (ppixdebug) ? pixaCreate(ncomp) : NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) {
        pix = pixaGetPix(pixa1, i, L_CLONE);
        if (ppixdebug) {
            boxat1 = pixSplitComponentWithProfile(pix, 10, 7, &pixdb);
            if (pixdb)
                pixaAddPix(pixadb, pixdb, L_INSERT);
        } else {
            boxat1 = pixSplitComponentWithProfile(pix, 10, 7, NULL);
        pixaGetBoxGeometry(pixa1, i, &xoff, &yoff, NULL, NULL);
        boxat2 = boxaTransform(boxat1, xoff, yoff, 1.0, 1.0);
        boxaJoin(boxa2, boxat2, 0, -1);

        /* Generate the debug image */
    if (ppixdebug) {
        if (pixaGetCount(pixadb) > 0) {
            *ppixdebug = pixaDisplayTiledInRows(pixadb, 32, 1500,
                                                1.0, 0, 20, 1);

        /* Do a 2D sort on the bounding boxes, and flatten the result to 1D */
    baa = boxaSort2d(boxa2, NULL, 0, 0, 5);
    boxad = boxaaFlattenToBoxa(baa, NULL, L_CLONE);

        /* Optionally extract the pieces from the input image */
    if (ppixa)
        *ppixa = pixClipRectangles(pixs, boxad);
    if (pboxa)
        *pboxa = boxad;
    return 0;