**  Function        L2CA_EnableUpdateBleConnParams
**  Description     Enable or disable update based on the request from the peer
**  Parameters:     BD Address of remote
**  Return value:   TRUE if update started
BOOLEAN L2CA_EnableUpdateBleConnParams (BD_ADDR rem_bda, BOOLEAN enable)
    tL2C_LCB            *p_lcb;

    /* See if we have a link control block for the remote device */
    p_lcb = l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr (rem_bda);

    /* If we don't have one, create one and accept the connection. */
    if (!p_lcb)
        L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING2 ("L2CA_EnableUpdateBleConnParams - unknown BD_ADDR %08x%04x",
            (rem_bda[0]<<24)+(rem_bda[1]<<16)+(rem_bda[2]<<8)+rem_bda[3], (rem_bda[4]<<8)+rem_bda[5]);
        return (FALSE);

    L2CAP_TRACE_API4 ("L2CA_EnableUpdateBleConnParams - BD_ADDR %08x%04x enable %d current upd state %d",
        (rem_bda[0]<<24)+(rem_bda[1]<<16)+(rem_bda[2]<<8)+rem_bda[3], (rem_bda[4]<<8)+rem_bda[5], enable, p_lcb->upd_disabled);

    if (!p_lcb->is_ble_link || (p_lcb->link_role != HCI_ROLE_MASTER))
        L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING3 ("L2CA_EnableUpdateBleConnParams - BD_ADDR %08x%04x not LE or not master %d",
                              (rem_bda[0]<<24)+(rem_bda[1]<<16)+(rem_bda[2]<<8)+rem_bda[3], (rem_bda[4]<<8)+rem_bda[5], p_lcb->link_role);
        return (FALSE);

    if (enable)
        /* application allows to do update, if we were delaying one do it now, otherwise
        just mark lcb that updates are enabled */
        if (p_lcb->upd_disabled == UPD_PENDING)
            btsnd_hcic_ble_upd_ll_conn_params (p_lcb->handle, p_lcb->min_interval, p_lcb->max_interval,
                                               p_lcb->latency, p_lcb->timeout, 0, 0);
            p_lcb->upd_disabled = UPD_UPDATED;
            p_lcb->upd_disabled = UPD_ENABLED;
        /* application requests to disable parameters update.  If parameters are already updated, lets set them
        up to what has been requested during connection establishement */
        if (p_lcb->upd_disabled == UPD_UPDATED)
            tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC    *p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (rem_bda);

            btsnd_hcic_ble_upd_ll_conn_params (p_lcb->handle,
                (UINT16)((p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int : BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN_DEF),
                (UINT16)((p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int : BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MAX_DEF),
                (UINT16)((p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency : BTM_BLE_CONN_SLAVE_LATENCY_DEF),
                (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout : BTM_BLE_CONN_TIMEOUT_DEF),
                0, 0);
        p_lcb->upd_disabled = UPD_DISABLED;

    return (TRUE);
** Function         l2cble_init_direct_conn
** Description      This function is to initate a direct connection
** Returns          TRUE connection initiated, FALSE otherwise.
BOOLEAN l2cble_init_direct_conn (tL2C_LCB *p_lcb)
    tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC    *p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (p_lcb->remote_bd_addr);
    tBTM_BLE_CB         *p_cb = &btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb;
    UINT16               scan_int, scan_win;
    BD_ADDR         init_addr;
    UINT8           init_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC,
                    own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC;

    /* There can be only one BLE connection request outstanding at a time */
    if (p_dev_rec == NULL)
        BTM_TRACE_WARNING0 ("unknown device, can not initate connection");

    scan_int = (p_cb->scan_int == BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_INT : p_cb->scan_int;
    scan_win = (p_cb->scan_win == BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_WIN : p_cb->scan_win;

    init_addr_type = p_lcb->ble_addr_type;
    memcpy(init_addr, p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);

    if (!btsnd_hcic_ble_create_ll_conn (scan_int,/* UINT16 scan_int      */
                                        scan_win, /* UINT16 scan_win      */
                                        FALSE,                   /* UINT8 white_list     */
                                        p_lcb->ble_addr_type,          /* UINT8 addr_type_peer */
                                        p_lcb->remote_bd_addr,         /* BD_ADDR bda_peer     */
                                        BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC,         /* UINT8 addr_type_own  */
                                        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int : BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN),  /* UINT16 conn_int_min  */
                                        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int : BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN),  /* UINT16 conn_int_max  */
                                        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency : 0), /* UINT16 conn_latency  */
                                        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout : BTM_BLE_CONN_SUP_TOUT_DEF), /* UINT16 conn_timeout  */
                                        0,                       /* UINT16 min_len       */
                                        0))                      /* UINT16 max_len       */
        l2cu_release_lcb (p_lcb);
        L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR0("initate direct connection fail, no resources");
        return (FALSE);
        p_lcb->link_state = LST_CONNECTING;
        memcpy (l2cb.ble_connecting_bda, p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);
        //Assigning below variable which is checked at LE conn cancel
        btu_start_timer (&p_lcb->timer_entry, BTU_TTYPE_L2CAP_LINK, L2CAP_BLE_LINK_CONNECT_TOUT);
        btm_ble_set_conn_st (BLE_DIR_CONN);

        return (TRUE);
** Function         l2cble_advertiser_conn_comp
** Description      This function is called when an HCI Connection Complete
**                  event is received while we are an advertiser (so we are slave).
** Returns          void
void l2cble_advertiser_conn_comp (UINT16 handle, BD_ADDR bda, tBLE_ADDR_TYPE type,
                                  UINT16 conn_interval, UINT16 conn_latency, UINT16 conn_timeout)
    tL2C_LCB            *p_lcb;
    tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC    *p_dev_rec;

    /* See if we have a link control block for the remote device */
    p_lcb = l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr (bda);

    /* If we don't have one, create one and accept the connection. */
    if (!p_lcb)
        p_lcb = l2cu_allocate_lcb (bda, FALSE);
        if (!p_lcb)
            btm_sec_disconnect (handle, HCI_ERR_NO_CONNECTION);
            L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR0 ("l2cble_advertiser_conn_comp - failed to allocate LCB");
            if (!l2cu_initialize_fixed_ccb (p_lcb, L2CAP_ATT_CID, &l2cb.fixed_reg[L2CAP_ATT_CID - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].fixed_chnl_opts))
                btm_sec_disconnect (handle, HCI_ERR_NO_CONNECTION);
                L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING0 ("l2cble_scanner_conn_comp - LCB but no CCB");
                return ;

    /* Save the handle */
    p_lcb->handle = handle;

    /* Connected OK. Change state to connected, we were advertising, so we are slave */
    p_lcb->link_state = LST_CONNECTED;
    p_lcb->link_role  = HCI_ROLE_SLAVE;
    p_lcb->is_ble_link = TRUE;

    /* Tell BTM Acl management about the link */
    p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (bda);

    btm_acl_created (bda, NULL, p_dev_rec->sec_bd_name, handle, p_lcb->link_role, TRUE);


    l2cu_process_fixed_chnl_resp (p_lcb);
** Function         l2cble_scanner_conn_comp
** Description      This function is called when an HCI Connection Complete
**                  event is received while we are a scanner (so we are master).
** Returns          void
void l2cble_scanner_conn_comp (UINT16 handle, BD_ADDR bda, tBLE_ADDR_TYPE type,
                               UINT16 conn_interval, UINT16 conn_latency, UINT16 conn_timeout)
    tL2C_LCB            *p_lcb;
    tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC    *p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (bda);

    L2CAP_TRACE_DEBUG5 ("l2cble_scanner_conn_comp: HANDLE=%d addr_type=%d conn_interval=%d slave_latency=%d supervision_tout=%d",
                        handle,  type, conn_interval, conn_latency, conn_timeout);

    l2cb.is_ble_connecting = FALSE;

    /* See if we have a link control block for the remote device */
    p_lcb = l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr (bda);

    /* If we don't have one, create one. this is auto connection complete. */
    if (!p_lcb)
        p_lcb = l2cu_allocate_lcb (bda, FALSE);
        if (!p_lcb)
            btm_sec_disconnect (handle, HCI_ERR_NO_CONNECTION);
            L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR0 ("l2cble_scanner_conn_comp - failed to allocate LCB");
            if (!l2cu_initialize_fixed_ccb (p_lcb, L2CAP_ATT_CID, &l2cb.fixed_reg[L2CAP_ATT_CID - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].fixed_chnl_opts))
                btm_sec_disconnect (handle, HCI_ERR_NO_CONNECTION);
                L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING0 ("l2cble_scanner_conn_comp - LCB but no CCB");
                return ;
    else if (p_lcb->link_state != LST_CONNECTING)
        L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR1 ("L2CAP got BLE scanner conn_comp in bad state: %d", p_lcb->link_state);

    /* Save the handle */
    p_lcb->handle = handle;

    /* Connected OK. Change state to connected, we were scanning so we are master */
    p_lcb->link_state = LST_CONNECTED;
    p_lcb->link_role  = HCI_ROLE_MASTER;
    p_lcb->is_ble_link = TRUE;

    /* If there are any preferred connection parameters, set them now */
    if ( (p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int     >= BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN ) &&
         (p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int     <= BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MAX ) &&
         (p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int     >= BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN ) &&
         (p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int     <= BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MAX ) &&
         (p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency    <= BTM_BLE_CONN_LATENCY_MAX ) &&
         (p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout >= BTM_BLE_CONN_SUP_TOUT_MIN) &&
         (p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout <= BTM_BLE_CONN_SUP_TOUT_MAX) &&
         ((conn_interval < p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int &&
          p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ||
          (conn_interval > p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int) ||
          (conn_latency > p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency) ||
          (conn_timeout > p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout)))
        L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR5 ("upd_ll_conn_params: HANDLE=%d min_conn_int=%d max_conn_int=%d slave_latency=%d supervision_tout=%d",
                            handle, p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int, p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int,
                            p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency, p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout);

        btsnd_hcic_ble_upd_ll_conn_params (handle,
                                           0, 0);

    /* Tell BTM Acl management about the link */
    btm_acl_created (bda, NULL, p_dev_rec->sec_bd_name, handle, p_lcb->link_role, TRUE);

    if (p_lcb->p_echo_rsp_cb)
        L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR0 ("l2cu_send_peer_echo_req");
        l2cu_send_peer_echo_req (p_lcb, NULL, 0);


    l2cu_process_fixed_chnl_resp (p_lcb);
Beispiel #5
** Function         l2cble_init_direct_conn
** Description      This function is to initate a direct connection
** Returns          TRUE connection initiated, FALSE otherwise.
BOOLEAN l2cble_init_direct_conn (tL2C_LCB *p_lcb)
    tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (p_lcb->remote_bd_addr);
    tBTM_BLE_CB *p_cb = &btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb;
    UINT16 scan_int;
    UINT16 scan_win;
    BD_ADDR peer_addr;
    UINT8 peer_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC;
    UINT8 own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC;

    /* There can be only one BLE connection request outstanding at a time */
    if (p_dev_rec == NULL)
        L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("unknown device, can not initate connection");

    scan_int = (p_cb->scan_int == BTM_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_INT : p_cb->scan_int;
    scan_win = (p_cb->scan_win == BTM_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_WIN : p_cb->scan_win;

    peer_addr_type = p_lcb->ble_addr_type;
    memcpy(peer_addr, p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);

#if ( (defined BLE_PRIVACY_SPT) && (BLE_PRIVACY_SPT == TRUE))
    own_addr_type = btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.privacy_mode ? BLE_ADDR_RANDOM : BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC;
    if (p_dev_rec->ble.in_controller_list & BTM_RESOLVING_LIST_BIT)
        if (btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.privacy_mode >=  BTM_PRIVACY_1_2)
            own_addr_type |= BLE_ADDR_TYPE_ID_BIT;

        btm_random_pseudo_to_identity_addr(peer_addr, &peer_addr_type);
        btm_ble_disable_resolving_list(BTM_BLE_RL_INIT, TRUE);

    if (!btm_ble_topology_check(BTM_BLE_STATE_INIT))
        l2cu_release_lcb (p_lcb);
        L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR("initate direct connection fail, topology limitation");
        return FALSE;

    if (!btsnd_hcic_ble_create_ll_conn (scan_int,/* UINT16 scan_int      */
                                        scan_win, /* UINT16 scan_win      */
                                        FALSE,                   /* UINT8 white_list     */
                                        peer_addr_type,          /* UINT8 addr_type_peer */
                                        peer_addr,               /* BD_ADDR bda_peer     */
                                        own_addr_type,         /* UINT8 addr_type_own  */
        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ?
        p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int : BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN_DEF),  /* UINT16 conn_int_min  */
        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ?
        p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int : BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MAX_DEF),  /* UINT16 conn_int_max  */
        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ?
        p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency : BTM_BLE_CONN_SLAVE_LATENCY_DEF), /* UINT16 conn_latency  */
        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ?
        p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout : BTM_BLE_CONN_TIMEOUT_DEF), /* conn_timeout */
                                        0,                       /* UINT16 min_len       */
                                        0))                      /* UINT16 max_len       */
        l2cu_release_lcb (p_lcb);
        L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR("initate direct connection fail, no resources");
        return (FALSE);
        p_lcb->link_state = LST_CONNECTING;
        l2cb.is_ble_connecting = TRUE;
        memcpy (l2cb.ble_connecting_bda, p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);
        btu_start_timer (&p_lcb->timer_entry, BTU_TTYPE_L2CAP_LINK, L2CAP_BLE_LINK_CONNECT_TOUT);
        btm_ble_set_conn_st (BLE_DIR_CONN);

        return (TRUE);
Beispiel #6
**  Function        l2cble_start_conn_update
**  Description     start BLE connection parameter update process based on status
**  Parameters:     lcb : l2cap link control block
**  Return value:   none
static void l2cble_start_conn_update (tL2C_LCB *p_lcb)
    UINT16 min_conn_int, max_conn_int, slave_latency, supervision_tout;
    tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC *p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev(p_lcb->remote_bd_addr);
    tACL_CONN *p_acl_cb = btm_bda_to_acl(p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, BT_TRANSPORT_LE);

    if (p_lcb->conn_update_mask & L2C_BLE_UPDATE_PENDING) return;

    if (p_lcb->conn_update_mask & L2C_BLE_CONN_UPDATE_DISABLE)
        /* application requests to disable parameters update.
           If parameters are already updated, lets set them
           up to what has been requested during connection establishement */
        if (p_lcb->conn_update_mask & L2C_BLE_NOT_DEFAULT_PARAM &&
            /* current connection interval is greater than default min */
            p_lcb->min_interval > BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN)
            /* use 7.5 ms as fast connection parameter, 0 slave latency */
            min_conn_int = max_conn_int = BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN;
            slave_latency = BTM_BLE_CONN_SLAVE_LATENCY_DEF;
            supervision_tout = BTM_BLE_CONN_TIMEOUT_DEF;

            /* if both side 4.1, or we are master device, send HCI command */
            if (p_lcb->link_role == HCI_ROLE_MASTER
                || (HCI_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_SUPPORTED(controller_get_interface()->get_features_ble()->as_array) &&
                btsnd_hcic_ble_upd_ll_conn_params(p_lcb->handle, min_conn_int, max_conn_int,
                                                  slave_latency, supervision_tout, 0, 0);
                p_lcb->conn_update_mask |= L2C_BLE_UPDATE_PENDING;
                l2cu_send_peer_ble_par_req (p_lcb, min_conn_int, max_conn_int, slave_latency, supervision_tout);
            p_lcb->conn_update_mask &= ~L2C_BLE_NOT_DEFAULT_PARAM;
            p_lcb->conn_update_mask |=  L2C_BLE_NEW_CONN_PARAM;
        /* application allows to do update, if we were delaying one do it now */
        if (p_lcb->conn_update_mask & L2C_BLE_NEW_CONN_PARAM)
             /* if both side 4.1, or we are master device, send HCI command */
            if (p_lcb->link_role == HCI_ROLE_MASTER
                || (HCI_LE_CONN_PARAM_REQ_SUPPORTED(controller_get_interface()->get_features_ble()->as_array) &&
                btsnd_hcic_ble_upd_ll_conn_params(p_lcb->handle, p_lcb->min_interval,
                    p_lcb->max_interval, p_lcb->latency, p_lcb->timeout, 0, 0);
                p_lcb->conn_update_mask |= L2C_BLE_UPDATE_PENDING;
                l2cu_send_peer_ble_par_req (p_lcb, p_lcb->min_interval, p_lcb->max_interval,
                                            p_lcb->latency, p_lcb->timeout);
            p_lcb->conn_update_mask &= ~L2C_BLE_NEW_CONN_PARAM;
            p_lcb->conn_update_mask |= L2C_BLE_NOT_DEFAULT_PARAM;
Beispiel #7
** Function         l2cble_advertiser_conn_comp
** Description      This function is called when an HCI Connection Complete
**                  event is received while we are an advertiser (so we are slave).
** Returns          void
void l2cble_advertiser_conn_comp (UINT16 handle, BD_ADDR bda, tBLE_ADDR_TYPE type,
                                  UINT16 conn_interval, UINT16 conn_latency, UINT16 conn_timeout)
    int i;
    tL2C_LCB            *p_lcb;
    tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC    *p_dev_rec;

    /* See if we have a link control block for the remote device */
    p_lcb = l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr (bda, BT_TRANSPORT_LE);

    /* If we don't have one, create one and accept the connection. */
    if (!p_lcb)
        p_lcb = l2cu_allocate_lcb (bda, FALSE, BT_TRANSPORT_LE);
        if (!p_lcb)
            btm_sec_disconnect (handle, HCI_ERR_NO_CONNECTION);
            L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR ("l2cble_advertiser_conn_comp - failed to allocate LCB");
            if (!l2cu_initialize_fixed_ccb (p_lcb, L2CAP_ATT_CID, &l2cb.fixed_reg[L2CAP_ATT_CID - L2CAP_FIRST_FIXED_CHNL].fixed_chnl_opts))
                btm_sec_disconnect (handle, HCI_ERR_NO_CONNECTION);
                L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("l2cble_scanner_conn_comp - LCB but no CCB");
                return ;

    /* Save the handle */
    p_lcb->handle = handle;

    /* Connected OK. Change state to connected, we were advertising, so we are slave */
    p_lcb->link_role  = HCI_ROLE_SLAVE;
    p_lcb->transport  = BT_TRANSPORT_LE;

    /* update link parameter, set slave link as non-spec default upon link up */
    p_lcb->min_interval = p_lcb->max_interval = conn_interval;
    p_lcb->timeout      =  conn_timeout;
    p_lcb->latency      =  conn_latency;
    p_lcb->conn_update_mask = L2C_BLE_NOT_DEFAULT_PARAM;

    /* Tell BTM Acl management about the link */
    p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (bda);

    btm_acl_created (bda, NULL, p_dev_rec->sec_bd_name, handle, p_lcb->link_role, BT_TRANSPORT_LE);

    btm_ble_disable_resolving_list(BTM_BLE_RL_ADV, TRUE);


    if (!HCI_LE_SLAVE_INIT_FEAT_EXC_SUPPORTED(controller_get_interface()->get_features_ble()->as_array))
        p_lcb->link_state = LST_CONNECTED;
        l2cu_process_fixed_chnl_resp (p_lcb);

    /* when adv and initiating are both active, cancel the direct connection */
    if (l2cb.is_ble_connecting && memcmp(bda, l2cb.ble_connecting_bda, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0)
** Function         l2cble_init_direct_conn
** Description      This function is to initate a direct connection
** Returns          TRUE connection initiated, FALSE otherwise.
BOOLEAN l2cble_init_direct_conn (tL2C_LCB *p_lcb)
    tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC    *p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev (p_lcb->remote_bd_addr);
    tBTM_BLE_CB         *p_cb = &btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb;
    UINT16               scan_int, scan_win;
    BD_ADDR         init_addr;
    UINT8           init_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC,
                    own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC;

    /* There can be only one BLE connection request outstanding at a time */
    if (p_dev_rec == NULL)
        L2CAP_TRACE_WARNING ("unknown device, can not initate connection");

    scan_int = (p_cb->scan_int == BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_INT : p_cb->scan_int;
    scan_win = (p_cb->scan_win == BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ? BTM_BLE_SCAN_FAST_WIN : p_cb->scan_win;

    init_addr_type = p_lcb->ble_addr_type;
    memcpy(init_addr, p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);

    /* if RPA offloading supported */
    if (btm_ble_vendor_irk_list_load_dev(p_dev_rec))
        btm_random_pseudo_to_public(init_addr, &init_addr_type);
    /* otherwise, if remote is RPA enabled, use latest RPA */
    else if (p_dev_rec->ble.active_addr_type == BTM_BLE_ADDR_RRA)
        init_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_RANDOM;
        memcpy(init_addr, p_dev_rec->ble.cur_rand_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);
    /* if privacy is on and current do not consider using reconnection address */
    if (btm_cb.ble_ctr_cb.privacy ) /* && p_dev_rec->ble.use_reconn_addr */
        own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_RANDOM;

    if (!btm_ble_topology_check(BTM_BLE_STATE_INIT))
        l2cu_release_lcb (p_lcb);
        L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR("initate direct connection fail, topology limitation");
        return FALSE;

    if (!btsnd_hcic_ble_create_ll_conn (scan_int,/* UINT16 scan_int      */
                                        scan_win, /* UINT16 scan_win      */
                                        FALSE,                   /* UINT8 white_list     */
                                        init_addr_type,          /* UINT8 addr_type_peer */
                                        init_addr,               /* BD_ADDR bda_peer     */
                                        own_addr_type,         /* UINT8 addr_type_own  */
                                        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ?
                                                p_dev_rec->conn_params.min_conn_int : BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MIN_DEF),  /* UINT16 conn_int_min  */
                                        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ?
                                                p_dev_rec->conn_params.max_conn_int : BTM_BLE_CONN_INT_MAX_DEF),  /* UINT16 conn_int_max  */
                                        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ?
                                                p_dev_rec->conn_params.slave_latency : BTM_BLE_CONN_SLAVE_LATENCY_DEF), /* UINT16 conn_latency  */
                                        (UINT16) ((p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout != BTM_BLE_CONN_PARAM_UNDEF) ?
                                                p_dev_rec->conn_params.supervision_tout : BTM_BLE_CONN_TIMEOUT_DEF), /* conn_timeout */
                                        0,                       /* UINT16 min_len       */
                                        0))                      /* UINT16 max_len       */
        l2cu_release_lcb (p_lcb);
        L2CAP_TRACE_ERROR("initate direct connection fail, no resources");
        return (FALSE);
        p_lcb->link_state = LST_CONNECTING;
        l2cb.is_ble_connecting = TRUE;
        memcpy (l2cb.ble_connecting_bda, p_lcb->remote_bd_addr, BD_ADDR_LEN);
        btu_start_timer (&p_lcb->timer_entry, BTU_TTYPE_L2CAP_LINK, L2CAP_BLE_LINK_CONNECT_TOUT);
        btm_ble_set_conn_st (BLE_DIR_CONN);

        return (TRUE);