Beispiel #1
 * buffer is the start address in memory to be written from
 * if used in inode_write_at, buffer = 'buffer' + bytes_written
 * sector_ofs is the start point to actually write the buffer cache
 * chunk_size is the actual size to be written to buffer cache
void write_via_cache(struct inode *inode, const uint8_t *buffer, 
		block_sector_t sector_idx, int sector_ofs, int chunk_size) {

	//lookup buffer and check if sector_indx exits in buffer cache
      int buffer_arr_indx = lookup_sector(sector_idx);	//lookup result indx for a valid sector in cache
	if (buffer_arr_indx > BUFFER_SIZE) {
		PANIC("lookup_sector wrong\n");
      if (buffer_arr_indx >= 0){ 
		//if yes, just write buffer cache
	void *buffer_cache_start_addr = buffer_vaddr + buffer_arr_indx * BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE + sector_ofs;
        memcpy (buffer_cache_start_addr, (void *)buffer, chunk_size);
      } else {			//the sector_idx is not in buffer cache
	//check if empty sector exists in buffer cache
	int buffer_indx = lookup_empty_buffer();
	if (buffer_indx == -1) {
		//if no, evict sector from buffer cache, and get its indx 
		//choose a sector to evict
		//lookup_evict contains 'clock algorithm'
		//lookup_evict() takes care of case when buffer_evict_indx == -1
		int buffer_evict_indx = lookup_evict(); 
			//buffer_evict_indx should be a valid indx
		buffer_evict_indx = buffer_evict(buffer_evict_indx); 
		buffer_indx = buffer_evict_indx;
		//buffer_cache_start_addr is the start addr of buffer cache sector
	void *buffer_cache_start_addr = buffer_vaddr + buffer_indx * BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE;
		//get sector from disk to buffer cache
		//copy the sector from disk to buffer cache

      	if (sector_ofs != 0 || chunk_size != BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE) {
         		// Write partial sector cache, need to fetch from disk first. 
        	block_read (fs_device, sector_idx, buffer_cache_start_addr);
		//change buffer_cache_start_addr to the offset of buffer cache sector
	buffer_cache_start_addr += sector_ofs;
		//write sector to buffer cache 
		//copy the sector from buffer cache to buffer_read
        memcpy (buffer_cache_start_addr, (void *)buffer, chunk_size);

		//fill the info into buffer_info_array
	buffer_info_array[buffer_indx].sector_num = sector_idx;
	buffer_info_array[buffer_indx].buffer_inode = inode;
	buffer_info_array[buffer_indx].dirty = true;
	buffer_info_array[buffer_indx].recentlyUsed = true;

Beispiel #2
 * buffer is the start address in memory to be read from
 * if used in inode_read_at, buffer = 'buffer' + bytes_read
 * sector_ofs is the start point to actually read from the buffer cache
 * chunk_size is the actual size to be read to buffer cache
void read_via_cache(struct inode *inode, uint8_t *buffer, 
		block_sector_t sector_idx, int sector_ofs, int chunk_size) {

	//printf("sector_idx %d, size %d\n", sector_idx, size);
      int buffer_arr_indx = lookup_sector(sector_idx);	//lookup result indx for a valid sector in cache
	if (buffer_arr_indx > BUFFER_SIZE) {
		PANIC("lookup_sector wrong\n");
//	printf("sector_idx %d\n", sector_idx);
      if (buffer_arr_indx >= 0){ 
//	printf("indx %d, sector_idx %d size %d\n", buffer_arr_indx, sector_idx, size);
	void *buffer_cache_start_addr = buffer_vaddr + buffer_arr_indx * BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE + sector_ofs;
	memcpy((void *)buffer, buffer_cache_start_addr, chunk_size);
      } else {			//the sector_idx is not in buffer cache
	//printf("new start\n");
	int buffer_indx = lookup_empty_buffer();
	if (buffer_indx == -1) {
		//choose a sector to evict
		//lookup_evict contains 'clock algorithm'
		//lookup_evict() takes care of case when buffer_evict_indx == -1
		int buffer_evict_indx = lookup_evict(); 
			//buffer_evict_indx should be a valid indx
		buffer_evict_indx = buffer_evict(buffer_evict_indx); 
		buffer_indx = buffer_evict_indx;
		//buffer_cache_start_addr is the start addr of buffer cache sector
	void *buffer_cache_start_addr = buffer_vaddr + buffer_indx * BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE;
		//copy the sector from disk to buffer cache
        block_read (fs_device, sector_idx, buffer_cache_start_addr);
		//change buffer_cache_start_addr to the offset of buffer cache sector
	buffer_cache_start_addr += sector_ofs;
		//copy the sector from buffer cache to buffer_read
        memcpy ((void *)buffer, buffer_cache_start_addr, chunk_size);

		//fill the info into buffer_info_array
	if(sector_idx < -2)
	buffer_info_array[buffer_indx].sector_num = sector_idx;
	buffer_info_array[buffer_indx].buffer_inode = inode;
	buffer_info_array[buffer_indx].dirty = false;
	buffer_info_array[buffer_indx].recentlyUsed = true;

Beispiel #3
bool S_LoadBuffer( sfx_t *sfx )
	ALenum error;
	void *data;
	snd_info_t info;
	ALuint format;

	if( !sfx ) {
		return false;
	if( sfx->filename[0] == '\0' || sfx->inMemory )
		return false;
	if( trap_FS_IsUrl( sfx->filename ) )
		return false;

	data = S_LoadSound( sfx->filename, &info );
	if( !data )
		//Com_DPrintf( "Couldn't load %s\n", sfx->filename );
		return false;

	if( info.channels > 1 )
		void *temp = stereo_mono( data, &info );
		if( temp )
			S_Free( data );
			data = temp;

	format = S_SoundFormat( info.width, info.channels );

	qalGenBuffers( 1, &sfx->buffer );
	if( ( error = qalGetError() ) != AL_NO_ERROR )
		S_Free( data );
		Com_Printf( "Couldn't create a sound buffer for %s (%s)\n", sfx->filename, S_ErrorMessage( error ) );
		return false;

	qalBufferData( sfx->buffer, format, data, info.size, info.rate );
	error = qalGetError();

	// If we ran out of memory, start evicting the least recently used sounds
	while( error == AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY )
		if( !buffer_evict() )
			S_Free( data );
			Com_Printf( "Out of memory loading %s\n", sfx->filename );
			return false;

		// Try load it again
		qalBufferData( sfx->buffer, format, data, info.size, info.rate );
		error = qalGetError();

	// Some other error condition
	if( error != AL_NO_ERROR )
		S_Free( data );
		Com_Printf( "Couldn't fill sound buffer for %s (%s)", sfx->filename, S_ErrorMessage( error ) );
		return false;

	S_Free( data );
	sfx->inMemory = true;

	return true;