	 * Performs "give inventory" operations for provided avatars.
	 * Sends one requests to give all selected inventory items for each passed avatar.
	 * Avatars are represent by two vectors: names and UUIDs which must be sychronized with each other.
	 * @param avatar_names - avatar names request to be sent.
	 * @param avatar_uuids - avatar names request to be sent.
	static void give_inventory(const std::vector<std::string>& avatar_names, const uuid_vec_t& avatar_uuids)
		llassert(avatar_names.size() == avatar_uuids.size());

		LLInventoryPanel* active_panel = LLInventoryPanel::getActiveInventoryPanel(FALSE);
		if (!active_panel)
			active_panel = get_outfit_editor_inventory_panel();
			if (!active_panel) return;

		const uuid_set_t inventory_selected_uuids = active_panel->getRootFolder()->getSelectionList();
		if (inventory_selected_uuids.empty())

		std::string residents;
		build_residents_string(avatar_names, residents);

		std::string items;
		build_items_string(inventory_selected_uuids, items);

		LLSD substitutions;
		substitutions["RESIDENTS"] = residents;
		substitutions["ITEMS"] = items;
		LLShareInfo::instance().mAvatarNames = avatar_names;
		LLShareInfo::instance().mAvatarUuids = avatar_uuids;
		LLNotificationsUtil::add("ShareItemsConfirmation", substitutions, LLSD(), &give_inventory_cb);
	 * Performs "give inventory" operations for provided avatars.
	 * Sends one requests to give all selected inventory items for each passed avatar.
	 * Avatars are represent by two vectors: names and UUIDs which must be sychronized with each other.
	 * @param avatar_names - avatar names request to be sent.
	 * @param avatar_uuids - avatar names request to be sent.
	static void give_inventory(const uuid_vec_t& avatar_uuids, const std::vector<LLAvatarName> avatar_names)
		llassert(avatar_names.size() == avatar_uuids.size());

		const std::set<LLUUID> inventory_selected_uuids = LLAvatarActions::getInventorySelectedUUIDs();
		if (inventory_selected_uuids.empty())

		std::string residents;
		LLAvatarActions::buildResidentsString(avatar_names, residents);

		std::string items;
		build_items_string(inventory_selected_uuids, items);

		int folders_count = 0;
		std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator it = inventory_selected_uuids.begin();

		//traverse through selected inventory items and count folders among them
		for ( ; it != inventory_selected_uuids.end() && folders_count <=1 ; ++it)
			LLViewerInventoryCategory* inv_cat = gInventory.getCategory(*it);
			if (NULL != inv_cat)

		// EXP-1599
		// In case of sharing multiple folders, make the confirmation
		// dialog contain a warning that only one folder can be shared at a time.
		std::string notification = (folders_count > 1) ? "ShareFolderConfirmation" : "ShareItemsConfirmation";
		LLSD substitutions;
		substitutions["RESIDENTS"] = residents;
		substitutions["ITEMS"] = items;
		LLShareInfo::instance().mAvatarNames = avatar_names;
		LLShareInfo::instance().mAvatarUuids = avatar_uuids;
		LLNotificationsUtil::add(notification, substitutions, LLSD(), &give_inventory_cb);