Beispiel #1
void kmain_bsp(void)
    size_t i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
        isr_handlers[i] = (uintptr_t) &fault_gp;
    isr_handlers[KEYBOARD_IRQ_VECTOR] = (uintptr_t) &keyboard_handler;

    char *buffer = (char *) HY_INFO_ROOT->free_paddr;
    buffer = build_overview(buffer);
    buffer = build_cpu(&buffer[1]);
    buffer = build_ioapic(&buffer[1]);
    buffer = build_memory(&buffer[1]);
    buffer = build_modules(&buffer[1]);

    ui_display(0, 0);
    asm volatile ("sti");
    while (1);
void simulate(int (*allocate)(int, int), char *title) {
	head = build_memory();
	int i;
	int traversed = 0;
	int hits = 0;
	/* circular list to keep track of PIDs allocated */
	Node *pIdHead = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 
	Node *currentId = pIdHead;
	currentId->next = pIdHead;
	for(i = 0; i < NUMREQUESTS; i++) {
		int pid = random_range(0,999999);
		if(random_range(0,3) == 1) // 1 in 4 chance for deallocation request
		else {	
			int result = allocate(pid,random_range(3,10));
			//int result = allocate(pid,3);
			if(result != -1) {
				currentId->pid = pid;
				currentId->next = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
				currentId = currentId->next;
				currentId->next = pIdHead;
				traversed += result;
	printf("Average Nodes Traversed: %.2f\n",(double)traversed/hits);
	printf("Request Denial Percentage: %.2f\n",(double)(NUMREQUESTS-hits)/NUMREQUESTS*100);
	printf("Average Fragments: %.2f\n",(double)fragment_count()/hits);