Beispiel #1
void HuffmanConverter::decode_file(const char *inFile, const char *outFile) {
    // read from table and build frequency tree
    // build prefix tree
    // read .huf file and get bit string during reaching to leaf node of prefix tree
    // At each bit string, map it to one character in inverted encode table
    // Nessasary : .huf .tab
    if (inFile == nullptr) {
        std::cerr << "Input file name is missing!\n";
    std::string tpath = format_path_name(path_freq, inFile, postfix_tab); // table file's path
    std::string hpath = format_path_name(path_encoded, inFile, postfix_huf); // input file's path
    std::string dpath = std::string(path_decoded).append(inFile); // output file's path
    std::ifstream hufFile(hpath, std::ios::binary);
    std::ifstream tabFile(tpath);
    std::ofstream deFile(dpath);
    /*std::cout << tpath << "\n";
    std::cout << hpath << "\n";
    std::cout << dpath << "\n";*/
    if (!tabFile.is_open())  {
        std::cerr << "tab file doesn't exist" << std::endl;
    if (!hufFile.is_open()) {
        std::cerr << "target file doesn't exist" << std::endl;
    // empty 
    unsigned last_pos = parse_freq_table(tabFile);

    // read all binaries into memory
    unsigned long long before_sz = get_file_size(hpath);
    char *buf = new char[before_sz];, before_sz);

    std::string bit_string = "";
    build_bit_string(buf, before_sz, bit_string, last_pos);
    //std::cout << parse_bitstr(bit_string);
    deFile << parse_bitstr(bit_string);
    unsigned long long after_sz = get_file_size(dpath);

    printf("%-20s : %s\n", "File Name", inFile);
    printf("%-20s : %llu\n", "File Size", before_sz);
    printf("%-20s : %s\n", "Table Name", tpath.c_str());
    printf("%-20s : %s\n", "Decoded Location", path_decoded);
    printf("%-20s : %llu -> %llu\n","Size Change(bytes)", before_sz, after_sz);
    double unzip_rate = 100.0 + ((double)after_sz/before_sz)*100.0;
    printf("%-20s : %-4.2f%%\n","Decompression Rate", unzip_rate);
Beispiel #2
/* hspell_init() reads the dictionary and initializes the necessary data
   structures, into the an allocated dictp structure.

   hspell_init() returns 0 on success, or negative numbers on errors:
   -1: cannot read dictionary.
hspell_init(struct dict_radix **dictp, int flags){
	int ret;
	if(ret<0) return ret;
	build_prefix_tree(flags & HSPELL_OPT_HE_SHEELA);
		if (!linginfo_init(hspell_dictionary)) return -1;
	return 0;
Beispiel #3

    statsite_config config;
    int res = config_from_filename(NULL, &config);

    histogram_config c1 = {"foo", 100, 200, 10, 0, NULL, 0};
    histogram_config c2 = {"bar", 100, 200, 10, 0, NULL, 0};
    histogram_config c3 = {"baz", 100, 200, 10, 0, NULL, 0};
    config.hist_configs = &c1; = &c2; = &c3;

    fail_unless(build_prefix_tree(&config) == 0);
    fail_unless(config.histograms != NULL);

    histogram_config *conf = NULL;
    fail_unless(radix_search(config.histograms, "baz", (void**)&conf) == 0);
    fail_unless(conf == &c3);
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // Initialize syslog

    // Parse the command line
    char *config_file = NULL;
    int parse_res = parse_cmd_line_args(argc, argv, &config_file);
    if (parse_res) return 1;

    // Parse the config file
    statsite_config *config = calloc(1, sizeof(statsite_config));
    int config_res = config_from_filename(config_file, config);
    if (config_res != 0) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to read the configuration file!");
        return 1;

    // Validate the config file
    if (validate_config(config)) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid configuration!");
        return 1;

    // Set prefixes for each message type
    if (prepare_prefixes(config)) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get prefixes!");
        return 1;

    // Build the prefix tree
    if (build_prefix_tree(config)) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to build prefix tree!");
        return 1;

    // Set the syslog mask

    // Daemonize
    if (config->daemonize) {
        pid_t pid, sid;
        int fd;
        syslog(LOG_INFO, "Daemonizing.");
        pid = fork();

        // Exit if we failed to fork
        if (pid < 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to fork() daemon!");
            return 1;

        // Parent process returns
        if (pid) return 0;

        // Create a new session
        sid = setsid();
        if (sid < 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to set daemon SID!");
            return 1;

        int write_pidfile_res = write_pidfile(config->pid_file, sid);
        if (write_pidfile_res) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to write pidfile. Terminating.");
            return 1;

        if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0)) != -1) {
          dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO);
          dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
          dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO);
          if (fd > STDERR_FILENO) close(fd);

    // Log that we are starting up
    syslog(LOG_INFO, "Starting statsite.");

    // Initialize the networking
    statsite_networking *netconf = NULL;
    int net_res = init_networking(config, &netconf);
    if (net_res != 0) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to initialize networking!");
        return 1;

    // Setup signal handlers
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);       // Ignore SIG_IGN
    signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);        // Ignore SIG_IGN
    signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
    signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);

    // Join the networking loop, blocks until exit
    enter_networking_loop(netconf, &SHOULD_RUN);

    // Begin the shutdown/cleanup

    // Do the final flush

    // If daemonized, remove the pid file
    if (config->daemonize && unlink(config->pid_file)) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to delete pid file!");

    // Free our memory

    // Done
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    // temporarily set the syslog facilty to main and init it
    setup_syslog(LOG_USER, 0);

    // Parse the command line
    char *config_file = NULL;
    int parse_res = parse_cmd_line_args(argc, argv, &config_file);
    if (parse_res) return 1;

    // Parse the config file
    statsite_config *config = alloc_config();
    int config_res = config_from_filename(config_file, config);
    if (config_res != 0) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to read the configuration file!");
        return 1;

    // Validate the config file
    if (validate_config(config)) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid configuration!");
        return 1;

    // close the initial syslog

    // Initialize syslog with configured facility
    setup_syslog(config->syslog_log_facility, config->daemonize);

    // Set prefixes for each message type
    if (prepare_prefixes(config)) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get prefixes!");
        return 1;

    // Build the prefix tree
    if (build_prefix_tree(config)) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to build prefix tree!");
        return 1;

    // Set the syslog mask

    // Initialize libcurl

    // Daemonize
    if (config->daemonize) {
        pid_t pid, sid;
        int fd;
        syslog(LOG_INFO, "Daemonizing.");
        pid = fork();

        // Exit if we failed to fork
        if (pid < 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to fork() daemon!");
            return 1;

        // Parent process returns
        if (pid) return 0;

        // Create a new session
        sid = setsid();
        if (sid < 0) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to set daemon SID!");
            return 1;

        int write_pidfile_res = write_pidfile(config->pid_file, sid);
        if (write_pidfile_res) {
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to write pidfile. Terminating.");
            return 1;

        if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0)) != -1) {
          dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO);
          dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
          dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO);
          if (fd > STDERR_FILENO) close(fd);

    // Log that we are starting up
    syslog(LOG_INFO, "Starting statsite.");

    // Build the sinks
    sink* sinks = NULL;
    init_sinks(&sinks, config);

    // Initialize the networking
    statsite_networking *netconf = NULL;
    int net_res = init_networking(config, &netconf, sinks);
    if (net_res != 0) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to initialize networking!");
        return 1;

    // Setup signal handlers
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);       // Ignore SIG_IGN
    signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);        // Ignore SIG_IGN
    signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
    signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);

    // Join the networking loop, blocks until exit
    enter_networking_loop(netconf, &SIGNUM);

    if (SIGNUM != 0) {
        syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Received signal [%s]! Exiting...", strsignal(SIGNUM));

    // Begin the shutdown/cleanup

    // Do the final flush

    // If daemonized, remove the pid file
    if (config->daemonize && unlink(config->pid_file)) {
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to delete pid file!");

    // Free our memory

    // Tear down libcurl

    // Done
    return 0;