Beispiel #1
/* process HTTP or SSDP requests */
main(int argc, char * * argv)
	int i;
	int sudp = -1, shttpl = -1;
	int snotify[MAX_LAN_ADDR];
	fd_set readset;	/* for select() */
	fd_set writeset;
	struct timeval timeout, timeofday, lastnotifytime = {0, 0};
	int max_fd = -1;
	pid_t tcplistener_pid = 0;

	if(init(argc, argv) != 0)
		return 1;


	sudp = OpenAndConfSSDPReceiveSocket(n_lan_addr, lan_addr);
	if(sudp < 0)
		DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_GENERAL, "Failed to open socket for receiving SSDP. Trying to use MiniSSDPd\n");
		if(SubmitServicesToMiniSSDPD(lan_addr[0].str, runtime_vars.port) < 0) {
			DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to connect to MiniSSDPd. EXITING");
			return 1;

	/* open socket for sending notifications */
	if(OpenAndConfSSDPNotifySockets(snotify) < 0)
		DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to open sockets for sending SSDP notify "
	                "messages. EXITING\n");

	SendSSDPGoodbye(snotify, n_lan_addr);

	/* create tcp tunnel for Http forwarding*/
	tcplistener_pid = fork();
	if( tcplistener_pid == 0) // child (listener) process
		if(build_server() == 0)
				/* process tunnel packets */
				if (wait_for_clients() == 0)
					if (build_tunnel() == 0)
		DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_GENERAL, "Shutting down tcp tunnel thread\n");
	}else if( tcplistener_pid < 0)
		DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Failed to create tcp tunnel thread\n");
		/* main loop */
			/* Check if we need to send SSDP NOTIFY messages and do it if
			 * needed */
			if(gettimeofday(&timeofday, 0) < 0)
				DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "gettimeofday(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
				timeout.tv_sec = runtime_vars.notify_interval;
				timeout.tv_usec = 0;
				/* the comparaison is not very precise but who cares ? */
				if(timeofday.tv_sec >= (lastnotifytime.tv_sec + runtime_vars.notify_interval))
					//SendSSDPNotifies3(snotify, "store", (unsigned short)runtime_vars.port, "/desc/device.xml", (runtime_vars.notify_interval << 1)+10);
					SendSSDPNotifies2(snotify, (unsigned short)runtime_vars.port, runtime_vars.path, (runtime_vars.notify_interval << 1)+10);
					memcpy(&lastnotifytime, &timeofday, sizeof(struct timeval));
					timeout.tv_sec = runtime_vars.notify_interval;
					timeout.tv_usec = 0;
					timeout.tv_sec = lastnotifytime.tv_sec + runtime_vars.notify_interval
				    	             - timeofday.tv_sec;
					if(timeofday.tv_usec > lastnotifytime.tv_usec)
						timeout.tv_usec = 1000000 + lastnotifytime.tv_usec
					    	              - timeofday.tv_usec;
						timeout.tv_usec = lastnotifytime.tv_usec - timeofday.tv_usec;

			/* select open sockets (SSDP, HTTP listen, and all HTTP soap sockets) */

			if (sudp >= 0) 
				FD_SET(sudp, &readset);
				max_fd = MAX(max_fd, sudp);
			upnpevents_selectfds(&readset, &writeset, &max_fd);

			if(select(max_fd+1, &readset, &writeset, 0, &timeout) < 0)
				if(quitting) goto shutdown;
				DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "select(all): %s\n", strerror(errno));
				DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_GENERAL, "Failed to select open sockets. EXITING\n");
			upnpevents_processfds(&readset, &writeset);
			/* process SSDP packets */
			if(sudp >= 0 && FD_ISSET(sudp, &readset))
				/*DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_GENERAL, "Received UDP Packet\n");*/
				//ProcessSSDPRequest(sudp, "store", (unsigned short)runtime_vars.port, "/desc/device.xml");
				ProcessSSDPRequest(sudp, (unsigned short)runtime_vars.port, runtime_vars.path);

	/* kill the listener */
	DPRINTF(E_DEBUG, L_GENERAL, "Trying to kill tunnel thread: %d\n", tcplistener_pid);
	if( tcplistener_pid )
		kill(tcplistener_pid, 9);
	/* close out open sockets */
	if (sudp >= 0) close(sudp);
	if (shttpl >= 0) close(shttpl);
	if(SendSSDPGoodbye(snotify, n_lan_addr) < 0)
		DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Failed to broadcast good-bye notifications\n");
	for(i=0; i<n_lan_addr; i++)

	if(unlink(pidfilename) < 0)
		DPRINTF(E_ERROR, L_GENERAL, "Failed to remove pidfile %s: %s\n", pidfilename, strerror(errno));


Beispiel #2
 * Generate a new dungeon level
 * Note that "dun_body" adds about 4000 bytes of memory to the stack.
static bool cave_gen(void)
	int i, j, k, y, x, y1, x1;

   int extraloot,ctx;

   int sizelootadjustment,totalattempts;

	int max_vault_ok = 3;

	int feat1, feat2;

	cave_type *c_ptr;

	bool destroyed = FALSE;
	bool empty_level = FALSE;
	bool cavern = FALSE;

   bool lairlevel = FALSE; /*  Lair Level  */

   int lotsorooms = 0;

	int laketype = 0;

   int droom_min = DUN_ROOMS_MIN;

   int droom_max = DUN_ROOMS_MAX;

   int dmod = p_ptr->depth;

   int dmod2 = p_ptr->depth * 3;

	dun_data dun_body;

   if (dmod < 1) dmod = 1;

   if (one_in_(2)) lotsorooms = randint1(9)+1;

	/* Prepare allocation table */
	get_mon_num_prep(get_monster_hook(), NULL);

	/* Global data */
	dun = &dun_body;

   droom_min += dmod;
   droom_max += dmod2;

   if (droom_min > droom_max) droom_min = droom_max - 10;

   if (droom_max < droom_min) droom_max = droom_min + 10;

   if (droom_min < 1)
      droom_min = 5;
      droom_max = 15;

   if (lotsorooms)
      droom_min *= lotsorooms;
      droom_max *= lotsorooms;

   if (droom_min > 100) droom_min = 100;
   if (droom_max > 300) droom_max = 300;

   if (one_in_(11)) lairlevel = TRUE;

   extraloot = 0;
   ctx = 0;
   sizelootadjustment = 0;
   totalattempts = 0;

   sizelootadjustment = ((max_hgt - min_hgt) / 22) + ((max_wid - min_wid) / 66);

   if (sizelootadjustment < 1) sizelootadjustment = 1;

	if (max_hgt - min_hgt < 23) max_vault_ok--;
	if (max_wid - min_wid < 34) max_vault_ok--;

	/* Hack - no vaults in moria mode */
	if (ironman_moria) max_vault_ok = 0;

	/* Randomize the dungeon creation values */
	dun_rooms = rand_range(droom_min, droom_max);
	dun_tun_rnd = rand_range(DUN_TUN_RND_MIN, DUN_TUN_RND_MAX);
	dun_tun_chg = rand_range(DUN_TUN_CHG_MIN, DUN_TUN_CHG_MAX);
	dun_tun_con = rand_range(DUN_TUN_CON_MIN, DUN_TUN_CON_MAX);
	dun_tun_pen = rand_range(DUN_TUN_PEN_MIN, DUN_TUN_PEN_MAX);
	dun_tun_jct = rand_range(DUN_TUN_JCT_MIN, DUN_TUN_JCT_MAX);

	/* Empty arena levels */
	if (ironman_empty_levels || (empty_levels && one_in_(EMPTY_LEVEL)))
		empty_level = TRUE;

		if (cheat_room)
			msg_print("Arena level.");

	/* Hack -- Start with basic granite */
	for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
		for (x = min_wid; x < max_wid; x++)
			if (empty_level)
				cave[y][x].feat = FEAT_FLOOR;
			  /* Create granite wall */
				cave[y][x].feat = FEAT_WALL_EXTRA;

	/* Possible "destroyed" level */
	if ((p_ptr->depth > 15) && one_in_(DUN_DEST) && (small_levels))
		destroyed = TRUE;

		/* extra rubble around the place looks cool */

	/* Make a lake some of the time */
	if (one_in_(LAKE_LEVEL) && !empty_level && !destroyed && terrain_streams)
		/* Lake of Water */
		if (p_ptr->depth > 52) laketype = LAKE_WATER;

		/* Lake of Lava */
		if (p_ptr->depth > 90) laketype = LAKE_LAVA;

		if (laketype != 0)
			if (cheat_room)
				msg_print("Lake on the level.");

	if (one_in_(DUN_CAV1/(p_ptr->depth + DUN_CAV2)) && !empty_level &&
	    (laketype == 0) && !destroyed && (p_ptr->depth >= MIN_CAVERN))
		cavern = TRUE;

		/* make a large fractal cave in the middle of the dungeon */

		if (cheat_room)
			msg_print("Cavern on level.");


	/* Hack -- No destroyed "quest" levels */
	if (quest_number(p_ptr->depth)) destroyed = FALSE;

	/* Actual maximum number of rooms on this level */
	dun->row_rooms = (max_hgt - min_hgt) / BLOCK_HGT;
	dun->col_rooms = (max_wid - min_hgt) / BLOCK_WID;

	/* Initialize the room table */
	for (y = 0; y < dun->row_rooms; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < dun->col_rooms; x++)
			dun->room_map[y][x] = FALSE;

	/* No "crowded" rooms yet */
	dun->crowded = 0;

	/* No rooms yet */
	dun->cent_n = 0;

	/* Build some rooms */
	for (i = 0; i < dun_rooms; i++)
		/* Pick a block for the room */
		y = randint0(dun->row_rooms);
		x = randint0(dun->col_rooms);

		/* Align dungeon rooms */
		if (dungeon_align)
			/* Slide some rooms right */
			if ((x % 3) == 0) x++;

			/* Slide some rooms left */
			if ((x % 3) == 2) x--;

		/* Attempt an "unusual" room */
		if (ironman_rooms || (randint0(DUN_UNUSUAL) < p_ptr->depth))
			/* Roll for room type */
			k = randint0(100);

			/* Attempt a very unusual room */
			if ((ironman_rooms && (randint0(DUN_UNUSUAL) < p_ptr->depth * 2)) ||
				 (randint0(DUN_UNUSUAL) < p_ptr->depth))
#ifdef FORCE_V_IDX
				if (room_build(y, x, 8)) continue;
				/* Type 8 -- Greater vault (10%) */
				if (k < 10)
					if (max_vault_ok > 1)
						if (room_build(y, x, 8)) continue;
						if (cheat_room) msg_format("Refusing a greater vault. %d", max_vault_ok);

				/* Type 7 -- Lesser vault (13%) */
				if (k < 23)
					if (max_vault_ok > 0)
						if (room_build(y, x, 7)) continue;
						if (cheat_room) msg_print("Refusing a lesser vault.");

				/* Type 5 -- Monster nest (8%) */
				if ((k < 31) && room_build(y, x, 5)) continue;

				/* Type 6 -- Monster pit (5%) */
				if ((k < 36) && room_build(y, x, 6)) continue;

				/* Type 10 -- Random vault (11%) */
				if (k < 47)
					if (max_vault_ok > 0)
						if (room_build(y, x, 10)) continue;
						if (cheat_room) msg_print("Refusing a random vault.");

			/* Type 4 -- Large room (15%) */
			if ((k < 15) && room_build(y, x, 4)) continue;

			/* Type 14 -- Large room (10%) */
			if ((k < 25) && room_build(y, x, 14)) continue;

			/* Type 13 -- Large Feature room (5%) */
			if ((k < 30) && room_build(y, x, 13)) continue;

			/* Type 3 -- Cross room (20%) */
			if ((k < 50) && room_build(y, x, 3)) continue;

			/* Type 2 -- Overlapping (25%) */
			if ((k < 75) && room_build(y, x, 2)) continue;

			/* Type 11 -- Parallelagram (5%) */
			if ((k < 80) && room_build(y, x, 15)) continue;

			/* Type 11 -- Circular (5%) */
			if ((k < 85) && room_build(y, x, 11)) continue;

			/* Type 12 -- Crypt (15%) */
			if ((k < 100) && room_build(y, x, 12)) continue;

		/* The deeper you are, the more cavelike the rooms are */
		k = randint1(100);

		/* No caves when a cavern exists: they look bad */
		if ((k < p_ptr->depth) && (!cavern) && (!empty_level) && (laketype == 0))
			/* Type 9 -- Fractal cave */
			if (room_build(y, x, 9)) continue;
			/* Attempt a "trivial" room */
			if (room_build(y, x, 1)) continue;

	/* Make a hole in the dungeon roof sometimes at level 1 */
	if ((p_ptr->depth == 1) && terrain_streams)
		while (one_in_(DUN_MOS_DEN))
			place_trees(rand_range(min_wid + 1, max_wid - 2),
				 rand_range(min_hgt + 1, max_hgt - 2));

	/* Destroy the level if necessary */
	if (destroyed) destroy_level();

	/* Hack -- Add some rivers */
	if (one_in_(3) && (randint1(p_ptr->depth) > 5) && terrain_streams)
	 	/* Choose water or lava */
		if (randint0(MAX_DEPTH * 2) > p_ptr->depth)
			feat1 = FEAT_DEEP_WATER;
			feat2 = FEAT_SHAL_WATER;
			feat1 = FEAT_DEEP_LAVA;
			feat2 = FEAT_SHAL_LAVA;

	 	/* Only add river if matches lake type or if have no lake at all */
	 	if (((laketype == 1) && (feat1 == FEAT_DEEP_LAVA)) ||
	 	    ((laketype == 2) && (feat1 == FEAT_DEEP_WATER)) ||
		     (laketype == 0))
			add_river(feat1, feat2);

	/* Special boundary walls -- Top */
	for (x = min_wid; x < max_wid; x++)
		/* Clear previous contents, add "solid" perma-wall */
		cave[min_hgt][x].feat = FEAT_PERM_SOLID;

	/* Special boundary walls -- Bottom */
	for (x = min_wid; x < max_wid; x++)
		/* Clear previous contents, add "solid" perma-wall */
		cave[max_hgt - 1][x].feat = FEAT_PERM_SOLID;

	/* Special boundary walls -- Left */
	for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
		/* Clear previous contents, add "solid" perma-wall */
		cave[y][min_wid].feat = FEAT_PERM_SOLID;

	/* Special boundary walls -- Right */
	for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
		/* Clear previous contents, add "solid" perma-wall */
		cave[y][max_wid - 1].feat = FEAT_PERM_SOLID;

	/* Hack -- Scramble the room order */
	for (i = 0; i < dun->cent_n; i++)
		int pick1 = randint0(dun->cent_n);
		int pick2 = randint0(dun->cent_n);
		y1 = dun->cent[pick1].y;
		x1 = dun->cent[pick1].x;
		dun->cent[pick1].y = dun->cent[pick2].y;
		dun->cent[pick1].x = dun->cent[pick2].x;
		dun->cent[pick2].y = y1;
		dun->cent[pick2].x = x1;

	/* Start with no tunnel doors */
	dun->door_n = 0;

	/* Hack -- connect the first room to the last room */
	y = dun->cent[dun->cent_n-1].y;
	x = dun->cent[dun->cent_n-1].x;

	/* Connect all the rooms together */
	for (i = 0; i < dun->cent_n; i++)

		/* Reset the arrays */
		dun->tunn_n = 0;
		dun->wall_n = 0;

		/* Connect the room to the previous room */

		if ((randint1(20) > p_ptr->depth) && one_in_(4))
			/* make catacomb-like tunnel */
			(void)build_tunnel2(dun->cent[i].x, dun->cent[i].y, x, y, 3, 30);
		else if (randint1(p_ptr->depth) > 50)
		if (randint1(p_ptr->depth) > 50)
#endif /* PILLAR_TUNNELS */
			/* make cave-like tunnel */
			(void)build_tunnel2(dun->cent[i].x, dun->cent[i].y, x, y, 2, 2);
			/* make normal tunnel */
			build_tunnel(dun->cent[i].y, dun->cent[i].x, y, x);

		/* Turn the tunnel into corridor */
		for (j = 0; j < dun->tunn_n; j++)
			/* Access the grid */
			y = dun->tunn[j].y;
			x = dun->tunn[j].x;

			/* Access the grid */
			c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

			/* Deleting a locked or jammed door is problematical */

			/* Clear previous contents (if not a lake), add a floor */
			if ((c_ptr->feat < FEAT_DEEP_WATER) ||
			    (c_ptr->feat > FEAT_SHAL_LAVA))
				c_ptr->feat = FEAT_FLOOR;

		/* Apply the piercings that we found */
		for (j = 0; j < dun->wall_n; j++)
			/* Access the grid */
			y = dun->wall[j].y;
			x = dun->wall[j].x;

			/* Access the grid */
			c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

			/* Deleting a locked or jammed door is problematical */

			/* Clear previous contents, add up floor */
			c_ptr->feat = FEAT_FLOOR;

			/* Occasional doorway */
			if (randint0(100) < dun_tun_pen)
				/* Place a random door */
				place_random_door(y, x);

		/* Remember the "previous" room */
		y = dun->cent[i].y;
		x = dun->cent[i].x;

	/* Place intersection doors	 */
	for (i = 0; i < dun->door_n; i++)
		/* Extract junction location */
		y = dun->door[i].y;
		x = dun->door[i].x;

		/* Try placing doors */
		try_door(y, x - 1);
		try_door(y, x + 1);
		try_door(y - 1, x);
		try_door(y + 1, x);

	/* Hack -- Add some magma streamers */
	for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_MAG; i++)
		build_streamer(FEAT_MAGMA, DUN_STR_MC);

	/* Hack -- Add some quartz streamers */
	for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_QUA; i++)
		build_streamer(FEAT_QUARTZ, DUN_STR_QC);

	/* Place 3 or 4 down stairs near some walls */
	if (!alloc_stairs(FEAT_MORE, rand_range(3, 4), 3)) return FALSE;

	/* Place 1 or 2 up stairs near some walls */
	if (!alloc_stairs(FEAT_LESS, rand_range(3, 4), 3)) return FALSE;

	/* Handle the quest monster placements */
	for (i = 0; i < max_quests; i++)
		if ((quest[i].status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) &&
		    ((quest[i].type == QUEST_TYPE_KILL_LEVEL) ||
		    (quest[i].type == QUEST_TYPE_RANDOM)) &&
		    (quest[i].level == p_ptr->depth) &&
			!(quest[i].flags & QUEST_FLAG_PRESET))
			monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[quest[i].r_idx];

			/* Hack -- "unique" monsters must be "unique" */
			if ((r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE) &&
			    (r_ptr->cur_num >= r_ptr->max_num))
				/* The unique is already dead */
				quest[i].status = QUEST_STATUS_FINISHED;
				bool group;

				/* Hard quests -> revive all monsters */
				if (ironman_hard_quests)
					quest[i].cur_num = 0;

				for (j = 0; j < (quest[i].max_num - quest[i].cur_num); j++)
					for (k = 0; k < SAFE_MAX_ATTEMPTS; k++)
						/* Find an empty grid */
						while (TRUE)
							y = rand_range(min_hgt + 1, max_hgt - 2);
							x = rand_range(min_wid + 1, max_wid - 2);

							/* Access the grid */
							c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

							if (!cave_naked_grid(c_ptr)) continue;
							if (distance(y, x, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px) < 10) continue;
							else break;

						if (r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_FRIENDS)
							group = FALSE;
							group = TRUE;

						/* Try to place the monster */
						if (place_monster_aux(y, x, quest[i].r_idx, FALSE, group, FALSE, FALSE))
							/* Success */
							/* Failure - Try again */

	/* Basic "amount" */
	k = (p_ptr->depth / 3);
	if (k > 10) k = 10;
	if (k < 2) k = 2;

	/* Pick a base number of monsters */

   if (!(lairlevel))

   	/* To make small levels a bit more playable */
	   if (max_hgt < MAX_HGT || max_wid < MAX_WID)
	   	int small_tester = i;

		   i = (i * max_hgt) / MAX_HGT;
   		i = (i * max_wid) / MAX_WID;
	   	i += 1;

		   if (i > small_tester) i = small_tester;
   		else if (cheat_hear)
		   	msg_format("Reduced monsters base from %d to %d", small_tester, i);

   	i += randint1(8);

   	/* Put some monsters in the dungeon */
	   for (i = i + k; i > 0; i--)
	   	(void)alloc_monster(0, TRUE);

   if (lairlevel)
		int r_idx = get_mon_num(p_ptr->depth + randint1(12) + 3), attempts = (randint1(200)+100);
      monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[r_idx];

      attempts += ((10 + sizelootadjustment) * r_ptr->level);

      if (cheat_room)
   	msg_print("Smile!  Then Die!");

      totalattempts = 0;

		while (attempts && (totalattempts <= 10000))
/*         attempts--;*/

         ctx = 0;

			y = rand_range(min_hgt + 1, max_hgt - 2);
			x = rand_range(min_wid + 1, max_wid - 2);

			/* Access the grid */
			c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

			if (!cave_naked_grid(c_ptr)) ctx = 1;
			if (distance(y, x, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px) < 10) ctx = 1;

   		/* Try to place the monster */
         if (ctx == 0)
	   	   if (place_monster_aux(y, x, r_idx, FALSE, (one_in_(10)) ? TRUE : FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))

	/* Place some traps in the dungeon */
	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_TRAP, randint1(k));

	/* Put some rubble in corridors */
	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_CORR, ALLOC_TYP_RUBBLE, randint1(k));

	/* Put some objects in rooms */
	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_ROOM, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, randnor(DUN_AMT_ROOM, 3));

   if (lairlevel)
	   alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_TRAP, randint1(k*30));

   	/* Hack - Make loot desirable! */
      /* AKA - Sucker in the PC  */
	   dun_theme.treasure = qreward_theme[p_ptr->pclass].treasure;
   	dun_theme.combat = qreward_theme[p_ptr->pclass].combat;
	   dun_theme.magic = qreward_theme[p_ptr->pclass].magic; = qreward_theme[p_ptr->pclass].tools;

   	/* Put loot! in the dungeon */
	   alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, extraloot);
   	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_GOLD, extraloot);

	/* Hack - Reset the object theme */
	dun_theme.treasure = 20;
	dun_theme.combat = 20;
	dun_theme.magic = 20; = 20;

   /* Put some objects/gold in the dungeon */
	alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, randnor(DUN_AMT_ITEM, 3));
   alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_GOLD, randnor(DUN_AMT_GOLD, 3));

	/* Put some invisible walls in the dungeon for nightmare mode */
	if (ironman_nightmare)
		alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_INVIS, randnor(DUN_AMT_INVIS, 3));

	if (empty_level && (!one_in_(DARK_EMPTY) || (randint1(100) > p_ptr->depth)))
		/* Lite the cave */
		for (y = min_hgt; y < max_hgt; y++)
			for (x = min_hgt; x < max_wid; x++)
				cave[y][x].info |= (CAVE_GLOW);

	/* Determine the character location */
	if (!new_player_spot())
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
 * Generate a new dungeon level
 * Note that "dun_body" adds about 4000 bytes of memory to the stack.
static bool cave_gen(void)
    int i, k, y, x;

    dun_data dun_body;

    /* Global data */
    dun = &dun_body;

    dun->destroyed = FALSE;
    dun->empty_level = FALSE;
    dun->cavern = FALSE;
    dun->laketype = 0;

    /* Fill the arrays of floors and walls in the good proportions */

    /* Prepare allocation table */
    get_mon_num_prep(get_monster_hook(), NULL);

    /* Randomize the dungeon creation values */
    dun_tun_rnd = rand_range(DUN_TUN_RND_MIN, DUN_TUN_RND_MAX);
    dun_tun_chg = rand_range(DUN_TUN_CHG_MIN, DUN_TUN_CHG_MAX);
    dun_tun_con = rand_range(DUN_TUN_CON_MIN, DUN_TUN_CON_MAX);
    dun_tun_pen = rand_range(DUN_TUN_PEN_MIN, DUN_TUN_PEN_MAX);
    dun_tun_jct = rand_range(DUN_TUN_JCT_MIN, DUN_TUN_JCT_MAX);

    /* Actual maximum number of rooms on this level */
    dun->row_rooms = cur_hgt / BLOCK_HGT;
    dun->col_rooms = cur_wid / BLOCK_WID;

    /* Initialize the room table */
    for (y = 0; y < dun->row_rooms; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < dun->col_rooms; x++)
            dun->room_map[y][x] = FALSE;

    /* No rooms yet */
    dun->cent_n = 0;

    /* Empty arena levels */
    if (ironman_empty_levels || ((d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_ARENA) && (empty_levels && one_in_(EMPTY_LEVEL))))
        dun->empty_level = TRUE;
        if (cheat_room)
            msg_print("Arena level.");

    if (dun->empty_level)
        /* Start with floors */
        for (y = 0; y < cur_hgt; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
                place_floor_bold(y, x);

        /* Special boundary walls -- Top and bottom */
        for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
            place_extra_bold(0, x);
            place_extra_bold(cur_hgt - 1, x);

        /* Special boundary walls -- Left and right */
        for (y = 1; y < (cur_hgt - 1); y++)
            place_extra_bold(y, 0);
            place_extra_bold(y, cur_wid - 1);
        /* Start with walls */
        for (y = 0; y < cur_hgt; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
                place_extra_bold(y, x);

    /* Generate various caverns and lakes */

    /* Build maze */
    if (d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_MAZE)
        build_maze_vault(cur_wid/2-1, cur_hgt/2-1, cur_wid-4, cur_hgt-4, FALSE);

        /* Place 3 or 4 down stairs near some walls */
        if (!alloc_stairs(feat_down_stair, rand_range(4, 5), 3)) return FALSE;

        /* Place 1 or 2 up stairs near some walls */
        if (!alloc_stairs(feat_up_stair, 1, 2)) return FALSE;

    /* Build some rooms */
        int tunnel_fail_count = 0;

         * Build each type of room in turn until we cannot build any more.
        if (!generate_rooms()) return FALSE;

        /* Make a hole in the dungeon roof sometimes at level 1
           But not in Angband. See Issue #3 */
        if (dun_level == 1 && dungeon_type != DUNGEON_ANGBAND)
            while (one_in_(DUN_MOS_DEN))
                place_trees(randint1(cur_wid - 2), randint1(cur_hgt - 2));

        /* Destroy the level if necessary */
        if (dun->destroyed) destroy_level();

        /* Hack -- Add some rivers */
        if (one_in_(7) && (randint1(dun_level) > 5))
            int feat1 = 0, feat2 = 0;

            /* Choose water or lava */
            if ( randint1(MAX_DEPTH * 2) - 1 > dun_level
              && ( (d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_WATER_RIVER)
                || (no_wilderness && one_in_(3)) ) )
                feat1 = feat_deep_water;
                feat2 = feat_shallow_water;
            else if  (d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_LAVA_RIVER)
                feat1 = feat_deep_lava;
                feat2 = feat_shallow_lava;
            else feat1 = 0;

            if (feat1)
                feature_type *f_ptr = &f_info[feat1];

                /* Only add river if matches lake type or if have no lake at all */
                if (((dun->laketype == LAKE_T_LAVA) && have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_LAVA)) ||
                    ((dun->laketype == LAKE_T_WATER) && have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_WATER)) ||
                    add_river(feat1, feat2);

        /* Hack -- Scramble the room order */
        for (i = 0; i < dun->cent_n; i++)
            int ty, tx;
            int pick = rand_range(0, i);

            ty = dun->cent[i].y;
            tx = dun->cent[i].x;
            dun->cent[i].y = dun->cent[pick].y;
            dun->cent[i].x = dun->cent[pick].x;
            dun->cent[pick].y = ty;
            dun->cent[pick].x = tx;

        /* Start with no tunnel doors */
        dun->door_n = 0;

        /* Hack -- connect the first room to the last room */
        y = dun->cent[dun->cent_n-1].y;
        x = dun->cent[dun->cent_n-1].x;

        /* Connect all the rooms together */
        for (i = 0; i < dun->cent_n; i++)
            int j;

            /* Reset the arrays */
            dun->tunn_n = 0;
            dun->wall_n = 0;

            /* Connect the room to the previous room */
            if (randint1(dun_level) > d_info[dungeon_type].tunnel_percent)
                /* make cave-like tunnel */
                (void)build_tunnel2(dun->cent[i].x, dun->cent[i].y, x, y, 2, 2);
                /* make normal tunnel */
                if (!build_tunnel(dun->cent[i].y, dun->cent[i].x, y, x)) tunnel_fail_count++;

            if (tunnel_fail_count >= 2) return FALSE;

            /* Turn the tunnel into corridor */
            for (j = 0; j < dun->tunn_n; j++)
                cave_type *c_ptr;
                feature_type *f_ptr;

                /* Access the grid */
                y = dun->tunn[j].y;
                x = dun->tunn[j].x;

                /* Access the grid */
                c_ptr = &cave[y][x];
                f_ptr = &f_info[c_ptr->feat];

                /* Clear previous contents (if not a lake), add a floor */
                if (!have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_MOVE) || (!have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_WATER) && !have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_LAVA)))
                    /* Clear mimic type */
                    c_ptr->mimic = 0;


            /* Apply the piercings that we found */
            for (j = 0; j < dun->wall_n; j++)
                cave_type *c_ptr;

                /* Access the grid */
                y = dun->wall[j].y;
                x = dun->wall[j].x;

                /* Access the grid */
                c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

                /* Clear mimic type */
                c_ptr->mimic = 0;

                /* Clear previous contents, add up floor */

                /* Occasional doorway */
                if ((randint0(100) < dun_tun_pen) && !(d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_NO_DOORS))
                    /* Place a random door */
                    place_random_door(y, x, TRUE);

            /* Remember the "previous" room */
            y = dun->cent[i].y;
            x = dun->cent[i].x;

        /* Place intersection doors */
        for (i = 0; i < dun->door_n; i++)
            /* Extract junction location */
            y = dun->door[i].y;
            x = dun->door[i].x;

            /* Try placing doors */
            try_door(y, x - 1);
            try_door(y, x + 1);
            try_door(y - 1, x);
            try_door(y + 1, x);

        if (!alloc_stairs(feat_down_stair, rand_range(4, 5), 3)) return FALSE;

        /* Place 1 or 2 up stairs near some walls */
        if (!alloc_stairs(feat_up_stair, rand_range(1, 2), 3)) return FALSE;

    if (!dun->laketype)
        if (d_info[dungeon_type].stream2)
            /* Hack -- Add some quartz streamers */
            for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_QUA; i++)
                build_streamer(d_info[dungeon_type].stream2, DUN_STR_QC);

        if (d_info[dungeon_type].stream1)
            /* Hack -- Add some magma streamers */
            for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_MAG; i++)
                build_streamer(d_info[dungeon_type].stream1, DUN_STR_MC);

    /* Special boundary walls -- Top and bottom */
    for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
        set_bound_perm_wall(&cave[cur_hgt - 1][x]);

    /* Special boundary walls -- Left and right */
    for (y = 1; y < (cur_hgt - 1); y++)
        set_bound_perm_wall(&cave[y][cur_wid - 1]);

    /* Determine the character location */
    if (!new_player_spot()) return FALSE;

    /* Basic "amount" */
    k = (dun_level / 3);
    if (k > 10) k = 10;
    if (k < 2) k = 2;

    /* Pick a base number of monsters */
    i = d_info[dungeon_type].min_m_alloc_level;

    /* To make small levels a bit more playable */
    if (cur_hgt < MAX_HGT || cur_wid < MAX_WID)
        int small_tester = i;

        i = (i * cur_hgt) / MAX_HGT;
        i = (i * cur_wid) / MAX_WID;
        i += 1;

        if (i > small_tester) i = small_tester;
        else if (cheat_hear)
            msg_format("Reduced monsters base from %d to %d", small_tester, i);


    if (dungeon_type != DUNGEON_ARENA)
        i += randint1(8);

        /* Put some monsters in the dungeon */
        for (i = (dun_level < 50 ? (i+k) : (i+k)*6/10); i > 0; i--)
            (void)alloc_monster(0, PM_ALLOW_SLEEP);

    /* Place some traps in the dungeon */
    alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_TRAP, randint1(k*3/2));

    /* Put some rubble in corridors (except NO_CAVE dungeon (Castle)) */
    if (!(d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_NO_CAVE)) alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_CORR, ALLOC_TYP_RUBBLE, randint1(k));

    if (dungeon_type != DUNGEON_ARENA)
        /* Put some objects in rooms */
        alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_ROOM, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, randnor(DUN_AMT_ROOM, 3));

        /* Put some objects/gold in the dungeon */
        alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_OBJECT, randnor(DUN_AMT_ITEM, 3));
        alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_GOLD, randnor(DUN_AMT_GOLD, 3));

        /* Experimental: Guarantee certain objects. Give surprise goodies. */
        if (one_in_(2))
            alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_FOOD, 1);
        if (dun_level <= 15)
            alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_LIGHT, 1);
        if (dun_level >= 10 && one_in_(2))
            alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_RECALL, 1);
        if (dun_level >= 10 && one_in_(20))
            alloc_object(ALLOC_SET_BOTH, ALLOC_TYP_SKELETON, damroll(3, 5));

        _mon_give_extra_drop(MFLAG2_DROP_BASIC, 1);
        _mon_give_extra_drop(MFLAG2_DROP_UTILITY, randint0(4));
        if (dun_level > max_dlv[dungeon_type])
            _mon_give_extra_drop(MFLAG2_DROP_PRIZE, 1);


    /* Set back to default */
    object_level = base_level;

    /* Put the Guardian */
    if (!alloc_guardian(TRUE)) return FALSE;

    if (dun->empty_level && (!one_in_(DARK_EMPTY) || (randint1(100) > dun_level)) && !(d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_DARKNESS))
        /* Lite the cave */
        for (y = 0; y < cur_hgt; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
                cave[y][x].info |= (CAVE_GLOW);

    return TRUE;