int XNextEvent(Display *d, XEvent *e) { static int (*real_XNextEvent)(Display *, XEvent *); if (!real_XNextEvent) real_XNextEvent = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "XNextEvent"); int r = real_XNextEvent(d, e); if (!e) return r; switch (e->type) { case ButtonPress: button_press(e->xbutton.window, e->xbutton.x, e->xbutton.y); break; case ConfigureNotify: resize_window(e->xconfigure.window, e->xconfigure.width, e->xconfigure.height); break; case CreateNotify: resize_window(e->xcreatewindow.window, e->xcreatewindow.width, e->xcreatewindow.height); break; case ConfigureRequest: resize_window(e->xconfigure.window, e->xconfigure.width, e->xconfigure.height); break; case ResizeRequest: resize_window(e->xresizerequest.window, e->xresizerequest.width, e->xresizerequest.height); break; } return r; }
void main() { //initialize button pins ADCON1=0x07; TRISB=0xFC; TRISC=0x7F; SPI_init(); //initialize MSSP for SPI comm while(1) { button_press(); SPI_transmit(tx_data); } }
static void * avr_run_thread(void * oaram) { int b_press = do_button_press; while (1) { avr_run(avr); if (do_button_press != b_press) { b_press = do_button_press; printf("Button pressed\n"); button_press(&button, 1000000); } } }
void* viewport_loop(void *ptr) { viewport_t *viewport = (viewport_t *)ptr; SDL_Event event; //printf("viewport_loop 1\n"); while(!viewport->done) { int result = !SDL_WaitEvent(&event); //printf("viewport_loop 2\n"); if(result) viewport->done = 1; switch(event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: { stop_status(); viewport_set_done(viewport); break; } case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { SDL_MouseMotionEvent *mouse_event = (SDL_MouseMotionEvent*)&event; viewport->cursor_x = mouse_event->x; viewport->cursor_y = mouse_event->y; cursor_motion(viewport); break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { SDL_MouseButtonEvent *mouse_event = (SDL_MouseButtonEvent*)&event; viewport->which_button = mouse_event->button - 1; viewport->button_down = 1; button_press(viewport); break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: viewport->button_down = 0; break; case SDL_QUIT: viewport->done = 1; break; } } }
void got_packet(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet) { uintmax_t nts = NULL; if (ts == NULL) { ts = (uintmax_t)time(NULL); } else { nts = (uintmax_t)time(NULL); } if (nts == NULL) { button_press(); printf("Jacked a packet with length of [%d]\n", header->len); printf("Button pressed\n"); return; } if ( nts > ts + 5) { button_press(); printf("Jacked a packet with length of [%d]\n", header->len); printf("Button pressed\n"); ts = nts; } }
static void * avr_run_thread(void * ignore) { int b_press[3] = {0}; while (1) { avr_run(avr); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (do_button_press[i] != b_press[i]) { b_press[i] = do_button_press[i]; printf("Button pressed %d\n", i); button_press(&button[i], 100000); } } } return NULL; }
void poll_sdl_events(void) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: button_press(&(event.button)); break; case SDL_QUIT: should_quit = 1; break; } } }
void SWNUI::mode_gesture() { switch(state) { default: state = INIT; break; case INIT: button_enableInterrupt(); sleep(); delay(CHANGE_MODE_TIME); changeMode_management(); if(mode == M_GESTURE) { state = SAMPLE; button_disableInterrupt(); } break; case SAMPLE: refreshGestureArrays(); while(button_press()) { samples = adxl_sampling(); gestures(); delay(T_SAMPLE); } state = SEND; break; case SEND: gestureRecognition(); gestureSend(); state = INIT; break; } }
void* viewport_loop(void *ptr) { viewport_t *viewport = (viewport_t *)ptr; SDL_Event event; //printf("viewport_loop 1\n"); while(!viewport->done) { int result = !SDL_WaitEvent(&event); //printf("viewport_loop 2\n"); if(result) viewport->done = 1; switch(event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: { viewport->key_pressed = event.key.keysym; keypress_event(viewport); break; } case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { SDL_Event compress_event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&compress_event)) { if(compress_event.type != SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { SDL_PushEvent(&compress_event); break; } event = compress_event; } SDL_MouseMotionEvent *mouse_event = (SDL_MouseMotionEvent*)&event; viewport->cursor_x = mouse_event->x; viewport->cursor_y = mouse_event->y; cursor_motion(viewport); break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { SDL_MouseButtonEvent *mouse_event = (SDL_MouseButtonEvent*)&event; viewport->which_button = mouse_event->button - 1; viewport->button_down = 1; button_press(viewport); break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: viewport->button_down = 0; break; case SDL_QUIT: viewport->done = 1; break; } } }
void showlogo() { struct bitfileheader { int bfType; long bfSize; int bfReserved1; int bfReserved2; long bfOffBits; long biSize; long biWidth; long biHeight; int biPlanes; int biBitCount; long biCompression; long biSizeImage; long biXPelsPerMeter; long biYPelsPerMeter; long biClrUsed; long byClrImportant; }; int xmax = getmaxx(); int ymax = getmaxy(); bitfileheader testing; palettetype pal; getpalette(&pal); int i, j; char blue, green, red, pix1, pix2, pixel, alpha; mouse_data mouse; cleardevice(); if(!init_mouse()) { closegraph(); cout << "Mouse couldn't be initialised"; } hide_mouse(); fstream bitmap("logo.saq", ios::in);*)&testing, sizeof testing); for (i = 0; i< pal.size; i++) {,1);,1);,1);,1); // setrgbpalette(pal.colors[i],(int)red,(int)green,(int)blue); } for (i = 1; i<= testing.biHeight; i++) for (j = 1; j <= testing.biWidth; j+=2) {, 1); pix1 = pixel & 0xF0; pix1 >>= 4; pix2 = pixel & 0x0F; putpixel(j, testing.biHeight - i,pix1); putpixel(j+1, testing.biHeight - i,pix2); } show_mouse(); do { read_mouse(&mouse); }while(!kbhit() || !button_press(LEFT_BUTTON, &mouse)); }
/* Function Definitions */ int mainoptions() { //Will draw five buttons each having the following fucntions //1. New Game //2. Load Game //3. Rules //4. About //5. Quit button button[5]; int xmax = getmaxx(); int ymax = getmaxy(); char *text; int i; unsigned size; mouse_data mouse; cleardevice(); hide_mouse(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, LIGHTGRAY); bar(0,0,xmax,ymax); //Draw the five buttons and store their info for(i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { //Mention the coordinates of the buttons button[i].coords[0][0] = xmax / 2 - 100; // Left button[i].coords[0][1] = (i * 30) + 100; // Top button[i].coords[1][0] = xmax / 2 + 100; // Right button[i].coords[1][1] = ((i + 1) * 30) + 99; // Bottom //Dynamically allocate memory for images of up and down buttons size = imagesize(button[i].coords[0][0], button[i].coords[0][1], button[i].coords[1][0], button[i].coords[1][1]); button[i].up = (int *)malloc(size); if(!button[i].up){ cout << "Error.."; getch(); exit(0); } button[i].down = (int *)malloc(size); if(!button[i].down){ cout << "Error.."; getch(); exit(0); } //Put the text on button's face switch (i) { case 0: text = "Start New Game"; break; case 1: text = "Load Game"; break; case 2: text = "The Rules"; break; case 3: text = "About Ludo Master 2002"; break; case 4: text = "Quit"; break; } //Draw button and store info draw_button(button[i].coords[0][0], button[i].coords[0][1], button[i].coords[1][0], button[i].coords[1][1], LIGHTBLUE, LIGHTCYAN, BLUE, WHITE, text, button[i].up,button[i].down); } show_mouse(); //Wait for user's response through mouse do { //When mouse button is pressed see if it is pressed on a button, if yes then suprress that button read_mouse(&mouse); if (button_press(LEFT_BUTTON, &mouse)) { // See which button user has pressed for(int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { if ( mouse.x >= button[i].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= button[i].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= button[i].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= button[i].coords[1][1]) { hide_mouse(); putimage(button[i].coords[0][0], button[i].coords[0][1], button[i].down, 0); show_mouse(); delay(100); hide_mouse(); putimage(button[i].coords[0][0], button[i].coords[0][1], button[i].up , 0); show_mouse(); //Delete the memory allocated to buttons' images for(int j = 0; j <= 4; j++) { free( (void*) button[j].up); free( (void*) button[j].down); } //Actions for each button user may click on switch (i) { case 0: // Start new game new_game_vars(); return gameoptions(); break; case 1: // Load game new_game_vars(); return loadgame(); break; case 2: // Rules of Ludo return 0; break; case 3: // About the author showlogo(); return 0; break; case 4: // Quit exit(1); break; } } } } } while(1); //Infinite loop }
int gameoptions() { int i, j, size; int xmax = getmaxx(); int ymax = getmaxy(); mouse_data mouse; button blue[3]; button green[3]; button red[3]; button yellow[3]; button ok; button cancel; // Clear previous elements and draw background cleardevice(); hide_mouse(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, LIGHTGRAY); bar(0,0,xmax,ymax); settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, BOTTOM_TEXT); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(xmax/2,20, "Please specify number and types of players"); settextjustify(LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT); setcolor(BLACK); //Draw block and buttons of green player setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, GREEN); bar(xmax/2, 50, xmax/2 + 150, 200); outtextxy(xmax/2 + 5, 55, "Green Player:"); //Draw block and buttons of red player setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, RED); bar(xmax/2, 200, xmax/2 + 150, 350); outtextxy(xmax/2 + 5, 205, "Red Player"); //Draw block and buttons of blue player setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLUE); bar(xmax/2 - 150, 50, xmax/2, 200); outtextxy(xmax/2 - 145, 55, "Blue Player"); //Draw block and buttons of yellow player setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, YELLOW); bar(xmax/2 - 150, 200, xmax/2, 350); outtextxy(xmax/2 - 145, 205, "Yellow Player"); //Assign coordinates and stores images of option buttons size = imagesize(0,0,100,30); for( i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { char *text; switch (i) { case 0: text = "None"; break; case 1: text = "Human"; break; case 2: text = "Computer"; break; } //Set coordinaates for blue player's option buttons and store it as image blue[i].coords[0][0] = xmax/2 - 125; blue[i].coords[0][1] = 80 + i * 30; blue[i].coords[1][0] = xmax/2 - 25; blue[i].coords[1][1] = 80 + (i+1)*30; blue[i].up = (int *)malloc(size) ; blue[i].down = (int *)malloc(size) ; if(!blue[i].up || !blue[i].down) { cleardevice(); closegraph(); cout << endl << "Either u've run out of memory or memory can't be allocated. Ludo Master 2002 will quit now"; getch(); exit(0); } draw_button(blue[i].coords[0][0], blue[i].coords[0][1], blue[i].coords[1][0], blue[i].coords[1][1], DARKGRAY, LIGHTGRAY, BLACK, WHITE, text, blue[i].up,blue[i].down); //Set coordinaates for green player's option buttons and store it as image green[i].coords[0][0] = xmax/2 + 25; green[i].coords[0][1] = 80 + i * 30; green[i].coords[1][0] = xmax/2 + 125; green[i].coords[1][1] = 80 + (i+1)*30; green[i].up = blue[i].up; // Images of buttons are same green[i].down = blue[i].down; // Images of buttons are same putimage(green[i].coords[0][0], green[i].coords[0][1], green[i].up,0); //Set coordinaates for red player's option buttons and store it as image red[i].coords[0][0] = xmax/2 + 25; red[i].coords[0][1] = 230 + i * 30; red[i].coords[1][0] = xmax/2 + 125; red[i].coords[1][1] = 230 + (i+1)*30; red[i].up = blue[i].up; // Images of buttons are same red[i].down = blue[i].down; // Images of buttons are same putimage(red[i].coords[0][0], red[i].coords[0][1], red[i].up, 0); //Set coordinaates for yellow player's option buttons and store it as image yellow[i].coords[0][0] = xmax/2 - 125; yellow[i].coords[0][1] = 230 + i * 30; yellow[i].coords[1][0] = xmax/2 - 25; yellow[i].coords[1][1] = 230 + (i+1)*30; yellow[i].up = blue[i].up; // Images of buttons are same yellow[i].down = blue[i].down; // Images of buttons are same putimage(yellow[i].coords[0][0], yellow[i].coords[0][1], yellow[i].up,0); } //Draw Ok button size = imagesize(0,0,80,20); ok.coords[0][0] = xmax/2 - 105; ok.coords[0][1] = ymax - 70; ok.coords[1][0] = xmax/2 - 25; ok.coords[1][1] = ymax - 50; ok.up = (int *)malloc(size); ok.down = (int *)malloc(size); if(!ok.up || !ok.down) // Check if memory has been allocated { cleardevice(); closegraph(); cout << endl << "Either u've run out of memory or memory can't be allocated. Ludo Master 2002 will quit now"; getch(); exit(0); } draw_button(ok.coords[0][0], ok.coords[0][1], ok.coords[1][0], ok.coords[1][1], LIGHTBLUE, LIGHTCYAN, BLUE, WHITE, "Start", ok.up,ok.down); //Draw cancel button cancel.coords[0][0] = xmax/2 + 25; cancel.coords[0][1] = ymax - 70; cancel.coords[1][0] = xmax/2 + 105; cancel.coords[1][1] = ymax - 50; cancel.up = (int *)malloc(size); cancel.down = (int *)malloc(size); if(!cancel.up || !cancel.down) { cleardevice(); closegraph(); cout << endl << "Either u've run out of memory or memory can't be allocated. Ludo Master 2002 will quit now"; getch(); exit(0); } draw_button(cancel.coords[0][0], cancel.coords[0][1], cancel.coords[1][0], cancel.coords[1][1], LIGHTBLUE, LIGHTCYAN, BLUE, WHITE, "Cancel", cancel.up, cancel.down); /* Set default as None option to all players */ putimage(blue[0].coords[0][0], blue[0].coords[0][1], blue[0].down,0); putimage(green[0].coords[0][0], green[0].coords[0][1], green[0].down, 0); putimage(red[0].coords[0][0], red[0].coords[0][1], red[0].down,0); putimage(yellow[0].coords[0][0], yellow[0].coords[0][1], yellow[0].down,0); player[PLR_BLUE].type = TYPE_NONE; player[PLR_GREEN].type = TYPE_NONE; player[PLR_RED].type = TYPE_NONE; player[PLR_YELLOW].type = TYPE_NONE; show_mouse(); /* Get user's input through mouse */ do { read_mouse(&mouse); if (button_press(LEFT_BUTTON, &mouse)) { // If blue player's option is pressed: if (mouse.x >= blue[0].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= blue[2].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= blue[0].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= blue[2].coords[1][1]) { hide_mouse(); for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { putimage(blue[i].coords[0][0], blue[i].coords[0][1], blue[i].up, 0); if (mouse.x >= blue[i].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= blue[i].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= blue[i].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= blue[i].coords[1][1]) { putimage(blue[i].coords[0][0], blue[i].coords[0][1], blue[i].down, 0); player[PLR_BLUE].type = i; } } show_mouse(); } // If green player's option is pressed: if (mouse.x >= green[0].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= green[2].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= green[0].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= green[2].coords[1][1]) { hide_mouse(); for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { putimage(green[i].coords[0][0], green[i].coords[0][1], green[i].up, 0); if (mouse.x >= green[i].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= green[i].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= green[i].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= green[i].coords[1][1]) { putimage(green[i].coords[0][0], green[i].coords[0][1], green[i].down, 0); player[PLR_GREEN].type = i; } } show_mouse(); } // If red player's option is pressed: if (mouse.x >= red[0].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= red[2].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= red[0].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= red[2].coords[1][1]) { hide_mouse(); for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { putimage(red[i].coords[0][0], red[i].coords[0][1], red[i].up, 0); if (mouse.x >= red[i].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= red[i].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= red[i].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= red[i].coords[1][1]) { putimage(red[i].coords[0][0], red[i].coords[0][1], red[i].down, 0); player[PLR_RED].type = i; } } show_mouse(); } // If yellow player's option is pressed: if (mouse.x >= yellow[0].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= yellow[2].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= yellow[0].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= yellow[2].coords[1][1]) { hide_mouse(); for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { putimage(yellow[i].coords[0][0], yellow[i].coords[0][1], yellow[i].up, 0); if (mouse.x >= yellow[i].coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= yellow[i].coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= yellow[i].coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= yellow[i].coords[1][1]) { putimage(yellow[i].coords[0][0], yellow[i].coords[0][1], yellow[i].down, 0); player[PLR_YELLOW].type = i; } } show_mouse(); } // If Start/OK button is pressed: if (mouse.x >= ok.coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= ok.coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= ok.coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= ok.coords[1][1]) { hide_mouse(); putimage(ok.coords[0][0], ok.coords[0][1], ok.down, 0); show_mouse(); delay(100); hide_mouse(); putimage(ok.coords[0][0], ok.coords[0][1], ok.up, 0); show_mouse(); delay(100); //Check how many players are playing int count = 0; for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { if (player[i].type != TYPE_NONE) count++; } //If number of players playing is less than 2 then give msg and do nothing if (count >= 2) { // Free the memory allocated to images free ((void*) ok.up); free ((void*) ok.down); free ((void*) cancel.up); free ((void*) cancel.down); for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { free ((void*) blue[i].up); free ((void*) blue[i].down); free ((void*) green[i].up); free ((void*) green[i].down); free ((void*) red[i].up); free ((void*) red[i].down); free ((void*) yellow[i].up); free ((void*) yellow[i].down); return 1; } } else { settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT); setcolor(DARKGRAY); outtextxy(xmax/2, ymax - 90, "There should be atleast two players playing to start the game"); } } // If Cancel button is pressed: if (mouse.x >= cancel.coords[0][0] && mouse.x <= cancel.coords[1][0] && mouse.y >= cancel.coords[0][1] && mouse.y <= cancel.coords[1][1]) { hide_mouse(); putimage(cancel.coords[0][0], cancel.coords[0][1], cancel.down, 0); show_mouse(); delay(100); hide_mouse(); putimage(cancel.coords[0][0], cancel.coords[0][1], cancel.up, 0); show_mouse(); delay(100); // Free the memory allocated to images free ((void*) ok.up); free ((void*) ok.down); free ((void*) cancel.up); free ((void*) cancel.down); for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { free ((void*) blue[i].up); free ((void*) blue[i].down); free ((void*) green[i].up); free ((void*) green[i].down); free ((void*) red[i].up); free ((void*) red[i].down); free ((void*) yellow[i].up); free ((void*) yellow[i].down); } return 0; } } }while(1); //Infinite loop }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ unsigned char stop, temp; unsigned char cmd; unsigned char arg1, arg2; char arg1buf[4], arg2buf[4]; packet recievepkt; packet sendpkt; int fd_joy; // File Descriptor for joystick int temp1; struct js_event e; temp1 = 0; // Set first time stamp to zero fd_joy = open_joystick(); // /Initalize the joystick // printf("fd_joy: %d\n", fd_joy); strncpy(device, argv[1], DEVICE_MAX_SIZE); //set up serial port if((fd = configDevice()) < 2){ perror("Error opening/configuring device\n"); return -1; } menu(); //set handler for close command signal(SIGUSR2, catchClose); signal(SIGTERM, catchClose); //create timer for ping pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) printf("Error creating ping timer process\n"); else if(pid == 0){ //die if parent dies prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGHUP); //set alarm for ping timeout signal(SIGALRM, sendPing); //prime Timeout reset handler signal(SIGUSR1, catchTimeoutReset); alarm(PING_INTERVAL); for(timeouts = 0; timeouts < PING_RETRIES;){ //spin wheels. exit if ping timeout occurs } //kill parent process if ping timeout printf("Ping timeout. %d unanswered pings\n", timeouts); //tell parent to exit kill(getppid(), SIGKILL); return 1; } int readcount; char zeroflag; //main control loop for(stop = 0; stop <= 0;){ //cmd = 'V'; //arg1 = 0; //arg2 = 0; /*scanf("%c %s %s%c", &cmd, arg1buf, arg2buf, NULL); //get command //strcpy(arg1buf, "Z"); arg1 = (unsigned char)atoi(arg1buf); arg2 = (unsigned char)atoi(arg2buf); if(arg1 == 0){ arg1 = 1; } if(arg2 == 0){ arg2 = 1; }*/ readcount = read (fd_joy, &e, sizeof(e)); //printf("servo: %d\r", e.time); //printf("bytes read from joystick: %d\n", readcount); //if(e.time > temp1) { //printf("Bryan\n"); if(e.type == 1 && e.value == 1){ if(e.time > temp1){ button_press(e.number); temp1 = e.time; } } if(e.type == 2 /*&& e.value != 0*/){ if(!zeroflag){ axis_press(e.number, e.value); } //set zeroflag if event input zero //necessary to not keep resending packages //when in the zero (stopped) position zeroflag = (e.value == 0) ? 1 : 0; //printf("zeroflag %c\n", zeroflag); } } //while((temp = getchar()) != '\n' && temp != EOF); //clear buffer //printf("CMD: %c ARG1: %c ARG2: %c\n", cmd, arg1, arg2); //stop = parseCommand(cmd, arg1, arg2); } close(fd); //tell child to exit kill(pid, SIGUSR2); t1.join(); scanf("", NULL); return 0; }