Beispiel #1
struct bwb_line *
bwb_edit( struct bwb_line *l )
   char tbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
   char edname[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
   struct bwb_variable *ed;
   FILE *loadfile;

   ed = var_find( DEFVNAME_EDITOR );
   str_btoc( edname, var_getsval( ed ));

   sprintf( tbuf, "%s %s", edname, CURTASK progfile );

   sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_edit(): command line <%s>", tbuf );
   bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
   endwin(); /* Added by JBV 10/11/97 */
   system( tbuf );

   /* Added by JBV 10/11/97 */
   fprintf( stderr, "Press RETURN when ready..." );
   fgets( tbuf, MAXREADLINESIZE, stdin );


   /* open edited file for read */

   if ( ( loadfile = fopen( CURTASK progfile, "r" )) == NULL )
      sprintf( bwb_ebuf, err_openfile, CURTASK progfile );
      bwb_error( bwb_ebuf );

      return bwb_zline( l );

   /* clear current contents */

   bwb_new( l ); /* Relocated by JBV (bug found by DD) */

   /* and (re)load the file into memory */

   bwb_fload( loadfile );

   return bwb_zline( l );
Beispiel #2
struct bwb_line *
bwb_edit( struct bwb_line *l )
   char tbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
   char edname[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
   struct bwb_variable *ed;
   FILE *loadfile;

   ed = var_find( DEFVNAME_EDITOR );
   str_btoc( edname, var_getsval( ed ));

   sprintf( tbuf, "%s %s", edname, CURTASK progfile );

   sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in bwb_edit(): command line <%s>", tbuf );
   bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
   system( tbuf );

   /* open edited file for read */

   if ( ( loadfile = fopen( CURTASK progfile, "r" )) == NULL )
      sprintf( bwb_ebuf, err_openfile, CURTASK progfile );
      bwb_error( bwb_ebuf );

      return bwb_zline( l );

   /* clear current contents */

   bwb_new( l ); /* Relocated by JBV (bug found by DD) */

   /* and (re)load the file into memory */

   bwb_fload( loadfile );

   return bwb_zline( l );
Beispiel #3
struct bwb_line *
bwb_OPEN(struct bwb_line * l)
   /* OPEN filename [FOR mode] AS filenumber [LEN reclen] */
   char            filename[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
   char            mode[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
   char            filenumber[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
   char            reclen[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
   char            OutputBuffer[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
   int             p;


   /* OPEN filename [FOR mode] AS */
   if (GetKeyword(l, filename, " FOR "))
      /* OPEN filename FOR */
      if (GetKeyword(l, mode, " AS "))
         /* FOR mode AS */
         bwb_error("syntax error");
   if (GetKeyword(l, filename, " AS "))
      /* OPEN filename AS */
      strcpy(mode, "BINARY"); /* default for structured OPEN */
      bwb_error("syntax error");

   /* AS filenumber [LEN reclen] */
   if (GetKeyword(l, filenumber, " LEN "))
      /* AS filenumber LEN reclen */
      GetRestOfLine(l, reclen);
      /* AS filenumber */
      GetRestOfLine(l, filenumber);
      strcpy(reclen, "128");  /* default for structured OPEN */

   OutputBuffer[0] = '\0';
   strcat(OutputBuffer, "OPEN(");
   strcat(OutputBuffer, "\"");
   strcat(OutputBuffer, mode);
   strcat(OutputBuffer, "\"");
   strcat(OutputBuffer, ",");
   strcat(OutputBuffer, filenumber);
   strcat(OutputBuffer, ",");
   strcat(OutputBuffer, filename);
   strcat(OutputBuffer, ",");
   strcat(OutputBuffer, reclen);
   strcat(OutputBuffer, ")");

   p = 0;
   bwb_exp(OutputBuffer, FALSE, &p);
      /* oops */
   return bwb_zline(l);
Beispiel #4
static struct bwb_line *
dio_lrset(struct bwb_line * l, int rset)
   char            varname[BasicNameLengthMax + 1];
   bstring        *d, *s;
   int            *pp;
   int             n_params;
   int             p;
   register int    n, i;
   int             startpos;
   struct exp_ese *e;
   struct bwb_variable *v;
   int             pos;

   /* find the variable name */

   bwb_getvarname(l->buffer, varname, &(l->position));
   v = var_find(varname);

   if (v == NULL)
      sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in dio_lrset(): failed to find variable");
   if (v->type != STRING)
      sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in dio_lrset(): assignment must be to string variable");
   /* read subscripts */

   pos = 0;
   if ((v->dimensions == 1) && (v->array_sizes[0] == 1))
      n_params = 1;
      pp = &p;
      pp[0] = dim_base;
      dim_getparams(l->buffer, &(l->position), &n_params, &pp);

   CURTASK         exps[CURTASK expsc].pos_adv = pos;
   for (n = 0; n < v->dimensions; ++n)
      v->array_pos[n] = pp[n];

   /* get bstring pointer */

   d = var_findsval(v, pp);

   /* find equals sign */

   adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
   if (l->buffer[l->position] != '=')
      sprintf(bwb_ebuf, "in dio_lrset(): failed to find equal sign");
   adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));

   /* read remainder of line to get value */

   e = bwb_exp(l->buffer, FALSE, &(l->position));
      return bwb_zline(l);
   s = exp_getsval(e);

   /* set starting position */

   startpos = 0;
   if (rset == TRUE)
      if (s->length < d->length)
         startpos = d->length - s->length;
   /* write characters to new position */

   i = 0;
   for (n = startpos; (i < (int) s->length) && (n < (int) d->length); ++n)
      d->sbuffer[n] = s->sbuffer[i];

   /* return */

   return bwb_zline(l);

Beispiel #5
struct bwb_line *
bwb_FIELD(struct bwb_line * l)
   int             dev_number;
   struct exp_ese *e;
   int             current_pos;
   char            atbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
   int             pos;


   current_pos = 0;

   /* first read device number */

   adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
   if (l->buffer[l->position] == BasicFileNumberPrefix)
      adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
   adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), atbuf);

   pos = 0;
   e = bwb_exp(atbuf, FALSE, &pos);
      return bwb_zline(l);
   if (e->type != NUMBER)
      bwb_error("in bwb_field(): Number was expected for device number");
      return bwb_zline(l);
   dev_number = exp_getival(e);

   if (dev_number < 1 || dev_number > BasicFileNumberMax)
      bwb_error("in bwb_field(): Requested device number is not VALID.");
      return bwb_zline(l);
   /* be sure that the requested device is open */

   if (dev_table[dev_number].mode != DEVMODE_RANDOM)
      bwb_error("in bwb_field(): Requested device number is not RANDOM.");
      return bwb_zline(l);
   /* loop to read variables */

      int             length;
      struct bwb_variable *v;
      bstring        *b;

      /* read the comma and advance beyond it */

      adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));
      if (l->buffer[l->position] == ',')
      /* first find the size of the field */

      adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), atbuf);  /* get element */

      pos = 0;
      e = bwb_exp(atbuf, FALSE, &pos);
      if (ERROR_PENDING)
         return bwb_zline(l);
      if (e->type != NUMBER)
         bwb_error("in bwb_field(): number value for field size not found");
         return bwb_zline(l);
      length = exp_getival(e);

      /* read the AS */

      adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), atbuf);  /* get element */

      if (strcasecmp(atbuf, "AS") != 0)
         bwb_error("in bwb_field(): AS statement not found");
         return bwb_zline(l);
      /* read the string variable name */
#if 0
      adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), atbuf);  /* get element */
      bwb_getvarname(l->buffer, atbuf, &(l->position));
      v = var_find(atbuf);

      if (v->type != STRING)
         bwb_error("in bwb_field(): string variable name not found");
         return bwb_zline(l);
      /* check for overflow of record length */

      if ((current_pos + length) > dev_table[dev_number].width)
         bwb_error("in bwb_field(): record length exceeded");
         return bwb_zline(l);
      /* set buffer */

      b = var_findsval(v, v->array_pos);
      b->sbuffer = dev_table[dev_number].buffer + current_pos;
      b->length = (unsigned int) length;  /* Was unsigned char
                      * (JBV 9/4/97) */
      b->rab = TRUE;

      current_pos += length;

      /* eat up any remaining whitespace */

      adv_ws(l->buffer, &(l->position));


   while (l->buffer[l->position] == ',');

   /* return */

   return bwb_zline(l);

Beispiel #6
struct bwb_line *
bwb_NAME(struct bwb_line * l)
   int             r;
   int             position;
   struct exp_ese *e;
   char            atbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];
   char            btbuf[BasicStringLengthMax + 1];


   /* get the first argument in atbuf */

   adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), atbuf);

   /* interpret the first argument */

   position = 0;
   e = bwb_exp(atbuf, FALSE, &position);
      return bwb_zline(l);
   if (e->type != STRING)
      return bwb_zline(l);
   /* this argument must be copied back to atbuf, else the next call to
    * bwb_exp() will overwrite the structure to which e refers */

   str_btoc(atbuf, &(e->sval));

   /* get the second argument in btbuf */

   adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), btbuf);

   if (strcasecmp(btbuf, "AS") != 0)
      return bwb_zline(l);
   /* get the third argument in btbuf */

   adv_element(l->buffer, &(l->position), btbuf);

   /* interpret the third argument */

   position = 0;
   e = bwb_exp(btbuf, FALSE, &position);
      return bwb_zline(l);
   if (e->type != STRING)
      return bwb_zline(l);
   str_btoc(btbuf, &(e->sval));

   /* try to rename the file */

   r = rename(atbuf, btbuf);

   /* detect error */

   if (r != 0)
   return bwb_zline(l);
