Beispiel #1
void xor_range(int xor_type, unsigned long start, unsigned long bytes) {

  unsigned long i;

  // sanity check test (catch problems with test specification or test harness)
  assert(start >= 0);
  assert(start + bytes <= SIZE_IN_BYTES);
  assert((xor_type == NONE) || (xor_type == BYTE_XOR) || (xor_type == WORD_XOR));

  if (bytes == 0)       return;
  if (xor_type == NONE) return;

  if (xor_type == BYTE_XOR) {
  } else {			// must be WORD_XOR
Beispiel #2
 * CC-MAC function WUSB1.0[6.5]
 * Take a data string and produce the encrypted CBC Counter-mode MIC
 * Note the names for most function arguments are made to (more or
 * less) match those used in the pseudo-function definition given in
 * WUSB1.0[6.5].
 * @tfm_cbc: CBC(AES) blkcipher handle (initialized)
 * @tfm_aes: AES cipher handle (initialized)
 * @mic: buffer for placing the computed MIC (Message Integrity
 *       Code). This is exactly 8 bytes, and we expect the buffer to
 *       be at least eight bytes in length.
 * @key: 128 bit symmetric key
 * @n: CCM nonce
 * @a: ASCII string, 14 bytes long (I guess zero padded if needed;
 *     we use exactly 14 bytes).
 * @b: data stream to be processed; cannot be a global or const local
 *     (will confuse the scatterlists)
 * @blen: size of b...
 * Still not very clear how this is done, but looks like this: we
 * create block B0 (as WUSB1.0[6.5] says), then we AES-crypt it with
 * @key. We bytewise xor B0 with B1 (1) and AES-crypt that. Then we
 * take the payload and divide it in blocks (16 bytes), xor them with
 * the previous crypto result (16 bytes) and crypt it, repeat the next
 * block with the output of the previous one, rinse wash (I guess this
 * is what AES CBC mode means...but I truly have no idea). So we use
 * the CBC(AES) blkcipher, that does precisely that. The IV (Initial
 * Vector) is 16 bytes and is set to zero, so
 * See rfc3610. Linux crypto has a CBC implementation, but the
 * documentation is scarce, to say the least, and the example code is
 * so intricated that is difficult to understand how things work. Most
 * of this is guess work -- bite me.
 * (1) Created as 6.5 says, again, using as l(a) 'Blen + 14', and
 *     using the 14 bytes of @a to fill up
 *     b1.{mac_header,e0,security_reserved,padding}.
 * NOTE: The definition of l(a) in WUSB1.0[6.5] vs the definition of
 *       l(m) is orthogonal, they bear no relationship, so it is not
 *       in conflict with the parameter's relation that
 *       WUSB1.0[6.4.2]) defines.
 * NOTE: WUSB1.0[A.1]: Host Nonce is missing a nibble? (1e); fixed in
 *       first errata released on 2005/07.
 * NOTE: we need to clean IV to zero at each invocation to make sure
 *       we start with a fresh empty Initial Vector, so that the CBC
 *       works ok.
 * NOTE: blen is not aligned to a block size, we'll pad zeros, that's
 *       what sg[4] is for. Maybe there is a smarter way to do this.
static int wusb_ccm_mac(struct crypto_blkcipher *tfm_cbc,
			struct crypto_cipher *tfm_aes, void *mic,
			const struct aes_ccm_nonce *n,
			const struct aes_ccm_label *a, const void *b,
			size_t blen)
	int result = 0;
	struct blkcipher_desc desc;
	struct aes_ccm_b0 b0;
	struct aes_ccm_b1 b1;
	struct aes_ccm_a ax;
	struct scatterlist sg[4], sg_dst;
	void *iv, *dst_buf;
	size_t ivsize, dst_size;
	const u8 bzero[16] = { 0 };
	size_t zero_padding;

	 * These checks should be compile time optimized out
	 * ensure @a fills b1's mac_header and following fields
	WARN_ON(sizeof(*a) != sizeof(b1) - sizeof(;
	WARN_ON(sizeof(b0) != sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block));
	WARN_ON(sizeof(b1) != sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block));
	WARN_ON(sizeof(ax) != sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block));

	result = -ENOMEM;
	zero_padding = sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block)
		- blen % sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block);
	zero_padding = blen % sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block);
	if (zero_padding)
		zero_padding = sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block) - zero_padding;
	dst_size = blen + sizeof(b0) + sizeof(b1) + zero_padding;
	dst_buf = kzalloc(dst_size, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (dst_buf == NULL) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "E: can't alloc destination buffer\n");
		goto error_dst_buf;

	iv = crypto_blkcipher_crt(tfm_cbc)->iv;
	ivsize = crypto_blkcipher_ivsize(tfm_cbc);
	memset(iv, 0, ivsize);

	/* Setup B0 */
	b0.flags = 0x59;	/* Format B0 */
	b0.ccm_nonce = *n;
	b0.lm = cpu_to_be16(0);	/* WUSB1.0[6.5] sez l(m) is 0 */

	/* Setup B1
	 * The WUSB spec is anything but clear! WUSB1.0[6.5]
	 * says that to initialize B1 from A with 'l(a) = blen +
	 * 14'--after clarification, it means to use A's contents
	 * for MAC Header, EO, sec reserved and padding.
	 */ = cpu_to_be16(blen + 14);
	memcpy(&b1.mac_header, a, sizeof(*a));

	sg_init_table(sg, ARRAY_SIZE(sg));
	sg_set_buf(&sg[0], &b0, sizeof(b0));
	sg_set_buf(&sg[1], &b1, sizeof(b1));
	sg_set_buf(&sg[2], b, blen);
	/* 0 if well behaved :) */
	sg_set_buf(&sg[3], bzero, zero_padding);
	sg_init_one(&sg_dst, dst_buf, dst_size);

	desc.tfm = tfm_cbc;
	desc.flags = 0;
	result = crypto_blkcipher_encrypt(&desc, &sg_dst, sg, dst_size);
	if (result < 0) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "E: can't compute CBC-MAC tag (MIC): %d\n",
		goto error_cbc_crypt;

	/* Now we crypt the MIC Tag (*iv) with Ax -- values per WUSB1.0[6.5]
	 * The procedure is to AES crypt the A0 block and XOR the MIC
	 * Tag against it; we only do the first 8 bytes and place it
	 * directly in the destination buffer.
	 * POS Crypto API: size is assumed to be AES's block size.
	 * Thanks for documenting it -- tip taken from airo.c
	ax.flags = 0x01;		/* as per WUSB 1.0 spec */
	ax.ccm_nonce = *n;
	ax.counter = 0;
	crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(tfm_aes, (void *)&ax, (void *)&ax);
	bytewise_xor(mic, &ax, iv, 8);
	result = 8;
	return result;
static int wusb_ccm_mac(struct crypto_blkcipher *tfm_cbc,
			struct crypto_cipher *tfm_aes, void *mic,
			const struct aes_ccm_nonce *n,
			const struct aes_ccm_label *a, const void *b,
			size_t blen)
	int result = 0;
	struct blkcipher_desc desc;
	struct aes_ccm_b0 b0;
	struct aes_ccm_b1 b1;
	struct aes_ccm_a ax;
	struct scatterlist sg[4], sg_dst;
	void *iv, *dst_buf;
	size_t ivsize, dst_size;
	const u8 bzero[16] = { 0 };
	size_t zero_padding;

	WARN_ON(sizeof(*a) != sizeof(b1) - sizeof(;
	WARN_ON(sizeof(b0) != sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block));
	WARN_ON(sizeof(b1) != sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block));
	WARN_ON(sizeof(ax) != sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block));

	result = -ENOMEM;
	zero_padding = sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block)
		- blen % sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block);
	zero_padding = blen % sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block);
	if (zero_padding)
		zero_padding = sizeof(struct aes_ccm_block) - zero_padding;
	dst_size = blen + sizeof(b0) + sizeof(b1) + zero_padding;
	dst_buf = kzalloc(dst_size, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (dst_buf == NULL) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "E: can't alloc destination buffer\n");
		goto error_dst_buf;

	iv = crypto_blkcipher_crt(tfm_cbc)->iv;
	ivsize = crypto_blkcipher_ivsize(tfm_cbc);
	memset(iv, 0, ivsize);

	b0.flags = 0x59;	
	b0.ccm_nonce = *n;
	b0.lm = cpu_to_be16(0); = cpu_to_be16(blen + 14);
	memcpy(&b1.mac_header, a, sizeof(*a));

	sg_init_table(sg, ARRAY_SIZE(sg));
	sg_set_buf(&sg[0], &b0, sizeof(b0));
	sg_set_buf(&sg[1], &b1, sizeof(b1));
	sg_set_buf(&sg[2], b, blen);
	sg_set_buf(&sg[3], bzero, zero_padding);
	sg_init_one(&sg_dst, dst_buf, dst_size);

	desc.tfm = tfm_cbc;
	desc.flags = 0;
	result = crypto_blkcipher_encrypt(&desc, &sg_dst, sg, dst_size);
	if (result < 0) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "E: can't compute CBC-MAC tag (MIC): %d\n",
		goto error_cbc_crypt;

	ax.flags = 0x01;		
	ax.ccm_nonce = *n;
	ax.counter = 0;
	crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(tfm_aes, (void *)&ax, (void *)&ax);
	bytewise_xor(mic, &ax, iv, 8);
	result = 8;
	return result;
Beispiel #4
// simple benchmarks to compare bytewise_xor and aligned_word_xor performance
void do_benchmarks(void) {

  // we need better than the 1s granularity provided by time()
  struct timespec start_time, end_time;

  long long delta_ns;
  int retval;

  long long ns_per_test = 1000000000ll; // 1 second

  int  lengths[] = {1, 4, 8, 16, 32, SIZE_IN_BYTES - sizeof(native_register_t)};
  unsigned long byte_runs[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0};
  unsigned long word_runs[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0};
  int i,j,offset;
  int batch_size = 250;

  printf("Running benchmarks with batch size of %d\n", batch_size);
  printf("Each test takes %.2fs to run\n", ((float)ns_per_test) / 1000000000.0);
  printf("Lower scores below are better\n\n");

  for (offset = sizeof(native_register_t) - 1; offset >= 0 ; --offset) {

    printf("Testing offset %d\n", offset);

    for (i=0; i < 6; ++i) {

      printf("  String size in bytes: %d\n",lengths[i]);

      // start clock
      retval = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&start_time);
      assert (retval == 0);

      do {
	// do a batch of xors
	for (j=0; j<batch_size; ++j) {
	byte_runs[i] += batch_size;

	// end clock
	retval = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&end_time);
	assert (retval == 0);
	delta_ns = end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec;
	delta_ns += 1000000000ll * (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec);

      } while (delta_ns < ns_per_test);

      printf("    bytewise= %f ns/byte\n",
	     ((float) delta_ns / (lengths[i] * (float) byte_runs[i])));

      // start clock
      retval = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&start_time);
      assert (retval == 0);

      do {
	// do a batch of xors
	for (j=0; j<batch_size; ++j) {
	word_runs[i] += batch_size;

	// end clock
	retval = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&end_time);
	assert (retval == 0);
	delta_ns = end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec;
	delta_ns += 1000000000 * (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec);

      } while (delta_ns < ns_per_test);

      printf("    wordwise= %f ns/byte\n\n", 
	     ((float) delta_ns / (lengths[i] * (float) word_runs[i])));

Beispiel #5
// test_harness returns the number of tests passed
int test_harness(void) {

  int passed = 0;
  test_entry_t *tp = tests;
  int is_required, invert, result;
  int rand_trials = 10000;
  unsigned long start,bytes;

  // do all the individual tests from the list
  while(tp->test_a != END_OF_TESTS) {

    is_required = 0; invert = 0;

    // check whether description starts with '*' or '!'
    while ((tp->desc)[0] == '*' || (tp->desc)[0] == '!') {
      if ((tp->desc)[0] == '*') {
	is_required = 1;
      if ((tp->desc)[0] == '!') {
	invert ^= 1;

    result = do_test(tp,invert);

    if (result) {
    } else {
      if (is_required) {
	printf("Failed required test: aborting remaining tests\n");
	return passed;


  // do random test: first xor with bytewise, then do same xor with
  // aligned_word_xor and check that dest array is zero after each
  // pair.
  printf("Doing %d random XOR trials\n", rand_trials);
  while(rand_trials--) {
    start = rand() % SIZE_IN_BYTES;
    bytes = rand() % (SIZE_IN_BYTES - start);
    assert(start + bytes <= SIZE_IN_BYTES);
    result = test_range(IS_ZERO,0,SIZE_IN_BYTES);
    if (!result) {
      printf("Failed random trials\n");

  if (rand_trials <= 0) {
    printf("Passed random trials\n");

  return passed;