Beispiel #1
bool JSON_ParseFile(char *filename, const unordered_map<const char*, jsonParseFunc>& parsers, void* output) {
	if(!filename || !filename[0]) {
		R_Message(PRIORITY_WARNING, "JSON_ParseFile: bad filename sent\n");
		return false;
	File* file = trap->OpenFile(filename, "rb");
	if(!file) {
		R_Message(PRIORITY_WARNING, "JSON_ParseFile: could not open file %s\n", filename);
		return false;
	size_t numChars = trap->GetFileSize(file);
	char* s = (char*)trap->Zone_Alloc(numChars * sizeof(char), "files");
	trap->ReadPlaintext(file, numChars, s);

	char error[1024] = {0};
	cJSON* root = cJSON_ParsePooled(s, error, sizeof(error));
	if(error[0] || !root) {
		R_Message(PRIORITY_ERROR, "ERROR: %s: %s\n", filename, error);
		trap->Zone_FastFree(s, "files");
		return false;
	for(auto it = cJSON_GetFirstItem(root); it; it = cJSON_GetNextItem(it)) {
		JSON_ParseFieldSet(root, parsers, output);
	trap->Zone_FastFree(s, "files");
	return true;
Beispiel #2

Loads an individual ammo (.ammo) file.
Called on both the client and the server.
static qboolean JKG_LoadAmmo(const char* fileName, const char* dir) {
	int fileLen;
	fileHandle_t f;
	char fileBuffer[AMMO_FILEBUFFER];
	char error[AMMO_ERRBUFFER];

	fileLen = trap->FS_Open(va("%s%s", dir, fileName), &f, FS_READ);

	if (!f || fileLen == -1) {
		Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "Could not read %s\n", fileName);
		return qfalse;

	if (fileLen == 0) {
		Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "%s is blank\n", fileName);
		return qfalse;

	if ((fileLen + 1) >= AMMO_FILEBUFFER) {
		Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "%s is too big - max file size %d bytes (%.2f kb)\n", fileName, AMMO_FILEBUFFER, AMMO_FILEBUFFER / 1024.0f);
		return qfalse;

	trap->FS_Read(&fileBuffer, fileLen, f);
	fileBuffer[fileLen] = '\0';

	cJSON* json = cJSON_ParsePooled(fileBuffer, error, AMMO_ERRBUFFER);
	if (!json) {
		Com_Printf(S_COLOR_RED "%s: %s\n", fileName, error);
		return qfalse;

	// Read each node in the json file from top level as an ammo_t
	cJSON* child;
	for (child = cJSON_GetFirstItem(json); child; child = cJSON_GetNextItem(child)) {
		if (numAmmoLoaded >= MAX_AMMO_TYPES) {
			Com_Printf("MAX_AMMO_TYPES exceeded\n");
		if (JKG_ParseSingleAmmo(child)) {

	return qtrue;
static int GLua_JSON_GetFirstObject( lua_State *L )
	// Check and make sure we're using a valid index
	if( !FJSON_ValidateNode( L, 1 ) )
		return 1;

	// Cool, okay, let's actually perform the function call.
	int index = luaL_checkint( L, 1 );
	cJSON *node = cJSON_GetFirstItem( index ) );
	if( !node )
		return 1;

	FJSON_PassLastElement( L, node );

	return 1;
static void ParseAmmoFile ( const char *fileText )
	int i = 0;
    cJSON *json = NULL;
    char jsonError[MAX_STRING_CHARS] = { 0 };

    json = cJSON_ParsePooled (fileText, jsonError, sizeof (jsonError));
    if ( json == NULL )
        Com_Printf (S_COLOR_RED "Error: %s\n", jsonError);
        ammo_t *ammo = &ammoTable[0];
        cJSON *jsonNode;
        cJSON *field;
        const char *string = NULL;
        for ( jsonNode = cJSON_GetFirstItem (json); jsonNode; jsonNode = cJSON_GetNextItem (jsonNode), ammo++, numAmmoLoaded++, i++ )
            field = cJSON_GetObjectItem (jsonNode, "name");
            string = cJSON_ToString (field);
			if(string && string[0])
				Q_strncpyz (ammo->name, string, sizeof (ammo->name));

			field = cJSON_GetObjectItem (jsonNode, "ammoMax");
			ammo->ammoMax = cJSON_ToNumber(field);

			ammo->ammoIndex = i;
            #ifdef _CGAME
                cJSON *visual = cJSON_GetObjectItem (jsonNode, "visual");
                if ( visual )
                    cJSON *child = NULL;
                    field = cJSON_GetObjectItem (visual, "model");
                    string = cJSON_ToString (field);
                    if ( string && string[0] )
                        ammo->model = trap->R_RegisterModel (string);
                    field = cJSON_GetObjectItem (visual, "fx");
                    string = cJSON_ToString (field);
                    if ( string && string[0] )
                        ammo->fx = trap->FX_RegisterEffect (string);
                    field = cJSON_GetObjectItem (visual, "deathfx");
                    string = cJSON_ToString (field);
                    if ( string && string[0] )
                        ammo->deathFx = trap->FX_RegisterEffect (string);
                    child = cJSON_GetObjectItem (visual, "miss");
                    if ( child )
                        field = cJSON_GetObjectItem (child, "impactfx");
                        string = cJSON_ToString (field);
                        if ( string && string[0] )
                            ammo->missFx = trap->FX_RegisterEffect (string);
                    child = cJSON_GetObjectItem (visual, "hit");
                    if ( child )
                        field = cJSON_GetObjectItem (child, "impactfx");
                        string = cJSON_ToString (field);
                        if ( string && string[0] )
                            ammo->hitFx = trap->FX_RegisterEffect (string);
    cJSON_Delete (json);
    Com_Printf ("Successfully loaded %d ammo types.\n", numAmmoLoaded);